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Soğuk Plazma Uygulamasının İnek Kaymağının Fizikokimyasal ve Mikrobiyolojik Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2024, , 195 - 204, 18.12.2024


Bu araştırmanın amacı, iki farklı gaz (O2 ve Ar) ve bunların karışımının farklı sürelerde örnek yüzeyine uygulanmasıyla gerçekleştirilen soğuk plazma işleminin, kaymağın fizikokimyasal ve mikrobiyal parametrelerine etkilerinin 10 günlük depolama süresince değişiminin incelenmedir. Soğuk plazma uygulaması, kaymak örneklerinin pH, aw, L*, b* değerlerini azaltırken, a* ve TBA değerlerini arttırmıştır. Örneklerin pH değerleri 6.67-4.68 arasında, aw değerleri ise 0.903-0.803 arasında değişmiştir. TBA için en fazla değişim 0,479 mg malonaldehit/kg ile K2 örneğinde olmuştur. Tüm örneklerin L* değerleri 99.79-93.82, a* değerleri 1.82-1.22 ve b* değerleri 6.22-4.74 aralığında belirlenmiştir. Toplam aerobik mezofil bakteri sayısı (TMAB), toplam aerobik psikrofil bakteri sayısı, proteolitik bakteri sayısı, toplam maya-küf sayısı, koliform grubu bakteri sayısı, Staphylococcus aureus sayısı ve üzerinde uygulamalar arasında en fazla azalmaya gaz karışımı uygulaması neden olmuştur. Kontrol örneğine göre 10 günlük depolama sonunda, TMAB 2.41, toplam maya-küf 3.64, koliform grubu bakteri 4.23 ve S.aureus 4.72 log kob/g azalmıştır. Sonuçlar, soğuk plazma uygulamasının, kaymağın fizikokimyasal özelliklerinde önemli bir değişime neden olmadığı ancak mikrobiyal yükü azalttığını göstermiştir.


  • [1] Miller, G.D., Jarvis, K.J., McBean, L.D. (2000). Handbook of dairy foods and nutrition. In: R G Jensen & M Kroger (Eds), The Importance of Milk and Milk Products in the Diet. CRC Press, New York, pp. 4-24.
  • [2] Pamuk, Ş. (2017). Production of traditional Afyon kaymağı. Veterinary Sciences and Practices, 12(1), 84-89.
  • [3] Atamer, M., Şenel, E., Hayaloğlu, A., Özer, B. (2016). Textural structure of kuru kaymak (dry clotted cream). Akademik Gıda, 14(2): 189-195.
  • [4] Montenegro, J., Ruan, R., Ma, H., Chen, P. (2002). Inactivation of E. coli O157:H7 using a pulsed nonthermal plasma system. Journal of Food Science, 67, 646–648.
  • [5] Albay, Z., Yıldırım, K., Çapa, E., Şimşek, B. (2021). Some chemical, microbiological, textural and sensory properties of traditional dry clotted cream (kuru kaymak). Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 9(3), 484-492.
  • [6] Tosun, F. (2016). Effect of exopolysaccharide producing lactic cultures on the quality characteristics of butter, buttermilk and cream. Erciyes University, Institute of Science and Technology, Food Engineering, PhD Thesis, 192 p. Kayseri.
  • [7] Robinson, R.K. (1983). Dairy microbiology, Volume 2, The microbiology of milk products, England, Applied Science Publishers Ltd.
  • [8] Ozcan Yılsay, T., Akpınar Bayizit, A. (2002). Determination of microbiological properties and some pathogenic microorganisms of kaymak presented for consumption in Bursa. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Uludag University, 16, 77-86.
  • [9] Yakan, A. H., & Şeker, E. (2022). Investigation of methicillin and panton-valentine leukocidin genes in Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from clotted creams sold in Afyonkarahisar. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, 15(1), 101-105.
  • [10] Seker, E., & Dogan, Y. N. (2023). First report of vancomycin resistant Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium isolated from water buffalo clotted cream in Turkey: First report of VR E. faecalis and E. faecium from buffalo clotted cream. Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society, 74(3), 6107-6116.
  • [11] Boor, K. J., Wiedmann, M., Murphy, S., & Alcaine, S. (2017). A 100-year review: microbiology and safety of milk handling. Journal of Dairy Science, 100(12), 9933-9951.
  • [12] Tang, H., Darwish, W. S., El‐Ghareeb, W. R., Al‐Humam, N. A., Chen, L., Zhong, R. M., ... & Ma, J. K. (2020). Microbial quality and formation of biogenic amines in the meat and edible offal of Camelus dromedaries with a protection trial using gingerol and nisin. Food Science & Nutrition, 8(4), 2094-2101.
  • [13] Pal, M., Devrani, M., & Pinto, S. (2018). Significance of hygienic processing of milk and dairy products. Madridge J Food Tech, 3(2), 133-137.
  • [14] Martin, N.H., Snyder, A., Wiedmann, M. (2020). Spoilage mold in dairy products. In: Mc. Sweeney PLH, Mc. Namara JP (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences (pp 607-610). Academic Press.
  • [15] Raso, J., Barbosa-Cánovas, G.V. (2003). Nonthermal preservation of foods using combined processing techniques. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 43, 265–285.
  • [16] Yarabbi, H., Roshanak, S., Hadizadeh, F., Shahidi, F., & Yazdi, F. T. (2023). Evaluation of cold plasma effect on shelf life, physicochemical and organoleptic properties of cucumber (Cucumis safivus var. negin). Austin Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences, 11(1), 1169.
  • [17] Đukić-Vuković, A., Tylewicz, U., Mojović, L., & Gusbeth, C. (2017). Recent advances in pulsed electric field and non-thermal plasma treatments for food and biorefinery applications. Journal on Processing and Energy in Agriculture, 21(2), 61-65.
  • [18] Lee, K., Pack, K., Ju, W., Lee, Y. (2006). Sterilization of bacteria, yeast, and bacterial endospores by atmospheric-pressure cold plasma using helium and oxygen. The Journal of Microbiology, 44, 269-275.
  • [19] Chen, F.F. (1984). Introduction to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Volume 1, Plasma Physics, Plenum Press, ISBN 0-306-41332-9, 421s, USA.
  • [20] Laroussi, M. (2002) Nonthermal decontamination of biological media by atmospheric pressure plasmas, review, analysis, and prospects. IEEE Transactions On Plasma Science, 30(4), 1409-1415.
  • [21] Moisan, M., Barbeau, J., Crevier, M.C., Pelletier, J., Philip, N., Saoudi, B. (2002). Plasma sterilization, methods and mechanisms. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 74(3), 349–358.
  • [22] Pankaj, S.K., Bueno-Ferrer, C., Misra, N.N., Milosavljevic, V., O’Donnell, C., Bourke, P. (2014). Applications of cold plasma technology in food packaging. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 35, 5-17.
  • [23] Jiang, C., Schaudinn, C., Jaramillo, D.E., Webster, P., Costerton, J.W. (2012). In vitro antimicrobial effect of a cold plasma jet against Enterococcus faecalis biofilms. International Scholarly Research Network ISRN Dentistry, 295736.
  • [24] Aktop, S. (2016). The effect of cold plasma technique on some pathogen microorganisms for meat products, Afyon Kocatepe University, Institute of Science and Technology, Master's Thesis, 108p. Afyonkarahisar.
  • [25] AOAC (2016a) Official methods of analysis (20th ed.). 978.18. Washington: Association of Official Analytical Chemists.
  • [26] AOAC (2016b) Official methods of analysis of the (20th ed.). 981.12. Washington: Association of Official Analytical Chemists.
  • [27] Alinovi, M., Mucchetti, G. (2020). Effect of freezing and thawing processes on high-moisture Mozzarella cheese rheological and physical properties. LWT-Food Science and Thecnology, 124, 1-8.
  • [28] Byun, M.W., Lee, J.W., Jo, C., Yook, H.S. (2001). Quality properties of sausage made with gamma-irradiated natural pork and lamb casing. Meat Science, 59, 223–228.
  • [29] Halkman, K., Sağdaş, Ö.E. (2011). Food Microbiology Applications. Prosigma Printing and Promotion Services, Ankara.
  • [30] Akarca, G. (2013). Investigation of Changes Ripening Period in Simply and Spicy Encased Mozzarella Cheese. Afyon Kocatepe University, Institute of Science and Technology, PhD Thesis, 174p. Afyonkarahisar.
  • [31] ISO (2013a). International Standard Organization. 4833-2:2013 Horizontal method for the enumeration of microorganisms. Part 2: Colony count at 30 degrees C by the surface plating technique. Geneva, Switzerland.
  • [32] ISO (2013b). International Standard Organization. 4833-1:2013 Microbiology of the food chain. Horizontal method for the enumeration of microorganisms. Part 1: Colony count at 30 degrees C by the pour plate technique. Geneva, Switzerland.
  • [33] Halkman, K. (2005). Food Microbiology Applications, Başak Printing and Promotional Printing Services, Bornova, İzmir.
  • [34] Dağdemir, E. (2006). Identification of Lactic Acid Bacteria isolated from white pickled cheeses and possibilities of using some selected isolates as culture. Atatürk University Institute of Science and Technology, PhD Thesis, 190p. Erzurum.
  • [35] ISO (2008). International Standard Organization. 21527-1:2008 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs, Horizontal method for the enumeration of yeasts and moulds Part 1: Colony count technique in products with water activity greater than 0,95. Geneva, Switzerland.
  • [36] ISO (1991). International Standard Organization. 4832 General Guidance fort the Enumeration of Coliforms Colony Count Technique. Geneva, Switzerland.
  • [37] Kneifel, W., Berger, E. (1994). Microbiolgical criteria of random samples of spices and herbs retailed on the Austrian market. Journal of Food Protection, 57(10), 893-901.
  • [38] ISO (1999). International Standard Organization, 6888-1 Horizontal Method for the Enumeration of Coagulase- positive Staphylococci Technique using Baird Parker Agar Medium. Geneva, Switzerland
  • [39] Martins, I.M., Kabuki, D.Y., Kuaye, Y. (2009). Determination and characteriztion of pathogens found in dairy products. Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de Adolfo Lutz, 68(3), 359-365.
  • [40] Wang, S., Liu, Y., Zhang, Y., Lu, X., Zhao, L., Song, Y., Zhang, L., Jiang, H., Zhang, J., Ge, W. (2022). Processing sheep milk by cold plasma technology, Impacts on the microbial inactivation, physicochemical characteristics, and protein structure. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 153, 112573.
  • [41] Lee, S.Y., Park, H.H., Min, S.C. (2020). Pulsed light plasma treatment for the inactivation of Aspergillus flavus spores, Bacillus pumilus spores and Escherichia coli O157:H7 in red pepper flakes. Food Control, 118, 107401.
  • [42] Yong, H.I., Kim, H.J., Park. S., Kim. K., Choe. W., Yoo. S.J., Jo, C. (2015). Pathogen inactivation and quality changes in sliced cheddar cheese treated using flexible thin-layer dielectric barrier discharge plasma. Food Research International, 69, 57–63.
  • [43] Jayasena, D.D., Kim, H.J., Yong, H.I., Park, S., Kim, K., Choe, W., Jo, C. (2015). Flexible thin-layer dielectric barrier discharge plasma treatment of pork butt and beef loin, Effects on pathogen inactivation and meat-quality attributes. Food Microbiology, 46, 51-57.
  • [44] Ulbin-Figlewicz, N., Brychcy, E., Jarmoluk. A. (2015). Effect of low-pressure cold plasma on surface microflora of meat and quality attributes. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 52, 1228–1232.
  • [45] Akarca, G., Atik, A., Atik, İ., Denizkara, A.J. (2023). The use of cold plasma technology in solving the mold problem in Kashar cheese. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 60(2), 752-760.
  • [46] Ulbin-Figlewicz, N., Jarmoluk, A., Marycz, K. (2014). Antimicrobial activity of low-pressure plasma treatment against selected foodborne bacteria and meat microbiota. Annals of Microbiology, 65, 1537–1546.
  • [47] Ganesan, A.R., Tiwari, U., Ezhilarasi, P.N., Rajauria. G., (2021). Application of cold plasma on food matrices: A Review on current and future prospects. Journal of Food Process Preservation, 245:e15070.
  • [48] Asl, P.J., Rajulapati, V., Gavahian, M., Kapusta, I., Putnik, P., Khaneghah, A.M., Marszałek, K. (2022). Non-Thermal plasma technique for preservation of fresh foods: A review. Food Control, 134, 108560.

Effect of Cold PlasmaTreatment on Physicochemical and Microbiological Properties of Clotted Cream

Year 2024, , 195 - 204, 18.12.2024


The aim of this study was to determine the effect of cold plasma treatment, which was applied by using two different gases (O2 and Ar) and their mixtures onto sample surfaces for different intervals, on the physicochemical and microbial parameters of clotted cream during storage for up to 10 days. Cold plasma treatment caused a decrease in pH, aw, L*, and b* values of clotted cream samples and an increase in their a* and TBA values. The pH values of samples ranged from 4.68 to 6.67, and the range for aw values was between 0.903 and 0.803. For TBA, the highest change was observed in the K2 sample with 0.479 mg malondialdehyde/kg. The color L* values of all samples were between 99.79 and 93.82, a* values between 1.82 and 1.22, and b* values between 6.22 and 4.74. Among the treatments, the treatment of O2-Ar gas mixture (50-50%) resulted in the highest decrease in the total counts of aerobic mesophilic bacteria (TMAB), total aerobic psychrophilic bacteria, proteolytic bacteria, yeast-molds, coliform group bacteria, and Staphylococcus aureus. Compared to the control sample, at the end of 10 days of storage, a decrease of 2.41 for TMAB, 3.64 for total yeast-mold, 4.23 for coliform group bacteria, and 4.72 log cfu/g for S. aureus was achieved. Results indicated that the cold plasma treatment did not cause significant changes in the physicochemical values of clotted cream samples but reduced their microbial load.


  • [1] Miller, G.D., Jarvis, K.J., McBean, L.D. (2000). Handbook of dairy foods and nutrition. In: R G Jensen & M Kroger (Eds), The Importance of Milk and Milk Products in the Diet. CRC Press, New York, pp. 4-24.
  • [2] Pamuk, Ş. (2017). Production of traditional Afyon kaymağı. Veterinary Sciences and Practices, 12(1), 84-89.
  • [3] Atamer, M., Şenel, E., Hayaloğlu, A., Özer, B. (2016). Textural structure of kuru kaymak (dry clotted cream). Akademik Gıda, 14(2): 189-195.
  • [4] Montenegro, J., Ruan, R., Ma, H., Chen, P. (2002). Inactivation of E. coli O157:H7 using a pulsed nonthermal plasma system. Journal of Food Science, 67, 646–648.
  • [5] Albay, Z., Yıldırım, K., Çapa, E., Şimşek, B. (2021). Some chemical, microbiological, textural and sensory properties of traditional dry clotted cream (kuru kaymak). Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 9(3), 484-492.
  • [6] Tosun, F. (2016). Effect of exopolysaccharide producing lactic cultures on the quality characteristics of butter, buttermilk and cream. Erciyes University, Institute of Science and Technology, Food Engineering, PhD Thesis, 192 p. Kayseri.
  • [7] Robinson, R.K. (1983). Dairy microbiology, Volume 2, The microbiology of milk products, England, Applied Science Publishers Ltd.
  • [8] Ozcan Yılsay, T., Akpınar Bayizit, A. (2002). Determination of microbiological properties and some pathogenic microorganisms of kaymak presented for consumption in Bursa. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Uludag University, 16, 77-86.
  • [9] Yakan, A. H., & Şeker, E. (2022). Investigation of methicillin and panton-valentine leukocidin genes in Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from clotted creams sold in Afyonkarahisar. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, 15(1), 101-105.
  • [10] Seker, E., & Dogan, Y. N. (2023). First report of vancomycin resistant Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium isolated from water buffalo clotted cream in Turkey: First report of VR E. faecalis and E. faecium from buffalo clotted cream. Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society, 74(3), 6107-6116.
  • [11] Boor, K. J., Wiedmann, M., Murphy, S., & Alcaine, S. (2017). A 100-year review: microbiology and safety of milk handling. Journal of Dairy Science, 100(12), 9933-9951.
  • [12] Tang, H., Darwish, W. S., El‐Ghareeb, W. R., Al‐Humam, N. A., Chen, L., Zhong, R. M., ... & Ma, J. K. (2020). Microbial quality and formation of biogenic amines in the meat and edible offal of Camelus dromedaries with a protection trial using gingerol and nisin. Food Science & Nutrition, 8(4), 2094-2101.
  • [13] Pal, M., Devrani, M., & Pinto, S. (2018). Significance of hygienic processing of milk and dairy products. Madridge J Food Tech, 3(2), 133-137.
  • [14] Martin, N.H., Snyder, A., Wiedmann, M. (2020). Spoilage mold in dairy products. In: Mc. Sweeney PLH, Mc. Namara JP (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences (pp 607-610). Academic Press.
  • [15] Raso, J., Barbosa-Cánovas, G.V. (2003). Nonthermal preservation of foods using combined processing techniques. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 43, 265–285.
  • [16] Yarabbi, H., Roshanak, S., Hadizadeh, F., Shahidi, F., & Yazdi, F. T. (2023). Evaluation of cold plasma effect on shelf life, physicochemical and organoleptic properties of cucumber (Cucumis safivus var. negin). Austin Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences, 11(1), 1169.
  • [17] Đukić-Vuković, A., Tylewicz, U., Mojović, L., & Gusbeth, C. (2017). Recent advances in pulsed electric field and non-thermal plasma treatments for food and biorefinery applications. Journal on Processing and Energy in Agriculture, 21(2), 61-65.
  • [18] Lee, K., Pack, K., Ju, W., Lee, Y. (2006). Sterilization of bacteria, yeast, and bacterial endospores by atmospheric-pressure cold plasma using helium and oxygen. The Journal of Microbiology, 44, 269-275.
  • [19] Chen, F.F. (1984). Introduction to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Volume 1, Plasma Physics, Plenum Press, ISBN 0-306-41332-9, 421s, USA.
  • [20] Laroussi, M. (2002) Nonthermal decontamination of biological media by atmospheric pressure plasmas, review, analysis, and prospects. IEEE Transactions On Plasma Science, 30(4), 1409-1415.
  • [21] Moisan, M., Barbeau, J., Crevier, M.C., Pelletier, J., Philip, N., Saoudi, B. (2002). Plasma sterilization, methods and mechanisms. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 74(3), 349–358.
  • [22] Pankaj, S.K., Bueno-Ferrer, C., Misra, N.N., Milosavljevic, V., O’Donnell, C., Bourke, P. (2014). Applications of cold plasma technology in food packaging. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 35, 5-17.
  • [23] Jiang, C., Schaudinn, C., Jaramillo, D.E., Webster, P., Costerton, J.W. (2012). In vitro antimicrobial effect of a cold plasma jet against Enterococcus faecalis biofilms. International Scholarly Research Network ISRN Dentistry, 295736.
  • [24] Aktop, S. (2016). The effect of cold plasma technique on some pathogen microorganisms for meat products, Afyon Kocatepe University, Institute of Science and Technology, Master's Thesis, 108p. Afyonkarahisar.
  • [25] AOAC (2016a) Official methods of analysis (20th ed.). 978.18. Washington: Association of Official Analytical Chemists.
  • [26] AOAC (2016b) Official methods of analysis of the (20th ed.). 981.12. Washington: Association of Official Analytical Chemists.
  • [27] Alinovi, M., Mucchetti, G. (2020). Effect of freezing and thawing processes on high-moisture Mozzarella cheese rheological and physical properties. LWT-Food Science and Thecnology, 124, 1-8.
  • [28] Byun, M.W., Lee, J.W., Jo, C., Yook, H.S. (2001). Quality properties of sausage made with gamma-irradiated natural pork and lamb casing. Meat Science, 59, 223–228.
  • [29] Halkman, K., Sağdaş, Ö.E. (2011). Food Microbiology Applications. Prosigma Printing and Promotion Services, Ankara.
  • [30] Akarca, G. (2013). Investigation of Changes Ripening Period in Simply and Spicy Encased Mozzarella Cheese. Afyon Kocatepe University, Institute of Science and Technology, PhD Thesis, 174p. Afyonkarahisar.
  • [31] ISO (2013a). International Standard Organization. 4833-2:2013 Horizontal method for the enumeration of microorganisms. Part 2: Colony count at 30 degrees C by the surface plating technique. Geneva, Switzerland.
  • [32] ISO (2013b). International Standard Organization. 4833-1:2013 Microbiology of the food chain. Horizontal method for the enumeration of microorganisms. Part 1: Colony count at 30 degrees C by the pour plate technique. Geneva, Switzerland.
  • [33] Halkman, K. (2005). Food Microbiology Applications, Başak Printing and Promotional Printing Services, Bornova, İzmir.
  • [34] Dağdemir, E. (2006). Identification of Lactic Acid Bacteria isolated from white pickled cheeses and possibilities of using some selected isolates as culture. Atatürk University Institute of Science and Technology, PhD Thesis, 190p. Erzurum.
  • [35] ISO (2008). International Standard Organization. 21527-1:2008 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs, Horizontal method for the enumeration of yeasts and moulds Part 1: Colony count technique in products with water activity greater than 0,95. Geneva, Switzerland.
  • [36] ISO (1991). International Standard Organization. 4832 General Guidance fort the Enumeration of Coliforms Colony Count Technique. Geneva, Switzerland.
  • [37] Kneifel, W., Berger, E. (1994). Microbiolgical criteria of random samples of spices and herbs retailed on the Austrian market. Journal of Food Protection, 57(10), 893-901.
  • [38] ISO (1999). International Standard Organization, 6888-1 Horizontal Method for the Enumeration of Coagulase- positive Staphylococci Technique using Baird Parker Agar Medium. Geneva, Switzerland
  • [39] Martins, I.M., Kabuki, D.Y., Kuaye, Y. (2009). Determination and characteriztion of pathogens found in dairy products. Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de Adolfo Lutz, 68(3), 359-365.
  • [40] Wang, S., Liu, Y., Zhang, Y., Lu, X., Zhao, L., Song, Y., Zhang, L., Jiang, H., Zhang, J., Ge, W. (2022). Processing sheep milk by cold plasma technology, Impacts on the microbial inactivation, physicochemical characteristics, and protein structure. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 153, 112573.
  • [41] Lee, S.Y., Park, H.H., Min, S.C. (2020). Pulsed light plasma treatment for the inactivation of Aspergillus flavus spores, Bacillus pumilus spores and Escherichia coli O157:H7 in red pepper flakes. Food Control, 118, 107401.
  • [42] Yong, H.I., Kim, H.J., Park. S., Kim. K., Choe. W., Yoo. S.J., Jo, C. (2015). Pathogen inactivation and quality changes in sliced cheddar cheese treated using flexible thin-layer dielectric barrier discharge plasma. Food Research International, 69, 57–63.
  • [43] Jayasena, D.D., Kim, H.J., Yong, H.I., Park, S., Kim, K., Choe, W., Jo, C. (2015). Flexible thin-layer dielectric barrier discharge plasma treatment of pork butt and beef loin, Effects on pathogen inactivation and meat-quality attributes. Food Microbiology, 46, 51-57.
  • [44] Ulbin-Figlewicz, N., Brychcy, E., Jarmoluk. A. (2015). Effect of low-pressure cold plasma on surface microflora of meat and quality attributes. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 52, 1228–1232.
  • [45] Akarca, G., Atik, A., Atik, İ., Denizkara, A.J. (2023). The use of cold plasma technology in solving the mold problem in Kashar cheese. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 60(2), 752-760.
  • [46] Ulbin-Figlewicz, N., Jarmoluk, A., Marycz, K. (2014). Antimicrobial activity of low-pressure plasma treatment against selected foodborne bacteria and meat microbiota. Annals of Microbiology, 65, 1537–1546.
  • [47] Ganesan, A.R., Tiwari, U., Ezhilarasi, P.N., Rajauria. G., (2021). Application of cold plasma on food matrices: A Review on current and future prospects. Journal of Food Process Preservation, 245:e15070.
  • [48] Asl, P.J., Rajulapati, V., Gavahian, M., Kapusta, I., Putnik, P., Khaneghah, A.M., Marszałek, K. (2022). Non-Thermal plasma technique for preservation of fresh foods: A review. Food Control, 134, 108560.
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Food Engineering
Journal Section Research Papers

Gökhan Akarca 0000-0002-5055-2722

Betül Özkan This is me 0009-0005-2342-9680

Azize Atik 0000-0002-3294-380X

İlker Atik 0000-0001-8049-0465

Publication Date December 18, 2024
Submission Date December 8, 2023
Acceptance Date November 19, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Akarca, G., Özkan, B., Atik, A., Atik, İ. (2024). Effect of Cold PlasmaTreatment on Physicochemical and Microbiological Properties of Clotted Cream. Akademik Gıda, 22(3), 195-204.
AMA Akarca G, Özkan B, Atik A, Atik İ. Effect of Cold PlasmaTreatment on Physicochemical and Microbiological Properties of Clotted Cream. Akademik Gıda. December 2024;22(3):195-204. doi:10.24323/akademik-gida.1603756
Chicago Akarca, Gökhan, Betül Özkan, Azize Atik, and İlker Atik. “Effect of Cold PlasmaTreatment on Physicochemical and Microbiological Properties of Clotted Cream”. Akademik Gıda 22, no. 3 (December 2024): 195-204.
EndNote Akarca G, Özkan B, Atik A, Atik İ (December 1, 2024) Effect of Cold PlasmaTreatment on Physicochemical and Microbiological Properties of Clotted Cream. Akademik Gıda 22 3 195–204.
IEEE G. Akarca, B. Özkan, A. Atik, and İ. Atik, “Effect of Cold PlasmaTreatment on Physicochemical and Microbiological Properties of Clotted Cream”, Akademik Gıda, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 195–204, 2024, doi: 10.24323/akademik-gida.1603756.
ISNAD Akarca, Gökhan et al. “Effect of Cold PlasmaTreatment on Physicochemical and Microbiological Properties of Clotted Cream”. Akademik Gıda 22/3 (December 2024), 195-204.
JAMA Akarca G, Özkan B, Atik A, Atik İ. Effect of Cold PlasmaTreatment on Physicochemical and Microbiological Properties of Clotted Cream. Akademik Gıda. 2024;22:195–204.
MLA Akarca, Gökhan et al. “Effect of Cold PlasmaTreatment on Physicochemical and Microbiological Properties of Clotted Cream”. Akademik Gıda, vol. 22, no. 3, 2024, pp. 195-04, doi:10.24323/akademik-gida.1603756.
Vancouver Akarca G, Özkan B, Atik A, Atik İ. Effect of Cold PlasmaTreatment on Physicochemical and Microbiological Properties of Clotted Cream. Akademik Gıda. 2024;22(3):195-204.

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