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Bir Biyo-Tatlandırıcı Olarak Steavia

Year 2018, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 1 - 8, 01.07.2018


Günümüzde sağlığımıza zararlı etkileri olan yapay tatlandırıcılar yerine doğal tatlandırıcılar tercih edilmektedir. Sakarin, aspartam, asesulfam-K gibi bu yapay tatlandırıcılara doğal bir alternatif olan Stevia; son zamanlarda en çok üzerine çalışma yapıldığı doğal tatlandırıcılardandır. Stevia bal yaprağı, şeker yaprağı ve tatlı yaprak olarak da bilinmektedir. Stevia’nın diğer tatlandırıcılarla karşılaştırıldığında fenilketonuri ve diabet hastaları üzerinde olumlu etkileri olduğu bilinmektedir. Sıcak ve soğuk içecek üretiminde, reçel, komposto vb. gibi kaynatılarak pişirilen yiyecekler ile pasta, kek, kurabiye gibi fırın ürünleri yapımında ve şekerleme sanayinde kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada stevia’nın genel özellikleri, kimyasal bileşenleri, üretim yöntemleri, gıda uygulamaları ve sağlığa yararıyla ilgili bilgilere yer verilmiştir.


  • Abou-Arab, A.E., Abou-Arab, A.A., AbuSalem, M.F. (2010). Physico-chemical assessment of natural sweeteners steviosides produced from Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni plant. Afr. J. Food Sci., 4: 269–281.
  • Anonim (2017). Stevia. /https://nubeleaf. com/wp-content/uploads/Stevia-Leaf-2_ SS_2017.jpg./ (Erişim 18.12.2017).
  • Carvalho, A.C.G, Oliveira, R.C.G., Navacchi, M.F.P, Costa, C.E.M, Mantovani, D., Dacoˆme, A.S., Seixas FAV, Costa, S.C. (2013). Evaluation of the potential use of rebaudioside-A as sweetener for diet jam. Food Sci Technol (Campinas), 33:555–560.
  • Chatsudthipong, V. ve Muanprasat, C. (2009). Stevioside And Related Compounds: Therapeutic Benefi Ts Beyond Sweetness. Pharmacol. Therapeut., 121:41-54.
  • Cortes, R., Hernandez-Ceruelos, A., Torres-Valencia, J.M., Gonzalez-Avila, M., Arriaga-Alba, M., Madrigal-Bujaidar,E. (2007). Antimutagenicity of stevia pilosa and stevia eupatoria evaluated with the ames test. Toxicology in vitro, 21(4): 691-697.
  • De Melo, L.L.M.M., Bolini, H.M.A., Efraim, P. (2009). Sensory profile, acceptability, and their relationship for diabetic/reduced calorie chocolates. Food Qual Prefer, 20:138-143.
  • Geuns, J.M.C. (2003). Stevioside. Phytochemistry, 64 (2003) :913-921. Goyal, S., Samsheri , G. R. (2010). Stevia (Stevia Rebaudiana) A Biosweetener: A Review. Int. J. Food Sci. Nutr., 61:1-10.
  • Guggisberg, D., Piccinali, P., Schreirer, K. (2011). Effects of sugar substitution with Stevia, Actilight™ and Stevia combinations or Palatinose™ on rheological and sensory characteristics of low-fat and whole milk set yoghurt. Int Dairy J, 21: 636-644.
  • Gupta, E., Purwar, S., Sundaram, S. ve Rai, G. K. (2013). Nutritional and therapeutic values of Stevia rebaudiana: A review. J. Med. Plant Res., 7 (46):3343–3353.
  • Jaroslav, P., Barbora, H. ve Tuulia, H. (2007). Characterization of Stevia rebaudiana by comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry. J. Chromatogr. A., 1150:85–92.
  • Klongpanichpak, S., Temcharoen, P., Toskulkao, C., Apibal, S., Glinsukon, T. (1997). Lack of mutagenicity of stevioside and steviol in salmonella typhimurium TA98 and TA100. J Med Assoc Thai, 80(1):121–128.
  • Komes, D., Belscak-Cvitanovic, A., Ljubicic, I., Durgo, K., Cindric, I., Busic, A., Vojvodic, A. (2014). Formulating blackberry leaf mixtures for preparations of infusion with plant derived sources of sweeteners. Food Chem, 151:385-393.
  • Lemus-Mondaca, R., Vega-Gálvez, A., Zura-Bravo, L., Ah-Hen, K. (2012). Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni, source of a high-potency natural sweetener: a comprehensive review on the biochemical, nutritional and functional aspects. Food Chem., 132: 1121–1132.
  • Nakayama, K., Kasahara, D., Yamamoto, F. (1986). Absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of stevioside in rats. Journal of the Food and Hygienic Society, Japan 27: 1–8.
  • Nunes, A.P.M., Ferreira-Machado, S.C., Nunes, R.M., Nantas, F.J.S., de Mattas, J.C.P, Caldeira-de-Araujo,A. (2007). Analysis of genotoxic potentiality of stevioside by comet assay. Food and Chem Toxicol, 45: 662-666.
  • Parpinello, G.P., Versari ,A., Castellari, M., Galassi, S. (2001). Stevioside as a replacement of sucrose in peach juice: sensory evaluation. J Sens Stud, 16:471–484.
  • Saenphet, K., Aritajat,S., Saenphet ,S., Manosroi,J., Manosroi, A. (2006). Safety Evaluation of Aqueous Extracts from Aegle marmelos and Stevia rebaudiana on Reproduction of Female Rats. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health., 37(3):203-205.
  • Swithers, S.E. (2013). Artificial sweeteners produce the counterintuitive effect of inducing metabolic derangements. Trends Endocrinol Metab., 24(9): 431– 441.
  • Tadhani, M.B., Subhash, R. (2006). In vitro antimicrobial activity of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni leaves. Trop. J. Pharm. Res. 5 (1): 557–560.
  • Takahashi, K., Matsuda, M.,Ohashi K., Taniguchi, K. , Nakagomi, O., Abe, Y., Mori, S., Sato, N., Okutani, K., Shigeta, S. (2001).Analysis of anti-rotavirus activity of extract from Ste6ia rebaudiana. Antiviral Research 49: 15–24.
  • Torres, MD, Raymundo, A, Sousa, I. (2013). Effect of sucrose, stevia and xylitol on rheological properties of gels from blends of chestnut and rice flours. Carbohydr Polyme, 98: 249-256.
  • Turgut, K., Uçar, E., Tütüncü, B., Özyiğit, Y. (2015). Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni could be an alternative crop in the Mediterranean region of Turkey. In: Geuns, J.M.C., Ceunen, S. (Eds.), Stevia: Growth in Knowledge and Taste, Proceedings of the 8th EUSTAS Stevia Symposium.
  • Yadav, A. K., Singh, S., Dhyani, D., Ahuja, P. S. (2011). A Review On The İmprovement Of Stevia [Stevia Rebaudiana (Bertoni)]. Can. J. Plant Sci., 91:1-27.
  • Yücesan, B., Büyükgöçmen, R., Mohammed, A., Sameeullah, M., Altuğ, C., Gurel, S., Gürel, E. (2016). An efficient regeneration system and Steviol glycoside analysis of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni, a source of natural highintensity sweetener. In Vitro Cell.Dev.Biol. Plant, 52:330–337.
Year 2018, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 1 - 8, 01.07.2018



  • Abou-Arab, A.E., Abou-Arab, A.A., AbuSalem, M.F. (2010). Physico-chemical assessment of natural sweeteners steviosides produced from Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni plant. Afr. J. Food Sci., 4: 269–281.
  • Anonim (2017). Stevia. /https://nubeleaf. com/wp-content/uploads/Stevia-Leaf-2_ SS_2017.jpg./ (Erişim 18.12.2017).
  • Carvalho, A.C.G, Oliveira, R.C.G., Navacchi, M.F.P, Costa, C.E.M, Mantovani, D., Dacoˆme, A.S., Seixas FAV, Costa, S.C. (2013). Evaluation of the potential use of rebaudioside-A as sweetener for diet jam. Food Sci Technol (Campinas), 33:555–560.
  • Chatsudthipong, V. ve Muanprasat, C. (2009). Stevioside And Related Compounds: Therapeutic Benefi Ts Beyond Sweetness. Pharmacol. Therapeut., 121:41-54.
  • Cortes, R., Hernandez-Ceruelos, A., Torres-Valencia, J.M., Gonzalez-Avila, M., Arriaga-Alba, M., Madrigal-Bujaidar,E. (2007). Antimutagenicity of stevia pilosa and stevia eupatoria evaluated with the ames test. Toxicology in vitro, 21(4): 691-697.
  • De Melo, L.L.M.M., Bolini, H.M.A., Efraim, P. (2009). Sensory profile, acceptability, and their relationship for diabetic/reduced calorie chocolates. Food Qual Prefer, 20:138-143.
  • Geuns, J.M.C. (2003). Stevioside. Phytochemistry, 64 (2003) :913-921. Goyal, S., Samsheri , G. R. (2010). Stevia (Stevia Rebaudiana) A Biosweetener: A Review. Int. J. Food Sci. Nutr., 61:1-10.
  • Guggisberg, D., Piccinali, P., Schreirer, K. (2011). Effects of sugar substitution with Stevia, Actilight™ and Stevia combinations or Palatinose™ on rheological and sensory characteristics of low-fat and whole milk set yoghurt. Int Dairy J, 21: 636-644.
  • Gupta, E., Purwar, S., Sundaram, S. ve Rai, G. K. (2013). Nutritional and therapeutic values of Stevia rebaudiana: A review. J. Med. Plant Res., 7 (46):3343–3353.
  • Jaroslav, P., Barbora, H. ve Tuulia, H. (2007). Characterization of Stevia rebaudiana by comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry. J. Chromatogr. A., 1150:85–92.
  • Klongpanichpak, S., Temcharoen, P., Toskulkao, C., Apibal, S., Glinsukon, T. (1997). Lack of mutagenicity of stevioside and steviol in salmonella typhimurium TA98 and TA100. J Med Assoc Thai, 80(1):121–128.
  • Komes, D., Belscak-Cvitanovic, A., Ljubicic, I., Durgo, K., Cindric, I., Busic, A., Vojvodic, A. (2014). Formulating blackberry leaf mixtures for preparations of infusion with plant derived sources of sweeteners. Food Chem, 151:385-393.
  • Lemus-Mondaca, R., Vega-Gálvez, A., Zura-Bravo, L., Ah-Hen, K. (2012). Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni, source of a high-potency natural sweetener: a comprehensive review on the biochemical, nutritional and functional aspects. Food Chem., 132: 1121–1132.
  • Nakayama, K., Kasahara, D., Yamamoto, F. (1986). Absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of stevioside in rats. Journal of the Food and Hygienic Society, Japan 27: 1–8.
  • Nunes, A.P.M., Ferreira-Machado, S.C., Nunes, R.M., Nantas, F.J.S., de Mattas, J.C.P, Caldeira-de-Araujo,A. (2007). Analysis of genotoxic potentiality of stevioside by comet assay. Food and Chem Toxicol, 45: 662-666.
  • Parpinello, G.P., Versari ,A., Castellari, M., Galassi, S. (2001). Stevioside as a replacement of sucrose in peach juice: sensory evaluation. J Sens Stud, 16:471–484.
  • Saenphet, K., Aritajat,S., Saenphet ,S., Manosroi,J., Manosroi, A. (2006). Safety Evaluation of Aqueous Extracts from Aegle marmelos and Stevia rebaudiana on Reproduction of Female Rats. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health., 37(3):203-205.
  • Swithers, S.E. (2013). Artificial sweeteners produce the counterintuitive effect of inducing metabolic derangements. Trends Endocrinol Metab., 24(9): 431– 441.
  • Tadhani, M.B., Subhash, R. (2006). In vitro antimicrobial activity of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni leaves. Trop. J. Pharm. Res. 5 (1): 557–560.
  • Takahashi, K., Matsuda, M.,Ohashi K., Taniguchi, K. , Nakagomi, O., Abe, Y., Mori, S., Sato, N., Okutani, K., Shigeta, S. (2001).Analysis of anti-rotavirus activity of extract from Ste6ia rebaudiana. Antiviral Research 49: 15–24.
  • Torres, MD, Raymundo, A, Sousa, I. (2013). Effect of sucrose, stevia and xylitol on rheological properties of gels from blends of chestnut and rice flours. Carbohydr Polyme, 98: 249-256.
  • Turgut, K., Uçar, E., Tütüncü, B., Özyiğit, Y. (2015). Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni could be an alternative crop in the Mediterranean region of Turkey. In: Geuns, J.M.C., Ceunen, S. (Eds.), Stevia: Growth in Knowledge and Taste, Proceedings of the 8th EUSTAS Stevia Symposium.
  • Yadav, A. K., Singh, S., Dhyani, D., Ahuja, P. S. (2011). A Review On The İmprovement Of Stevia [Stevia Rebaudiana (Bertoni)]. Can. J. Plant Sci., 91:1-27.
  • Yücesan, B., Büyükgöçmen, R., Mohammed, A., Sameeullah, M., Altuğ, C., Gurel, S., Gürel, E. (2016). An efficient regeneration system and Steviol glycoside analysis of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni, a source of natural highintensity sweetener. In Vitro Cell.Dev.Biol. Plant, 52:330–337.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Derleme/Review

Ekin Dinçel This is me

Ayla Ünver Alçay

Meryem Badayman This is me

Publication Date July 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


APA Dinçel, E., Ünver Alçay, A., & Badayman, M. (2018). Bir Biyo-Tatlandırıcı Olarak Steavia. Aydın Gastronomy, 2(2), 1-8.

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