Journal of Anadolu University Vocational Education and Practice (JAUVEP) is an international, peer-reviewed, and open-access electronic journal in Turkish and English with double-blind referees. Articles sent to the journal for publication are directed to at least two referees by expert editors in the field. All referee evaluation reports are sent to the author(s) electronically, and the entire process is managed through the system. At the end of the process, a document showing the referees' contributions is sent to the registered e-mail address through the system.
Free of charge (No APC)
e-ISSN: 2822-5473
Start: 2022
Period: 2 Issues per year (June and December)
Publisher: Anadolu University
JAUVEP Doi Prefix: 10.70756
Indexes and catalogs: Academindex, Acar Index, Crossref, Google Scholar, ROAD (the Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources), Système Universitaire de Documentation (Sudoc), Index Copernicus International, Sherpa Romeo, EuroPub, ResearchBib, ASCI (Asian Science Citation Index), CiteFactor, ERIH PLUS, IAD (Index of Academic Documents), SciencesPo Bibliothèque, Scilit, Türkiye Atıf Dizini (Turkiye Citation Index), Türkiye Turizm Dizini, Yubetsu Shibata
The journal cover can be downloaded here: cover
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Journal of Anadolu University Vocational Education and Practice (JAUVEP) provides immediate open-access to its content, reflecting its conviction in advancing global knowledge exchange. The opinions presented in the articles are the sole responsibility of their respective authors and do not present the views or opinions of Journal of Anadolu University Vocational Education and Practice (JAUVEP).