Volume: 38 Issue: 2, 12/31/21

Year: 2021

Boğaziçi University Journal of Education publishes scientific articles that contribute to the field of education in Turkey and in the world. The main objective of the journal is to provide an intellectual platform for researchers to share their research with national and international research communities and to engage in discussion about the current issues in the field of education.

The Journal publishes refereed articles on theoretical or applied research in the following fields: psychological services in education, guidance and psychological counseling; early childhood or pre-school education; special education; adult education; educational administration, supervision, philosophy, history and policies; science and math education; foreign language education and applied linguistics; measurement, testing and research techniques in education; educational technology; program development and evaluation in education.

The Journal follows the standards that are identifed by the publication manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). Please consult with the APA publication manual (preferably 6th edition) for the rules to be followed in submission of manuscripts. If you do not have this resource available, you may request a text that summarizes the general framework from the editors. Basic rules to be followed in submitting manuscripts are indicated below.


Basic Rules to be Followed in Preparing and Submitting Manuscripts to

Boğaziçi University Journal of Education


Manuscripts submitted to the Journal should not have been published or submitted for publication review elsewhere. They could be a research report, a systematic literature review or an original opinion article discussing a new idea or model.

The languages of the Journal are Turkish and English. The title of the manuscript should be no longer than 20 words, the entire paper should be around 10-25 pages. All pages including the first one should be numbered in upper hand corner. In addition to the abstract (or “özet”) given in the language of the main text, another abstract should be given in the other language. These abstracts must be written on separate pages without exceeding 100-120 words for reports of empirical research, and 75-100 words for theoretical papers or literature reviews. Following the abstract is a list of 3-5 key words (anahtar sözcükler), commonly accepted in the related scientific literature indicating the main topic of the paper.

All manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the specifications of the APA publication manual (6th ed.). Manuscripts that do not conform to the specifications of the guideline are not taken into consideration.

To maintain the objectivity of the review process, only the title of the paper should be written at the top of the manuscript. A cover letter including information about the paper should be included. This cover letter must have the title of the paper, full names of the author(s), positions, affiliations, addresses, phone and fax numbers, e-mail address where available, research area or interests, information on whether the article was based on a thesis or dissertation, and if applicable, information on what conference, where, and when it was presented.  The author responsible for correspondence should be indicated and information on the authors’ research interests should be appended. This is requested for purposes of facilitating professional communication, and information per author should not exceed 50 words.

The manuscript should be printed on only one side of A4 size paper with 1 inch (2.54 cm) margins left on all sides. The entire paper should be double-spaced and the words should not be divided at the end of the line. The first line of every paragraph should be indented by using Tab with 7 spaces (0.5 inch; 1.27 cm). The typeface of the manuscript should be either Times or Ariel (font 10) where both Turkish and English letters can be printed easily. The same font must be used in the entire text.

Tables and figures themselves should be added to the end of the text, each on a separate page. Figures will be published in facsimile. Thus instead of photocopies, the original (first) copies of the figures should be sent.

                Below are some examples of reference formats:

Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (1996). Title of the article. Name of Journal, 12(4), 123-134.

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (1988). Title of the book (3rd ed.). Washington, DC: Name of the Publisher.

Author, A. A. (1987). Title of the chapter. In C. K. Orman, L. M. Olgun & T. M. Kaya (Eds.), Title of the book (pp. 23-34). İstanbul: Titiz Publications.

Author, A. A. (1997, January). Title of the presentation. Paper presented at ____________, City, State or the name of the Country.

Editorial Policy

Boğaziçi University Journal of Education follows Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines on Code of Conduct. Manuscripts submitted to the Journal should not have been published or submitted for publication review elsewhere. They could be a research report, a systematic literature review or an original opinion article discussing a new idea or model. The languages of the Journal are Turkish and English. Every year the first issue is published in English, the second in Turkish. All manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the specifications of the APA publication manual (6th Edition). Manuscripts that do not conform with the specifications of the guideline are not taken into consideration.

Peer Review Process

Manuscripts submitted to the Journal are reviewed by two anonymous reviewers as well as the editor. The evaluation process takes approximately 6-8 weeks. Upon receiving the reviewers’ comments and suggestions, the editor informs the author/s about the decision taken, accompanied with the detailed evaluation of the manuscript.

Revision and Withdraw System

Authors should inform the Editor(s) if they identify errors with their data or manuscripts and cooperate with them to revise or withdraw their manuscripts.

Research with Humans or Animals

Research conducted with humans or animals should be approved by relevant ethics committee(s) and should follow international ethical and legal standards for research.

Publication Fees

There is no fee for article submission, article processing or publication.

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