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Thin Layer Drying of Bay Leaves Laurus nobilis L. in Conventional and Microwave Oven

Year 2013, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 20 - 26, 01.03.2013


The thin layer oven drying behaviour of bay leaves at temperatures of 50, 60 and 70°C in conventional built-in oven and 180W power level in microwave oven was investigated. Eight different thin layer drying models namely Lewis, Henderson and Pabis, Page, two-term, two-term exponential, parabolic, logarithmic and Midilli et al. were fitted to experimental drying data. The highest adjusted R-square with the lowest reduced chi-square and root mean square error were selected as statistical criteria to evaluate how well the tested models fit the drying data. Midilli et al. model was considered to be satisfactory to represent the thin layer oven drying of bay leaves. Effective diffusion coefficient Deff was found between 1.52x10-9-8.08x10-9 m2/s for conventional oven. The temperature dependent activation energy Ea was determined as 40.10 kJ/molfor conventional oven


  • Khan, A., Zaman, G., and Anderson, R. A., 2009. Bay leaves improve glucose and lipid profile of people with type 2 diabetes. J. Clin. Biochem. Nutr. 44: 52-56.
  • Aljamal, A., 2011. Effects of bay leaves on the patients with diabetes mellitus. Res. J. Med. Plant. 4: 471-476.
  • Mueller, M., and Jungbauer, A., 2009. Culinary plants, herbs and spices- a rich source of PPARγ ligands. Food Chem. 117: 660-667.
  • Cho, E. Y., Lee, S. J., Nam, K. W., Shin, J., Oh, K. B., Kim, K. H., and Mar, W., 2010. Amelioration of oxygen and glucose deprivation-induced neuronal death by chloroform fraction of bay leaves (Laurus nobilis). Biosci. Biotechnol.Biochem. 74(10): 2029- 2035.
  • Albayrak, A., Aksoy, A., Sagdic, O., and Albayrak, S., 2012. Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of different extracts of some medicinal herbs consumed as tea and spices in Turkey. J. Food Biochem. 36: 547-554.
  • Dadalıoğlu, I., and Evrendilek, G. A., 2004. Chemical compositions and antibacterial effects of essential oils of Turkish oregano (Origanum minutiflorum), bay laurel (Laurus nobilis), Spanish lavender (Lavandula stoechas L.) and fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) on common foodborne pathogens. J Agric Food Chem 52: 8255-8260.
  • Derwich, E., Benziane, Z., and Boukir, A., 2009. Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of leaves essential oil of Laurus nobilis from Morocco. Aust. J. Basic Appl. Sci. 3(4): 3818-3824.
  • Ramos, C., Teixeira, B., Batista, I., Matos, O., Serrano, C., Neng, N. R., Nogueira, J. M. F., Nunes, M. L., and Marques, A., 2012. Antioxidant and antibacterial activity of essential oil and extracts of bay laurel Laurus nobilis Linnaeus (Lauraceae) from Portugal. Nat. Prod. Res. 26(6): 518-529.
  • Sellami, I. H., Wannes, W. A., Bettaieb, I., Berrima, S., Chahed, T., Marzouk, B., and Limam, F., 2011. Qualitative and quantitative changes in the essential oil of Laurus nobilis L. leaves as affected by different drying methods. Food Chem. 126: 691- 697.
  • Erden, U., 2005. Investigation of Seasonal Variability and Optimum Drying Methods of Bay (Laurus nobilis L.). MSc. Thesis, University of Cukurova, Adana, Turkey, 47p.
  • Diaz-Maroto, M. C., Perez-Coello, M. S., and Cabezudo, M. D., 2002. Effect of drying method on the volatiles in bay leaf (Laurus nobilis L.). J. Agric. Food Chem. 50: 4520-4524.
  • Ozbek, B., and Dadali, G., 2007. Thin-layer drying characteristics and modelling of mint leaves undergoing microwave treatment. J. Food Eng. 83: 541-549.
  • Arabhosseini, A., Huisman, W., Van Boxtel, A., and Müller, J., 2009. Modeling of thin layer drying of tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus L.). Ind. Crops Prod. 29: 53-59.
  • Erbay, Z., and Icier, F., 2010. Thin-layer drying behaviors of olive leaves (Olea Europaea L.). J. Food Process. Eng. 33: 287-308.
  • Akpinar, E. K., 2006. Mathematical modelling of thin layer drying process under open sun of some aromatic plants. J. Food Eng. 77: 864-870.
  • Rayaguru, K., Routray, W., and Mohanty, S. N., 2011. Mathematical parameters of air-dried betel leaf (Piper betle L.). J. Food Process. Preserv. 35: 394-401. and quality
  • AOAC, 1998. Moisture in Animal Feed. In: Official methods of Analysis, Edited by W. Horwitz, AOAC International, Gaithersburg, USA.
  • Doymaz, I., 2011. Drying of thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) and selection of a suitable thin-layer drying model. J. Food Process. Preserv. 35: 458- 465.
  • Okos, M. R., Campanella, O., Narsimhan, G., Singh, R. K., and Weitnauer, A. C., 2007. Food Dehydration. In: Handbook of Food Engineering. Second Edition. Edited by D. R. Heldman, and D. B. Lund, Taylor and Francis, FL, USA, pp. 601-744.
  • Perry, R. H., and Green, D. W., 1997. Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook. Seventh Edition, Mc Graw Hill, USA.
  • Lewis, W. K., 1921. The rate of drying of solid materials. Engineering Chemistry, 13(5): 427-432. of Industrial and
  • Henderson, S. M., and Pabis, S., 1961. Grain drying theory I: temperature effect on drying coefficient. J. Agric. Eng. Res. 6: 169-174.
  • Page, G. E., 1949. Factors Influencing the Maximum Rate of Air Drying Shelled Corn in Thin- layers. MSc. thesis, Purdue University, IN, USA.
  • Henderson, S. M., 1974. Progress in developing the thin layer drying equation. Trans ASAE, 17: 1167-1172.
  • Sharaf-Eldeen, Y. I., Blaisdell, J. L., and Hamdy, M. Y., 1980. A Model for ear corn drying. Trans ASAE, 23: 1261-1271.
  • Sharma, G. P., and Prasad, S., 2004. Effective moisture diffusivity of garlic cloves undergoing microwave-convective drying. J. Food Eng. 65: 609-617.
  • Chandra, P. K., and Singh, R. P., 1995. Applied Numerical Methods for Food and Agricultural Engineers. First Edition, CRC Press, FL, USA.
  • Midilli, A., Kucuk, H., and Yapar, Z., 2002. New model for single-layer drying. Drying Technol 20: 1503-1513.
  • Barbosa-Canovas, G. V., and Vega-Mercado, H., 1996. Dehydration Mechanisms: In: Dehydration of Foods, First Edition, Edited by G. V. Barbosa- Canovas, Chapman&Hall, NY, USA, pp. 101-155.
  • Gunhan, T., Demir, V., Hancioglu, E., and Hepbasli, A., 2005. Mathematical Mmodelling of drying of bay leaves. Energy Convers. Manage. 46: 1667-1679.
  • Lewicki, P. P., 1998. Some remarks on rehydration of dried foods. J Food Eng 36: 81-87.
  • Doymaz, I., Tugrul, N., and Pala, M., 2006. Drying characteristics of dill and parsley leaves. J. Food Eng. 77: 559-565.
  • Akhondi, E., Kazemi, A., and Maghsoodi, V., 2011. Determination of a suitable thin layer drying curve model for saffron (Crocus sativus L) stigmas in an infrared dryer. Sci. Iran 18: 1397-1401.
  • Erbay, Z., and Icier, F., 2009. A review of thin layer drying of foods: theory, modeling, and experimental results. Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr. 50: 441-464.
  • Vega-Galvez, A., Puente-Diaz, L., Lemus- Mondaca, R., Miranda, M., and Torres, M. J., 2012. Mathematical modeling of thin-layer drying kinetics of cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.). J. Food Process. Preserv. doi:10.1111/jfpp.12024.
  • Doymaz, I., 2012. Thin-layer drying of bay laurel leaves (Laurus nobilis L.). J Food Process Preserv doi:10.1111/j.1745-4549.2012.00793.x.

Defne yaprağının Laurus nobilis L. Konvansiyonel ve Mikrodalga Fırında İnce Tabaka Kurutulması

Year 2013, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 20 - 26, 01.03.2013


Defne yaprağının konvansiyonel fırında 50, 60 ve 70°C’de ve mikrodalga fırında 180W güç seviyesinde ince tabaka kuruma davranışı incelenmiştir. Lewis, Henderson ve Pabis, Page, two-term, two-term exponential, parabolic, logarithmic ve Midilli et al. olarak literatürde tanımlanan sekiz farklı ince tabaka kuruma modeli deneysel verilere uygulanmıştır. En yüksek düzeltilmiş belirleme katsayısı ile en düşük indirgenmiş ki-kare ve en düşük kök ortalama kare hatası deneysel verilerin hangi modele daha uygun olduğunu belirleme ölçütü olarak seçilmiştir. Midilli et al. modeli defne yaprağının fırında kurutulmasını temsil edecek düzeyde yeterli bulunmuştur. Konvansiyonel fırın için etkin difüzyon katsayısı Deff değerleri 1.52x10-9-8.08x10-9 m2/s arasında bulunmuştur. Ayrıca sıcaklığa bağımlı aktivasyon enerjisi konvansiyonel fırın için 40.10 kJ/mololarak bulunmuştur


  • Khan, A., Zaman, G., and Anderson, R. A., 2009. Bay leaves improve glucose and lipid profile of people with type 2 diabetes. J. Clin. Biochem. Nutr. 44: 52-56.
  • Aljamal, A., 2011. Effects of bay leaves on the patients with diabetes mellitus. Res. J. Med. Plant. 4: 471-476.
  • Mueller, M., and Jungbauer, A., 2009. Culinary plants, herbs and spices- a rich source of PPARγ ligands. Food Chem. 117: 660-667.
  • Cho, E. Y., Lee, S. J., Nam, K. W., Shin, J., Oh, K. B., Kim, K. H., and Mar, W., 2010. Amelioration of oxygen and glucose deprivation-induced neuronal death by chloroform fraction of bay leaves (Laurus nobilis). Biosci. Biotechnol.Biochem. 74(10): 2029- 2035.
  • Albayrak, A., Aksoy, A., Sagdic, O., and Albayrak, S., 2012. Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of different extracts of some medicinal herbs consumed as tea and spices in Turkey. J. Food Biochem. 36: 547-554.
  • Dadalıoğlu, I., and Evrendilek, G. A., 2004. Chemical compositions and antibacterial effects of essential oils of Turkish oregano (Origanum minutiflorum), bay laurel (Laurus nobilis), Spanish lavender (Lavandula stoechas L.) and fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) on common foodborne pathogens. J Agric Food Chem 52: 8255-8260.
  • Derwich, E., Benziane, Z., and Boukir, A., 2009. Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of leaves essential oil of Laurus nobilis from Morocco. Aust. J. Basic Appl. Sci. 3(4): 3818-3824.
  • Ramos, C., Teixeira, B., Batista, I., Matos, O., Serrano, C., Neng, N. R., Nogueira, J. M. F., Nunes, M. L., and Marques, A., 2012. Antioxidant and antibacterial activity of essential oil and extracts of bay laurel Laurus nobilis Linnaeus (Lauraceae) from Portugal. Nat. Prod. Res. 26(6): 518-529.
  • Sellami, I. H., Wannes, W. A., Bettaieb, I., Berrima, S., Chahed, T., Marzouk, B., and Limam, F., 2011. Qualitative and quantitative changes in the essential oil of Laurus nobilis L. leaves as affected by different drying methods. Food Chem. 126: 691- 697.
  • Erden, U., 2005. Investigation of Seasonal Variability and Optimum Drying Methods of Bay (Laurus nobilis L.). MSc. Thesis, University of Cukurova, Adana, Turkey, 47p.
  • Diaz-Maroto, M. C., Perez-Coello, M. S., and Cabezudo, M. D., 2002. Effect of drying method on the volatiles in bay leaf (Laurus nobilis L.). J. Agric. Food Chem. 50: 4520-4524.
  • Ozbek, B., and Dadali, G., 2007. Thin-layer drying characteristics and modelling of mint leaves undergoing microwave treatment. J. Food Eng. 83: 541-549.
  • Arabhosseini, A., Huisman, W., Van Boxtel, A., and Müller, J., 2009. Modeling of thin layer drying of tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus L.). Ind. Crops Prod. 29: 53-59.
  • Erbay, Z., and Icier, F., 2010. Thin-layer drying behaviors of olive leaves (Olea Europaea L.). J. Food Process. Eng. 33: 287-308.
  • Akpinar, E. K., 2006. Mathematical modelling of thin layer drying process under open sun of some aromatic plants. J. Food Eng. 77: 864-870.
  • Rayaguru, K., Routray, W., and Mohanty, S. N., 2011. Mathematical parameters of air-dried betel leaf (Piper betle L.). J. Food Process. Preserv. 35: 394-401. and quality
  • AOAC, 1998. Moisture in Animal Feed. In: Official methods of Analysis, Edited by W. Horwitz, AOAC International, Gaithersburg, USA.
  • Doymaz, I., 2011. Drying of thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) and selection of a suitable thin-layer drying model. J. Food Process. Preserv. 35: 458- 465.
  • Okos, M. R., Campanella, O., Narsimhan, G., Singh, R. K., and Weitnauer, A. C., 2007. Food Dehydration. In: Handbook of Food Engineering. Second Edition. Edited by D. R. Heldman, and D. B. Lund, Taylor and Francis, FL, USA, pp. 601-744.
  • Perry, R. H., and Green, D. W., 1997. Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook. Seventh Edition, Mc Graw Hill, USA.
  • Lewis, W. K., 1921. The rate of drying of solid materials. Engineering Chemistry, 13(5): 427-432. of Industrial and
  • Henderson, S. M., and Pabis, S., 1961. Grain drying theory I: temperature effect on drying coefficient. J. Agric. Eng. Res. 6: 169-174.
  • Page, G. E., 1949. Factors Influencing the Maximum Rate of Air Drying Shelled Corn in Thin- layers. MSc. thesis, Purdue University, IN, USA.
  • Henderson, S. M., 1974. Progress in developing the thin layer drying equation. Trans ASAE, 17: 1167-1172.
  • Sharaf-Eldeen, Y. I., Blaisdell, J. L., and Hamdy, M. Y., 1980. A Model for ear corn drying. Trans ASAE, 23: 1261-1271.
  • Sharma, G. P., and Prasad, S., 2004. Effective moisture diffusivity of garlic cloves undergoing microwave-convective drying. J. Food Eng. 65: 609-617.
  • Chandra, P. K., and Singh, R. P., 1995. Applied Numerical Methods for Food and Agricultural Engineers. First Edition, CRC Press, FL, USA.
  • Midilli, A., Kucuk, H., and Yapar, Z., 2002. New model for single-layer drying. Drying Technol 20: 1503-1513.
  • Barbosa-Canovas, G. V., and Vega-Mercado, H., 1996. Dehydration Mechanisms: In: Dehydration of Foods, First Edition, Edited by G. V. Barbosa- Canovas, Chapman&Hall, NY, USA, pp. 101-155.
  • Gunhan, T., Demir, V., Hancioglu, E., and Hepbasli, A., 2005. Mathematical Mmodelling of drying of bay leaves. Energy Convers. Manage. 46: 1667-1679.
  • Lewicki, P. P., 1998. Some remarks on rehydration of dried foods. J Food Eng 36: 81-87.
  • Doymaz, I., Tugrul, N., and Pala, M., 2006. Drying characteristics of dill and parsley leaves. J. Food Eng. 77: 559-565.
  • Akhondi, E., Kazemi, A., and Maghsoodi, V., 2011. Determination of a suitable thin layer drying curve model for saffron (Crocus sativus L) stigmas in an infrared dryer. Sci. Iran 18: 1397-1401.
  • Erbay, Z., and Icier, F., 2009. A review of thin layer drying of foods: theory, modeling, and experimental results. Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr. 50: 441-464.
  • Vega-Galvez, A., Puente-Diaz, L., Lemus- Mondaca, R., Miranda, M., and Torres, M. J., 2012. Mathematical modeling of thin-layer drying kinetics of cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.). J. Food Process. Preserv. doi:10.1111/jfpp.12024.
  • Doymaz, I., 2012. Thin-layer drying of bay laurel leaves (Laurus nobilis L.). J Food Process Preserv doi:10.1111/j.1745-4549.2012.00793.x.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Hulya Cakmak

Seher Kumcuoglu This is me

Sebnem Tavman This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 11 Issue: 1


APA Cakmak, H., Kumcuoglu, S., & Tavman, S. (2013). Thin Layer Drying of Bay Leaves Laurus nobilis L. in Conventional and Microwave Oven. Akademik Gıda, 11(1), 20-26.
AMA Cakmak H, Kumcuoglu S, Tavman S. Thin Layer Drying of Bay Leaves Laurus nobilis L. in Conventional and Microwave Oven. Akademik Gıda. March 2013;11(1):20-26.
Chicago Cakmak, Hulya, Seher Kumcuoglu, and Sebnem Tavman. “Thin Layer Drying of Bay Leaves Laurus Nobilis L. in Conventional and Microwave Oven”. Akademik Gıda 11, no. 1 (March 2013): 20-26.
EndNote Cakmak H, Kumcuoglu S, Tavman S (March 1, 2013) Thin Layer Drying of Bay Leaves Laurus nobilis L. in Conventional and Microwave Oven. Akademik Gıda 11 1 20–26.
IEEE H. Cakmak, S. Kumcuoglu, and S. Tavman, “Thin Layer Drying of Bay Leaves Laurus nobilis L. in Conventional and Microwave Oven”, Akademik Gıda, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 20–26, 2013.
ISNAD Cakmak, Hulya et al. “Thin Layer Drying of Bay Leaves Laurus Nobilis L. in Conventional and Microwave Oven”. Akademik Gıda 11/1 (March 2013), 20-26.
JAMA Cakmak H, Kumcuoglu S, Tavman S. Thin Layer Drying of Bay Leaves Laurus nobilis L. in Conventional and Microwave Oven. Akademik Gıda. 2013;11:20–26.
MLA Cakmak, Hulya et al. “Thin Layer Drying of Bay Leaves Laurus Nobilis L. in Conventional and Microwave Oven”. Akademik Gıda, vol. 11, no. 1, 2013, pp. 20-26.
Vancouver Cakmak H, Kumcuoglu S, Tavman S. Thin Layer Drying of Bay Leaves Laurus nobilis L. in Conventional and Microwave Oven. Akademik Gıda. 2013;11(1):20-6.

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