Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Trends in Business and Economics has carried out publishing process in accordance with the development and circulation of information objectively and reputably. In this sense, the publishing process has reflected on the quality of the studies of the authors and institutions which support the authors directly and objectified the scientific methods and supported. In that regard, all partners of the publishing process’ (authors, readers, researchers, publishers, peers and editors) complying with the standards has an importance. Ataturk University JEAS has expected from all the partners to bear and meet the following responsibilities of the research and ethical principles: The Ethical principles of the journal has been prepared conveniently to the policies and guides published by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (See: the COPE instruction).

1. Ethical Responsibilities of Author(s)
Trends in Business and Economics has expected from the author(s) to comply with the following ethical principles and responsibilities while sending article:
(a) The articles which were sent by the author(s) have expected to be authentic. In the event that author(s) benefit from other works or use the other works it is necessary to cite, quote and use in bibliography in accordance with the spelling rule of the journal correctly and completely.
(b) It is necessary no to include the ones who have no contribution to the article as an author and if there is the relationship between authors and the conflict of interest should be explained.
(c) Author(s) may claim the data set during the process of evaluation of the article, in that case, author(s) are expected to hand over the data set and information to the editorial board.
(d) Author(s) have the responsibility of informing the editorial board in case of material error or a mistake and the demand to correct or withdraw the article together with the editorial board.
(e) Author(s) are expected not to send their articles for evaluation if they are in the evaluation process of another journal or in the process of publishing.
(f) Author(s) have responsibility of information of the presentation date, publishing date, place of publishing etc. about the articles which are presented and published in conferences, symposiums etc. to the editorial board.
(g) In the event that the articles are sent to the journal by the author(s) to be evaluated, it is assumed by the editorial board that they agree on the the aforementioned terms.
(h) In case of withdrawal of the articles due to delay or another reason, it is expected from the author(s) to contact with the editor.
(i) It is not possible to change the responsibilities of the author(s) once the evaluation process has begun and no royalty was paid to the author(s) in return for the publishing.
(j) In accordance with the ethical research principles and rules the research articles which satisfy the following conditions is required to get the documents of permission of ethical committee to be evaluated by the Ataturk University JEAS:
  •  All research which was conducted through qualitative and quantitative approach, requiring survey, interview, focal group work, observation, experiment, interview methods to collect data.
  • The cases in which animals and humanbeings (including material/data) were used for experimental or other scientific purposes.
  • The retrospective studies according to the the law on the protection of personal data.

(k) In this sense, for the evaluation of the research articles in the Ataturk University JEAS it is necessary:

  • To be stated of “informed consent form” in the case reports,
  • To get permission and to be stated of the use of the photos, surveys and scales which belong to the others,
  • To be stated of compliance of the regulations of the intellectual property rights and if there is, the information of the institution or foundation which financially support.

(l) Author(s) are responsible for obeying the related copyright terms about the materials which were borrowed or used from other sources and signing the agreement which mentions to attorn of the copyright to the Journal. All responsibilites caused by the works in the journal belong to the author(s).

2. Ethical Responsibilities of the Peers

During the publishing process the peer evaluation has been implemented according to two-way blind review principles in the Ataturk University JEAS and peers and authors cannot communicate directly and the information about the evaluation process can be followed in the journal management system. During the publishing process, article evaluation forms and the texts evaluated by the peers have been delivered to the authors by the editorial board. The ethical responsibilities which were expected from the peers are as follows:

(a) Peer evaluation should be critical and objective and carried out in accordance with confidentiality.
(b) Evaluation should be done objectively and only about the content of the article, and should not let his own idea, belief and so on affect the evaluation.
(c) Whether responded affirmatively or not, the explanatory, guiding etc. the reasonable justification should be given. In case of the negative repsonse or correction, the alternative suggestions are expected to be presented.
(d) Peers should review the articles only in terms on scientificity and should avoid the terms about the incompetency of the author(s).
(e) Due to the confidentiality principle, the articles should be obliterated after being evaluated.
(f) What is expected from the peers is not responding yes or no but giving details on their opinions and giving reasons.
(g) The peers who demand correction has right to re-examine the corrected articles.
(h) The articles cannot be sent the peers who have the following qualification(s). The ones who was/were the co-author(s) of the previous articles.

  • The ones with whom the author(s) have problems.
  • The ones who will have financial benefit from the publication of the article.
  • The ones with whom the author(s) work together (in the same department).

3. Ethical Responsibilities of the Editor

The editors who are responsible for each published article in the Trends in Business and Economics have the following role and liabilities:

(a) Editors are liable to meet the demand of the information about the publication and evaluation process coming from the authors, readers and peers and to give explanatory feedback and continue the working process without any concession to the copyright and ethical standards.

(b) Editors are liable to consider the skill, experience, expectations of the reader, researcher and practitioners and articles’ giving scientific contribution to the literature and authenticity of the work.

(c) Editors have right to have negative or positive decision on the the importance, authenticity, validity, clarity of the article based on the scope, aim and goals of the journal.

(d) Editors must publish “The Blind Review and the Evaluation Process” absolutely and prevent any possible aberrations in the defined processes.

(e) Editors must publish an “Author Guide” which include all topics and questions that are expected themselves.

(f) Editors are liable to appoint the peers according to the subject of the article, to provide the required information and guides for the peers to evaluate the articles, to keep secret the identity of the peers in accordance with the blind review and to examine whether there is the conflict of interest between peers and the authors.

(g) Editors are liable to provide for advancing of the process done by the scientific committee and the editorial board in accordance with the publishing policy and instructions and to keep informed by giving information to the members of the scientific committee and the editorial board about the publishing policies.

(h) Editors are responsible for the protection of the personal data that are about the evaluated article and that of the peers and readers.

(i) Editors are respobsible for the protection of the human and animal rights in the evaluated articles and rejection of the work in which the approval of the ethical committee for the subjects and the permissions about the experimental studies are absent

(j) Editors are liable to heed the complaint of the peers, readers or authors and respond them in an explanatory informative way by examining carefully. Within this context, authors, readers or the peers can inform the demand of the correction, complaint and so on (plagiarism, duplicate article etc.)by sending e-mail to

(k) Editors guarantee the completion of the publishing process independently and objectively by taking into consideration the conflict of interest between author(s), peers and other editors.

(l) Editors have the full authority and responsibility to approve or reject and article and should not have conflict of interest for the apporved or rejected articles.

4. Exposure the Pligarism

The articles which were sent to the Trends in Business and Economics be published have been subjected to the two-way blind review evaluation by at least 2 peers. Moreover, in order to prevent unethical attempts, the articles have been subjected to the pre-evaluation through the Internet-based plagiarism detection softwares like iThenticate which have international validity before the peer review process has started. For the works which do not fit to the plagiarism policy of the journal the peer review process does not start and they are rejected. If you encounter any unethical manner or content apart from the ones which were mentioned in the Trends in Business and Economics please inform us via e-mail to

Publication Policy

The Trends in Business and Economics is a peer reviewed and periodical journal which is published every three months in a year (January-April-July-October). Scientific articles and reviews which have theoretical grounds and empirical facts in vaiorus fields including, Economics and Business  have been given place in the journal. The academic studies which came from the other fields of the social sciences and were not mention above has not been given place. The works which were published in the journal are Turkish and English.

The articles which were sent to the journal were subjected to the pre-evaluation in terms of form and content. It is necessary to be conducted the form requirement and sending process have been in accordance with the terms of the journal. The articles which do not meet these requirements are rejected by the editorial board. The articles which were approved in terms of form and content have been submitted to the editorial board to the assignment of the peer. It has not been guaranteed that the articles which were submitted to the journal has been taken to the peer review process and the dated a definitely for the evaluation process.

The articles which were sent to the journal were sent to at least 2 peers who were expert in their fields to be evaluated and in the event that both peer reports are positive the publication of the article has been decided. If one of the reports is positive and the other is negative, then the publication decision can be made by the editorial board regarding the peer reports or if necessary, it can be sent to another third peer to be evaluated.

An author whose article has been published cannot make an application for a new article in one year and it is necessary to pass at least one year for the publication the second article of the same author.

The articles which were sent to the journal is required not to be in the evaluation process of another journal, has not been published anywhere before neither been approved for publishing. In that case, the responsibility belongs to the author(s).
