Writing Rules

1. Titles in Turkish and the other foreign languages must be compatible with the scope of the article, and be short, clear and adequate.

2. Turkish and English abstracts must be added into the articles just below the title. Abstracts must reflect the purpose, scope and outcomes of the writing. Turkish and English abstracts must be added into the Turkish articles; meanwhile, English and Turkish abstracts must also be added into the English articles.

3. The articles should be in accordance with the grammar rules in terms of language and expression. For spelling and punctuation, the dictionary of spelling by the Turkish Language Association will be used as a source. The concepts of Islamic economics and law, and the names of individuals and works should be written on the basis of the use of the Islamic Encyclopedia of Islamic Foundation of Turkey (DİA) or the writing rules.

4.  The known scientific methods must be used in preparation of the articles; the subject, purpose, scope and reason for the preparation of the study must be given in a satisfying and certain order. Figures, tables, photographs and the other documents used in the article must be prepared in accordance with the scientific rules, be selected according to the purpose and scope of the article.

5. There must be a simple and sufficient explanation that can be easily understood under the figures, tables, pictures and other documents used in the article.

6. There must be a bibliography at the end of the study in accordance with the system of reference presentation. The references used in the work must be arranged in accordance with the writing rules; they must also be added to the bibliography at the end of the study in accordance with the system of reference presentation.

7. The results must be in accordance with the purpose and scope of the study, must be given with all of its outlines and in summary.

8. The articles should be written in Microsoft Office Word program with a paper size of 16x24 and a “Book Antiqua” style “11 point” and “Full: 14.5 nk” line spacing. The articles are printed on one side of the paper in a size of 12x19 cm. The margins should be 2.7cm from the top, 2.3cm below, 2cm from the inside edge and 2cm from the outside edge. In addition, a space of 2 lines from the top should be left on the first page.

9. Abstracts must be about 150-200 words, and written leaving 12 pt. space after the author names. They must be written leftward in 9 pt with “Book Antiqua”; the keywords (at least 5 and at most 7 expressions) and JEL codes should be given below the abstract.

10. The name of the article is written with bold 12 pt on the first page and the page should be centered. Under the Turkish title, the English title must be in italic-bold with 12 points and the first letters should be large and the others small. If the article is in English, a Turkish title should be added to the bottom. The line spacing after the main headings is 23 points. Headings in the text should be preceded by 12 nk and followed by 6 nk.

11. After the title, the author name (s) should be written by giving 12 pt. space to rightward in the way of untitled, italic and bold. The title, institution and e-mail address are specified as footnotes.

12. Footnotes should be written in 9 pt with “Book Antiqua” style.

13. If the study was carried out with support of any institution; name of the institution should be indicated as a footnote on the first page.

14. The length of the articles sent to the journal should not exceed 30 pages and 7000 words. If the size of the text exceeds this limit, the editor may ask for shortening. Figures, tables and photographs should be prepared in a digital platform and placed so as not to exceed the page size in the text or at the end.

15. There will be 6 nk space between titles of the table, figure, photo and the table, photograph or figure below the titles. Table, figure and photo titles will be in bold, 1 cm from inside to right, with “Book Antiqua” writing style and 9 pt and “Table 1:” style. The records in the table will be written in the same format with 9 points. However, to ensure integrity of the Tables, Figures and Graphics, a 7 to 8 font style can also be used in extensive studies.

16. All tables and figures should be in the same format.  Mathematical equations should be numbered consecutively, the equation numbers should be written in parentheses at the right margin. 

17. References are shown in text according to the APA system. According to this, citations should be written in parentheses as the surname of the author, surnames if there is more than one author, the publication date of the work found in the reference, the number of pages cited or pages (Say and Krugman, 2012:15). If the referenced author has more than one work published in the same year, then small a, b, c, etc. should be used adjacent to the year (Friedman, 2014a), (Friedman, 2014b). Citation of the articles with more than one author in the text should be done as (Kotler vd., 2015:155). Detailed information can be found on the APA website (http://www. apastyle.org).

18. The reference list should be written as follows:

a) Single-authored article;

Pesaran, M. H. (2007). A simple panel unit root test in the presence of cross‐section dependence. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 22(2), 265-312.

b) Two-authored article;

Apergis, N., & Payne, J. E. (2011). The renewable energy consumption–growth nexus in Central America. Applied Energy, 88(1), 343-347. 

c) Three or more authored article;

Shahbaz, M., Hye, Q. M. A., Tiwari, A. K., & Leitão, N. C. (2013). Economic growth, energy consumption, financial development, international trade and CO2 emissions in Indonesia. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 25, 109-121. 

d) Internet – Article Published on the Internet Journal

Wade, L. (2000). International Business Management. Journal of Management, 12(2: 187-223. [Çevrimiçi kaynak]. http://www. texshare.edu7ovidweb/ovidweb.cgi [Erişim tarihi: 2 Mart 2017].

19. The reference format for the books is as follows:

a) Single-authored Book

Kotler, P. (2001). Marketing Management, Millenium Edition, Prentice-Hall, Inc. 

b) Two-authored Book

Tabachnick, B.G. ve Fidel, L.S. (2001). Using Multivariate Statistics, International Student Edition, 4th Edition, USA: Ally and Bacon, A Pearson Education Company.

c) Single-edited Book

Theberge, J. (Ed.). Economics of Trade and Development. New York: John Wiley. 

d) Two-edited Book

Stodgill, M. R. ve A. E. Coons (Ed.). (1957). Leader Behaviour:Its Description and Measurement. Colombus: Ohio State University. 

e) Articles inside an edited Book

Can, A. H. (2002). Bacasız Sektör Kültür Turizmi. K. Hayat (Ed.). Türkiyenin Turizm Sektörü. Ankara: Gazi Yayıncılık, 2002, 65-98.

20. Publications Presented at the Congress

Babahan, R. ve Davutoğlu, A. (2017). “Corruption in Auctions of LandUse Rights: Empirical Assessment of Seven Chinese Cities”, Second World Congress of Comparative Economics Abstract Book, March 25, 2017 / St. Petersbug-Russia.  

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