Dr. Samur, graduated from Instructional Design and Technology, Department of Learning Sciences and Technologies at Virginia Tech with the Fulbright Scholarship, works as an Associate Professor at Bahçeşehir University, Faculty of Educational Sciences in the department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology (CEIT) (@bauceit), and also leaded the CEIT department. He was the coordinator of Educational Technology (TR/EN, Thesis/Project) master’s and doctoral programme (@bauegitek). He is also the president of YEGAM (@yegam_egitim). Dr. Samur is also rewarded as the “Academician of the Year of 2022” (@hempacocuk).
His research interests are on using educational games for learning and instruction (@oyuntasarimi), gamification in education, educational game design, digital game design, multimedia design, technology/social media/game addiction and (digital) game based learning (@EgitimveOyun). He is also the founder of GameFriendlySchool, GameFriendlyTeacher, GameFriendlyParent, GameFriendlyMunicipal projects (@OyunDostuOkul).
His books, of which he has more than 20 authors in the mentioned fields, have been published more than 100 thousand, and more than 15 indexed publications in international refereed journals have received more than 500 citations. Dr. Samur has supervised more than 70 master and doctoral dissertations in the field of Educational Technologies.
He also designs physical, board and digital educational games for students and he is the co-owber of a company producing digital educational games titled as Ugur Games (www.ugurgames.com) and also serves as an advisor to many other educational game companies (@buckedgames ve @mentalup).
He teaches courses such as “Educational Technology”, “Instructional Design” (@OgretimTasarimi), “Multimedia Design and Production in Education”, “(Digital) Game-based Learning”, “Gamification in Education”, “Child and Media” (@childandmedia), at undergraduate, master and doctoral level.
Dr. Samur also leads in government and company funded educational game projects, educational digital content and software/game design and development projects. He has been giving consultancy to many government and private companies and institutions.
He loves to give lectures, seminars and trainings to students, teachers, and parents in aforementioned topics.
www.yavuzsamur.com www.twitter.com/YavuzSamur www.instagram.com/YavuzSamur www.youtube.com/c/DrYavuzSamur
Mehmet Fatih Aysan is a Professor of Sociology at Marmara University and the director of the Center for Population and Social Policies, Institute of Population and Social Research. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Western Ontario (2011) and taught sociology at the same university (2010-2012). He previously worked as a faculty member in the Department of Sociology (2012-2020) and as the director of the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences (2016-2020) at İstanbul Şehir University. His sociological interests are rooted at the intersection of demography, family, sociology of work, and social policy. His study centers on how changes in demographics, labor markets, and social policies combine to influence the welfare of societies. His research projects were supported by the TÜBA, EU, ERC, IDRC, and TÜBİTAK. Dr. Aysan’s works are published in edited books and peer-reviewed journals such as Routledge, Palgrave, Springer, Population & Development Review, The Canadian Journal of Sociology, and Emerging Markets & Finance.