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Öğretim Elemanlarının Öğretimsel Gelişime Yönelik Gereksinimlerinin Belirlenmesi ve Gereksinimlere Yönelik Bir Model Önerisi

Year 2023, , 1249 - 1272, 28.12.2023


Bu araştırmada, öğretim elemanlarının öğretimsel gelişime yönelik gereksinimlerinin belirlenmesi ve bu doğrultuda bir model önerisinin ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma, nitel araştırma desenine uygun olarak yürütülmüştür. Çalışma 2017-2018 öğretim yılında Anadolu Üniversitesi Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulunda görev yapan öğretim elemanları ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Katılımcılar ölçüt örnekleme yöntemine göre belirlenmiştir. Veri analizinde betimsel analizden faydalanılmıştır. Nitel verilerin analizinde Nvivo Pro11 programı kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, öğretim elemanlarının öğretimsel gelişime yönelik gereksinimleri belirlenmiş, veriler uygun analiz birimlerine ayrılarak yorumlanmış ve verilerden yola çıkılarak bir model önerisi ortaya konulmuştur.


  • Avalos, B. (2011). Teacher Professional Development in Teaching and Teacher Education Over Ten Years. January 2011. Teaching and Teacher Education 27(1):10-20
  • Barnard, R., E. (2004). A qualitative study of teachers' perceptions of staff development in three public northeast Tennessee elementary school districts. Electronic Theses and Dissertations. Paper 912.
  • Barutçugil, İ. (2002). Eğiticinin Eğitimi. Kariyer Yayıncılık. İstanbul.
  • Benor, D. E. (2000). Faculty development, teacher training and teacher accreditation in medical education: twenty years from now. Medical Teacher, 22 (5).
  • Cambridge International Examinations. (2015). Professional development. Education Brief.
  • Creswell, J, W. (2013). Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design. Choosing Among Five Approaches, SAGE Publications. The USA.
  • Darling-Hammond, L., & McLaughlin, M. W. (2011). Policies That Support Professional Development in an Era of Reform. Phi Delta Kappan, 92(6), 81–92.
  • Diamond, M. R. (2002). Faculty, instructional, and organizational development: options and choices. K. H.
  • Donnelly, J. (2002). Career development for teachers. Second Edition. London: Kogan Page; Stirling, VA: Stylus Publications. The UK. S.4-5.
  • Gillespie, L. R. Hilsen & E. C. Wadsworth, (Editor) A Guide to Faculty Development. Practical Advice, Examples and Resources içinde. Anker Publishing Company. The USA. S.4.

Identifying Faculty Members’ Instructional Development Needs and a Model Proposal for these Needs

Year 2023, , 1249 - 1272, 28.12.2023


This study aimed to determine the instructional development needs of faculty members and to put forward a model proposal for the instructional development of faculty members. The research was conducted by the qualitative research pattern. The participants of the study consisted of faculty members working at the School of Foreign Languages at Anadolu University in the 2017-2018 academic year. The participants were determined according to the criterion sampling method. Descriptive analysis was used in the data analysis. The Nvivo Pro11 program was used in the analysis of the qualitative data. As a result of the research, the instructional development needs of the faculty members were determined then the data were divided into appropriate analysis units and were interpreted following the aim of the study. Lastly, a model proposal was put forward based on the data.


  • Avalos, B. (2011). Teacher Professional Development in Teaching and Teacher Education Over Ten Years. January 2011. Teaching and Teacher Education 27(1):10-20
  • Barnard, R., E. (2004). A qualitative study of teachers' perceptions of staff development in three public northeast Tennessee elementary school districts. Electronic Theses and Dissertations. Paper 912.
  • Barutçugil, İ. (2002). Eğiticinin Eğitimi. Kariyer Yayıncılık. İstanbul.
  • Benor, D. E. (2000). Faculty development, teacher training and teacher accreditation in medical education: twenty years from now. Medical Teacher, 22 (5).
  • Cambridge International Examinations. (2015). Professional development. Education Brief.
  • Creswell, J, W. (2013). Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design. Choosing Among Five Approaches, SAGE Publications. The USA.
  • Darling-Hammond, L., & McLaughlin, M. W. (2011). Policies That Support Professional Development in an Era of Reform. Phi Delta Kappan, 92(6), 81–92.
  • Diamond, M. R. (2002). Faculty, instructional, and organizational development: options and choices. K. H.
  • Donnelly, J. (2002). Career development for teachers. Second Edition. London: Kogan Page; Stirling, VA: Stylus Publications. The UK. S.4-5.
  • Gillespie, L. R. Hilsen & E. C. Wadsworth, (Editor) A Guide to Faculty Development. Practical Advice, Examples and Resources içinde. Anker Publishing Company. The USA. S.4.
There are 10 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Other Fields of Education (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Tuğba Sönmez Akalın 0000-0002-8606-2864

Meral Güven 0000-0002-4139-729X

Early Pub Date October 31, 2023
Publication Date December 28, 2023
Submission Date August 28, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Sönmez Akalın, T., & Güven, M. (2023). Identifying Faculty Members’ Instructional Development Needs and a Model Proposal for these Needs. Batı Anadolu Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 14(2), 1249-1272.