Bitlis Islamiyat Journal (BİDER), which started to be published in 2019 within the Faculty of Islamic Sciences of Bitlis Eren University, is a refereed journal and is published twice a year. In addition to original research articles in the fields of theology, social sciences and humanities, book reviews and translated articles (Turkish-English-Arabic) are also published in our journal.
Our journal is published on June 15 and December 15 every year. Article acceptance dates for the June issue are January 1-April 30; article acceptance dates for the December issue are July 1-October 31.
Manuscripts submitted for publication in our journal should be organized and sent according to the WRITING RULES, based on our journal's ARTICLE TEMPLATE and ARTICLE COVER information. Texts submitted to the journal are forwarded to two referees after the preliminary evaluation stage. A double blind refereeing system is applied between our referees and authors. The article that receives a positive report from two referees is published. If one of the referees gives a negative report, the article is sent to a third referee.