Year 2021,
Volume: 21 Issue: 3, 733 - 751, 30.11.2021
Salih Zeki İmamoğlu
Hülya Türkcan
Ali Hasan Kılıç
The aim of this study is to examine the effect of competitive culture and knowledge sharing on open innovation and to investigate the relationship between open innovation and firm performance. Within the scope of the research, data were collected from 274 middle and senior level managers working in firms operating in Istanbul and Kocaeli through a questionnaire. According to the results of the research, it was found that competitive culture and open innovation are negatively related, while knowledge sharing and open innovation are positively associated. In addition, it was found that open innovation is positively associated with firm performance. These findings were discussed and suggestions were made to researchers and administrators. Thus, the research results are aimed to provide both theoretical and practical contributions.
- Ahn, J. M., Minshall, T. ve Mortara, L. (2015). Open innovation: A new classification and its impact on firm performance in innovative SMEs. Journal of Innovation Management, 3(2), s.33-54.
- Aleksić, D., Rangus, K., ve Gomezel, A. S. (2021). Microfoundations of SME open innovation: The role of help, knowledge sharing and hiding. European Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print (In press).
- Asrar-ul-Haq, M., ve Anwar, S. (2016). A systematic review of knowledge management and knowledge sharing: Trends, issues, and challenges. Cogent Business & Management, 3(1), 1127744.
- Cavaliere, V., ve Lombardi, S. (2015). Exploring different cultural configurations: How do they affect subsidiaries’ knowledge sharing behaviors? Journal of Knowledge Management, 9(2), s.141 - 163.
- Chesbrough, H.W. (2003). The era of open innovation. MIT Sloan Management Review, 44(3), s.35-41.
- Chesbrough, H. (2006). Open innovation: A new paradigm for understanding industrial innovation. H. Chesbrough, W. Vanhaverbeke, and J. West içinde, Open innovation: Researching a new paradigm (s.1-12), Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Coras, E. L. ve Tantau, A. D. (2014). Open innovation–the good, the bad, the uncertainties. The USV Annals of Economics and Public Administration, 14(1 (19)), s.38-47.
- Crema, M., Verbano, C. ve Venturini, K. (2014). Linking strategy with open innovation and performance in SMEs. Measuring Business Excellence, 18(2), s.14-27.
- Crupi, A., Del Sarto, N., Di Minin, A., Phaal, R. ve Piccaluga, A. (2020). Open innovation environments as knowledge sharing enablers: The case of strategic technology and innovative management consortium. Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 25 No. 5, s. 1263-1286.
- De Marco, C. E., Martelli, I. ve Di Minin, A. (2020). European SMEs’ engagement in open innovation when the important thing is to win and not just to participate, what should innovation policy do? Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 152, 119843.
- De Oliveira, L. S., Echeveste, M. E. ve Cortimiglia, M. N. (2018). Critical success factors for open innovation implementation. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 31(6), s.1283-1294.
- Denison, D. R. (1996). What is the difference between organizational culture and organizational climate? A native's point of view on a decade of paradigm wars. Academy of Management Review, 21(3), s.619-654.
- Ebersberger, B., Bloch, C., Herstad, S. J. ve Van De Velde, E. L. S. (2012). Open innovation practices and their effect on innovation performance. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 9(06), 1250040.
- Ellinger, A. D., Ellinger, A. E., Yang, B. ve Howton, S. W. (2002). The relationship between the learning organization concept and firms' financial performance: An empirical assessment. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 13(1), s.5-22.
- Fornell, C. ve Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), s.39–51.
- Galbreath, J. (2010). Drivers of corporate social responsibility: The role of formal strategic planning and firm culture. British Journal of Management, 21(2), s.511-525.
- Gassmann, O. ve Enkel, E. (2004). Towards a theory of open innovation: Three core process archetypes. Proceedings of the R&D Management Conference, s.1–18.
- Greco, M., Grimaldi, M. ve Cricelli, L. (2016). An analysis of the open innovation effect on firm performance. European Management Journal, 34(5), s.501-516.
- Greul, A., West, J. ve Bock, S. (2018). Open at birth? Why new firms do (or don’t) use open innovation. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 12(3), s.392-420.
- Hao, Q., Yang, W. ve Shi, Y. (2019). Characterizing the relationship between conscientiousness and knowledge sharing behavior in virtual teams: An interactionist approach. Computers in Human Behavior, 91, s.42-51.
- Hendriks, P. (1999). Why share knowledge? The influence of ICT on the motivation for knowledge sharing. Knowledge and Process Management, 6(2), s.91-100.
- Ho, J. L., Powell, D. M., Spence, J. R. ve Perossa, A. (2020). Willingness to fake: Examining the impact of competitive climate and hiring situations. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 28(3), s.247-263.
- Hofstede, G., Neuijen, B., Ohayv, D. D. ve Sanders, G. (1990). Measuring organizational cultures: A qualitative and quantitative study across twenty cases. Administrative Science Quarterly, 35(2), s.286-316.
- Ipe, M. (2003). Knowledge sharing in organizations: A conceptual framework. Human Resource Development Review, 2(4), s.337-359.
- Khan, M. A., Ismail, F. B., Hussain, A. ve Alghazali, B. (2020). The interplay of leadership styles, innovative work behavior, organizational culture, and organizational citizenship behavior. SAGE Open, 10(1), 2158244019898264.
- Kim, T. T. ve Lee, G. (2013). Hospitality employee knowledge-sharing behaviors in the relationship between goal orientations and service innovative behavior. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 34, s.324-337.
- Klein, A. (2011). Corporate culture: its value as a resource for competitive advantage. Journal of Business Strategy, 32(2), s.21-28.
- Lee, S., Park, G., Yoon, B. ve Park, J. (2010). Open innovation in SMEs—An intermediated network model. Research Policy, 39(2), s.290-300.
- Lichtenthaler, U. (2009). Outbound open innovation and its effect on firm performance: Examining environmental influences. R&D Management, 39(4), s.317-330.
- Lichtenthaler, U. (2011). Open innovation: Past research, current debates, and future directions. Academy of Management Perspectives, 25(1), s.75-93.
- Lin, H. F. (2007). Knowledge sharing and firm innovation capability: An empirical study. International Journal of Manpower, 28(3/4), s.315-332.
- Lukasik, P. (2014). Organizational Learning Factors. A. Jaki ve B. Mikuła içinde, Knowledge–Economy–Society. Managing Organizations: Concepts and Their Applications (s.171-182), Cracow: Cracow University of Economics.
- Martin, M. J. (2006). “That’s the way we do things around here”: An overview of organizational culture. Electronic Journal of Academic and Special Librarianship, 7(1), s.1-8.
- Naqshbandi, M. M. (2016). Managerial ties and open innovation: Examining the role of absorptive capacity. Management Decision, 54(9), s.2256-2276.
- Naqshbandi, M. M., ve Kamel, Y. (2017). Intervening role of realized absorptive capacity in organizational culture–open innovation relationship: Evidence from an emerging market. Journal of General Management, 42(3), s.5-20.
- Naqshbandi, M. M., Kaur, S. ve Ma, P. (2015). What organizational culture types enable and retard open innovation? Quality & Quantity, 49(5), s.2123-2144.
- Naseer, S., Khawaja, K. F., Qazi, S., Syed, F. ve Shamim, F. (2021). How and when information proactiveness leads to operational firm performance in the banking sector of Pakistan? The roles of open innovation, creative cognitive style, and climate for innovation. International Journal of Information Management, 56, 102260.
- Natalicchio, A., Ardito, L., Savino, T. ve Albino, V. (2017). Managing knowledge assets for open innovation: A systematic literature review. Journal of Knowledge Management, 21(6), s.1362-1383.
- Nunnally, J. C. (1978). Psychometric Theory. New York: McGraw-Hill.
- Ogbonna, E. ve Harris, L. C. (2000). Leadership style, organizational culture and performance: Empirical evidence from UK companies. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 11(4), s.766-788.
- Orlikowski, W. J. (1993). Learning from notes: Organizational issues in groupware implementation. The Information Society, 9(3), s.237-250.
- Owens, R. G. ve Steinhoff, C. R. (1989). Towards a theory of organisational culture. Journal of Educational Administration, 27(3), s.6-16.
- Pundziene, A., Nikou, S. ve Bouwman, H. (2021). The nexus between dynamic capabilities and competitive firm performance: The mediating role of open innovation. European Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print (In press).
- Rashid, Z. A., Sambasivan, M. ve Johari, J. (2003). The influence of corporate culture and organisational commitment on performance. Journal of Management Development, 22(8), s.708-728.
- Rauter, R., Globocnik, D., Perl-Vorbach, E. ve Baumgartner, R. J. (2019). Open innovation and its effects on economic and sustainability innovation performance. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 4(4), s.226-233.
- Rubera, G., Chandrasekaran, D. ve Ordanini, A. (2016). Open innovation, product portfolio innovativeness and firm performance: The dual role of new product development capabilities. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 44(2), s.166-184.
- Sackmann, S. A. (2011). Culture and Performance. N. M. Ashkanasy, C. P.M. Wilderom ve M. F. Peterson içinde, Handbook of Organizational Culture & Climate (s.188-224), Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.
- Schein, E. H. (1984). Coming to a new awareness of organizational culture. Sloan Management Review, 25(2), s.3-16.
- Setini, M., Yasa, N. N. K., Gede Supartha, I. W., Ketut Giantari, I. ve Rajiani, I. (2020). The passway of women entrepreneurship: Starting from social capital with open innovation, through to knowledge sharing and innovative performance. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 6(2), 25.
- Singh, S. K., Gupta, S., Busso, D. ve Kamboj, S. (2021). Top management knowledge value, knowledge sharing practices, open innovation and organizational performance. Journal of Business Research, 128, s.788-798.
- Sisodiya, S. R., Johnson, J. L. ve Grégoire, Y. (2013). Inbound open innovation for enhanced performance: Enablers and opportunities. Industrial Marketing Management, 42(5), s.836-849.
- Sun, S. (2008). Organizational culture and its themes. International Journal of Business and Management, 3(12), s.137-141.
- Sürücü, L. ve Yeşilada, T. (2017). The impact of leadership styles on organizational culture. International Journal of Business and Management Invention, 6(8), s.31-39.
- Swanson, E., Kim, S., Lee, S. M., Yang, J. J. ve Lee, Y. K. (2020). The effect of leader competencies on knowledge sharing and job performance: Social capital theory. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 42, s.88-96.
- Thornhill, S. (2006). Knowledge, innovation and firm performance in high-and low-technology regimes. Journal of Business Venturing, 21(5), s.687-703.
- Van Den Hooff, B. ve De Ridder, J. A. (2004). Knowledge sharing in context: The influence of organizational commitment, communication climate and CMC use on knowledge sharing. Journal of Knowledge Management, 8(6), s.117-130.
- Van den Hooff, B., Elving, W., Meeuwsen, J. M. ve Dumoulin, C. (2003). Knowledge sharing in knowledge communities. M. Huysman, E. Wenger, V. Wulf içinde, Communities and Technologies (s.119-141), Dordrecht: Springer.
- Vanhaverbeke, W., Vermeersch, I. ve De Zutter, S. (2012). Open innovation in SMEs: How can small companies and start-ups benefit from open innovation strategies? (Research Report), Vlerıck Leuven Gent Management School.
- Wallin, M.W. ve von Krogh, G. (2010). Organizing for open innovation: Focus on the integration of knowledge. Organizational Dynamics, 39(2), s.145-154.
- Wang, C. H., Chang, C. H. ve Shen, G. C. (2015). The effect of inbound open innovation on firm performance: Evidence from high-tech industry. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 99, s.222-230.
- Willem, A. ve Buelens, M. (2007). Knowledge sharing in public sector organizations: The effect of organizational characteristics on interdepartmental knowledge sharing. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 17(4), s.581-606.
- Yun, J. J., Zhao, X., Jung, K. ve Yigitcanlar, T. (2020). The culture for open innovation dynamics. Sustainability, 12, 5076.
- Zhang, S., Yang, D., Qiu, S., Bao, X. ve Li, J. (2018). Open innovation and firm performance: Evidence from the Chinese mechanical manufacturing industry. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 48, s.76-86.
Year 2021,
Volume: 21 Issue: 3, 733 - 751, 30.11.2021
Salih Zeki İmamoğlu
Hülya Türkcan
Ali Hasan Kılıç
Bu çalışmanın amacı, rekabetçi kültür ile bilgi paylaşımının açık inovasyon üzerindeki etkisini incelemek ve açık inovasyonun firma performansı ile ilişkini araştırmaktadır. Araştırma kapsamında, İstanbul ve Kocaeli’nde faaliyet gösteren firmalarda çalışan 274 orta ve üst düzey yöneticiden anket yoluyla veri toplanmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, rekabetçi kültür ile açık inovasyonun negatif ilişkili olduğu, bilgi paylaşımı ile açık inovasyonun ise pozitif ilişkili olduğu saptanmıştır. Ayrıca açık inovasyon ile firma performansının pozitif ilişkili olduğu bulunmuştur. Bu bulgular tartışılmış, araştırmacılara ve yöneticilere öneriler sunulmuştur. Böylece araştırma sonuçlarının hem teorik hem de pratik katkılar sunması hedeflenmiştir.
- Ahn, J. M., Minshall, T. ve Mortara, L. (2015). Open innovation: A new classification and its impact on firm performance in innovative SMEs. Journal of Innovation Management, 3(2), s.33-54.
- Aleksić, D., Rangus, K., ve Gomezel, A. S. (2021). Microfoundations of SME open innovation: The role of help, knowledge sharing and hiding. European Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print (In press).
- Asrar-ul-Haq, M., ve Anwar, S. (2016). A systematic review of knowledge management and knowledge sharing: Trends, issues, and challenges. Cogent Business & Management, 3(1), 1127744.
- Cavaliere, V., ve Lombardi, S. (2015). Exploring different cultural configurations: How do they affect subsidiaries’ knowledge sharing behaviors? Journal of Knowledge Management, 9(2), s.141 - 163.
- Chesbrough, H.W. (2003). The era of open innovation. MIT Sloan Management Review, 44(3), s.35-41.
- Chesbrough, H. (2006). Open innovation: A new paradigm for understanding industrial innovation. H. Chesbrough, W. Vanhaverbeke, and J. West içinde, Open innovation: Researching a new paradigm (s.1-12), Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Coras, E. L. ve Tantau, A. D. (2014). Open innovation–the good, the bad, the uncertainties. The USV Annals of Economics and Public Administration, 14(1 (19)), s.38-47.
- Crema, M., Verbano, C. ve Venturini, K. (2014). Linking strategy with open innovation and performance in SMEs. Measuring Business Excellence, 18(2), s.14-27.
- Crupi, A., Del Sarto, N., Di Minin, A., Phaal, R. ve Piccaluga, A. (2020). Open innovation environments as knowledge sharing enablers: The case of strategic technology and innovative management consortium. Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 25 No. 5, s. 1263-1286.
- De Marco, C. E., Martelli, I. ve Di Minin, A. (2020). European SMEs’ engagement in open innovation when the important thing is to win and not just to participate, what should innovation policy do? Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 152, 119843.
- De Oliveira, L. S., Echeveste, M. E. ve Cortimiglia, M. N. (2018). Critical success factors for open innovation implementation. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 31(6), s.1283-1294.
- Denison, D. R. (1996). What is the difference between organizational culture and organizational climate? A native's point of view on a decade of paradigm wars. Academy of Management Review, 21(3), s.619-654.
- Ebersberger, B., Bloch, C., Herstad, S. J. ve Van De Velde, E. L. S. (2012). Open innovation practices and their effect on innovation performance. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 9(06), 1250040.
- Ellinger, A. D., Ellinger, A. E., Yang, B. ve Howton, S. W. (2002). The relationship between the learning organization concept and firms' financial performance: An empirical assessment. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 13(1), s.5-22.
- Fornell, C. ve Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), s.39–51.
- Galbreath, J. (2010). Drivers of corporate social responsibility: The role of formal strategic planning and firm culture. British Journal of Management, 21(2), s.511-525.
- Gassmann, O. ve Enkel, E. (2004). Towards a theory of open innovation: Three core process archetypes. Proceedings of the R&D Management Conference, s.1–18.
- Greco, M., Grimaldi, M. ve Cricelli, L. (2016). An analysis of the open innovation effect on firm performance. European Management Journal, 34(5), s.501-516.
- Greul, A., West, J. ve Bock, S. (2018). Open at birth? Why new firms do (or don’t) use open innovation. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 12(3), s.392-420.
- Hao, Q., Yang, W. ve Shi, Y. (2019). Characterizing the relationship between conscientiousness and knowledge sharing behavior in virtual teams: An interactionist approach. Computers in Human Behavior, 91, s.42-51.
- Hendriks, P. (1999). Why share knowledge? The influence of ICT on the motivation for knowledge sharing. Knowledge and Process Management, 6(2), s.91-100.
- Ho, J. L., Powell, D. M., Spence, J. R. ve Perossa, A. (2020). Willingness to fake: Examining the impact of competitive climate and hiring situations. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 28(3), s.247-263.
- Hofstede, G., Neuijen, B., Ohayv, D. D. ve Sanders, G. (1990). Measuring organizational cultures: A qualitative and quantitative study across twenty cases. Administrative Science Quarterly, 35(2), s.286-316.
- Ipe, M. (2003). Knowledge sharing in organizations: A conceptual framework. Human Resource Development Review, 2(4), s.337-359.
- Khan, M. A., Ismail, F. B., Hussain, A. ve Alghazali, B. (2020). The interplay of leadership styles, innovative work behavior, organizational culture, and organizational citizenship behavior. SAGE Open, 10(1), 2158244019898264.
- Kim, T. T. ve Lee, G. (2013). Hospitality employee knowledge-sharing behaviors in the relationship between goal orientations and service innovative behavior. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 34, s.324-337.
- Klein, A. (2011). Corporate culture: its value as a resource for competitive advantage. Journal of Business Strategy, 32(2), s.21-28.
- Lee, S., Park, G., Yoon, B. ve Park, J. (2010). Open innovation in SMEs—An intermediated network model. Research Policy, 39(2), s.290-300.
- Lichtenthaler, U. (2009). Outbound open innovation and its effect on firm performance: Examining environmental influences. R&D Management, 39(4), s.317-330.
- Lichtenthaler, U. (2011). Open innovation: Past research, current debates, and future directions. Academy of Management Perspectives, 25(1), s.75-93.
- Lin, H. F. (2007). Knowledge sharing and firm innovation capability: An empirical study. International Journal of Manpower, 28(3/4), s.315-332.
- Lukasik, P. (2014). Organizational Learning Factors. A. Jaki ve B. Mikuła içinde, Knowledge–Economy–Society. Managing Organizations: Concepts and Their Applications (s.171-182), Cracow: Cracow University of Economics.
- Martin, M. J. (2006). “That’s the way we do things around here”: An overview of organizational culture. Electronic Journal of Academic and Special Librarianship, 7(1), s.1-8.
- Naqshbandi, M. M. (2016). Managerial ties and open innovation: Examining the role of absorptive capacity. Management Decision, 54(9), s.2256-2276.
- Naqshbandi, M. M., ve Kamel, Y. (2017). Intervening role of realized absorptive capacity in organizational culture–open innovation relationship: Evidence from an emerging market. Journal of General Management, 42(3), s.5-20.
- Naqshbandi, M. M., Kaur, S. ve Ma, P. (2015). What organizational culture types enable and retard open innovation? Quality & Quantity, 49(5), s.2123-2144.
- Naseer, S., Khawaja, K. F., Qazi, S., Syed, F. ve Shamim, F. (2021). How and when information proactiveness leads to operational firm performance in the banking sector of Pakistan? The roles of open innovation, creative cognitive style, and climate for innovation. International Journal of Information Management, 56, 102260.
- Natalicchio, A., Ardito, L., Savino, T. ve Albino, V. (2017). Managing knowledge assets for open innovation: A systematic literature review. Journal of Knowledge Management, 21(6), s.1362-1383.
- Nunnally, J. C. (1978). Psychometric Theory. New York: McGraw-Hill.
- Ogbonna, E. ve Harris, L. C. (2000). Leadership style, organizational culture and performance: Empirical evidence from UK companies. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 11(4), s.766-788.
- Orlikowski, W. J. (1993). Learning from notes: Organizational issues in groupware implementation. The Information Society, 9(3), s.237-250.
- Owens, R. G. ve Steinhoff, C. R. (1989). Towards a theory of organisational culture. Journal of Educational Administration, 27(3), s.6-16.
- Pundziene, A., Nikou, S. ve Bouwman, H. (2021). The nexus between dynamic capabilities and competitive firm performance: The mediating role of open innovation. European Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print (In press).
- Rashid, Z. A., Sambasivan, M. ve Johari, J. (2003). The influence of corporate culture and organisational commitment on performance. Journal of Management Development, 22(8), s.708-728.
- Rauter, R., Globocnik, D., Perl-Vorbach, E. ve Baumgartner, R. J. (2019). Open innovation and its effects on economic and sustainability innovation performance. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 4(4), s.226-233.
- Rubera, G., Chandrasekaran, D. ve Ordanini, A. (2016). Open innovation, product portfolio innovativeness and firm performance: The dual role of new product development capabilities. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 44(2), s.166-184.
- Sackmann, S. A. (2011). Culture and Performance. N. M. Ashkanasy, C. P.M. Wilderom ve M. F. Peterson içinde, Handbook of Organizational Culture & Climate (s.188-224), Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.
- Schein, E. H. (1984). Coming to a new awareness of organizational culture. Sloan Management Review, 25(2), s.3-16.
- Setini, M., Yasa, N. N. K., Gede Supartha, I. W., Ketut Giantari, I. ve Rajiani, I. (2020). The passway of women entrepreneurship: Starting from social capital with open innovation, through to knowledge sharing and innovative performance. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 6(2), 25.
- Singh, S. K., Gupta, S., Busso, D. ve Kamboj, S. (2021). Top management knowledge value, knowledge sharing practices, open innovation and organizational performance. Journal of Business Research, 128, s.788-798.
- Sisodiya, S. R., Johnson, J. L. ve Grégoire, Y. (2013). Inbound open innovation for enhanced performance: Enablers and opportunities. Industrial Marketing Management, 42(5), s.836-849.
- Sun, S. (2008). Organizational culture and its themes. International Journal of Business and Management, 3(12), s.137-141.
- Sürücü, L. ve Yeşilada, T. (2017). The impact of leadership styles on organizational culture. International Journal of Business and Management Invention, 6(8), s.31-39.
- Swanson, E., Kim, S., Lee, S. M., Yang, J. J. ve Lee, Y. K. (2020). The effect of leader competencies on knowledge sharing and job performance: Social capital theory. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 42, s.88-96.
- Thornhill, S. (2006). Knowledge, innovation and firm performance in high-and low-technology regimes. Journal of Business Venturing, 21(5), s.687-703.
- Van Den Hooff, B. ve De Ridder, J. A. (2004). Knowledge sharing in context: The influence of organizational commitment, communication climate and CMC use on knowledge sharing. Journal of Knowledge Management, 8(6), s.117-130.
- Van den Hooff, B., Elving, W., Meeuwsen, J. M. ve Dumoulin, C. (2003). Knowledge sharing in knowledge communities. M. Huysman, E. Wenger, V. Wulf içinde, Communities and Technologies (s.119-141), Dordrecht: Springer.
- Vanhaverbeke, W., Vermeersch, I. ve De Zutter, S. (2012). Open innovation in SMEs: How can small companies and start-ups benefit from open innovation strategies? (Research Report), Vlerıck Leuven Gent Management School.
- Wallin, M.W. ve von Krogh, G. (2010). Organizing for open innovation: Focus on the integration of knowledge. Organizational Dynamics, 39(2), s.145-154.
- Wang, C. H., Chang, C. H. ve Shen, G. C. (2015). The effect of inbound open innovation on firm performance: Evidence from high-tech industry. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 99, s.222-230.
- Willem, A. ve Buelens, M. (2007). Knowledge sharing in public sector organizations: The effect of organizational characteristics on interdepartmental knowledge sharing. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 17(4), s.581-606.
- Yun, J. J., Zhao, X., Jung, K. ve Yigitcanlar, T. (2020). The culture for open innovation dynamics. Sustainability, 12, 5076.
- Zhang, S., Yang, D., Qiu, S., Bao, X. ve Li, J. (2018). Open innovation and firm performance: Evidence from the Chinese mechanical manufacturing industry. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 48, s.76-86.