Author's Archiving Policy
Since Bezgek Journal of Teaching Turkish Language to Foreigners is an Open Access journal, authors have the right to make their articles publicly available according to the terms of the CC BY license:
Authors publishing under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license can share and distribute their articles on non-commercial websites and repositories.
Reusing guidelines for open access content
When publishing, distributing or reusing Open Access articles, the journal must be clearly attributed as the original place of publication and accurate citation details must be given. Authors must deposit the URL/DOI of their published article to any repository in addition to the Registry Version.
We strongly encourage authors to deposit the Registry Version when making their articles comply with the terms of their Open Access license. This ensures that the definitive version is easily accessible to those accessing your article from such repositories and means your article is more likely to be cited correctly.
Since there are many ways to share different versions of your article as you progress through the publishing stages, a summary is provided below.
Article versions
Author's Original Article (AOM)
What is that? Before submitting your original article to a journal for peer review.
How can I share? You can share your aom as many times as you like via social media, in a scientific collaboration network, on your own personal website, or on a preprint server for non-commercial use (e.g. arXiv, bioRxiv, SocArXiv, etc.). Posting on a preprint server is not considered a duplicate publication. If you decide to submit your Aom anywhere, we kindly ask that upon acceptance you acknowledge that the article has been accepted for publication as follows:
"This article has been accepted for publication in Bezgek Journal of Teaching Turkish to Foreigners."
Accepted article (AM)
What is that? If your article is accepted for publication, it becomes an Accepted Article. This version has gone through a peer review process and has been accepted by a journal editor. Once you receive the acceptance email from the Registry Office, keep a copy of your am for future postings.
How can I share? You can submit your Accepted Article (AM) at any time after it has been accepted (this includes posting to Facebook, Google groups, Linkedin, and linking on Twitter). To encourage citation of your work, we recommend that you include a link from your published am to the published article with the following text, including the DOI:
“This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published in Bezgek Journal of Teaching Turkish to Foreigners [publication date], [Article DOI].”
Version of Record (VOR)
What is that? This is the final, definitive, citable version of your article that has been transcribed, typed, metadata applied, and assigned a DOI (Digital Object Identifier). This is the published version.
How can I share? In publication, you can link to VOR using DOI or submit the article PDF to non-commercial websites and repositories.
Link different versions of your article
By the time your article is published, you may have already shared your AOM and am in various places. It's a good idea to link them to vor once published by adding some text like the following:
"This is [Accepted Manuscript / Author's Original Manuscript] of an article published in Bezgek Journal of Teaching Turkish Language to Foreigners [publication date] and located at [Article DOI].”
Using a link containing the DOI, article downloads, Altmetric data, and citations can all be tracked and collated. All this data can help you evaluate the impact of your work.
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