Research Article
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Year 2022, , 603 - 612, 17.10.2022


Project Number



  • Acarsoy Bilgin N, Şen F, Yağmur B, Özaktan H & Akbaba M (2018). The First Findings to Fruit Characteristics of Nutrient and PGPR Applications on Chandler Walnut Variety. International Conference on Agriculture, Forest, Food, Veterinary Sciences and Technologies. Çeşme, İzmir. 769-775.
  • Abdallah IB, Tlili N, Martinez-Force E, Rubio AGP, Perez-Camino MC, Albouchi A & Boukhcina S (2015). Content of carotenoids, tocopherols, sterols, triterpenic and aliphatic alcohols, and volatile compounds in six walnuts (Juglans regia L.) varieties. Food Chem., 173, 972–978.
  • Aşkın MA & Gün A (1995). Çameli ve Bozkurt cevizlerinin (Juglans regia L.) seleksiyon yolu ile ıslahı üzerinde araştırmalar. Türkiye II. Ulusal Bahçe Bitkileri Kongresi, Cilt:1, 461-463 s., 3-6 Ekim Adana
  • Batun P, Bakkalbaşı E, Kazankaya A & Cavidoğlu İ (2017). Fatty Acid Profiles and Mineral Contents of Walnuts from Different Provinces of Van Lake. GIDA. 42 (2): 155-162 doi: 10.15237/gida.GD16062
  • Beyhan Ö (1993). Darende Cevizlerinin (Juglans regıa L.) Seleksiyon Yoluyla Islahı Üzerinde Araştırmalar. (doktora tezi) Y.Y.Ü. Fen Bil. Enst. Van (in Turkish).
  • Bilgin S, Şen F, Özeker E & Acarsoy Bilgin N (2018). Bazı Ceviz Çeşitlerinin Menemen Ekolojisinde Morfolojik ve Pomolojik Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi. ÇOMÜ Zir. Fak. Derg. 6 (1): 31–39 (in Turkish).
  • Brown P (2001). Can boron correct transient nutrient deficienciens. Fluid Journal, S: 3. Caglarirmak N (2003). Biochemical and physical properties of some walnut genotypes (Juglan regia L.) of the East Black Sea region of Turkey. Nahrung/Food, 41(1), 28-32.
  • Cosmulescu S, Botu M & Trandafir I (2010). Mineral composition and physical characteristics of walnut (Juglans regia L.) cultivars originating in Romania. Selçuk Tar Gıda Bil Der, 24(4), 33-37.
  • Dejampour J & Zeinalabedini M (2006). Determination of some vegetative and bloom characteristics of some local apricots in Azarbaijan (İran) ecological conditions. Acta Hort., 717: 63 – 65pp.
  • Ellis Z (2016). Effect of Foliar Nutrient Combinations on Zinc Uptake in Almonds. A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Plant Science in the Jordan of College of Agricultural Sciencesand Technology California State University, Fresno.master’s thesis.
  • Fernandez V, Sotiropoulos T & Brown P (2013). Foliar Fertilization: Scientific Principles and Field Practices. University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. International Fertilizer Industry Association (IFA). 144 p. Paris, France.
  • Forde HI (1975). Walnuts. In: Editors Janickand J, Moore JN. Advances in Fruit Breeding. 439-455.
  • Gülsoy E, Kaya T, Pehluvan M & Şimşek M (2016). Some pomological properties and chemical contents of selected walnut (Juglans regia L.) genotypes from Iğdır province. Anadolu J Agr Sci. 31: 309-314. doi: 10.7161/anajas.2016.31.3.309-314
  • Gülsoy E, Şimşek M & Çevik C (2019). Ordu İlinin Farklı Rakım ve Lokasyonlarında Yetiştirilen Bazı Fındık Çeşitlerinin Meyve Kalite Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi. Uluslararası Tarım ve Yaban Hayatı Bilimleri Dergisi (UTYHBD), 2019, 5(1): 25 – 30 (in Turkish).
  • Hounnou L, Brorsen BW, Biermacher JT & Rohla CT (2019). Foliar applied zinc and the performance of pecan trees. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 42:5, 512-516, doi: 10.1080/01904167.2019.1567771
  • Juranovic Cindric I, Zeiner M & Hlebec D (2018). Mineral Composition of Elements in Walnuts and Walnut Oils. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 15, 2674; doi:10.3390/ijerph15122674
  • Kabiri G, Bouda S, Elhansali M & Haddioui A (2019). Biochemical characterization and antioxidant activity of walnut kernel (Juglans regia L.) of accessions from Middle and High Atlas in Morocco. Acta Scientiarum. Biological Sciences, v. 41, e46411
  • Kacar B & İnal A (2008). Bitki Analizleri, Nobel Yayın, Ankara, No:1241, 892 (in Turkish).
  • Kacar B & Katkat AV (2006). Bitki Besleme. Nobel Yayın No: 849. 593 s (in Turkish). Keshavarz K, Vahdati K, Samar M, Azadegan B & Brow PH (2011). Foliar Application of Zinc and Boron Improves Walnut Vegetative and Reproductive Growth. Hort Technology. 21(2):181-186.
  • Khayyat M, Tafazoli E, Eshghi S & Rajaee S (2007). Effect of nitrogen, boron, potassium and zinc sprays on yield and fruit quality of date palm. American Eurasian J. Agric&Environ. Sci. 3: 289-296.
  • Khoshgoftarmanesh AH (2012). Advanced plant nutrition concepts. Isfahan, Iran: Isfahan University of Technology Publication, 538 p.
  • Koyuncu F, Koyuncu MA, Erdal İ & Yaviç A (2002). Chemical composition of fruits of some walnut (Juglans regia L.) selections. GIDA, 27(4), 247-251.
  • Mohammadmehdi N, Valizadeh Kaji B, Karimi R & Sedghi MN (2019). Effects of Foliar Application of Potassium and Zinc on Pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) Fruit Yield. International Journal of Horticultural Science and Technology. 6(1): 113-123. doi: 10.22059/ijhst.2019.278757.286
  • Najizadeh A & Khoshgoftarmanes AH (2019). Effects of foliar applied zinc in the form of ZnSO4 andZn-amino acid complexes on pistachio nut yield and quality. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 42:(18), 2299–2309.
  • Orman E (2018). Bazı Yerli Ceviz (Juglans Regia L.) Genotiplerinin Agromorfolojik ve Moleküler Olarak Tanımlanması. (Doktora tezi). Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Bornova/İzmir (in Turkish).
  • Ozcan MM, Iman C & Arslan D (2010). Physico-chemical properties, fatty acid and mineral content of some walnuts (Juglans regia L.) types. Agricultural Sciences 1: 62-67.
  • Ozyigit İİ, Uras ME, Yalcin İE, Severoglu Z, Demir G, Borkoev B, Salieva K, Yucel S, Erturk Ü & Solak AO (2019). Heavy Metal Levels and Mineral Nutrient Status of Natural Walnut (Juglans regia L.) Populations in Kyrgyzstan: Nutritional Values of Kernels. Biological Trace Element Research. 189:277–290.
  • Özçağıran R, Ünal A, Özeker E & İsfendiyaroğlu M (2014). Ilıman İklim Meyve Türleri, Sert Kabuklu Meyveler Cilt III, Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, No: 566 (in Turkish).
  • Ramos DE (1998). Walnut Production Manual. University of California. Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication, 3373. 319p
  • Scherz H & Kirchhoff E (2006). Trace elements in foods: Zinc contents of raw foods—A comparison of data originating from different geographical regions of the world. J. Food Compos. Anal. 19, 420–433.
  • Simsek M (2010). Selection of walnut types with high fruit bearing and quality in Sanliurfa population. International Journal of the Physical Sciences Vol. 5(7), pp. 992-996.
  • Simsek M (2016). Chemical, mineral, and fatty acid compositions of various types of walnut (Juglans regia L.) in Turkey. Bulgarian Chemical Communications. 48(1): 66 – 70.
  • Şen SM (1980). Kuzey Doğu Anadolu ve Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi Cevizlerinin (Juglans regia L.) Seleksiyon Yolu ile Islahı Üzerinde Araştırmalar. Doçentlik Tezi, Atatürk Üniversitesi, Erzurum (in Turkish).
  • Şen SM (1986). Ceviz Yetiştiriciliği. Eser Matbaası, Samsun (in Turkish).
  • Tapia MI, Sanchez-Margado JR, Garcia-Parra J, Ramirez R, Hernandez T & Gonzales-Games D (2013). Comparative study of the nutritional and bioactive compounds content of four walnut (Juglans regia L.) cultivars. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 31: 232-237.
  • Yıldız A, Yıldız A, Doran İ, Aydın A & Keleş D (2007). İnorganik ve organik gübrelerin Precoce de Tyrinthe kayısı çeşidinin gelişme, verim ve kalitesi üzerine etkileri. Alatarım, 6 (2): 1-8s (in Turkish).
  • Yılmaz S & Akça Y (2017). Determination of biochemical properties and fatty acid composition of new walnut (Juglans regia) genotypes- J. Agric. Fac. Gaziosmanpasa Univ, - 34 (2), 74-80.
  • Yıldız E & Sümbül A (2019a). Mineral content in kernel of some local and foreign walnut cultivars and genotypes. Mustafa Kemal University Journal of Agricultural Sciences 24 (3):174-180.
  • Yıldız E & Sümbül A (2019b). Uşak İlinden Seçilmiş Ceviz Genotiplerinde Meyvelerin Mineral Madde İçerikleri. ADÜ Ziraat Derg, 2019;16(2):179-183 doi: 10.25308/aduziraat.562837 (in Turkish).

Effects of Foliar Applications on Nutrient Concentrations of Kernel, Pomological Properties and Yield of 'Chandler' Walnut Variety at Different Altitudes

Year 2022, , 603 - 612, 17.10.2022


In Turkey, the orchards are being established with the ‘Chandler’ walnut variety in different ecologies, nowadays. Plant nutrition applications are important for optimum yield and quality in terms of growing. In this study conducted at two different altitudes (51 and 740 m) in the orchard, foliar application as urea (5 gr/L), potassium nitrate (10 gr/L), borax (1 gr/L), manganese sulfate (2 gr/L) and zinc sulfate (1.5 gr/L) were sprayed for two years. Following the application, macro and micro nutrient content of kernel and fruit properties were determined. According to this, it was observed that foliar application of boron (B) in terms of nut weight and foliar application of potassium (K) in terms of kernel ratio ranked the first row. The shrinkage ratio, an important quality criterion for walnuts, was found to be low in the high altitude Demirci location (17.43%). However, in the low altitude Saruhanlı location, the shrinkage ratio was reduced with foliar K application. In addition, while all foliar applications had a positive effect on yield, the highest value was measured in Saruhanlı location (3.31 kg tree-1). The macro and micro nutrient content of kernel evaluated, there was an increase in nutrients in the second year, except for K, calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg). Phosphorus (0.29 and 0.27%), iron (30.64 and 6.24 ppm), copper (7.64 and 11.35 ppm), zinc (32.42 and 27.03 ppm) and manganese (25.77 and 30.05 ppm) contents of the grain were found to be significant for Demirci and Saruhanlı locations, respectively. Values in Demirci location were higher than Saruhanli location. Additionally, it was also revealed in interaction.

Supporting Institution

Ege University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit

Project Number



Thanks to the Ege University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit for the financial support provided to the conducting of this research.


  • Acarsoy Bilgin N, Şen F, Yağmur B, Özaktan H & Akbaba M (2018). The First Findings to Fruit Characteristics of Nutrient and PGPR Applications on Chandler Walnut Variety. International Conference on Agriculture, Forest, Food, Veterinary Sciences and Technologies. Çeşme, İzmir. 769-775.
  • Abdallah IB, Tlili N, Martinez-Force E, Rubio AGP, Perez-Camino MC, Albouchi A & Boukhcina S (2015). Content of carotenoids, tocopherols, sterols, triterpenic and aliphatic alcohols, and volatile compounds in six walnuts (Juglans regia L.) varieties. Food Chem., 173, 972–978.
  • Aşkın MA & Gün A (1995). Çameli ve Bozkurt cevizlerinin (Juglans regia L.) seleksiyon yolu ile ıslahı üzerinde araştırmalar. Türkiye II. Ulusal Bahçe Bitkileri Kongresi, Cilt:1, 461-463 s., 3-6 Ekim Adana
  • Batun P, Bakkalbaşı E, Kazankaya A & Cavidoğlu İ (2017). Fatty Acid Profiles and Mineral Contents of Walnuts from Different Provinces of Van Lake. GIDA. 42 (2): 155-162 doi: 10.15237/gida.GD16062
  • Beyhan Ö (1993). Darende Cevizlerinin (Juglans regıa L.) Seleksiyon Yoluyla Islahı Üzerinde Araştırmalar. (doktora tezi) Y.Y.Ü. Fen Bil. Enst. Van (in Turkish).
  • Bilgin S, Şen F, Özeker E & Acarsoy Bilgin N (2018). Bazı Ceviz Çeşitlerinin Menemen Ekolojisinde Morfolojik ve Pomolojik Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi. ÇOMÜ Zir. Fak. Derg. 6 (1): 31–39 (in Turkish).
  • Brown P (2001). Can boron correct transient nutrient deficienciens. Fluid Journal, S: 3. Caglarirmak N (2003). Biochemical and physical properties of some walnut genotypes (Juglan regia L.) of the East Black Sea region of Turkey. Nahrung/Food, 41(1), 28-32.
  • Cosmulescu S, Botu M & Trandafir I (2010). Mineral composition and physical characteristics of walnut (Juglans regia L.) cultivars originating in Romania. Selçuk Tar Gıda Bil Der, 24(4), 33-37.
  • Dejampour J & Zeinalabedini M (2006). Determination of some vegetative and bloom characteristics of some local apricots in Azarbaijan (İran) ecological conditions. Acta Hort., 717: 63 – 65pp.
  • Ellis Z (2016). Effect of Foliar Nutrient Combinations on Zinc Uptake in Almonds. A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Plant Science in the Jordan of College of Agricultural Sciencesand Technology California State University, Fresno.master’s thesis.
  • Fernandez V, Sotiropoulos T & Brown P (2013). Foliar Fertilization: Scientific Principles and Field Practices. University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. International Fertilizer Industry Association (IFA). 144 p. Paris, France.
  • Forde HI (1975). Walnuts. In: Editors Janickand J, Moore JN. Advances in Fruit Breeding. 439-455.
  • Gülsoy E, Kaya T, Pehluvan M & Şimşek M (2016). Some pomological properties and chemical contents of selected walnut (Juglans regia L.) genotypes from Iğdır province. Anadolu J Agr Sci. 31: 309-314. doi: 10.7161/anajas.2016.31.3.309-314
  • Gülsoy E, Şimşek M & Çevik C (2019). Ordu İlinin Farklı Rakım ve Lokasyonlarında Yetiştirilen Bazı Fındık Çeşitlerinin Meyve Kalite Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi. Uluslararası Tarım ve Yaban Hayatı Bilimleri Dergisi (UTYHBD), 2019, 5(1): 25 – 30 (in Turkish).
  • Hounnou L, Brorsen BW, Biermacher JT & Rohla CT (2019). Foliar applied zinc and the performance of pecan trees. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 42:5, 512-516, doi: 10.1080/01904167.2019.1567771
  • Juranovic Cindric I, Zeiner M & Hlebec D (2018). Mineral Composition of Elements in Walnuts and Walnut Oils. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 15, 2674; doi:10.3390/ijerph15122674
  • Kabiri G, Bouda S, Elhansali M & Haddioui A (2019). Biochemical characterization and antioxidant activity of walnut kernel (Juglans regia L.) of accessions from Middle and High Atlas in Morocco. Acta Scientiarum. Biological Sciences, v. 41, e46411
  • Kacar B & İnal A (2008). Bitki Analizleri, Nobel Yayın, Ankara, No:1241, 892 (in Turkish).
  • Kacar B & Katkat AV (2006). Bitki Besleme. Nobel Yayın No: 849. 593 s (in Turkish). Keshavarz K, Vahdati K, Samar M, Azadegan B & Brow PH (2011). Foliar Application of Zinc and Boron Improves Walnut Vegetative and Reproductive Growth. Hort Technology. 21(2):181-186.
  • Khayyat M, Tafazoli E, Eshghi S & Rajaee S (2007). Effect of nitrogen, boron, potassium and zinc sprays on yield and fruit quality of date palm. American Eurasian J. Agric&Environ. Sci. 3: 289-296.
  • Khoshgoftarmanesh AH (2012). Advanced plant nutrition concepts. Isfahan, Iran: Isfahan University of Technology Publication, 538 p.
  • Koyuncu F, Koyuncu MA, Erdal İ & Yaviç A (2002). Chemical composition of fruits of some walnut (Juglans regia L.) selections. GIDA, 27(4), 247-251.
  • Mohammadmehdi N, Valizadeh Kaji B, Karimi R & Sedghi MN (2019). Effects of Foliar Application of Potassium and Zinc on Pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) Fruit Yield. International Journal of Horticultural Science and Technology. 6(1): 113-123. doi: 10.22059/ijhst.2019.278757.286
  • Najizadeh A & Khoshgoftarmanes AH (2019). Effects of foliar applied zinc in the form of ZnSO4 andZn-amino acid complexes on pistachio nut yield and quality. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 42:(18), 2299–2309.
  • Orman E (2018). Bazı Yerli Ceviz (Juglans Regia L.) Genotiplerinin Agromorfolojik ve Moleküler Olarak Tanımlanması. (Doktora tezi). Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Bornova/İzmir (in Turkish).
  • Ozcan MM, Iman C & Arslan D (2010). Physico-chemical properties, fatty acid and mineral content of some walnuts (Juglans regia L.) types. Agricultural Sciences 1: 62-67.
  • Ozyigit İİ, Uras ME, Yalcin İE, Severoglu Z, Demir G, Borkoev B, Salieva K, Yucel S, Erturk Ü & Solak AO (2019). Heavy Metal Levels and Mineral Nutrient Status of Natural Walnut (Juglans regia L.) Populations in Kyrgyzstan: Nutritional Values of Kernels. Biological Trace Element Research. 189:277–290.
  • Özçağıran R, Ünal A, Özeker E & İsfendiyaroğlu M (2014). Ilıman İklim Meyve Türleri, Sert Kabuklu Meyveler Cilt III, Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, No: 566 (in Turkish).
  • Ramos DE (1998). Walnut Production Manual. University of California. Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication, 3373. 319p
  • Scherz H & Kirchhoff E (2006). Trace elements in foods: Zinc contents of raw foods—A comparison of data originating from different geographical regions of the world. J. Food Compos. Anal. 19, 420–433.
  • Simsek M (2010). Selection of walnut types with high fruit bearing and quality in Sanliurfa population. International Journal of the Physical Sciences Vol. 5(7), pp. 992-996.
  • Simsek M (2016). Chemical, mineral, and fatty acid compositions of various types of walnut (Juglans regia L.) in Turkey. Bulgarian Chemical Communications. 48(1): 66 – 70.
  • Şen SM (1980). Kuzey Doğu Anadolu ve Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi Cevizlerinin (Juglans regia L.) Seleksiyon Yolu ile Islahı Üzerinde Araştırmalar. Doçentlik Tezi, Atatürk Üniversitesi, Erzurum (in Turkish).
  • Şen SM (1986). Ceviz Yetiştiriciliği. Eser Matbaası, Samsun (in Turkish).
  • Tapia MI, Sanchez-Margado JR, Garcia-Parra J, Ramirez R, Hernandez T & Gonzales-Games D (2013). Comparative study of the nutritional and bioactive compounds content of four walnut (Juglans regia L.) cultivars. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 31: 232-237.
  • Yıldız A, Yıldız A, Doran İ, Aydın A & Keleş D (2007). İnorganik ve organik gübrelerin Precoce de Tyrinthe kayısı çeşidinin gelişme, verim ve kalitesi üzerine etkileri. Alatarım, 6 (2): 1-8s (in Turkish).
  • Yılmaz S & Akça Y (2017). Determination of biochemical properties and fatty acid composition of new walnut (Juglans regia) genotypes- J. Agric. Fac. Gaziosmanpasa Univ, - 34 (2), 74-80.
  • Yıldız E & Sümbül A (2019a). Mineral content in kernel of some local and foreign walnut cultivars and genotypes. Mustafa Kemal University Journal of Agricultural Sciences 24 (3):174-180.
  • Yıldız E & Sümbül A (2019b). Uşak İlinden Seçilmiş Ceviz Genotiplerinde Meyvelerin Mineral Madde İçerikleri. ADÜ Ziraat Derg, 2019;16(2):179-183 doi: 10.25308/aduziraat.562837 (in Turkish).
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Nihal Acarsoy Bilgin 0000-0002-5018-6347

Project Number 2017-ZRF-006
Publication Date October 17, 2022
Submission Date April 21, 2021
Acceptance Date November 7, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Acarsoy Bilgin, N. (2022). Effects of Foliar Applications on Nutrient Concentrations of Kernel, Pomological Properties and Yield of ’Chandler’ Walnut Variety at Different Altitudes. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 28(4), 603-612.
AMA Acarsoy Bilgin N. Effects of Foliar Applications on Nutrient Concentrations of Kernel, Pomological Properties and Yield of ’Chandler’ Walnut Variety at Different Altitudes. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. October 2022;28(4):603-612. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.925268
Chicago Acarsoy Bilgin, Nihal. “Effects of Foliar Applications on Nutrient Concentrations of Kernel, Pomological Properties and Yield of ’Chandler’ Walnut Variety at Different Altitudes”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28, no. 4 (October 2022): 603-12.
EndNote Acarsoy Bilgin N (October 1, 2022) Effects of Foliar Applications on Nutrient Concentrations of Kernel, Pomological Properties and Yield of ’Chandler’ Walnut Variety at Different Altitudes. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28 4 603–612.
IEEE N. Acarsoy Bilgin, “Effects of Foliar Applications on Nutrient Concentrations of Kernel, Pomological Properties and Yield of ’Chandler’ Walnut Variety at Different Altitudes”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 603–612, 2022, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.925268.
ISNAD Acarsoy Bilgin, Nihal. “Effects of Foliar Applications on Nutrient Concentrations of Kernel, Pomological Properties and Yield of ’Chandler’ Walnut Variety at Different Altitudes”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28/4 (October 2022), 603-612.
JAMA Acarsoy Bilgin N. Effects of Foliar Applications on Nutrient Concentrations of Kernel, Pomological Properties and Yield of ’Chandler’ Walnut Variety at Different Altitudes. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2022;28:603–612.
MLA Acarsoy Bilgin, Nihal. “Effects of Foliar Applications on Nutrient Concentrations of Kernel, Pomological Properties and Yield of ’Chandler’ Walnut Variety at Different Altitudes”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 28, no. 4, 2022, pp. 603-12, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.925268.
Vancouver Acarsoy Bilgin N. Effects of Foliar Applications on Nutrient Concentrations of Kernel, Pomological Properties and Yield of ’Chandler’ Walnut Variety at Different Altitudes. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2022;28(4):603-12.

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