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A Chromatographic Approach for Partial Purification of Polygalacturonase Produced by Aspergillus sojae

Year 2017, Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 8 - 16, 15.04.2017


The aim of this study was to produce
polygalacturonase from A. sojae
mutant and partially purify the crude extract by chromatographic methods. As a preliminary
step for the confirmation of its peptides, matrix-assisted
laser-desorption-ionization-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (Maldi-TOF MS)
analysis was performed on in-gel digested sodium-dodecyl-sulphate-polyacrylamide-gel-electrophoresis
(SDS-PAGE) gels. Three different carbon sources were employed in submerged and
solid-state fermentations for the production of polygalacturonase. Crude
extract was first purified by ion-exchange chromatography (IEXC) and followed
further by size exclusion chromatography. Crude extracts obtained from
sub-merged [of bitter orange peel, sugar beet molasses and (NH4)2SO4]
and solid-state [of wheat bran, sugar beet and HCl] fermentation exhibited high
levels of polygalacturonase enzyme activity (95.22 and 50.27 U/mL,
respectively). Size exclusion of IEXC pooled fraction (180, 200 and 220 mM salt
fractions) revealed the highest yield (36%) and purification fold (2.00). The
likely polygalacturonase bands from SDS-PAGE were in-gel digested and analyzed
by Maldi-TOF MS in route for peptides confirmation.


  • [1] Gummadi, S.N., Kumar, D.S., 2005. Microbial pectic transeliminases. Biotechnology Letters 27(7): 451-458.
  • [2] Hoondal, G.S., Tiwari, R.P., Tewari, R., Dahiya, N., Beg, Q.K., 2002. Microbial alkaline pectinases and their ındustrial applications: A review. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 59(4-5): 409-18.
  • [3] Jayani, R.S., Saxena, S., Gupta, R., 2005. Microbial pectinolytic enzymes: A review. Process Biochemistry 40(9): 2931-2944.
  • [4] Naidu, G.S.N., Panda, T., 1998. Production of Peectolytic Enzymes-a Review. Bioprocess Engineering 19(5): 355-361.
  • [5] Castilho, L.R., Medronho, R.A., Alves, T.L.M., 2000. Production and extraction of pectinases obtained by solid state fermentation of agroindustrial residues with Aspergillus niger. Bioresource Technology 71: 45-50.
  • [6] Silva, D., Martins, E.S., Da Silva, R., Gomes, E., 2002. Pectinase prodcution by Penicillium viridicatum Rfc3 by Solid State Fermentation Using Agricultural Wastes and Agro-Industrial by-Products. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology 33: 318-324.
  • [7] Patil, S.R., Dayanand, A., 2006. Optimization of process for the production of fungal pectinases from deseeded sunflower head in submerged and solid-State Conditions. Bioresource Technology 97(18): 2340-2344.
  • [8] Anuradha, K., Padma, P.N., Venkateshwar, S., Reddy, G., 2010. Fungal ısolates from natural pectic substrates for polygalacturonase and multienzyme production. Indian Journal of Microbiology 50(3): 339-344.
  • [9] Palaniyappan, M., Vijayagopal, V., Viswanathan, R., Viruthagiri, T., 2009. Screening of natural substrates and optimization of operating variables on the production of pectinase by submerged fermentation using Aspergillus niger Mtcc 281. African Journal of Biotechnology 8(4): 682-686.
  • [10] El-Sheekh, M.M., Ismail, A.M.S., El-Abd, M.A., Hegazy, E.M., El-Diwany, A.I., 2009. Effective technological pectinases by Aspergillus carneus Nrc1 utilizing the Egyptian orange juice industry scraps. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 63(1): 12-18.
  • [11] Blandino, T.I.S.P.A., 2002. Polygalacturonase Production by Aspergillus awamori on wheat in solid-state fermentation. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 58(2): 164-169.
  • [12] Demir, H., Göğüş, N., Tarı, C., Heerd, D., Lahore, M.F., 2012. Optimization of the process parameters for the utilization of orange peel to produce polygalacturonase by solid-state fermentation from an Aspergillus sojae mutant strain. Turkish Journal of Biology 36: 394-404.
  • [13] Gögus, N., Tari, C., Oncü, S., Unluturk, S., Tokatli, F., 2006. Relationship between morphology, rheology and polygalacturonase production by Aspergillus sojae Atcc 20235 in submerged cultures. Biochemical Engineering Journal 32(3): 171-178.
  • [14] Mata-Gomez, M.A., Heerd, D., Oyanguren-Garcia, I., Barbero, F., Rito-Palomares, M., et al., 2015. A novel pectin-degrading enzyme complex from Aspergillus sojae ATCC 20235 mutants. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 95(7): 1554-61.
  • [15] Ustok, F.I., Tari, C., Gogus, N., 2007. Solid-state production of polygalacturonase by Aspergillus sojae ATCC 20235. Journal of Biotechnology 127(2): 322-34.
  • [16] Dey, T.B., Adak, S., Bhattacharya, P., Banerjee, R., 2014. Purification of polygalacturonase from Aspergillus awamori Nakazawa Mtcc 6652 and Its Application in Apple Juice Clarification. LWT - Food Science and Technology 59(1): 591-595.
  • [17] Gomes, E., Leite, R.S., Da Silva, R., Silva, D., 2009. Purification of an exopolygalacturonase from Penicillium viridicatum Rfc3 produced in submerged fermentation. International Journal of Microbiology 2009: 631942.
  • [18] Contreras Esquivel, J.C., Voget, C.E., 2004. Purification and partial characterization of an acidic polygalacturonase from Aspergillus kawachii. Journal of Biotechnology 110(1): 21-8.
  • [19] Devi, N.A., Rao, A.G.A., 1996. Fractionation, purification and preliminary characterization of polygalacturonases produced by Aspergillus carbonarius. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 18: 59-65.
  • [20] Hirose, N., Kishida, M., Kawasaki, H., Sakai, T., 1999. Purification and characterization of an endo-polygalacturonase from a mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry 63(6): 1100-1103.
  • [21] Jacob, N., Asha Poorna, C., Prema, P., 2008. Purification and partial characterization of polygalacturonase from streptomyces lydicus. Bioresource Technology 99(14): 6697-701.
  • [22] Pathak, N., Mishra, S., Sanwal, G.G., 2000. Purification and characterization of polygalacturonase from banana fruit. Phytochemistry 54: 147-152.
  • [23] Cohen, S.L., Chait, B.T., 1997. Mass spectrometry of whole proteins eluted from sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis gels. Analytical Biochemistry 247: 257-267.
  • [24] Blackstock, W.P., Weir, M.P., 1999. Proteomics: Quantitative and physical mapping of cellular proteins. Trends in Biotechnology 17(3): 121-127.
  • [25] Lei, Z., Anand, A., Mysore, K.S., Sumner, L.W., 2007. Electroelution of ıntact proteins from sds-page gels and their subsequent maldi-tof ms analysis. Methods in Molecular Biology 355: 353-363.
  • [26] Heerd, D., Tari, C., Fernandez-Lahore, M., 2014. Microbial strain ımprovement for enhanced polygalacturonase production by Aspergillus sojae. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 98(17): 7471-81.
  • [27] Buyukkileci, A.O., Tari, C., Fernandez-Lahore, M., 2011. Enhanced production of exo-polygalacturonase from agro-based products by Aspergillus sojae. BioResources 6(3): 3452-3468.
  • [28] Bradford, M.M., 1976. A rapid and sensitive method for the Quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding. Analytical Biochemistry 72: 248-254.
  • [29] Panda, T., Naidu, G.S.N., Sinha, J., 1999. Multiresponse analysis of microbiological parameters affecting the production of pectolytic enzymes by Aspergillus niger: A Statistical View. Process Biochemistry 35: 187-195.
  • [30] Laemmli, U.K., 1970. Cleavage of structural proteins during the assembly of the head of bacteriophage T4. Nature 227(5259): 680-685.
  • [31] Kinter, M., Sherman, N.E., 2005. Protein Sequencing and Identification Using Tandem Mass Spectrometry. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • [32] Niture, S., 2008. Comparative biochemical and structural characterizations of fungal polygalacturonases. Biologia 63(1): 1-19.
  • [33] Demir, H., Tari, C., 2016. Effect of physicochemical parameters on the polygalacturonase of an Aspergillus sojae mutant using wheat bran, an agro-ındustrial waste, via solid-state fermentation. Jornal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 96(10): 3575-82.
  • [34] Acuna-Arguelles, M.E., Gutierrez-Rojas, M., Viniegra-Gonzales, G., Favela-Torres, E., 1995. Production and properties of three pectinolytic activities produced by Aspergillus niger in submerged and solid-state fermentation. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 43: 808-814.
  • [35] Dinu, D., Nechifor, M.T., Stoian, G., Costache, M., Dinischiotu, A., 2007. Enzymes with new biochemical properties in the pectinolytic complex produced by Aspergillus niger miug 16. Journal of Biotechnology 131(2): 128-37.
  • [36] Freitas, P., Martin, N., Silva, D., Silva, R., Gomes, E., 2006. Production and partial characterization of polygalacturonases produced by thermophilic Monascus Sp. N8 and by thermotolerant Aspergillus Sp. N12 on solid-state fermentation. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology 37: 302-306.
  • [37] Nagai, M., Katsuragi, T., Terashita, T., Yoshikawa, T., Sakai, T., 2000. Purification and characterization of an endo-polygalacturonase from Aspergillus awamori. Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry 64(8): 1729-1732.
  • [38] Dogan, N., Tari, C., 2008. Characterization of three-phase partitioned exo-polygalacturonase from Aspergillus sojae with unique properties. Biochemical Engineering Journal 39(1): 43-50.
  • [39] Siddiqui, M.A., Pande, V., Arif, M., 2012. Production, purification and characterization of polygalacturonase from Rhizomucor pusillus ısolated from decomposting orange peels. Enzyme Research 2012: 138634.
  • [40] Kant, S., Vohra, A., Gupta, R., 2013. Purification and physicochemical properties of polygalacturonase from Aspergillus niger MTCC 3323. Protein Expression and Purification 87(1): 11-6.
  • [41] Medina, M.L., Kiernan, U.A., Francisco, W.A., 2004. Proteomic analysis of rutin-ınduced secreted proteins from Aspergillus flavus. Fungal Genetics and Biology 41(3): 327-35.
  • [42] Yuan, P., Meng, K., Huang, H., Shi, P., Luo, H., Yang, P., Yao, B., 2011. A novel acidic and low-temperature-active endo-polygalacturonase from Penicillium Sp. Cgmcc 1669 with potential for application in apple juice clarification. Food Chemistry 129(4): 1369-1375.
  • [43] Zhang, J., Henriksson, H., Szabo, I.J., Henriksson, G., Johansson, G., 2005. The active component in the flax-retting system of the zygomycete Rhizopus oryzae Sb Is a family 28 polygalacturonase. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 32(10): 431-8.
  • [44] Rodrigo, D., Cortés, C., Clynen, E., Schoofs, L., Loey, A.V., Hendrickx, M., 2006. Thermal and high-pressure stability of purified polygalacturonase and pectinmethylesterase from four different tomato processing varieties. Food Research International 39(4): 440-448.

Aspergillus sojae Tarafından Üretilen Poligalakturonazın Kısmi Saflaştırılması için Kromatografik Bir Yaklaşım

Year 2017, Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 8 - 16, 15.04.2017


Bu çalışmanın amacı, A. sojae mutantından poligalakturonaz
üretilmesi ve ham ekstraktın kromatografik yöntemlerle kısmi
saflaştırılmasıdır. Peptitlerin konfirmasyonu için ilk basamak olarak, jel
içinde sindirilmiş sodyum-dodesil-sülfat-poliakrilamid-jel-elektroforezi
(SDS-PAGE) jellerinde matriks-yardımlı lazer desorpsiyon/iyonlaştırmalı-uçuş
zamanlı-kütle spektrometresi (Maldi-TOF MS) analizi yapılmıştır. Poligalakturonaz
üretimi için, katı-faz ve derin fermentasyonlarda üç farklı karbon kaynağı
kullanılmıştır. Ham ekstrakt ilk olarak iyon değişim kromatografisi (IEXC) ile
saflaştırılmıştır ve ardından bunu boyut eleme kromatografisi izlemiştir. Derin
[acı portakal kabuğu, şeker pancarı melası ve (NH4)2SO4]
ve katı-faz (buğday kepeği, şeker pancarı ve HCl) fermentasyonlarından elde
edilen ham ekstraktlar yüksek seviyede poligalakturonaz enzim aktivitesi
(sırasıyla 95.22 and 50.27 U/mL) göstermiştir. IEXC toplanmış fraksiyonunun
(180, 200 ve 220 mM tuz fraksiyonları) boyut elemesi, en yüksek verimi (%36) ve
saflaştırma katını (2.00) göstermiştir. SDS-PAGE’den elde edilen olası
poligalakturonaz bantları jel içinde sindirilmiş ve peptit konfirmasyonu için
Maldi-TOF-MS ile analiz edilmiştir. 


  • [1] Gummadi, S.N., Kumar, D.S., 2005. Microbial pectic transeliminases. Biotechnology Letters 27(7): 451-458.
  • [2] Hoondal, G.S., Tiwari, R.P., Tewari, R., Dahiya, N., Beg, Q.K., 2002. Microbial alkaline pectinases and their ındustrial applications: A review. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 59(4-5): 409-18.
  • [3] Jayani, R.S., Saxena, S., Gupta, R., 2005. Microbial pectinolytic enzymes: A review. Process Biochemistry 40(9): 2931-2944.
  • [4] Naidu, G.S.N., Panda, T., 1998. Production of Peectolytic Enzymes-a Review. Bioprocess Engineering 19(5): 355-361.
  • [5] Castilho, L.R., Medronho, R.A., Alves, T.L.M., 2000. Production and extraction of pectinases obtained by solid state fermentation of agroindustrial residues with Aspergillus niger. Bioresource Technology 71: 45-50.
  • [6] Silva, D., Martins, E.S., Da Silva, R., Gomes, E., 2002. Pectinase prodcution by Penicillium viridicatum Rfc3 by Solid State Fermentation Using Agricultural Wastes and Agro-Industrial by-Products. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology 33: 318-324.
  • [7] Patil, S.R., Dayanand, A., 2006. Optimization of process for the production of fungal pectinases from deseeded sunflower head in submerged and solid-State Conditions. Bioresource Technology 97(18): 2340-2344.
  • [8] Anuradha, K., Padma, P.N., Venkateshwar, S., Reddy, G., 2010. Fungal ısolates from natural pectic substrates for polygalacturonase and multienzyme production. Indian Journal of Microbiology 50(3): 339-344.
  • [9] Palaniyappan, M., Vijayagopal, V., Viswanathan, R., Viruthagiri, T., 2009. Screening of natural substrates and optimization of operating variables on the production of pectinase by submerged fermentation using Aspergillus niger Mtcc 281. African Journal of Biotechnology 8(4): 682-686.
  • [10] El-Sheekh, M.M., Ismail, A.M.S., El-Abd, M.A., Hegazy, E.M., El-Diwany, A.I., 2009. Effective technological pectinases by Aspergillus carneus Nrc1 utilizing the Egyptian orange juice industry scraps. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 63(1): 12-18.
  • [11] Blandino, T.I.S.P.A., 2002. Polygalacturonase Production by Aspergillus awamori on wheat in solid-state fermentation. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 58(2): 164-169.
  • [12] Demir, H., Göğüş, N., Tarı, C., Heerd, D., Lahore, M.F., 2012. Optimization of the process parameters for the utilization of orange peel to produce polygalacturonase by solid-state fermentation from an Aspergillus sojae mutant strain. Turkish Journal of Biology 36: 394-404.
  • [13] Gögus, N., Tari, C., Oncü, S., Unluturk, S., Tokatli, F., 2006. Relationship between morphology, rheology and polygalacturonase production by Aspergillus sojae Atcc 20235 in submerged cultures. Biochemical Engineering Journal 32(3): 171-178.
  • [14] Mata-Gomez, M.A., Heerd, D., Oyanguren-Garcia, I., Barbero, F., Rito-Palomares, M., et al., 2015. A novel pectin-degrading enzyme complex from Aspergillus sojae ATCC 20235 mutants. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 95(7): 1554-61.
  • [15] Ustok, F.I., Tari, C., Gogus, N., 2007. Solid-state production of polygalacturonase by Aspergillus sojae ATCC 20235. Journal of Biotechnology 127(2): 322-34.
  • [16] Dey, T.B., Adak, S., Bhattacharya, P., Banerjee, R., 2014. Purification of polygalacturonase from Aspergillus awamori Nakazawa Mtcc 6652 and Its Application in Apple Juice Clarification. LWT - Food Science and Technology 59(1): 591-595.
  • [17] Gomes, E., Leite, R.S., Da Silva, R., Silva, D., 2009. Purification of an exopolygalacturonase from Penicillium viridicatum Rfc3 produced in submerged fermentation. International Journal of Microbiology 2009: 631942.
  • [18] Contreras Esquivel, J.C., Voget, C.E., 2004. Purification and partial characterization of an acidic polygalacturonase from Aspergillus kawachii. Journal of Biotechnology 110(1): 21-8.
  • [19] Devi, N.A., Rao, A.G.A., 1996. Fractionation, purification and preliminary characterization of polygalacturonases produced by Aspergillus carbonarius. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 18: 59-65.
  • [20] Hirose, N., Kishida, M., Kawasaki, H., Sakai, T., 1999. Purification and characterization of an endo-polygalacturonase from a mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry 63(6): 1100-1103.
  • [21] Jacob, N., Asha Poorna, C., Prema, P., 2008. Purification and partial characterization of polygalacturonase from streptomyces lydicus. Bioresource Technology 99(14): 6697-701.
  • [22] Pathak, N., Mishra, S., Sanwal, G.G., 2000. Purification and characterization of polygalacturonase from banana fruit. Phytochemistry 54: 147-152.
  • [23] Cohen, S.L., Chait, B.T., 1997. Mass spectrometry of whole proteins eluted from sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis gels. Analytical Biochemistry 247: 257-267.
  • [24] Blackstock, W.P., Weir, M.P., 1999. Proteomics: Quantitative and physical mapping of cellular proteins. Trends in Biotechnology 17(3): 121-127.
  • [25] Lei, Z., Anand, A., Mysore, K.S., Sumner, L.W., 2007. Electroelution of ıntact proteins from sds-page gels and their subsequent maldi-tof ms analysis. Methods in Molecular Biology 355: 353-363.
  • [26] Heerd, D., Tari, C., Fernandez-Lahore, M., 2014. Microbial strain ımprovement for enhanced polygalacturonase production by Aspergillus sojae. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 98(17): 7471-81.
  • [27] Buyukkileci, A.O., Tari, C., Fernandez-Lahore, M., 2011. Enhanced production of exo-polygalacturonase from agro-based products by Aspergillus sojae. BioResources 6(3): 3452-3468.
  • [28] Bradford, M.M., 1976. A rapid and sensitive method for the Quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding. Analytical Biochemistry 72: 248-254.
  • [29] Panda, T., Naidu, G.S.N., Sinha, J., 1999. Multiresponse analysis of microbiological parameters affecting the production of pectolytic enzymes by Aspergillus niger: A Statistical View. Process Biochemistry 35: 187-195.
  • [30] Laemmli, U.K., 1970. Cleavage of structural proteins during the assembly of the head of bacteriophage T4. Nature 227(5259): 680-685.
  • [31] Kinter, M., Sherman, N.E., 2005. Protein Sequencing and Identification Using Tandem Mass Spectrometry. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • [32] Niture, S., 2008. Comparative biochemical and structural characterizations of fungal polygalacturonases. Biologia 63(1): 1-19.
  • [33] Demir, H., Tari, C., 2016. Effect of physicochemical parameters on the polygalacturonase of an Aspergillus sojae mutant using wheat bran, an agro-ındustrial waste, via solid-state fermentation. Jornal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 96(10): 3575-82.
  • [34] Acuna-Arguelles, M.E., Gutierrez-Rojas, M., Viniegra-Gonzales, G., Favela-Torres, E., 1995. Production and properties of three pectinolytic activities produced by Aspergillus niger in submerged and solid-state fermentation. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 43: 808-814.
  • [35] Dinu, D., Nechifor, M.T., Stoian, G., Costache, M., Dinischiotu, A., 2007. Enzymes with new biochemical properties in the pectinolytic complex produced by Aspergillus niger miug 16. Journal of Biotechnology 131(2): 128-37.
  • [36] Freitas, P., Martin, N., Silva, D., Silva, R., Gomes, E., 2006. Production and partial characterization of polygalacturonases produced by thermophilic Monascus Sp. N8 and by thermotolerant Aspergillus Sp. N12 on solid-state fermentation. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology 37: 302-306.
  • [37] Nagai, M., Katsuragi, T., Terashita, T., Yoshikawa, T., Sakai, T., 2000. Purification and characterization of an endo-polygalacturonase from Aspergillus awamori. Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry 64(8): 1729-1732.
  • [38] Dogan, N., Tari, C., 2008. Characterization of three-phase partitioned exo-polygalacturonase from Aspergillus sojae with unique properties. Biochemical Engineering Journal 39(1): 43-50.
  • [39] Siddiqui, M.A., Pande, V., Arif, M., 2012. Production, purification and characterization of polygalacturonase from Rhizomucor pusillus ısolated from decomposting orange peels. Enzyme Research 2012: 138634.
  • [40] Kant, S., Vohra, A., Gupta, R., 2013. Purification and physicochemical properties of polygalacturonase from Aspergillus niger MTCC 3323. Protein Expression and Purification 87(1): 11-6.
  • [41] Medina, M.L., Kiernan, U.A., Francisco, W.A., 2004. Proteomic analysis of rutin-ınduced secreted proteins from Aspergillus flavus. Fungal Genetics and Biology 41(3): 327-35.
  • [42] Yuan, P., Meng, K., Huang, H., Shi, P., Luo, H., Yang, P., Yao, B., 2011. A novel acidic and low-temperature-active endo-polygalacturonase from Penicillium Sp. Cgmcc 1669 with potential for application in apple juice clarification. Food Chemistry 129(4): 1369-1375.
  • [43] Zhang, J., Henriksson, H., Szabo, I.J., Henriksson, G., Johansson, G., 2005. The active component in the flax-retting system of the zygomycete Rhizopus oryzae Sb Is a family 28 polygalacturonase. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 32(10): 431-8.
  • [44] Rodrigo, D., Cortés, C., Clynen, E., Schoofs, L., Loey, A.V., Hendrickx, M., 2006. Thermal and high-pressure stability of purified polygalacturonase and pectinmethylesterase from four different tomato processing varieties. Food Research International 39(4): 440-448.
There are 44 citations in total.


Journal Section Research Papers

İlknur Sen This is me

Marco A. Mata-gomez This is me

Marco Rito-palomares This is me

Canan Tari

Melike Dinç This is me

Publication Date April 15, 2017
Submission Date April 12, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 15 Issue: 1


APA Sen, İ., Mata-gomez, M. A., Rito-palomares, M., Tari, C., et al. (2017). Aspergillus sojae Tarafından Üretilen Poligalakturonazın Kısmi Saflaştırılması için Kromatografik Bir Yaklaşım. Akademik Gıda, 15(1), 8-16. https://doi.org/10.24323/akademik-gida.305767
AMA Sen İ, Mata-gomez MA, Rito-palomares M, Tari C, Dinç M. Aspergillus sojae Tarafından Üretilen Poligalakturonazın Kısmi Saflaştırılması için Kromatografik Bir Yaklaşım. Akademik Gıda. April 2017;15(1):8-16. doi:10.24323/akademik-gida.305767
Chicago Sen, İlknur, Marco A. Mata-gomez, Marco Rito-palomares, Canan Tari, and Melike Dinç. “Aspergillus Sojae Tarafından Üretilen Poligalakturonazın Kısmi Saflaştırılması için Kromatografik Bir Yaklaşım”. Akademik Gıda 15, no. 1 (April 2017): 8-16. https://doi.org/10.24323/akademik-gida.305767.
EndNote Sen İ, Mata-gomez MA, Rito-palomares M, Tari C, Dinç M (April 1, 2017) Aspergillus sojae Tarafından Üretilen Poligalakturonazın Kısmi Saflaştırılması için Kromatografik Bir Yaklaşım. Akademik Gıda 15 1 8–16.
IEEE İ. Sen, M. A. Mata-gomez, M. Rito-palomares, C. Tari, and M. Dinç, “Aspergillus sojae Tarafından Üretilen Poligalakturonazın Kısmi Saflaştırılması için Kromatografik Bir Yaklaşım”, Akademik Gıda, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 8–16, 2017, doi: 10.24323/akademik-gida.305767.
ISNAD Sen, İlknur et al. “Aspergillus Sojae Tarafından Üretilen Poligalakturonazın Kısmi Saflaştırılması için Kromatografik Bir Yaklaşım”. Akademik Gıda 15/1 (April 2017), 8-16. https://doi.org/10.24323/akademik-gida.305767.
JAMA Sen İ, Mata-gomez MA, Rito-palomares M, Tari C, Dinç M. Aspergillus sojae Tarafından Üretilen Poligalakturonazın Kısmi Saflaştırılması için Kromatografik Bir Yaklaşım. Akademik Gıda. 2017;15:8–16.
MLA Sen, İlknur et al. “Aspergillus Sojae Tarafından Üretilen Poligalakturonazın Kısmi Saflaştırılması için Kromatografik Bir Yaklaşım”. Akademik Gıda, vol. 15, no. 1, 2017, pp. 8-16, doi:10.24323/akademik-gida.305767.
Vancouver Sen İ, Mata-gomez MA, Rito-palomares M, Tari C, Dinç M. Aspergillus sojae Tarafından Üretilen Poligalakturonazın Kısmi Saflaştırılması için Kromatografik Bir Yaklaşım. Akademik Gıda. 2017;15(1):8-16.

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