Turunçgil Kabuklarından Elde Edilen Pektinlerin Karakterizasyonu ve Karşılaştırılması
Year 2017,
Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 17 - 28, 15.04.2017
Melih Güzel
Özlem Akpınar
Pektin, gıda endüstrisinde yaygın olarak kullanılan
bir polisakkarittir. Farklı metilasyon derecelerine
sahip D-galakturonik asit moleküllerinin α(1,4) glikozidik bağlarla
birbirlerine bağlanmasıyla oluşan lineer bir polimerdir. Bu çalışmada limon, mandalina, portakal ve greyfurt turunçgil kabuklarından
elde edilen pektinlerin fizikokimyasal,
yapısal ve termal özellikleri incelenmiştir. Pektin üretimi için, turunçgil
kabukları sitrik asit çözeltisinde (pH 1) ekstrakte edilmiş ve ekstrakte edilen
pektin etanol ile çökeltilmiştir. Tüm pektin örneklerinin yüksek metoksilli
pektin olduğu, limon ve portakal kabuklarından elde edilen pektinlerin diğer
pektin örneklerinden daha iyi jel gücü ve sıvı tutma kapasitesine sahip olduğu
bulunmuştur. Portakal kabuğundan elde edilen pektinin termal stabilitesi daha
yüksek iken limon ve greyfurt kabuğundan elde edilen pektinlerin diğer
pektinlere kıyasla daha organize bir yapıya sahip olduğu görülmüştür.
- [1] Saldamlı, İ., Acar, J., Altuğ, T., Kayahan, M., Temiz, A., Us, F., Köksel, H., Sağlam, F., Uygun, Ü., Elmacı Y., 2005. Gıda Kimyası. (Editör: Saldamlı, İ.), Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yayınları, Ankara, Türkiye, 61-63 p.
- [2] Thakur, B.R., Singh, R.K., Handa, A.K., Rao, M.A., 1997. Chemistry and uses of pectin – A review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 37(1): 47-73.
- [3] Liu L.S., Kende M., Ruthel G., Fishman M.L., Hicks, K.B., 2006. Pectin/Zein beads for potential colon-specific drug delivery: synthesis and in vitro evaluation. Drug Delivery 13(6): 417-423.
- [4] Zouambia, Y., Moulai-Mostefa, N., Krea, M., 2009. Structural characterization and surface activity of hydrophobically functionalized extracted pectins. Carbohydrate Polymer 78(4): 841-846.
- [5] Hokputsa, S., Gerddit, W., Pongsamart, S., Inngjerdingen, K., Heinze, T., Koschella, A., Harding, S. E., Paulsen, B.S., 2004. Water-soluble polysaccharides with pharmaceutical importance from Durian rinds (Durio zibethinus Murr.): isolation, fractionation, characterisation and bioactivity. Carbohydrate Polymer 56(4): 471-481.
- [6] Edashige, Y., Murakami, N., Tsujita, T., 2008. Inhibitory effect of pectin from the segment membrane of citrus fruits on lipase activity. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology 54(5): 409-415.
- [7] Nangia-Makker, P., Hogan, V., Honjo, Y., Baccarini, S., Tait, L., Bresalier, R., Raz, A., 2002. Inhibition of human cancer cell growth and metastasis in nude mice by oral intake of modified citrus pectin. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 94(24):1854-1862.
- [8] Jackson, C.L., Dreaden, T.M., Theobald, L.K., Tran, N.M., Beal, T.L., Eid, M., Gao, M.Y., Shirley, R.B., Stoffel, M.T., Kumar, M.V., Mohnen, D., 2007. Pectin induces apoptosis in human prostate cancer cells: correlation of apoptotic function with pectin structure. Glycobiology 17(8): 805-819.
- [9] Yamada, H., 1996. Contribution of pectins on health care. Progress in Biotechnology 14: 173–190.
- [10] Cemeroğlu, B., Acar, J., 1986. Meyve Sebze İşleme Teknolojisi, Gıda Teknolojisi Derneği Yayınları, Ankara.
- [11] Gökmen, V., Acar, J., 2004. Fumaric acid in apple juice – A potential indicator of microbial spoilage of apples used as raw material, Food and Contaminants 21(7): 626-631.
- [12] Ranganna, S., 2008. Pectin, Handbook Of Analysis And Quality Control For Fruit and Vegetable Products, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, India, 31-66p.
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- [15] Anonymus, 2015. Bitkisel Üretim İstatistikleri. http://www.tuik.gov.tr/PreHaberBultenleri.do?id=18706. Erişim Tarihi: 16.Ağustos 2016.
- [16] Crupi, M.L., Costa, R., Dugo, P., Dugo, G., Mondello, L., 2007. A comprehensive study on the chemical composition and aromatic characteristics of lemon liquor. Food Chemical 105(2): 771–783.
- [17] Anonymus, 2014. Peel (fruit). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peel_(fruit). Erişim Tarihi: 18Ekim 2016.
- [18] Başer, H.C., 1997. Tıbbi ve Aromatik Bitkilerin İlaç ve Alkollü İçki Sanayilerinde Kullanımı, İstanbul Ticaret Odası Yayınları, İstanbul, 113 s.
- [19] Oboh, G., Ademosun, A.O., 2012. Characterization of the antioxidant properties of phenolic extracts from some citrus peels. J. Food Sci. Technol. 49(6): 729–736.
- [20] Marin, F.R., Soler-Rivas, C., Benavente-Garcia, O., Castillo, J., Perez-Alvarez, J.A., 2007. By-products from different citrus processes as a source of customized functional fibres. Food Chemistry 100(2): 736–741.
- [21] Turhan, İ., Tetik, N., Karhan, M., 2006. Turunçgil kabuk yağlarının elde edilmesi ve gıda endüstrisinde kullanımı. Gıda Teknolojileri Elektronik Dergisi 3: 71-77.
- [22] Yaman, K., 2012. Bitkisel atıkların değerlendirilmesi ve ekonomik önemi. Kastamonu Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi 12(2): 339-348.
- [23] Pinzon, K.M., Rodriguez, M.C., Sandova, E.R., 2013. Effect of drying conditions on the physical properties of impregnated orange peel. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering 30(3): 667-676.
- [24] Kliemann, E., Simas, K.N., Amante,E.R., Prudencio, E.S., Teofilo, R.F., Ferreira, M.C., Renata Amboni, D.M.C., 2009. Optimisation of pectin acid extraction from passion fruit peel (Passiflora edulis flavicarpa) using response surface methodology. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 44(3): 476–483.
- [25] AOAC, 1989. Officials Methods of Analysis, 72(3): 481-483.
- [26] Food Chemical Codex, 1996. National Academy Press, Washington, USA, 283-286 p.
- [27] Açıkgöz, Ç., Poyraz, Z., 2006. Extraction and characterization of pectin obtained from quince (Cydonia vulgaris pers.). Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 12: 27-34.
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- [29] Tappi, 1991. Tappi useful method UM256. Water retention value (WRV), Tappi Useful Methods, Tappi Press, Atlanta, USA.
- [30] Pappas, C.S., Malovikova, A., Hromadkova, Z., Tarantilis, P.A., Ebringerova, A., Polissiou, M., 2004. Determination of the degree of esterification of pectinates with decyl and benzyl ester groups by diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS) and curve-fitting deconvolution method. Carbohydrate Polymers 56(4): 465–469.
- [31] Vriesmann, L.C., Teófilo, R.F., Petkowicz, C.L.O., 2011. Optimization of nitric acid mediated extraction of pectin from cacao pod husks (Theobroma cacao L.) using response surface methodology. Carbohydrate Polymers 84(4): 1230-1236.
- [32] Virk, B.S., Sogi, D.S., 2004. Extraction and characterization of pectin from apple (Malus pumila Cv Amri) peel waste. International Journal of Food Properties 3(3): 693-703.
- [33] Yapo, B.M., 2009. Biochemical characteristics and gelling capacity of pectin from yellow passion fruit rind as affected by acid extractant nature. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 57(4): 1572-1578.
- [34] Canteri, M.H., Fertonani, H.C.R., Waszczynskyj, N., Wosiacki, G., 2005. Extraction of pectin from apple pomace. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 48(2): 259-266.
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Comparison and Characterization of Pectins Obtained From Citrus Peels
Year 2017,
Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 17 - 28, 15.04.2017
Melih Güzel
Özlem Akpınar
Pectin is a polysaccharide that is widely used in
food industry. It is a linear polymer of α(1,4) linked D-galacturonic acid units
with varying degrees of methylation. In the present study, the extraction characterization and comparison
of some physicochemical, structural and thermal properties of pectins from lemon,
mandarin, orange and grapefruit citrus peels were determined. For the
production of pectin, citrus peels were extracted in a solution of citric acid
(pH 1) and extracted pectins were precipitated with ethanol. All pectins were
high methoxylated while lemon and orange peel pectin had better gel strength and
liquid holding capacity than the others. Orange peel pectin had higher thermal
stability while lemon peel and grapefruit pectins had a more organized
structure than the other pectins.
- [1] Saldamlı, İ., Acar, J., Altuğ, T., Kayahan, M., Temiz, A., Us, F., Köksel, H., Sağlam, F., Uygun, Ü., Elmacı Y., 2005. Gıda Kimyası. (Editör: Saldamlı, İ.), Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yayınları, Ankara, Türkiye, 61-63 p.
- [2] Thakur, B.R., Singh, R.K., Handa, A.K., Rao, M.A., 1997. Chemistry and uses of pectin – A review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 37(1): 47-73.
- [3] Liu L.S., Kende M., Ruthel G., Fishman M.L., Hicks, K.B., 2006. Pectin/Zein beads for potential colon-specific drug delivery: synthesis and in vitro evaluation. Drug Delivery 13(6): 417-423.
- [4] Zouambia, Y., Moulai-Mostefa, N., Krea, M., 2009. Structural characterization and surface activity of hydrophobically functionalized extracted pectins. Carbohydrate Polymer 78(4): 841-846.
- [5] Hokputsa, S., Gerddit, W., Pongsamart, S., Inngjerdingen, K., Heinze, T., Koschella, A., Harding, S. E., Paulsen, B.S., 2004. Water-soluble polysaccharides with pharmaceutical importance from Durian rinds (Durio zibethinus Murr.): isolation, fractionation, characterisation and bioactivity. Carbohydrate Polymer 56(4): 471-481.
- [6] Edashige, Y., Murakami, N., Tsujita, T., 2008. Inhibitory effect of pectin from the segment membrane of citrus fruits on lipase activity. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology 54(5): 409-415.
- [7] Nangia-Makker, P., Hogan, V., Honjo, Y., Baccarini, S., Tait, L., Bresalier, R., Raz, A., 2002. Inhibition of human cancer cell growth and metastasis in nude mice by oral intake of modified citrus pectin. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 94(24):1854-1862.
- [8] Jackson, C.L., Dreaden, T.M., Theobald, L.K., Tran, N.M., Beal, T.L., Eid, M., Gao, M.Y., Shirley, R.B., Stoffel, M.T., Kumar, M.V., Mohnen, D., 2007. Pectin induces apoptosis in human prostate cancer cells: correlation of apoptotic function with pectin structure. Glycobiology 17(8): 805-819.
- [9] Yamada, H., 1996. Contribution of pectins on health care. Progress in Biotechnology 14: 173–190.
- [10] Cemeroğlu, B., Acar, J., 1986. Meyve Sebze İşleme Teknolojisi, Gıda Teknolojisi Derneği Yayınları, Ankara.
- [11] Gökmen, V., Acar, J., 2004. Fumaric acid in apple juice – A potential indicator of microbial spoilage of apples used as raw material, Food and Contaminants 21(7): 626-631.
- [12] Ranganna, S., 2008. Pectin, Handbook Of Analysis And Quality Control For Fruit and Vegetable Products, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, India, 31-66p.
- [13] May, C.D., 1990. Industrial pectins: Sources, production and applications. Carbohydrate Polymers 12: 79-99.
- [14] Anonymus, 2016. Agriculture Production Data. http://faostat.fao.org. Erişim Tarihi: 12 Ağustos 2016.
- [15] Anonymus, 2015. Bitkisel Üretim İstatistikleri. http://www.tuik.gov.tr/PreHaberBultenleri.do?id=18706. Erişim Tarihi: 16.Ağustos 2016.
- [16] Crupi, M.L., Costa, R., Dugo, P., Dugo, G., Mondello, L., 2007. A comprehensive study on the chemical composition and aromatic characteristics of lemon liquor. Food Chemical 105(2): 771–783.
- [17] Anonymus, 2014. Peel (fruit). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peel_(fruit). Erişim Tarihi: 18Ekim 2016.
- [18] Başer, H.C., 1997. Tıbbi ve Aromatik Bitkilerin İlaç ve Alkollü İçki Sanayilerinde Kullanımı, İstanbul Ticaret Odası Yayınları, İstanbul, 113 s.
- [19] Oboh, G., Ademosun, A.O., 2012. Characterization of the antioxidant properties of phenolic extracts from some citrus peels. J. Food Sci. Technol. 49(6): 729–736.
- [20] Marin, F.R., Soler-Rivas, C., Benavente-Garcia, O., Castillo, J., Perez-Alvarez, J.A., 2007. By-products from different citrus processes as a source of customized functional fibres. Food Chemistry 100(2): 736–741.
- [21] Turhan, İ., Tetik, N., Karhan, M., 2006. Turunçgil kabuk yağlarının elde edilmesi ve gıda endüstrisinde kullanımı. Gıda Teknolojileri Elektronik Dergisi 3: 71-77.
- [22] Yaman, K., 2012. Bitkisel atıkların değerlendirilmesi ve ekonomik önemi. Kastamonu Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi 12(2): 339-348.
- [23] Pinzon, K.M., Rodriguez, M.C., Sandova, E.R., 2013. Effect of drying conditions on the physical properties of impregnated orange peel. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering 30(3): 667-676.
- [24] Kliemann, E., Simas, K.N., Amante,E.R., Prudencio, E.S., Teofilo, R.F., Ferreira, M.C., Renata Amboni, D.M.C., 2009. Optimisation of pectin acid extraction from passion fruit peel (Passiflora edulis flavicarpa) using response surface methodology. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 44(3): 476–483.
- [25] AOAC, 1989. Officials Methods of Analysis, 72(3): 481-483.
- [26] Food Chemical Codex, 1996. National Academy Press, Washington, USA, 283-286 p.
- [27] Açıkgöz, Ç., Poyraz, Z., 2006. Extraction and characterization of pectin obtained from quince (Cydonia vulgaris pers.). Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 12: 27-34.
- [28] IFT, 1959. Committee on Pectin Standardization. Final report of the IFT Committee. Food Technol. 13: 496 – 500.
- [29] Tappi, 1991. Tappi useful method UM256. Water retention value (WRV), Tappi Useful Methods, Tappi Press, Atlanta, USA.
- [30] Pappas, C.S., Malovikova, A., Hromadkova, Z., Tarantilis, P.A., Ebringerova, A., Polissiou, M., 2004. Determination of the degree of esterification of pectinates with decyl and benzyl ester groups by diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS) and curve-fitting deconvolution method. Carbohydrate Polymers 56(4): 465–469.
- [31] Vriesmann, L.C., Teófilo, R.F., Petkowicz, C.L.O., 2011. Optimization of nitric acid mediated extraction of pectin from cacao pod husks (Theobroma cacao L.) using response surface methodology. Carbohydrate Polymers 84(4): 1230-1236.
- [32] Virk, B.S., Sogi, D.S., 2004. Extraction and characterization of pectin from apple (Malus pumila Cv Amri) peel waste. International Journal of Food Properties 3(3): 693-703.
- [33] Yapo, B.M., 2009. Biochemical characteristics and gelling capacity of pectin from yellow passion fruit rind as affected by acid extractant nature. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 57(4): 1572-1578.
- [34] Canteri, M.H., Fertonani, H.C.R., Waszczynskyj, N., Wosiacki, G., 2005. Extraction of pectin from apple pomace. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 48(2): 259-266.
- [35] Rouse, A.H., Crandall, P.G., 1976. Nitric acid extraction of pectin from citrus peel. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 89: 166-168.
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