Writing Rules

The Journal of the Faculty of Divinity of Ankara University (AUIFD) is an open-access academic journal that conducts plagiarism checks, preliminary evaluations, double-blind peer reviews, and editorial review processes.
• Submissions are accepted in Turkish, English, and Arabic.
• Articles are expected to be related to at least one subfield of Islamic and religious studies.
• The journal publishes works in the following categories: Research Articles, Research Notes, Book Reviews, Scientific Conference Reviews, Interviews, and Tributary Notes.
• Authors submitting to each category must adhere to the points outlined on the Article Categories and Processing Workflow page.
AUIFD is published twice a year (May 31 and November 30). Articles in the Research Article category must be submitted four months prior to the publication date (by January 31 for the May issue and by July 31 for the November issue). Submissions in other categories must be sent two months before the publication date (by March 31 for the May issue and by September 30 for the November issue). The submission system open for article submissions from December 15 to January 31 and from June 15 to July 31. After the submission period ends, authors wishing to submit to categories other than Research Articles must contact the journal at iladergi@ankara.edu.tr.
• Articles not completing the peer review or editorial review processes by the publication date will be deferred to the next issue.
• All submissions undergo a plagiarism check using iThenticate during the initial submission phase. A similarity rate below 20% is expected. If similarity exceeds 20%, the Editorial Board will evaluate the report's validity.
• All Research Articles undergo preliminary evaluation (approximately 3 weeks) and peer review (approximately 30 days, though delays due to reviewers are possible). Editorial reviews take approximately 30 days.
• Submissions in categories other than Research Articles are subject only to editorial review processes.
• All submitted works, in whole or in part, must not have been published elsewhere or simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere. Authors are required to read the journal’s Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement.
• Multiple Research Articles by the same author cannot be published in a single issue. However, it is possible to publish multiple works by the same author in different categories, subject to the decision of the Editorial Board.
• Editorial Board members must comply with the same publication processes as other contributors.
• The AUIFD follows the CMOS 18th edition (The Chicago Manual of Style) for referencing, with adaptations for Turkish. Submissions must be prepared according to the AUIFD Publication Guide, written in Microsoft Office Word using Cambria font size 11 (for Arabic articles, use Sakkal Majalla font size 12) with 1.5 line spacing, saved with a .doc or .docx extension, and all text including headings should be defined as “normal text.”
• A full transliteration system is applied in AUIFD. Therefore, after peer review, transliteration must be performed according to the AUIFD Publication Guide. For English articles, English titles and English abstracts of all articles AUIFD follows the IJMES Translation and Transliteration Guide rules for words requiring transliteration.
• All articles must include a bibliography listing all cited works. For Arabic articles, a Latin-script bibliography is mandatory.
• Research Articles and Research Notes must include an abstract of 200-250 words and 5-7 keywords in both Turkish and English, covering the article’s purpose, problem, original contribution to the literature, methodology, and results.
• Research Articles should be 5,000 to 11,000 words. If the word count is below or above these limits, the Editorial Board’s evaluation will be decisive.
• The author’s name or identifying information must not appear in the manuscript (including self-references in footnotes). Such information may be added to the revised manuscript after peer review.
• Articles derived from graduate theses must list the student as the first author and the supervisor as the second author.
• Submissions must include a separate Word document with the following information:
    o Title of the article

    o Author’s full name

    o Institutional affiliation

    o Phone number

    o Correspondence address (including postal code)

    o Email address

    o ORCID number

    o If derived from a graduate thesis or conference paper, the corresponding citation information.

    o Contribution rates of each author (for multi-author submissions)

    o If there is financial support for the study, a declaration of this support

    o For articles requiring ethics committee approval, include the name of the institution that provided the approval, along with the decision number and date.

    o Declaration of artificial intelligence (AI) usage:  “No AI-assisted technologies were used in the preparation of this study."  or  “AI-assisted technologies were used in the … stage(s) (e.g., translation, language  editing, analysis, data visualization, summarization, literature review, etc.) of this study.”               

Last Update Time: 12/30/24, 9:28:04 PM