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Sovyet Sonrası Dönemde Orta Asya’da Su Yönetim Sorunları

Year 2018, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 179 - 193, 18.04.2019


Sovyetler Birliği yıkılmazdan evvel merkezi hükümetin düzenleme alanına giren “su”, birliğin dağılması ile birlikte bozulmuş ve bağımsızlığını kazanan
Orta Asya ülkeleri arasında sorunlara sebebiyet vermiştir. Söz konusu yönetimin yaşandığı sorun Ceyhun ve Seyhun nehirlerinde kendisini göstermekte ve bu nehirler üzerine Tacikistan ve Kırgızistan tarafından inşa edilmek istenilen Rogun Barajı ve Kambarata-1 Barajı ile somut hale gelmektedir. Atılması planlanan bu adımlar aşağı kıyıdaş ülkeler olarak da bilinen ve nehirden gelen suya ihtiyacı olan Kazakistan ve Özbekistan tarafından tepkiyle karşılanmaktadır. Diğer bir ifadeyle, bahsedilen ülkelerin suyu farklı amaçlarla kullanma isteği ortaya çıkan sorunların kaynağını teşkil etmektedir. Sonuç olarak, soğuk savaş döneminden sonra literatüre girmiş olan geleneksel olmayan güvenlik tehditleri içerisinde sayılan “su” bu ülkeler arasında bir soruna dönüşmüştür


  • ABDULLAEV, I., & Atabaeva, S. (2012). Water Sector in Central Asia: Slow Transformation and Potential for Cooperation. International Journal of Sustainable Society, 4, 103-112.
  • ALLAN, T. (2003, April). IWRM/IWRAM: a new sanctioned discourse? May 2, 2016 tarihinde adresinden alındı
  • AMİNJONOV, F. (2016, February 15). The Central Asian Countries’ Electric Power Sector and the Problem of Energy Ineffciency. October 25, 2016 tarihinde adresinden alındı
  • ASHRAF, M. M. (2016, May 17). Casa-1000 formally inaugurated. June 11, 2016 tarihinde adresinden alındı
  • BEKCHANOV, M., Ringler, C., Bhadur, A., & Jeuland, M. (2015). How would the Rogun Dam affect water and energy scarcity in Central Asia? Water International, 40(5-6), 856-876. October 24, 2016 tarihinde adresinden alındı
  • BİCHSEL, C. (2011). Liquid Challenges: Contested Water in Central Asia. Sustainable Development Law & Policy, 12(1), 24-30 and 58-60. June 28, 2016 tarihinde adresinden alındı
  • BIYIKOĞLU, N. (2010, June). Orta Asya’da Su Sorunları. March 15, 2016 tarihinde Turkish_press/tr/press1_14072010_tr.pdf adresinden alındı
  • BLANK, S. (2010). Energy and Environment Issues in Central Asia’s Security Agenda. China and Eurasia Forum Quarterly, 8(2), 65-107.
  • BULLOCH, J., & Darwish, A. (1993). Water Wars: Coming Conflict in the Middle East. London: St. Dedmundsbury Press.
  • BUZAN, B., Waever, O., & de Wilde, J. (1998). Security: A New Framework for Analysis. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
  • Central Eurasia Standard. (2013, May). The Rogun Dam: Regional Conflict and Opportunity. May 13, 2016 tarihinde https://cestandard.fles.wordpress. com: adresinden alındı
  • CIA. (2016, June 7). Tajikistan. June 11, 2016 tarihinde adresinden alındı
  • Cooley, J. (1984). The War over Water. Foreign Policy, 3-26.
  • Dukhovny, V. A., & de Schutter, J. L. (2011). Water in Central Asia : past, present, future. London: CRC Press.
  • EUCAM. (2012, October). Environmental Security in Central Asia. May 14, 2016 tarihinde adresinden alındı
  • GLEİCK, P. (1993). Water and Conflict: Freshwater Resources and International Security. International Security, 79-112.
  • GRANİT, J., Jägerskog, A., Löfgren, R., Bullock, A., de Gooijer, G., Pettigrew, S., & Lindström, A. (2010). Regional Water Intelligence Reports: Central Asia. Stockholm: SIWI.
  • HERRİCK, E. (2007). Military Security. A. Collins (Dü.) içinde, Contemporary Security Studies (s. 129-145). New York: Oxford University Press. July 9, 2016 tarihinde adresinden alındı
  • INTERNATİONAL CRİSİS GROUP. (2014). Water Pressures in Central Asia. Brussels: ICG. April 19, 2016 tarihinde adresinden alındı
  • JALİLOV, S.-M. (2010). Impact of Rogun Dam on Downstream Uzbekistan Agriculture. Fargo, North Dakota: North Dakota State University.
  • JENKİNS-YOUNG, L. (2013, April 25). Central Asia: Water War or Water Cooperation? March 10, 2016 tarihinde http:// adresinden alındı
  • JURAEV, S. (2009, February). Energy Emergency in Kyrgyzstan: Causes and Consequences. EU-Central Asia Monitoring. June 15, 2016 tarihinde adresinden alındı
  • KASYMOVA, V., & Baetov, B. (2010). Kyrgyz Republic: Energy Policy and Projects. Journal of Social and Political Studies, 11(3), 31-52.
  • KHAMZAYEVA, A., Rahimov, S., Islamov, U., Maksudov, F., Maksudova, D., & Sakiev, B. (2009, November). Water Resources Management in Central Asia: Regional and International Issues at Stake. October 26, 2016 tarihinde adresinden alındı
  • KLEİNGELD, E. (2016, May 31). The Rogun Dam in Tajik-Uzbek Offcial Discourse. Master Thesis. Leiden, Netherlands: Leiden University.
  • KRAAK, E. P. (2012, April). The Geopolitics of Hydropower in Central Asia: the Syr Darya. The Asia-Pacifc Journal, 1-7.
  • LEVY, M. A. (1995). Is the Environment a National Security Issue? International Security, 20(2), 35-62.
  • MAESTU, J. (Dü.). (2015). A 10 Year Story: The Water For Life Decade 2005- 2015 and Beyond. April 20, 2016 tarihinde adresinden alındı
  • MAKHMUDOV, E. J., Makhmudov, I., & Sherfedinov, L. (2008). Problems of Water Resource Management in Central Asia. J. Moerlins, M. Khankhasayev, S. Leitman, & E. Makhmudov (Dü) içinde, Transboundary Water Resources: A Foundation for Regional Stability in Central Asia (s. 11-28). Dordrecht: Springer.
  • MATLEY, I. M. (1994). Agricultural Development (1865-1963). E. Allworth (Dü.) içinde, Central Asia 130 Years of Russian Dominance, A Historical Overview (s. 266-309). London: Duke University Press.
  • MATVEEVA, S. (2012, November 9). Uzbekistan’s President talks tough against Kambarata and Rogun hydroelectric power stations. April 20, 2016 tarihinde news.php?id=2344&print=1 adresinden alındı
  • MİCHEL, C. (2016, July 21). Tajikistan’s Rogun Dam Rankles Uzbekistan. July 26, 2016 tarihinde tajikistans-rogun-dam-rankles-uzbekistan/ adresinden alındı
  • PEACHEY, E. J. (2004). The Aral Sea Basin Crisis and Sustainable Water Resources Management in Central Asia. Journal of Public and International Affairs, 15, 1-20.
  • PETROV, G. (2010). Conflict of Interests Between Hydropower Engineering and Irrigation in Central Asia: Causes and Solutions. Journal of Social and Political Studies, 11(3), 52-65.
  • SAVİNTSEV, F. (2014, June 17). Conflicts in Kyrgyzstan Foreshadow Water Wars to Come. June 8, 2016 tarihinde http:// adresinden alındı
  • SHARMA, R., Markandya, A., Ahmad, M., Iskakov, M., & Krishnaswamy, V. (2004). Water Energy Nexus in Central Asia: Improving Regional Cooperation in the Syr Derya Basin. Washington: World Bank. fnal.pdf adresinden alınmıştır
  • SİEVERS, E. (2002). Water, Conflict, and Regional Security in Central Asia. New York University Environmental Law Journal, 356-402.
  • SORG, A., Mosello, B., Shalpykova, G., Allan, A., Hill, M., & Stoffe, M. (2014, November). Coping with changing water resources: The case of the Syr Darya river basin in Central Asia. Environmental Science & Policy, 43, 68-77.
  • SRİKANTH, D. (2014). Non-Traditional Security Threats in the 21st Century: A Review. International Journal of Development and Conflict, 60-68.
  • STARR, J. (1991). Water Wars. Foreign Policy, 17-36.
  • SWANSTRÖM, N. (2010). Traditional and Non-Traditional Security Threats in Central Asia: Connecting the New and the Old. China and Eurasia Forum Quarterly, 35-51.
  • TOKTONALİEV, T. (2016, March 24). Uzbek-Kyrgyz Border Spat Highlights Tensions. November 29, 2016 tarihinde global-voices/uzbek-kyrgyz-border-spat-highlights-tensions adresinden alındı
  • Ullman, R. H. (1983). Redefning Security. International Security, 8(1), 129- 153.
  • VALENTİNİ, К., OROLBAEV, E., & Abylgazieva, A. (2004). Water Problems of Central Asia. Bishkek: International Institute of Strategic Research under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic. zentralasien/50116.pdf adresinden alınmıştır
  • WASLEKAR, S., & FUTEHALLY, I. (2013). Water Cooperation for a Secure World – Focus on the Middle East. Mumbai: Strategic Foresight Group.
  • WEGERİCH, K. (2011). Water resources in Central Asia: regional stability or patchy make-up? Central Asian Survey, 30(2), 275-290.
  • WOLF, A. (2006). Conflict and Cooperation Over Transboundary Waters. Human Development Report Offce.
  • YILDIZ, D., Çakmak, C., Yıldırım, N., & Ekinci, E. (2014). Su: Orta Asya’daki Saatli Bomba. Ankara: Hidropolitik Akademi. May 14, 2016 tarihinde adresinden alındı
  • ZORLU, K., & AKILLI, E. (2015). Ulus Devlet ve Bölgesel Dinamikler Zemininde Orta Asya’da Sınıraşan Sular. Orta Asya ve Kafkasya Araştırmaları Dergisi, 9(19), 25-47.
Year 2018, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 179 - 193, 18.04.2019



  • ABDULLAEV, I., & Atabaeva, S. (2012). Water Sector in Central Asia: Slow Transformation and Potential for Cooperation. International Journal of Sustainable Society, 4, 103-112.
  • ALLAN, T. (2003, April). IWRM/IWRAM: a new sanctioned discourse? May 2, 2016 tarihinde adresinden alındı
  • AMİNJONOV, F. (2016, February 15). The Central Asian Countries’ Electric Power Sector and the Problem of Energy Ineffciency. October 25, 2016 tarihinde adresinden alındı
  • ASHRAF, M. M. (2016, May 17). Casa-1000 formally inaugurated. June 11, 2016 tarihinde adresinden alındı
  • BEKCHANOV, M., Ringler, C., Bhadur, A., & Jeuland, M. (2015). How would the Rogun Dam affect water and energy scarcity in Central Asia? Water International, 40(5-6), 856-876. October 24, 2016 tarihinde adresinden alındı
  • BİCHSEL, C. (2011). Liquid Challenges: Contested Water in Central Asia. Sustainable Development Law & Policy, 12(1), 24-30 and 58-60. June 28, 2016 tarihinde adresinden alındı
  • BIYIKOĞLU, N. (2010, June). Orta Asya’da Su Sorunları. March 15, 2016 tarihinde Turkish_press/tr/press1_14072010_tr.pdf adresinden alındı
  • BLANK, S. (2010). Energy and Environment Issues in Central Asia’s Security Agenda. China and Eurasia Forum Quarterly, 8(2), 65-107.
  • BULLOCH, J., & Darwish, A. (1993). Water Wars: Coming Conflict in the Middle East. London: St. Dedmundsbury Press.
  • BUZAN, B., Waever, O., & de Wilde, J. (1998). Security: A New Framework for Analysis. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
  • Central Eurasia Standard. (2013, May). The Rogun Dam: Regional Conflict and Opportunity. May 13, 2016 tarihinde https://cestandard.fles.wordpress. com: adresinden alındı
  • CIA. (2016, June 7). Tajikistan. June 11, 2016 tarihinde adresinden alındı
  • Cooley, J. (1984). The War over Water. Foreign Policy, 3-26.
  • Dukhovny, V. A., & de Schutter, J. L. (2011). Water in Central Asia : past, present, future. London: CRC Press.
  • EUCAM. (2012, October). Environmental Security in Central Asia. May 14, 2016 tarihinde adresinden alındı
  • GLEİCK, P. (1993). Water and Conflict: Freshwater Resources and International Security. International Security, 79-112.
  • GRANİT, J., Jägerskog, A., Löfgren, R., Bullock, A., de Gooijer, G., Pettigrew, S., & Lindström, A. (2010). Regional Water Intelligence Reports: Central Asia. Stockholm: SIWI.
  • HERRİCK, E. (2007). Military Security. A. Collins (Dü.) içinde, Contemporary Security Studies (s. 129-145). New York: Oxford University Press. July 9, 2016 tarihinde adresinden alındı
  • INTERNATİONAL CRİSİS GROUP. (2014). Water Pressures in Central Asia. Brussels: ICG. April 19, 2016 tarihinde adresinden alındı
  • JALİLOV, S.-M. (2010). Impact of Rogun Dam on Downstream Uzbekistan Agriculture. Fargo, North Dakota: North Dakota State University.
  • JENKİNS-YOUNG, L. (2013, April 25). Central Asia: Water War or Water Cooperation? March 10, 2016 tarihinde http:// adresinden alındı
  • JURAEV, S. (2009, February). Energy Emergency in Kyrgyzstan: Causes and Consequences. EU-Central Asia Monitoring. June 15, 2016 tarihinde adresinden alındı
  • KASYMOVA, V., & Baetov, B. (2010). Kyrgyz Republic: Energy Policy and Projects. Journal of Social and Political Studies, 11(3), 31-52.
  • KHAMZAYEVA, A., Rahimov, S., Islamov, U., Maksudov, F., Maksudova, D., & Sakiev, B. (2009, November). Water Resources Management in Central Asia: Regional and International Issues at Stake. October 26, 2016 tarihinde adresinden alındı
  • KLEİNGELD, E. (2016, May 31). The Rogun Dam in Tajik-Uzbek Offcial Discourse. Master Thesis. Leiden, Netherlands: Leiden University.
  • KRAAK, E. P. (2012, April). The Geopolitics of Hydropower in Central Asia: the Syr Darya. The Asia-Pacifc Journal, 1-7.
  • LEVY, M. A. (1995). Is the Environment a National Security Issue? International Security, 20(2), 35-62.
  • MAESTU, J. (Dü.). (2015). A 10 Year Story: The Water For Life Decade 2005- 2015 and Beyond. April 20, 2016 tarihinde adresinden alındı
  • MAKHMUDOV, E. J., Makhmudov, I., & Sherfedinov, L. (2008). Problems of Water Resource Management in Central Asia. J. Moerlins, M. Khankhasayev, S. Leitman, & E. Makhmudov (Dü) içinde, Transboundary Water Resources: A Foundation for Regional Stability in Central Asia (s. 11-28). Dordrecht: Springer.
  • MATLEY, I. M. (1994). Agricultural Development (1865-1963). E. Allworth (Dü.) içinde, Central Asia 130 Years of Russian Dominance, A Historical Overview (s. 266-309). London: Duke University Press.
  • MATVEEVA, S. (2012, November 9). Uzbekistan’s President talks tough against Kambarata and Rogun hydroelectric power stations. April 20, 2016 tarihinde news.php?id=2344&print=1 adresinden alındı
  • MİCHEL, C. (2016, July 21). Tajikistan’s Rogun Dam Rankles Uzbekistan. July 26, 2016 tarihinde tajikistans-rogun-dam-rankles-uzbekistan/ adresinden alındı
  • PEACHEY, E. J. (2004). The Aral Sea Basin Crisis and Sustainable Water Resources Management in Central Asia. Journal of Public and International Affairs, 15, 1-20.
  • PETROV, G. (2010). Conflict of Interests Between Hydropower Engineering and Irrigation in Central Asia: Causes and Solutions. Journal of Social and Political Studies, 11(3), 52-65.
  • SAVİNTSEV, F. (2014, June 17). Conflicts in Kyrgyzstan Foreshadow Water Wars to Come. June 8, 2016 tarihinde http:// adresinden alındı
  • SHARMA, R., Markandya, A., Ahmad, M., Iskakov, M., & Krishnaswamy, V. (2004). Water Energy Nexus in Central Asia: Improving Regional Cooperation in the Syr Derya Basin. Washington: World Bank. fnal.pdf adresinden alınmıştır
  • SİEVERS, E. (2002). Water, Conflict, and Regional Security in Central Asia. New York University Environmental Law Journal, 356-402.
  • SORG, A., Mosello, B., Shalpykova, G., Allan, A., Hill, M., & Stoffe, M. (2014, November). Coping with changing water resources: The case of the Syr Darya river basin in Central Asia. Environmental Science & Policy, 43, 68-77.
  • SRİKANTH, D. (2014). Non-Traditional Security Threats in the 21st Century: A Review. International Journal of Development and Conflict, 60-68.
  • STARR, J. (1991). Water Wars. Foreign Policy, 17-36.
  • SWANSTRÖM, N. (2010). Traditional and Non-Traditional Security Threats in Central Asia: Connecting the New and the Old. China and Eurasia Forum Quarterly, 35-51.
  • TOKTONALİEV, T. (2016, March 24). Uzbek-Kyrgyz Border Spat Highlights Tensions. November 29, 2016 tarihinde global-voices/uzbek-kyrgyz-border-spat-highlights-tensions adresinden alındı
  • Ullman, R. H. (1983). Redefning Security. International Security, 8(1), 129- 153.
  • VALENTİNİ, К., OROLBAEV, E., & Abylgazieva, A. (2004). Water Problems of Central Asia. Bishkek: International Institute of Strategic Research under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic. zentralasien/50116.pdf adresinden alınmıştır
  • WASLEKAR, S., & FUTEHALLY, I. (2013). Water Cooperation for a Secure World – Focus on the Middle East. Mumbai: Strategic Foresight Group.
  • WEGERİCH, K. (2011). Water resources in Central Asia: regional stability or patchy make-up? Central Asian Survey, 30(2), 275-290.
  • WOLF, A. (2006). Conflict and Cooperation Over Transboundary Waters. Human Development Report Offce.
  • YILDIZ, D., Çakmak, C., Yıldırım, N., & Ekinci, E. (2014). Su: Orta Asya’daki Saatli Bomba. Ankara: Hidropolitik Akademi. May 14, 2016 tarihinde adresinden alındı
  • ZORLU, K., & AKILLI, E. (2015). Ulus Devlet ve Bölgesel Dinamikler Zemininde Orta Asya’da Sınıraşan Sular. Orta Asya ve Kafkasya Araştırmaları Dergisi, 9(19), 25-47.
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Emre Şamlı

Publication Date April 18, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


APA Şamlı, E. (2019). Sovyet Sonrası Dönemde Orta Asya’da Su Yönetim Sorunları. Asya Araştırmaları Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2(2), 179-193.
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