Yıl 2005,
Cilt: 19 Sayı: 1, 259 - 273, 27.11.2010
Oya Erdil
Hakan Kitapcı
Engin Turan
Bu çalışmanın amacı, örgüt kültürünün kalite algısına ve firma
performansına olan etkisinin incelenmesidir. Araştırmada yer alan hipotezler
özel sektör sanayi firmalarında test edilmiştir. Çalışmaya 257 çalışan katılmıştır.
Her bir faktörün ölçülmesi için çalışanlara anket soruları yöneltimiştir.
Araştırmanın sonucunda örgütsel kültürün kalite performansını ve firma
performansını, aynı zamanda kalite performansının da firma perfromansını
etkilediği görülmüştür.
- Aaker, D.A., Jacobson, R., (1994). The financial information content of perceived quality. Journal of Marketing Research 31, 191–201.
- Ahire, S.L., Dreyfus, P., (2000). The impact of design management and process management on quality: an empirical examination. tJournal of Operations Management 18, 549–575.
- Achabal, D., McIntyre, S., and Heineke, J., (1984). Issues and Perspectives on Retail Productivity. Journal of Retailing 60 (3), 107–127.
- Atkinson, A.A., Waterhouse, J.H., Wells, R.B., (1997). A stakeholder approach to strategic performance measurement. Sloan Management Review 38 (3), 25–37.
- Buzzell, R.D., Gale, B.T., Sultan, R.G.M., (1975). Market share-a key to profitability. Harvard Business Review 53 (1), 97–106.
- Calori, R., Sarnin, P., (1991). Corporate culture and economic performance: A French study. Organisation Studies 12 (1), 49–74.
- Choi, T.Y., Eboch, K., (1998). The TQM paradox: relations among TQM practices, plant performance, and customer satisfaction. Journal of Operations Management 17, 59–75.
- Collins, D., (1996). Organizational Change Sociological Perspectives by Routledge, London.
- Corbett, L.M., Rastrick, K.N., (2000). Quality performance and organizational culture: A New Zealand study. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 17 (1), 14–26.
- Craig, C.S., Douglas, S.P., (1982). Strategic factors associated with market and financial performance. Quarterly Review of Economics and Business 22, 101–112.
- Deming, W.E., (1986). Out of the Crisis. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for Advanced Engineering Study, Cambridge, MA.
- Fornell, C., Johnson, M.D., Anderson, E.W., Cha, J., Bryant, B.E., (1996). The American customer satisfaction index: nature, purpose, and findings. Journal of Marketing 60 (4), 7–18.
- Garvin, D.A., (1991). How the Baldrige award really works. Harvard Business Review 69 (6), 80–94.
- Gore, E.W. Jr, (1999). Organizational culture, TQM, and business process reengineering: An empirical comparison. Team Performance Management: An International Journal 5 (5), 164–170.
- Handfield, R., Ghosh, S., Fawcett, S., (1998). Quality-driven change and its effects on financial performance. Quality Management Journal 5 (3), 13–30.
- Hamburg C., Krohmer H., Workman J.P., (1999). Strategic Consensus and Performance: The Role of Startegy Type and Market Related Dynamism, Strategic Management Journal, 20, s.356/357
- Hendricks, K.B., Singhal, V.R., (1997). Does implementing an effective TQM program actually improve operating performance? Empirical evidence from firms that have won quality awards. Management Science 43, 1258–1274.
- Hofstede, G., (1991). Cultures and Organisations: Software of the Mind. McGraw-Hill.
- Jacobson, R., Aaker, D.A., (1987). The strategic role of product quality. Journal of Marketing 51 (4), 31–44.
- Johnson, G. & Scholes, K. (1984) Exploring the Corporate Strategy. London, Prentice Hall.
- Karathanos, P., (1998). Crafting corporate meaning (developing corporate culture). Management Decision 36 (2), 123–132.
- Kimberly C., Bentley C., Lynette K. M., Ike M., (2000). The Interrelationship between Culture, Capital structure, and Performance: Evidence from European Retailers, Journal of Business Research 50, 185–191.
- Klein, R.G.L., Bigley, G.A., Roberts, K.H., (1995). Organisational culture in high reliability organisations. Human Relations 48 (7), 771–793.
- Lakhe, R.R., Mohanty, R.P., (1994). Total quality management: concepts, evolution and acceptability in developing economies. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 11 (9), 9–33.
- Lewis, D., (1996). The organizational culture saga—from OD to TQM: A critical review of the literature. Part 2—applications. Leadership & Organization Development Journal 17 (2), 9–16.
- Maani, K.E., Putterill, M.S., Sluti, D.G., (1994). Empirical analysis of quality improvement in manufacturing. The International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management 11 (7), 19–37.
- MacMillan, I.C., Hambrick, D.C., Day, D.L., (1982). The product portfolio and profitability—a PIMS-based analysis of industrial-product businesses. Academy of Management Journal 25, 733–755.
- Mandal, P., Shah, K., Love, P.E.D., Li, H., (1999). The diffusion of quality in Australian manufacturing. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 16 (6), 575–590.
- Maull, R., Brown, P., Cliffe, R., (2001). Organisational culture and quality improvement. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 21 (3), 302–326.
- McNabb, D. E., & Sepic, T. F. (1995). Culture, climate, and total quality management: Measuring readiness for change. Public Productivity and Management Review, 18(4), 369–385.
- Ngowi, A.B., (2000). Impact of culture on the application of TQM in the construction industry in Botswana. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 17 (4/5), 442–452.
- Nunnally, J., (1967). Psychometric theory. McGraw Hill, New York.
- Ott, J. S. (1989). Organizational culture: concepts, definitions, and a typology. In The Organizational Culture Perspective. Pacific Grove, CA: Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 43.
- Page, R., Curry, A., (2000). TQM—a holistic view. The International Bi- Monthly for Total Quality Management: The TQM Magazine 12 (1), 11–17.
- Phillips, L.W., Chang, D.R., Buzzell, R.D., (1983). Product quality, cost position, and business performance: a test of some key hypotheses. Journal of Marketing 47 (2), 26–43.
- Reed, R., Lemak, D.J., Montgomery, J.C., (1996). Beyond process: TQM content and firm performance. Academy of Management Review 21, 173–202.
- Reeves, C., Bednar, D., (1994). Defining quality: Alternatives and implications. Academy of Management Review 19 (3), 419–445.
- Sandholm, L., (1999). Trendy versus effective quality strategies. The International Bi-Monthly for Total Quality Management: The TQM Magazine 11 (6), 437–444.
- Schein, E. H. (1992). Organizational culture and leadership. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
- Shetty, Y.K., (1988). Managing product quality for profitability. SAM Advanced Management Journal 53 (4), 33–38.
- Sinclair, J., Arthur, A., (1994). Inhospitable cultures and continuous improvement. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 6 (12), 30–36.
- Sluti, D.G., Manni, K.E., Putterill, M.S., (1995). Empirical analysis of quality improvement in manufacturing: a survey instrument development and preliminary results. Asia Pacific Journal of Quality Management 4 (1), 47–52.
- Sohal, A.S., Terziovski, M., (2000). TQM in Australian manufacturing: Factors critical to success. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 17 (2), 158–167.
- Terzi, Ali, (2000). Örgüt Kültürü, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara.
- Williams, A., Dobson, P., Walters, M.,(1994). Changing Culture: New Organisational Approaches, 2nd edition. Institute of Personnel Management, Cromwell Press, Wiltshire, UK.
Yıl 2005,
Cilt: 19 Sayı: 1, 259 - 273, 27.11.2010
Oya Erdil
Hakan Kitapcı
Engin Turan
- Aaker, D.A., Jacobson, R., (1994). The financial information content of perceived quality. Journal of Marketing Research 31, 191–201.
- Ahire, S.L., Dreyfus, P., (2000). The impact of design management and process management on quality: an empirical examination. tJournal of Operations Management 18, 549–575.
- Achabal, D., McIntyre, S., and Heineke, J., (1984). Issues and Perspectives on Retail Productivity. Journal of Retailing 60 (3), 107–127.
- Atkinson, A.A., Waterhouse, J.H., Wells, R.B., (1997). A stakeholder approach to strategic performance measurement. Sloan Management Review 38 (3), 25–37.
- Buzzell, R.D., Gale, B.T., Sultan, R.G.M., (1975). Market share-a key to profitability. Harvard Business Review 53 (1), 97–106.
- Calori, R., Sarnin, P., (1991). Corporate culture and economic performance: A French study. Organisation Studies 12 (1), 49–74.
- Choi, T.Y., Eboch, K., (1998). The TQM paradox: relations among TQM practices, plant performance, and customer satisfaction. Journal of Operations Management 17, 59–75.
- Collins, D., (1996). Organizational Change Sociological Perspectives by Routledge, London.
- Corbett, L.M., Rastrick, K.N., (2000). Quality performance and organizational culture: A New Zealand study. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 17 (1), 14–26.
- Craig, C.S., Douglas, S.P., (1982). Strategic factors associated with market and financial performance. Quarterly Review of Economics and Business 22, 101–112.
- Deming, W.E., (1986). Out of the Crisis. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for Advanced Engineering Study, Cambridge, MA.
- Fornell, C., Johnson, M.D., Anderson, E.W., Cha, J., Bryant, B.E., (1996). The American customer satisfaction index: nature, purpose, and findings. Journal of Marketing 60 (4), 7–18.
- Garvin, D.A., (1991). How the Baldrige award really works. Harvard Business Review 69 (6), 80–94.
- Gore, E.W. Jr, (1999). Organizational culture, TQM, and business process reengineering: An empirical comparison. Team Performance Management: An International Journal 5 (5), 164–170.
- Handfield, R., Ghosh, S., Fawcett, S., (1998). Quality-driven change and its effects on financial performance. Quality Management Journal 5 (3), 13–30.
- Hamburg C., Krohmer H., Workman J.P., (1999). Strategic Consensus and Performance: The Role of Startegy Type and Market Related Dynamism, Strategic Management Journal, 20, s.356/357
- Hendricks, K.B., Singhal, V.R., (1997). Does implementing an effective TQM program actually improve operating performance? Empirical evidence from firms that have won quality awards. Management Science 43, 1258–1274.
- Hofstede, G., (1991). Cultures and Organisations: Software of the Mind. McGraw-Hill.
- Jacobson, R., Aaker, D.A., (1987). The strategic role of product quality. Journal of Marketing 51 (4), 31–44.
- Johnson, G. & Scholes, K. (1984) Exploring the Corporate Strategy. London, Prentice Hall.
- Karathanos, P., (1998). Crafting corporate meaning (developing corporate culture). Management Decision 36 (2), 123–132.
- Kimberly C., Bentley C., Lynette K. M., Ike M., (2000). The Interrelationship between Culture, Capital structure, and Performance: Evidence from European Retailers, Journal of Business Research 50, 185–191.
- Klein, R.G.L., Bigley, G.A., Roberts, K.H., (1995). Organisational culture in high reliability organisations. Human Relations 48 (7), 771–793.
- Lakhe, R.R., Mohanty, R.P., (1994). Total quality management: concepts, evolution and acceptability in developing economies. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 11 (9), 9–33.
- Lewis, D., (1996). The organizational culture saga—from OD to TQM: A critical review of the literature. Part 2—applications. Leadership & Organization Development Journal 17 (2), 9–16.
- Maani, K.E., Putterill, M.S., Sluti, D.G., (1994). Empirical analysis of quality improvement in manufacturing. The International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management 11 (7), 19–37.
- MacMillan, I.C., Hambrick, D.C., Day, D.L., (1982). The product portfolio and profitability—a PIMS-based analysis of industrial-product businesses. Academy of Management Journal 25, 733–755.
- Mandal, P., Shah, K., Love, P.E.D., Li, H., (1999). The diffusion of quality in Australian manufacturing. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 16 (6), 575–590.
- Maull, R., Brown, P., Cliffe, R., (2001). Organisational culture and quality improvement. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 21 (3), 302–326.
- McNabb, D. E., & Sepic, T. F. (1995). Culture, climate, and total quality management: Measuring readiness for change. Public Productivity and Management Review, 18(4), 369–385.
- Ngowi, A.B., (2000). Impact of culture on the application of TQM in the construction industry in Botswana. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 17 (4/5), 442–452.
- Nunnally, J., (1967). Psychometric theory. McGraw Hill, New York.
- Ott, J. S. (1989). Organizational culture: concepts, definitions, and a typology. In The Organizational Culture Perspective. Pacific Grove, CA: Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 43.
- Page, R., Curry, A., (2000). TQM—a holistic view. The International Bi- Monthly for Total Quality Management: The TQM Magazine 12 (1), 11–17.
- Phillips, L.W., Chang, D.R., Buzzell, R.D., (1983). Product quality, cost position, and business performance: a test of some key hypotheses. Journal of Marketing 47 (2), 26–43.
- Reed, R., Lemak, D.J., Montgomery, J.C., (1996). Beyond process: TQM content and firm performance. Academy of Management Review 21, 173–202.
- Reeves, C., Bednar, D., (1994). Defining quality: Alternatives and implications. Academy of Management Review 19 (3), 419–445.
- Sandholm, L., (1999). Trendy versus effective quality strategies. The International Bi-Monthly for Total Quality Management: The TQM Magazine 11 (6), 437–444.
- Schein, E. H. (1992). Organizational culture and leadership. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
- Shetty, Y.K., (1988). Managing product quality for profitability. SAM Advanced Management Journal 53 (4), 33–38.
- Sinclair, J., Arthur, A., (1994). Inhospitable cultures and continuous improvement. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 6 (12), 30–36.
- Sluti, D.G., Manni, K.E., Putterill, M.S., (1995). Empirical analysis of quality improvement in manufacturing: a survey instrument development and preliminary results. Asia Pacific Journal of Quality Management 4 (1), 47–52.
- Sohal, A.S., Terziovski, M., (2000). TQM in Australian manufacturing: Factors critical to success. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 17 (2), 158–167.
- Terzi, Ali, (2000). Örgüt Kültürü, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara.
- Williams, A., Dobson, P., Walters, M.,(1994). Changing Culture: New Organisational Approaches, 2nd edition. Institute of Personnel Management, Cromwell Press, Wiltshire, UK.