Research Article
Research articles present original empirical and theoretical research on various aspects of sports sciences.
1. Title Page
Please indicate this file's name as: Title Page. The title page should contain the following information:
Manuscript Title: Should be clear, descriptive, and not too long.
Running Head: Limited to 50 characters in length, including spaces.
Authors’ Full Name(s) and Surname(s) without academic degrees or titles.
ORCID ID all Author(s) (
Authors’ Affiliations and e-mail(s): Author’s affiliation should only includes her/his department, university, city, and country, respectively.
Contact details for the corresponding author: The name, institution, mail address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the corresponding author.
Acknowledgements: Information concerning financial support, technical assistance, and intellectual contributions not associated with authorship should be provided. Please also indicate study-specific approval by the appropriate ethics committee for research involving humans, and informed consent if the research involved human participants. It is the responsibility of all authors to include the appropriate disclosures and declarations.
Conflict of interest declaration: Information concerning conflict of interest should be provided if necessary.
2. Main Text
Please indicate this file's name as: Blind Main Text and don't mention any information regarding the author(s)' personal information. Main Text should include the manuscript title in capital letters. The main text must contain the following sections with titles ; Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and References.
The abstract should be limited to 250 words, followed by 3 - 6 keywords that are not used in the title. The abstract should include sentences (without titles) related to the aim of the study, methods, results, and conclusions. Also, from non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided. However, if necessary, they should be defined in the first mentioned place in the abstract.
All references must be written according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.) citation format (known as APA 7). For further information, please visit the website
Sample In-Text Referencing
Reference can be made to sources in text (Alagün & Gürsel, 2019). If multiple sources are given, this should be done in alphabetical order. If the names are the same, years should be considered. For a work with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus “et al.” in every citation, including the first citation (Tsuda et al., 2022). Direct quotations in the text “must be written in quotation marks” (Aydın, 2022, p. 19), or Kavasoğlu & Yaşar (2016) emphasize that direct quotations in the text “must be written in quotation marks” (p. 53). Direct quotations (and statements of the participants in qualitative studies) longer than forty (40) words must be indented. Direct quotations (and statements of the participants in qualitative studies) longer than forty (40) words must be indented. Direct quotations (and statements of the participants in qualitative studies) longer than forty (40) words must be indented.
Sample Bibliography
Reference to a journal article
Rowe, V. D., & Garriques, L. (2021). The grassroot glory of Jamaica’s athletics: Analyzing the perceived impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on high school student-athletes’ 2021 athletic championship. Journal of Physical Education and Sports Studies, 13(2) , 59-70 .
Reference to a book
Launder, A., & Piltz, W. (2013). Play practice: Engaging and developing skilled players from beginner to elite. Human Kinetics.Reference to a book chapter
Hastie, P., & Siedentop, D. (2006). The classroom ecology paradigm. In D. Kirk, D. Macdonald, & M. O’Sullivan (Eds.), Handbook of physical education (pp. 214–225). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Reference to a website
International Korfball Federation [IKF] (2020). Guidance notes to the rules of korfball. Retrieved July 21, 2020, from
3. Copyright Agreement and Authorship Forms
All the copyright of submitted articles must be transferred to PJSS during the article submission process. Therefore, Copyright Agreement Form signed by all authors must be submitted with the article. For Copyright Agreement Form, please click here. For Authorship Form, please click here.