
The Journal of Turkish Researches Institute, published by Atatürk University Institute of Turkic Studies, is an international refereed journal that has been publishing scientific studies about Turkey and Turkish world continuously since 1994. Attention is paid for the publications in the journal to be of international quality contributing theoretically and methodologically to Turkic research. In this process, the journal aims to have Turcology researches gain new perspectives and approaches as it has carried it to different fields.

The journal is published in print and electronic media three times a year, in January, May and September. All published articles can be accessed in full text at www.turkiyatjournal.com and https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/ataunitaed.
Printed copies are also delivered to the relevant libraries and researchers. Journal indexed such as TR Dizin, MIAR, Modern Language Association (MLA), SciLit, WorldCat, OpenAIRE, Sobiad, Researchgate, Asosindex, Acarindex, Akademik Dizin

Last Update Time: 3/4/22, 3:54:26 PM