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Year 2011, Volume: 25 Issue: 1, 107 - 126, 07.07.2011


Bu araştırmanın amacı öğretmenlerin öğrenilmiş güçlülük
düzeyleri, medeni durumları ve kıdemlerinin duygusal tükenme düzeylerine
etkilerini analiz etmektir. Araştırmaya Yalova’da çalışan 350 öğretmen katılmış,
ölçüm aracı olarak Rosenbaum Öğrenilmiş Güçlülük Ölçeği ve Maslach
Tükenmişlik Ölçeği-Duygusal Tükenme alt ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen
sonuçlara göre öğrenilmiş güçlülük, öğretmenlerin duygusal tükenme
düzeylerini etkilemektedir. Bunun yanı sıra öğretmenlerin mesleki kıdemleri
artıkça duygusal tükenme düzeyi de artmaktadır. Son olarak bu araştırmada
öğretmenlerin medeni durumları ile duygusal tükenme düzeyleri arasında
anlamlı bir ilişki bulunamamıştır. Bu araştırmada öğretmenlerin öğrenilmiş
güçlülük düzeylerinin duygusal tükenme düzeylerine etkisi Kaynakların
Korunması Teorisi kapsamında ele alınmış ve konuya ampirik destek


  • Ahola, K., T. Honkonen, E. Isometsä, R. Kalimo, E. Nykyri, S. Koskinen, A. Aromaa, J. Lönnqvist (2006), “Burnout in the general population”, Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 41, ss. 11–17.
  • Akgün, S. (2004), “The Effects of Situation and Learned Resourcefulness on Coping Responses”, Social Behavior and Personality, 32 (5), ss. 441
  • Altay, B., D. Gönener, C. Demirkıran (2010), “Bir Universite Hastanesinde Çalışan Hemşirelerin Tükenmişlik Düzeyleri ve Aile Desteğinin Etkisi”, Fırat Tıp Dergisi, 15 (1), ss. 10-16.
  • Aryee, S., L. Sun, Z. X. G. Chen, Y. A. Debrah (2008), “Abusive Supervision and Contextual Performance: The Mediating Role of Emotional Exhaustion and the Moderating Role of Work Unit Structure”, Management and Organization Review, 4 (3), ss. 393–411.
  • Aslan, Ş., M. Özata (2008), “Duygusal Zeka ve Tükenmişlik Arasındaki İlişkilerin Araştırılması: Sağlık Çalışanları Örneği”, Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 30, ss. 77-97.
  • Babakus, E., D. W. Cravens, M. Johnston, W. C. Moncrief (1999), “The Role of Emotional Exhaustion in Sales Force Attitude and Behavior Relationships”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 27 (1), ss. 58-70.
  • Bacharach, S. B., P. Bamberger, S. Conley (1991), “Work-Home Conflict among Nurses and Engineers: Mediating the Impact of Role Stress on Burnout and Satisfaction at Work”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 12, ss. 39-53.
  • Bakker, A. B. (2009), “The Crossover of Burnout and Its Relation to Partner Health”, Stress and Health, 25, ss. 343–353.
  • Bakker, A. B., E. Demerouti (2007), “The Job Demands-Resources Model: State of the Art”, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 22 (3), ss. 309- 328.
  • Bakker, A. B., E. Demerouti, E. de Boer, W. B. Schaufeli (2003), “Job Demands and Job Resources as Predictors of Absence Duration and Frequency”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 62, ss. 341-356.
  • Bakker, A. B., K. I. Van Der Zee, K. A. Lewig, M. F. Dollard (2006), “The Relationship Between the Big Five Personality Factors and Burnout: A Study Among Volunteer Counselors”, The Journal of Social Psychology, 146 (1), ss. 31–50.
  • Bauer, J., A. Stamm, K. Virnich, K. Wissing, U. Mu¨ ller, M. Wirsching, U. Schaarschmidt (2006), “Correlation between burnout syndrome and psychological and psychosomatic symptoms among teachers”, Int Arch Occup Environ Health, 79, ss. 199–204.
  • Laura E. Blankertz, Robinson, S. E. (1997), “Turnover Intentions of Community Mental Health Workers in Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services” Community Mental Health Journal, 33 (6), ss. 517-529.
  • Byrne, B. M. (1994), “Burnout: Testing for the Validity, Replication, and Invariance of Causal Structure across Elementary, Intermediate, and Secondary Teachers”, American Educational Research Journal, 31 (3), ss. 645-673.
  • Carter, R. E., C. A. Carter (1994), “Marital Adjustment and Effects of Illness in Married Pairs with One or Both Spouses Chronically Ill”, The American Journal of Family Therapy, 22 (4), ss. 315-326.
  • Cilliers, F. (2003), “Burnout and salutogenic functioning of nurses”, Curationis, 26 (1), ss. 62-74.
  • Cole, M. S., Bernerth, J. B., Walter, F., Holt, D. T. (2010), “Organizational Justice and Individuals’ Withdrawal: Unlocking the Influence of Emotional Exhaustion”, Journal of Management Studies, 47 (3), ss. 367-390.4 367..390
  • Corrigan, P. W., E. P. Holmes, D. Luchins (1995), “Burnout and Collegial Support in State Psychiatric Hospital Staff”, Journal of Clinical Psychology, 51 (5), ss. 703-710.
  • Coyne, J. C., G. Downey (1991), “Social Factors and Psychopathology: Stress, Social Support, and Coping Processes”, Annual Review of Psychology, 42, ss. 401-425.
  • Cropanzano, R., D. E. Rupp, Z. S. Byrne (2003), “The Relationship of Emotional Exhaustion to Work Attitudes, Job Performance, and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 88, ss. 160-169.
  • Çakır, Ö. (2009), “Öğrenilmiş Güçlülük ve Çalışma Yaşamı”, A. Keser, G. Yılmaz, S. Yürür (der.), Çalışma Yaşamında Davranış, Umuttepe Yayınları, İzmit, içinde, ss. 147-165.
  • Dağ, İ. (1991), “Rosenbaum’un Öğrenilmiş Güçlülük Ölçeği’nin Üniversite Öğrencileri İçin Güvenirliği ve Geçerliği”, Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 2 (4), ss. 269-274.
  • Dağ, İhsan (1992) Kontrol Odağı, Öğrenilmiş Güçlülük ve Psikopatoloji İlişkileri, Psikoloji Dergisi, 7 (27), ss. 1-9.
  • Deery, S., Iverson, R., Walsh, J. (2002), “Work Relationship in Telephone Call Centers: Understanding Emotional Exhaustion and Employee Withdrawal”, Journal of Management Studies, 39 (4), ss. 471-496.
  • Demerouti, E., A. B. Bakker, F. Nachreiner, W. B. Schaufeli (2001), “The Job Demands-Resources Model of Burnout”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 86 (3), ss. 499-512.
  • Dönmez, B., G. Genç (2006) Genel Liselerdeki Okul Yöneticisi ve Öğretmenlerin Öğrenilmiş Güçlülük Düzeylerine İlişkin Algıları, İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 7 (12), ss. 41-60.
  • Elliot, T. R., R. Shewchuk, K. Hagglund, B. Rybarczyk (1996), “Occupational Burnout, Tolerance for Stress, and Coping Among Nurses in Rehabilitation Units”, Rehabilitation Psychology, 41 (4), ss. 267-284.
  • Ergin, C. (1992), “Doktor ve Hemşirelerde Tükenmişlik ve Maslach Tükenmişlik Ölçeğinin Uyarlanması”, R. Bayraktar, İ. Dağ, (der.), VII. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi Bilimsel Çalışmaları, VII. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi Düzenleme Kurulu ve Türk Psikologlar Derneği Yayını, Ankara, ss. 143-154.
  • Gaines, J., J. M. Jermier (1983), “Emotional Exhaustion in a High Stress Organization”, Academy of Management Journal, 26 (4), ss. 567-586.
  • Gazioğlu, E. İ., İ. Demir, (2008) “Learned Resourcefulness, Attachment Styles, and Childhood Traumatic Experiences: A Study on Turkish College Sample”, European Journal of Social Sciences, 6 (2), ss. 175-187.
  • Ginter, G. G., J. D. West, J. J. Zarski (1988), “Learned Resourcefulness and Situation-Specific Coping with Stress”, The Journal of Psychology, 123 (3), ss. 295-304.
  • Grandey, A. A., R. Cropanzano (1999), “The Conservation of Resources Model Applied to Work-Family Conflict and Strain”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 54, ss. 350-370.
  • Haddad, A. (1998), “Sources of Social Support among School Counsellors in Jordan and Its Relationship to Burnout”, International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 20, ss. 113–121.
  • Hakanen, J. J., A. B. Bakker, W. B. Schaufeli (2006), “Burnout and work engagement among teachers”, Journal of School Psychology, 43, ss. 495–513.
  • Halbesleben, J. R. B., M. R. Buckley (2004), “Burnout in Organizational Life”, Journal of Management, 30 (6), ss. 859–879.
  • Healy, J., T. Bramble (2003), “Dial ‘B’ for Burnout? The Experience of Job Burnout in a Telephone Call Centre”, Labour & Industry, 14 (2), ss. 39-59.
  • Hobfoll, S. E. (1989) “Conservation Of Resources A New Attempt At Conceptualizing Stress”, American Psychologist, 44 (3),
  • Hobfoll, S. E. (2001), “The Influence of Culture, Community, and the Nested- Self in the Stress Rocess: Advancing Conservation of Resources Theory” Applied Psychology: An International Review, 50 (3), ss. 337-421.
  • Hobfoll, S. E., R. S. Lilly (1993), “Resource Conservation as a Strategy for Community Psychology”, Journal of Community Psychology, 21, ss. 128-148.
  • Ito, J. K., Brotheridge, C. M. (2003), “Resources, Coping Strategies, and Emotional Exhaustion: A Conservation of Resources Perspective”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 63, ss. 490–509
  • Jackson, S. E., J. A. Turner, A. P. Brief (1987), “Correlates of Burnout Among Public Service Lawyers”, Journal of Occupational Behaviour, 8 (4), ss. 339-349.
  • Janssen, P. P. M., W. B. Schaufeli, I. Houkes (1999), “Work-related and Individual Determinants of the Three Burnout Dimensions”, Work & Stress, 13 (1), ss. 74-86.
  • Keinan, G., S. Melamed (1987), “Personality Characteristics and Proneness to Burnout: A Study among İnternists”, Stress Medicine, 3 (4), ss. 307
  • Kennett, D. J. (1994), “Academic Self-management Counselling: Preliminary Evidence for the Importance of Learned Resourcefulness on Program Success”, Studies on Higher Education, 19 (3), ss. 295-307.
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  • Kennett, D. J., E. Morris, A. M. Bangs (2006), “Learned Resourcefulness And Smoking Cessation Revisited”, Patient Education and Counseling, 60, ss. 206–211.
  • Knudsen, H. K., L. J. Ducharme, P. M. Roman (2006), “Counselor Emotional Exhaustion and Turnover Intention in Therapeutic Communities”, Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 31, ss. 173-180.
  • Knudsen, H. K., L. J. Ducharme, P. M. Roman (2009), “Turnover Intention and Emotional Exhaustion ‘at the top’: Adapting the Job Demands- Resources Model to Leaders of Addiction Treatment Organizations”, J Occup Health Psychol., 14 (1), ss. 84-95.
  • Lachman, R., E. Diamant (1987), “Withdrawal and Restraining Factors in Teachers' Turnover Intentions” Journal of Occupational Behaviour, 8 (3), ss. 219-232.
  • Langelaan, S., A. B. Bakker, L. J. P. van Doornen, W. B. Schaufeli (2006), “Burnout and Work Engagement: Do Individual Differences Make a Difference?”, Personality and Individual Differences, 40,
  • Lee, R. T., B. E. Ashforth (1990), “On the Meaning of Maslach’s Three Dimensions of Burnout”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 75 (6), ss. 743-747.
  • Lee, R. T., B. E. Ashforth (1993), “A Further Examination of Managerial Burnout: Toward an Integrated Model”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 14, ss. 3-20.
  • Leiter, M. P. (1991), “Coping Patterns as Predictors of Burnout: The Function of Control and Escapist Coping Patterns”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 12 (2), ss. 123-144.
  • Leiter, M. P., C. Maslach (1988), “The Impact of Interpersonal Environment on Burnout and Organizational Commitment”, Journal of Organizational Behavior , 9 (4), ss. 297-308.
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  • Maslach, C., W. B. Schaufeli (1993), “Historical and Conceptual Development of Burnout”, , W. B. Schaufeli, C. Maslach, T. Marek (der.) Professional Burnout: Recent Developments in Theory and Research, Taylor & Francis, Washington, D.C., ss. 1-16.
  • Maslach, C., W. B. Schaufeli, M. P. Leiter (2001), “Job Burnout”, Annual Review of Psychology, 52, ss. 397-422.
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  • Neveu, J. (2007), “Jailed Resources: Conservation of Resources Theory as Applied to Burnout among Prison Guards”, Journal of Organizational Behaviour, 28, ss. 21–42.
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  • Rosenbaum, M., E. Cohen, (1999), “Equalitarian Marriages, Spousal Support, Resourcefulness, and Psychological Distress among Israeli Working Women”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 54, ss. 102-113.
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Year 2011, Volume: 25 Issue: 1, 107 - 126, 07.07.2011



  • Ahola, K., T. Honkonen, E. Isometsä, R. Kalimo, E. Nykyri, S. Koskinen, A. Aromaa, J. Lönnqvist (2006), “Burnout in the general population”, Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 41, ss. 11–17.
  • Akgün, S. (2004), “The Effects of Situation and Learned Resourcefulness on Coping Responses”, Social Behavior and Personality, 32 (5), ss. 441
  • Altay, B., D. Gönener, C. Demirkıran (2010), “Bir Universite Hastanesinde Çalışan Hemşirelerin Tükenmişlik Düzeyleri ve Aile Desteğinin Etkisi”, Fırat Tıp Dergisi, 15 (1), ss. 10-16.
  • Aryee, S., L. Sun, Z. X. G. Chen, Y. A. Debrah (2008), “Abusive Supervision and Contextual Performance: The Mediating Role of Emotional Exhaustion and the Moderating Role of Work Unit Structure”, Management and Organization Review, 4 (3), ss. 393–411.
  • Aslan, Ş., M. Özata (2008), “Duygusal Zeka ve Tükenmişlik Arasındaki İlişkilerin Araştırılması: Sağlık Çalışanları Örneği”, Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 30, ss. 77-97.
  • Babakus, E., D. W. Cravens, M. Johnston, W. C. Moncrief (1999), “The Role of Emotional Exhaustion in Sales Force Attitude and Behavior Relationships”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 27 (1), ss. 58-70.
  • Bacharach, S. B., P. Bamberger, S. Conley (1991), “Work-Home Conflict among Nurses and Engineers: Mediating the Impact of Role Stress on Burnout and Satisfaction at Work”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 12, ss. 39-53.
  • Bakker, A. B. (2009), “The Crossover of Burnout and Its Relation to Partner Health”, Stress and Health, 25, ss. 343–353.
  • Bakker, A. B., E. Demerouti (2007), “The Job Demands-Resources Model: State of the Art”, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 22 (3), ss. 309- 328.
  • Bakker, A. B., E. Demerouti, E. de Boer, W. B. Schaufeli (2003), “Job Demands and Job Resources as Predictors of Absence Duration and Frequency”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 62, ss. 341-356.
  • Bakker, A. B., K. I. Van Der Zee, K. A. Lewig, M. F. Dollard (2006), “The Relationship Between the Big Five Personality Factors and Burnout: A Study Among Volunteer Counselors”, The Journal of Social Psychology, 146 (1), ss. 31–50.
  • Bauer, J., A. Stamm, K. Virnich, K. Wissing, U. Mu¨ ller, M. Wirsching, U. Schaarschmidt (2006), “Correlation between burnout syndrome and psychological and psychosomatic symptoms among teachers”, Int Arch Occup Environ Health, 79, ss. 199–204.
  • Laura E. Blankertz, Robinson, S. E. (1997), “Turnover Intentions of Community Mental Health Workers in Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services” Community Mental Health Journal, 33 (6), ss. 517-529.
  • Byrne, B. M. (1994), “Burnout: Testing for the Validity, Replication, and Invariance of Causal Structure across Elementary, Intermediate, and Secondary Teachers”, American Educational Research Journal, 31 (3), ss. 645-673.
  • Carter, R. E., C. A. Carter (1994), “Marital Adjustment and Effects of Illness in Married Pairs with One or Both Spouses Chronically Ill”, The American Journal of Family Therapy, 22 (4), ss. 315-326.
  • Cilliers, F. (2003), “Burnout and salutogenic functioning of nurses”, Curationis, 26 (1), ss. 62-74.
  • Cole, M. S., Bernerth, J. B., Walter, F., Holt, D. T. (2010), “Organizational Justice and Individuals’ Withdrawal: Unlocking the Influence of Emotional Exhaustion”, Journal of Management Studies, 47 (3), ss. 367-390.4 367..390
  • Corrigan, P. W., E. P. Holmes, D. Luchins (1995), “Burnout and Collegial Support in State Psychiatric Hospital Staff”, Journal of Clinical Psychology, 51 (5), ss. 703-710.
  • Coyne, J. C., G. Downey (1991), “Social Factors and Psychopathology: Stress, Social Support, and Coping Processes”, Annual Review of Psychology, 42, ss. 401-425.
  • Cropanzano, R., D. E. Rupp, Z. S. Byrne (2003), “The Relationship of Emotional Exhaustion to Work Attitudes, Job Performance, and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 88, ss. 160-169.
  • Çakır, Ö. (2009), “Öğrenilmiş Güçlülük ve Çalışma Yaşamı”, A. Keser, G. Yılmaz, S. Yürür (der.), Çalışma Yaşamında Davranış, Umuttepe Yayınları, İzmit, içinde, ss. 147-165.
  • Dağ, İ. (1991), “Rosenbaum’un Öğrenilmiş Güçlülük Ölçeği’nin Üniversite Öğrencileri İçin Güvenirliği ve Geçerliği”, Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 2 (4), ss. 269-274.
  • Dağ, İhsan (1992) Kontrol Odağı, Öğrenilmiş Güçlülük ve Psikopatoloji İlişkileri, Psikoloji Dergisi, 7 (27), ss. 1-9.
  • Deery, S., Iverson, R., Walsh, J. (2002), “Work Relationship in Telephone Call Centers: Understanding Emotional Exhaustion and Employee Withdrawal”, Journal of Management Studies, 39 (4), ss. 471-496.
  • Demerouti, E., A. B. Bakker, F. Nachreiner, W. B. Schaufeli (2001), “The Job Demands-Resources Model of Burnout”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 86 (3), ss. 499-512.
  • Dönmez, B., G. Genç (2006) Genel Liselerdeki Okul Yöneticisi ve Öğretmenlerin Öğrenilmiş Güçlülük Düzeylerine İlişkin Algıları, İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 7 (12), ss. 41-60.
  • Elliot, T. R., R. Shewchuk, K. Hagglund, B. Rybarczyk (1996), “Occupational Burnout, Tolerance for Stress, and Coping Among Nurses in Rehabilitation Units”, Rehabilitation Psychology, 41 (4), ss. 267-284.
  • Ergin, C. (1992), “Doktor ve Hemşirelerde Tükenmişlik ve Maslach Tükenmişlik Ölçeğinin Uyarlanması”, R. Bayraktar, İ. Dağ, (der.), VII. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi Bilimsel Çalışmaları, VII. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi Düzenleme Kurulu ve Türk Psikologlar Derneği Yayını, Ankara, ss. 143-154.
  • Gaines, J., J. M. Jermier (1983), “Emotional Exhaustion in a High Stress Organization”, Academy of Management Journal, 26 (4), ss. 567-586.
  • Gazioğlu, E. İ., İ. Demir, (2008) “Learned Resourcefulness, Attachment Styles, and Childhood Traumatic Experiences: A Study on Turkish College Sample”, European Journal of Social Sciences, 6 (2), ss. 175-187.
  • Ginter, G. G., J. D. West, J. J. Zarski (1988), “Learned Resourcefulness and Situation-Specific Coping with Stress”, The Journal of Psychology, 123 (3), ss. 295-304.
  • Grandey, A. A., R. Cropanzano (1999), “The Conservation of Resources Model Applied to Work-Family Conflict and Strain”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 54, ss. 350-370.
  • Haddad, A. (1998), “Sources of Social Support among School Counsellors in Jordan and Its Relationship to Burnout”, International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 20, ss. 113–121.
  • Hakanen, J. J., A. B. Bakker, W. B. Schaufeli (2006), “Burnout and work engagement among teachers”, Journal of School Psychology, 43, ss. 495–513.
  • Halbesleben, J. R. B., M. R. Buckley (2004), “Burnout in Organizational Life”, Journal of Management, 30 (6), ss. 859–879.
  • Healy, J., T. Bramble (2003), “Dial ‘B’ for Burnout? The Experience of Job Burnout in a Telephone Call Centre”, Labour & Industry, 14 (2), ss. 39-59.
  • Hobfoll, S. E. (1989) “Conservation Of Resources A New Attempt At Conceptualizing Stress”, American Psychologist, 44 (3),
  • Hobfoll, S. E. (2001), “The Influence of Culture, Community, and the Nested- Self in the Stress Rocess: Advancing Conservation of Resources Theory” Applied Psychology: An International Review, 50 (3), ss. 337-421.
  • Hobfoll, S. E., R. S. Lilly (1993), “Resource Conservation as a Strategy for Community Psychology”, Journal of Community Psychology, 21, ss. 128-148.
  • Ito, J. K., Brotheridge, C. M. (2003), “Resources, Coping Strategies, and Emotional Exhaustion: A Conservation of Resources Perspective”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 63, ss. 490–509
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There are 82 citations in total.


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Publication Date July 7, 2011
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