Writing Rules


  • EXTENDED ENGLISH ABSTRACT: As of 1 July 2022, an extended abstract in English is requested from Turkish manuscripts. The extended abstract must be at least 1000 words in length. The extended abstract will not be requested from the authors during the initial submission of the manuscript to our journal; if the manuscript is accepted for publication, it will be requested from the authors during the preparation step of the article. The extended abstract s h o u l d include aim, method and results of the study.
  • The manuscripts to be submitted to the journal must be written using the following sample template created according to the journal writing rules.
  • Along with the Full Text file, Cover Page, Copyright Transfer Form, Ethics Committee Permission Document, Declaration Form That
  • The Study Has Not Been Published Before, Researcher Contribution Rate And Conflict of Interest Declaration Form And Similarity Report must be uploaded.
  • Author information should not be included in the Full Text file. Only the title, abstracts and author information should be included on the Cover Page.
  • If the ethics committee document is required for the article, ethic committee approve document must be uploaded to the system, and in cases where the ethics committee document is not required, a document stating that the Ethics Committee Permission is not required must be prepared. The situations where the Ethics Committee Approve Document is required are explained on the Ethical Principles and Publication Policy page.
  • Our journal requests a similarity report via plihal.net. When the full text file is uploaded in step 3 when the article is submitted, it will be sent to plihal.net. Preparation of the report may take time. For this reason, an e-mail will be sent to you when the process is completed. In the last step, you can complete the article submission according to your result report or repeat the process by going back to step 3. When you upload more than one file and receive a similarity report, all reports will be forwarded to the editor. A similarity report is requested for the manuscripts. The relevant similarity report should be obtained from Turnitin or iThenticate.
    The overall similarity rate should not be above 15%. The similarity rate from a single source should be less than 3%. Similarity rate should be checked by selecting 5 words option, excluding equations and excluding bibliography. Editors have the right to check for similarity during the evaluation process and request corrections accordingly.

    Manuscripts that are not prepared according to our writing rules and submitted without the relevant documents are not evaluated and returned at the preliminary control step.


    In accordance with the universal rules of scientific text writing, general elements such as Title, Author Information, Abstract, Keywords, Section Headings, Citation, Conclusion and Bibliography should be included. These are organised as follows.

    Manuscripts submitted to the Bulletin of Economic Theory and Analysis should include an English title, Abstract and Keywords.

    In addition to the Turkish and English Abstract, the international JEL codes related to the subject of the article should be included in the articles.

    Page Structure and Font Format
    Manuscripts should be written on A4 size (29.7x21 cm.) page with all margins set to 2.5 cm, in MS Word, in Times New Roman font, 12 pt, 1.5 line spacing. Paragraphs should be started one tab (1.25cm) inside.
    Pages are not numbered. Manuscripts should be a minimum of two thousand five hundred (2500) words and a maximum of ten thousand (10,000) words, including abstract and references.

    Title of the Paper
    The title should be compatible with the article, directly related to the content and express it in the most concrete way, and should be a maximum of 16 words.
    The title should be written at the top of the text, centered, with capital letters, 12 points, bolded and single line spacing.
    The English title should be placed above the Abstract, after the Turkish Abstract (z) and Keywords.

    Author Information
    The name(s) of the author(s), without title, should be as given in the cover page template just below the title. The information about the author(s) should also be presented as in the cover page template.

    An abstract not exceeding 200 words should be included in manuscripts. In Turkish articles, the Turkish Abstract (Öz) should appear at first, followed by the English title and the English Abstract (Abstract). Information that should be included in the summaries; purpose, method, findings and conclusion information and care should be taken to include this information. The abstract should be prepared according to the template of the journal.
    Manuscript should include English title, abstract, maximum five at least three keywords, JEL (Journal of Economic Literature) classification should be included for appropriate fields.

    JEL Codes
    Under the Turkish and English Keywords, at least 3 and at most 5 JEL Codes should be added related to the content of the study. If a manuscript do not include JEL Codes, it will not be accepted for scientific evaluation.

    Keywords should be compatible with the content of the manuscript and cover the whole manuscript.

    In the submitted manuscript, equations should be carefully numbered justified on the right side of the page. Equations should be prepared with MS Office programme. Equations should never take place as pictures in the articles.

    Main Text
    The main text should be written in 12 pt and 1.5 line spacing, justified. There should be no space from the right side at the beginning of paragraphs. The space between paragraphs should be set as 6 pt.

    Section Titles
    Level 1               Centered, Bold, Title Case Heading. Text begins as a new paragraph.
    Level 2              Flush Left, Bold, Title Case Heading Text begins as a new paragraph.
    Level 3              Flush Left, Bold Italic, Title Case Heading Text begins as a new paragraph.
    Level 4           Indented, Bold, Title Case Heading, Ending With a Period. Text begins on the same line and continues as a                            regular paragraph.
    Level 5             Indented, Bold Italic, Title Case Heading, Ending With a Period. Text begins on the same line and continues as                            a regular paragraph.

    Tables and Figures
    In the submitted manuscript, tables should be carefully numbered and the table name should appear below the table number and italic. The notes belonging to the table should be placed under the table and justified.
    In the submitted manuscript, the figures should be carefully numbered and the figure name should be justified just below the figure. Notes on the figure and the place of compilation, adaptation or citation (if any) should be written after the title.

    Pictures, photographs and other types of images are given in colour, high resolution or scanned, immediately below the section or paragraph in which they are given in the manuscript.

    Images, like Tables and Figures, are numbered and titled as (Picture/ Image/ Photograph 1.).
    The sources from which the illustrations are taken are shown below the illustrations, as are tables and figures.

    Quotations and Citations (References)
    Bulletin of Economic Theory and Analysis uses APA7. Examples of in-text and end-of-text references are given below.

  • When citing 1 author in the text, it should be given as (Solow, 1956).
  • When citing 2 authors in the text, it should be given as (Snowdon & Vane, 2005). The & sign should be used in place of the words and or and.
  • When citing references for 3 or more authors in the text, the first name in the form of et al (Aktay et al., 2017).
  • If a group/legal entity (such as associations, companies, governmental organisations and other working groups) is referred to as the author, the name of this group should be given in a very clear and understandable way in the reference in the text. In some cases the group name may be abbreviated. If the group name is long and the abbreviation is clear to everyone, or if there is already a known abbreviation for the group name, both the full and abbreviated form may be used in the first use, and only the abbreviation may be used in subsequent uses. If the group name is short or its abbreviation is not clear to everyone, the clear version of the name is written in all references.
  • In case of multiple references in the same parenthesis, the order should be alphabetical (not chronological!) according to the surname of the first author and separated by semicolons.
  • If different works by the same author are to be given in the same parenthesis, the order of the year from the past to the present is followed and the surname of the author is written once at the beginning of the reference.

  • References used in the article are centered on a new page and given under the bold "Bibliography" heading. The bibliography should be written in 12 font size and 1.15 line spacing, justified. The second and next rows should be 1.25 cm inside as below. The spacing between paragraphs/bibliographies should be set as Before (0 pt) After (6 pt). Every reference cited in the text should be included in the bibliography, and every reference in the bibliography should be referenced in the text. The author's name and date information in the submission must be exactly the same as the author's name and date information in the bibliography. Numbering or bullet points are not used in the bibliography. In cases where the number of authors is twenty or less, all author names are included in the bibliography.

            Books and reports

  • The book title should be italic and in lower case. There should be a full stop at the beginning and end of the book title, then the publisher should be given in plain and capital letters. The city and country of the publisher should not be given.

        Mankiw, N. G. (2014). Principles of economics. Cengage Learning.

            Snowdon, B., & Vane, H. R. (2005). Modern macroeconomics: its origins, development and current state. Edward Elgar Publishing.


  • The article name should be written in lower case letters, but the journal name should be capitalised and italic. The journal volume number should be italic but the issue number should be in parentheses. A doi link should be added at the end, if available.

        Baltagi, B. H., Egger, P., & Pfaffermayr, M. (2003). A generalised design for bilateral trade flow models. Economics Letters, 80(3), 391-397. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0165- 1765(03)00115-0
        Bahmani-Oskooee, M. M., & Goswami, G. G. (2003). A disaggregated approach to test the J-curve phenomenon: Japan versus her major trading partners. Journal of Economics and Finance, 27(1), 102-113.

    Translation Book

  • When giving the bibliographical information of publications which are translated from a foreign language into Turkish, the author of the work in the original language is given in the author section, the translator information is given in parentheses with the abbreviation Çev. followed by the first letter and surname of the translator.

        Gujarati, D. N., & Porter, D. C. (2018). Temel ekonometri (Çev. Ü. Şenesen ve G. G. Şenesen). Literatür Yayıncılık.

    Refering Edited Chapter
  • When referring to a chapter in an edited book, the names of the author(s) of the relevant chapter are given in the author section, not the names of the editors. After the title of the chapter, the first letter of the editor's name(s) and the full surname are given after the word "In".

        Meng, M., K. Im, J. Lee, & M. Tieslau. (2014). More powerful LM unit root tests with non-normal errors. In R. Sickles and W. Horrace (Eds.). The Festschrift in Honour of Peter Schmidt, (pp. 343-357). Springer Publishing Co.

    For more detailed information not included here and/or for more detailed information on referencing rules, please refer to the following sources:

  • American Psychological Association (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).
    https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar- guidelines/references/examples