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Volume: 15 Issue: 3, 7/31/22

Year: 2022


Book Review



  • JTES is a scientific, peer-reviewed and open access electronic journal. We welcome both theoretical and practical research and reviews on education. JTES does not charge any fee for anything.
  • JTES aims to shoulder an effective role in establishing an educational system in which individuals can acquire the knowledge, skills and competences of 21th century.
  • JTES aims to contribute to the discussion of the educational policies in the world and the reorganization of these policies by collecting the studies in all steps of education ranging from elementary education to higher education in an international platform. 
  • JTES aims to establish a common ground in which scholars and teachers follow the trends in research and foster their academic development. 


Considering the aims above, JTES accepts following submissions:
  • Studies analyzing the current situation, problems and positive sides in all steps of education ranging from elementary education to higher education,
  • Studies analyzing the subjects related to all stakeholders (learner, teacher, academic, publisher, curriculum designer and so on) in education system,
  • Studies analyzing the academic social, cultural and emotional developments of all stakeholders in education system,
  • Studies touching upon the educational problems in Turkey and other countries or the studies that contain comparative studies in different countries,
  • Studies suggesting theoretical and/or practical models for educational problems.

General Formatting Requirements
  • Our journal only accepts manuscripts in English. Please prepare your manuscript using the title page and template of our journal in the Microsoft Word (doc.) format. To download the manuscript template (click here) and title page (click here).
  • Our journal does not charge for article submission and processing fee. As there is no income of our journal, author(s) should have the responsibility of redaction, layout, proofreading and translation.
  • Authors have the legal responsibility of the content of their studies. Also, the authors agree on the open-access policy, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license and ethical principles of JTES upon their submission.
  • Although we do not have a strict word limit, the length of the manuscripts is encouraged to be between 6000 and 10000 words.
  • To verify originality, your article may be checked by the originality detection software. High similarity rates might cause editorial rejections.
  • Due to ethical considerations, the repetitive submission of a published author is not advised.

Manuscript Sections, Ethics, and Citation Rules

  • There are no strict formatting requirements but all manuscripts must contain the essential elements needed to convey your manuscript, for example Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions.
  • As stated in the journal template, Turkish and English abstracts should be between 150 and 200 words. These abstracts should be followed by 3 to 5 keywords (Turkish abstract will be translated for free for the submissions of international authors).
  • For all manuscripts reporting data from studies involving human participants, JTES requires that the study have received formal review and approval by an appropriate institutional review board or ethics committee. This review and approval should be described in the manuscript’s Methods section.
  • If a multiple-author manuscript is accepted, JTES requires each author to provide a statement of responsibility detailing what he or she contributed to the manuscript.
  • In Acknowledgement, authors might list those individuals who provided help during the research (e.g., providing language help, writing assistance or proof reading the article, etc.) or funding information.
  • Our journal requires authors to follow APA 7.0 rules as in the Publication Manual of American Psychological Association (7th Edition) for the in-text citation and references.
  • Appendices should be added after References.
  • To emphasize a part in your texts, please use italics or quotation marks instead of bold option.
Manuscript Review
  • To verify the originality, we check the manuscripts through an originality detection software. When the Editor-in-chief considers the manuscript appropriate for the journal policy and qualified enough for peer-review, Editor-in-chief assigns the manuscript to the relevant section editor or Editor-in-chief might assign reviewers itself. Appropriate and qualified studies are assigned to at least two reviewers based on their expertise, from different universities.
  • Reviewers are given 15 days for review but this time length can be extended by Editor-in-chief and/or section editors. If reviewers do procrastinate for a long time, Editor-in-chief and/or section editors might assign new reviewers.
  • When reviewers accept a manuscript, Editor-in-chief and/or section editors have the right to accept the manuscripts based on the reviews and to reject by clarifying the reasons for protecting the quality of manuscripts and the prestige of journal.
  • The manuscripts that are accepted by reviewers for publication with major or minor corrections are decided to be published if corrections are done in a given time period. If not, the manuscripts can be rejected.
  • When the manuscripts receive one acceptance and one rejection by reviewers, Editor-in-chief and/or section editors decide to publish the manuscript based on the decision of the third reviewer.
  • The manuscripts that are rejected by at least two reviewers are decided to be rejected. Editor-in-chief and/or section editors do not have the right to change this decision.
  • The author(s) retains the right to appeal against the review reports of reviewers. The appeal of authors will be examined by the Editorial Board. If Editorial Board considers the author(s) right for their appeal, new reviewers are assigned for a decision.

Ethics Policy
Editors should:
  • hold the following responsibilities that are based on the guidelines "COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" and "COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" published as open Access by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Authors should:
  • submit original manuscripts that have not published before or not submitted to anywhere else for publication.
  • indicate just the authors who contributed to the manuscript at the intellectual level.
  • should be ready for supply extra documents such as raw data, consent forms and permission forms.
  • just submit their submission to one journal at a time.

Reviewers should:
  • agree to review only in their subject of expertise in an unbiased and confidential manner.
  • review the manuscript constructively and kindly, avoiding insulting.
  • review the content of a manuscript objectively without considering issues such as gender, religion, and politics.

Our Copyright Policy
  • The manuscripts submitted to JTES for publication should be original ones that have not published before or not submitted to anywhere else for publication.
  • Authors agree on the requirements of the open-access policy and Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. They also accept to disclaim the copyright of the study by submitting to JTES.
  • Since Authors acknowledge transferring the copyright of their studies to JTES, the Editorial Board of JTES hold the rights to continue publication processes. Therefore, Author(s), who want to withdraw their submission, have to send an article withdrawal request to JTES. Their withdrawal request will be evaluated by the Editorial Board of JTES, and the decision will be sent to Author(s) within a week.
The following rights of Author(s) are reserved:
  • Patent rights,
  • All unregistered rights apart from copyright,
  • Duplication rights on condition that the study is not sold,
  • The right to use the whole or parts of the study in the author's own books or other academic studies on condition that reference is given,
  • The right to publish the study on personal websites or open archive of their university on condition that the copyright details are provided.

There is no article processing and submission charges for our journal.