Plagiarism Policy

The similarity rate control of the candidate articles sent to Bezgek Journal of Teaching Turkish to Foreigners is done with Ithenticate software programme. Authors should upload the similarity rate file obtained from the Ithenticate programme.

The similarity rate of the articles sent to Bezgek Journal, excluding the sources, should not exceed 15%, and the similarity rate from a single source should not exceed 3%. Articles that do not comply with this similarity ratio will be returned to their authors. The corresponding author must also upload the similarity rate declaration file and declare that the candidate article has no plagiarism problem. Thus, it is ensured that all responsibility for plagiarism problems belongs to the authors.

Bezgek Journal is based on the COPE Journal Editors' Code of Conduct. It rejects and does not accept all plagiarism and other unethical behaviours. Therefore, the journal policy on plagiarism behaviour, i.e. the COPE Code of Conduct for Journal Editors, cannot be ignored.

If plagiarism and unethical behaviours, which are the responsibility of the authors, are detected by the journal, candidate articles are either rejected or returned to the author for correction.

If plagiarism or unethical behaviour is detected in the published manuscripts, author defence is requested for the relevant publication. Publications that are found to be plagiarism or ethical violations as a result of the author's defence are withdrawn from publication. As a result of the withdrawal process, the relevant publication label is officially announced by the journal. A justification is prepared by the editor-in-chief and associate editors for the article and the retraction process is applied to the article with ethical violations. The text file of a retracted article on the web page is blocked. The reason for retraction is added to the system as a file to remain permanently in the archive.

Last Update Time: 1/25/25, 11:29:04 PM

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