The articles sent to "ANASAY" Journal in accordance with the publication rules are sent to two referees who are experts in their fields for evaluation. ANASAY Journal uses the double-blind review system in which the names of the referees and authors are reserved at every stage of the process. Referee reports are kept for five years. If one of the two referees evaluating the article gives a positive report and the other a negative report, the article is sent to the third referee and the final decision is made according to the third referee's positive or negative opinion.
In the works sent to "ANASAY" Journal, the authors must take into consideration the criticism and suggestions of the referee and Editorial Board. If they have any disagreement, they have the right to appeal with their justifications. For the refereeing process in the journal, only those with an equal or higher academic title can be referees for publications of a person with an academic title.
The referee evaluation process of "ANASAY" Journal can sometimes take a long time because of unintended reasons. Under normal circumstances, as planned by the editor, the preliminary evaluation phase is planned as 10 days and the referee evaluation process is planned as 8 weeks. However, due to the lack of timely return from the referees, the referee evaluation process may take a long time due to reasons such as re-appointment of referees. In this regard, we ask the authors to submit their articles considering the duration.
Author / authors who submit articles to "ANASAY" Journal is / are deemed to have accepted the referee evaluation conditions and process. Individuals who do not contribute to the article intellectually should not be specified as authors.
The copyright of the works is transferred to the journal as of the date of sending the articles sent to "ANASAY" Journal. The copyright of the articles that are not accepted by the journal or whose refereeing process is over and not accepted belongs to the author.
Articles submitted to "ANASAY" Journal should not have been published anywhere before. Sending an article to a second journal before the publishing process is termed as "duplication". According to the law, the author who submitted the article in this way is committing a crime. If deemed necessary, our journal may initiate legal action against the authors determined to have "duplication".
To the Attention of the Authors After the refereeing process of the articles sent to the "ANASAY" journal has started, no request for withdrawal can be made. In case of a request for withdrawal, since the copyright of the article belongs to the journal, the journal reserves the right to reject the journal within one year if the editorial board deems it appropriate. During this period, the author does not publish his article in another journal, book, book chapter, etc. cannot be used in the work and cannot be sent for publication.
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