Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Science and Engineering is a journal that includes essential, original, and high-quality research and studies in all fields of Science and Engineering. The writing principles of the articles to be published in the journal are given below. The scientific committee evaluates all articles in terms of their scientific contribution, originality, and content. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of their data. The journal reserves the right to make appropriate corrections regarding language and spelling where it deems necessary. Articles can be sent back to the corresponding author for revision when deemed necessary. The articles published in the journal become the property of the journal, and the copyright of the articles is taken on behalf of "Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Science and Engineering". Manuscripts previously published in any language and full text are not considered for publication in the journal. Authors cannot send an article they sent to Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Science and Engineering to another journal. For all changes to be made in the articles, permission from the author and the printing house is obtained.
Authors must upload the "cover letter" and "Copyright transfer form" together with the article to the system via the online system (system of dergipark) at the first registration. In the cover letter sent with the article, it should be stated whether any part of the information in the article (abstract, poster, presentation, etc.) has been previously published, including electronically, or whether it has been sent for evaluation. The cover letter should include the address, telephone, fax number, and e-mail address of the author to be contacted.
You can access this sample, which has been prepared to provide spelling order in the articles to be submitted to Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Science and Engineering, from the "Sample article" on the journal's website ( Please prepare the manuscript presentation in MS-Word® 2010 format.
The submitted articles will be reviewed and evaluated by the relevant field editors, and the owner of the article will be informed about the status of the article.
–Writing language; Turkish or English is used.
-Margins; (Right-Left-Bottom-Top) should be 2 cm.
-Column Dimensions; The width of the column should be 8.15 cm, and the spacing should be 0.7 cm.
–Title; 16 pt, in Calibri font, Left Aligned, and Must Have Uppercase Letters (except and, with, etc.)
-Key words; At least four and at most six keywords, 9 pt, in Calibri font and centered. The first letters of the keywords should be capitalized and separated by ";".
-Summary; It should not exceed 250 words in Turkish and English, and paragraphs should not be used. The abstract should be 9 pt, in Calibri font, and aligned on both sides.
-Text; The text of the article, which consists of Introduction, Material and Method, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion sections in double columns, should be written in Calibri in 10 font size, Spacing 0 cm, Multiple (1.15 cm) line spacing and formatted as aligned on both sides. The margins for each page should be 2 cm from all sides. If necessary, the Results and Discussion sections can be given together. In this case, the ‘’Results’’ should be provided under a separate heading. The text can include numbered subheadings as needed. Each subheading should be listed under the main heading it is in. For example, 2.1., 2.2., 2.3. etc.
-Figures; Must be in JPEG or TIFF format. Figure texts should be below the figure, in Calibri font, 9 points. Figures should be embedded in the text of the article and sent as a separate file with the article submission. Figures should be presented in black and white or grayscale. The width of the figures should not exceed 8 cm for two columns and 16 cm for a single column.
-Equations; should be prepared with the equation editor.
-Table; explanations should be at the top of the table, written in Calibri font and 10 font size. See the sample (guide) article for an example of a table.
-Resources; should be in Calibri font and 10 pt. (Indentation: Special Hanging 0.5 cm) should be given in round parentheses in the text, such as the surname and year of the author. (For details, please refer to the sample (guide) article). In the references directory, it should be given as follows. Author's surname, initials, year of publication. Title of the article. Long name of the journal (Italic), volume number (if any), page range. Author's surname, initial(s) of name, year. The title of the book. Volume number, editor(s) if any, place of publication, page range. Author's surname, initial(s) of the name, year of the thesis. The name of the thesis, the type of thesis (Master's, doctorate), the institute where the thesis was submitted, the place where it was presented, the number of total pages. (For details, please refer to the sample (guide) article). You can take the following article as an example of Spelling Rules...
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