General Principles
1. The article to be submitted to the journal should not have been published anywhere before and should not be in the publication process of another journal.
2. Turkish and English articles can be published in the journal.
3. The article submitted to the journal is sent to the referees after being examined for suitability for publication. As a result of the referees' evaluations, the article, which is deemed publishable by at least two referees, is published in the next issue if deemed appropriate by the editorial board.
4. The manuscript should not contain any information identifying the researchers in order to ensure author-referee confidentiality. For this reason, author name(s) should not be included both in the article and in the file name.
5. The abbreviations to be used in the articles should be based on TDK Spelling Guide.
6. The articles to be sent to Bezgek Journal of Teaching Turkish to Foreigners should be organised according to the article template.
7. The page layout of the articles should be arranged according to the following information.
Bottom: 2.5 cm
Top: 2.5 cm
Sol: 2.5 cm
Right: 2.5 cm
Line Spacing
The line spacing to be applied throughout the article is as follows:
Before: 6 nk
After: 0 nk
Line Spacing: Multiple
Value: 1,15
Font and Punto
Articles should be prepared with Times New Roman font. Different fonts can be used to meet some characters in the article. These fonts should also be sent with the article.
The font sizes to be used are as follows
Author organisation and contact information: 9 Punto
Abstract: 9 Pts, Normal
Text: 11 Punto, Regular
Footnotes: 9 Punto, Regular
Tables: 9 Points, Regular
Descriptions of tables, figures, photographs, etc: 10 Punto, normal
Extended Abstract: 11 Punto, Normal
Word Count
The number of words in the articles to be sent to Bezgek Journal of Teaching Turkish to Foreigners cannot exceed nine thousand, excluding appendices.
The title of the study should clearly reflect its content and be inclusive. The first letters of the words in the title of the article and the titles in the text should be capitalised.
It should clearly and briefly reflect the purpose, scope, method, results, prominent aspects and original value of the study. The abstract should be limited to 150-200 words.
It should be formed by selecting at least 3 and at most 5 of the words on which the study is shaped.
Abstract and Keywords
It should consist of the Turkish Abstract and the translation of the keywords into English.
Extended Abstract
The articles to be published should include an extended English abstract of 500-1000 words. The extended English abstract should be placed after the references section. This abstract should be in paragraphs, covering all the main ideas of the article.
The basis of the research topic, its equivalent in the literature, the importance of the research, the problem situation of the research and the aims of the research should be stated in the introduction.
The type of research, population, sample / research group, data collection techniques, data collection tools and their validity and reliability, data analysis and ethics committee approval in necessary studies should be discussed in the method section.
The findings obtained should be shown with relevant tables, figures, graphs or pictures in a way that supports the purpose and problem statement of the study.
Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendations
The findings should be discussed with the literature and author comments. The thoughts that emerge in line with the discussions should be presented to the attention with explanations. Suggestions related to the research topic should be made in accordance with the discussion and conclusion of the study.
Discussion, Conclusion and Suggestions can be given under a single title or separately by the authors.
Thanks should be expressed to the people and institutions that supported the conduct of the research.
APA 7 writing guide should be taken into consideration when citing references. In-text references and citations should be given in the language of the full text. For Turkish full text, Turkish referencing procedures and principles and for English full text, English referencing procedures and principles should be taken into consideration.
Book Citation
In text
(Sapolsky, 2017) ya da Sapolsky (2017)
Sources section
Sapolsky, R. M. (2017). Behave: The biology of humans at our best and worst. Penguin Books.
Book Chapter Citation
In text
(Çoban, 2020) or Çoban (2020)
Sources section
Çoban, İ. (2020). The problem of elective courses in Turkish teaching undergraduate programme. In C. Alyılmaz, O. Er and İ. Çoban (Eds.), Current problems of Turkish education (pp. 323-382), Eğiten Kitap.
Article Citation
In text
(Alyılmaz, 2010) or Alyılmaz (2010)
Sources section
Alyılmaz, C. (2010). Türkçe öğretiminin sorunları. Turkish Studies International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, 5(3), 728-749.
Thesis Citation
In text
(Er, 2015) or Er (2015)
Sources section
Er, O. (2015). Yabancılara Türkçe öğretimi uygulamalarının kültürel farkındalık oluştur açısından incelenmesi [Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation]. Ataturk University.
Appendices related to the study should be given after the Extended Abstract. Each appendix should be categorised as Appendix 1, Appendix 2 and each appendix should be categorised separately.
Tables, Figures and Images
Each table, figure and image must have a numbered designation. These designations should be in 10 pt. Tables should be italicised above the table and figures and images should be italicised below.
Other Considerations
Articles that do not comply with the above-mentioned principles will definitely not be evaluated.
Bezgek Journal of Teaching Turkish to Foreigners has the right to publish or not publish the submitted articles and to make corrections on the articles when deemed necessary. The legal responsibility of an article published in the journal belongs to the author and does not bind the journal.
The articles published in the journal cannot be reproduced in any way and cannot be republished elsewhere (in print or on the internet) without the written permission of the journal management. The author submitting an article to the journal is deemed to have accepted these principles.
Submission of Articles
Articles prepared in accordance with the above principles should be submitted via the Article Tracking System.
Bezgek Journal of Teaching Turkish to Foreigners is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Licence.