Writing Rules

1. Title
In the language in which each article is written, there must be a title in Turkish and English. The title must be short, clear and adequately reflective, written in capital letters and bold, not exceeding fifteen words.
2. Author Name(s) and Address(es)
It must be at the bottom right of the title of the article. The surname must be written in capital letters. The author's title, institution, e-mail address and Orcid number must be indicated in the footnote. You could get the Orcid number from the link by signing up at https://orcid.org/.
3. Summary and Keywords
The Turkish summary must reflect the purpose, scope and results of the study. The abstract must be at least one hundred and a maximum of three hundred words. Turkish keywords consisting of at least three and at most eight words must be written under one line of the abstract. In addition, the abstract, title and keywords must be in English, as well. Articles written in a foreign language must include titles, abstracts and keywords in the written language, Turkish and English.
4. Main Text
Articles are preferred to be written not exceeding 40 pages using IBM compatible computer and Microsoft Word software program. Page structure must be adjusted in A4 size, with 3 cm margins on the right, left, top, and bottom, with 1.5 line spacing, aligned on both sides. The space between, before and after paragraphs must be adjusted as 6 pt. The page number must be placed in the middle bottom of the page. Times New Roman fonts must be used in the article in 12 font size. Paragraph heads must be adjusted to be 1 cm. Punctuation marks must be written adjacent to the words before them. One letter space must be left after these marks.
The study must comply with grammar rules. In the article, the latest TDK Spelling Guide must be taken as a basis in the use of punctuation marks, in the writing of words and abbreviations, a clear and simple way of expression must be followed, and unnecessary information that goes beyond the scope and purpose must not be included. In preparation of the article, valid scientific methods must be followed, and the information such as the subject of the study, its purpose, scope, the reason for the preparation, etc. must be given in a sufficient and orderly manner.
An article must contain abstracts, sections of the main text, bibliography and annexes (if any). Whether to use titles such as “Introduction” and “Conclusion” depends on the type of study and the need of the subject. But the article must have a conclusion paragraph. The "conclusion" must be in accordance with the purpose and scope of the research and must be given in outline and clearly. Issues not mentioned in the text must not be included in the "conclusion". Main, intermediate and subheadings could be used to provide a certain order.

The bibliography has been prepared according to APA 6 guidelines. For detailed information, please refer to http://www.tk.org.tr/APA/apa_2.pdf or visit https://apastyle.apa.org/.

Last Update Time: 11/20/24, 10:35:45 AM