The diversity of activities carried out in leisure time brings about studies on recreation in different branches of science. Although these studies are mainly conducted in departments of sports sciences and tourism faculties in our country, the unique characteristics of the field encourage interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research. Leisure activities play an important role in the healthy lifestyles of individuals and societies. Especially after the effects caused by the Covid-19 virus, the importance of leisure activities conducted outdoor has been re-emphasized. In this context, Anatolia: Journal of Tourism Research will publish a special issue at the end of 2024 focusing on research related to the impact of outdoor recreation on individuals' well-being and health. Based on the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary nature of our field, we invite all colleagues working on recreation in different fields to publish on outdoor recreation and healthy living (quality of life, well-being). We look forward to receiving well-framed theoretical-conceptual and methodologically sound studies, particularly in the following topics and areas within the scope of leisure activities conducted outdoors:
• Individuals' behaviors and focus in outdoor recreation (Psychology, Social Psychology, Philosophy),
• Social effects of outdoor recreation (Sociology, Social Psychology),
• Outdoor recreation, quality of life, and happiness (Health, Sports, Tourism),
• Outdoor recreation and play (Psychology, Social Psychology, Sports),
• Outdoor recreation and outdoor sports (Sports, Tourism),
• Outdoor recreation and national park management (Tourism, Forestry),
• Planning of outdoor recreation areas and transportation burdens (Environment, Urban Planning, Forestry),
• Outdoor recreation, urban life, and public services (Environment, Urban Planning, Sociology, Tourism),
• Outdoor recreation, quality of life, and happiness (Psychology, Health, Sports, Tourism)
• Outdoor recreation and rural life (Environment, Sociology, Psychology, Tourism).

Article Proposals:
Article proposals should consist of 250-300 words and should be sent to the special issue editor, Prof. Dr. Özkan Tütüncü (ozkan.tutuncu@deu.edu.tr) no later than May 15, 2024. The article proposals should include the following information:
• The aim of the study,
• The relevant subject area and field of science,
• Type and method of the article (conceptual, theoretical, systematic literature review with qualitative, quantitative, mixed research methods),
• Author(s), area(s) of expertise, and contact information.

Full papers should be submitted by July 15, 2024.

Last Update Time: 11/21/24, 11:03:17 AM