Research Article
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Year 2018, Volume: 16 Issue: 2, 161 - 190, 30.06.2018


20. yüzyılın başından itibaren, başta Klasik İktisat, Neoklasik İktisat ve Keynesyen İktisat olmak üzere, ana akım iktisat olarak adlandırılan görüşlerle ekonomi şekillenmiştir. Ana akım iktisadının uzun yıllar boyunca matematik ile iç içe bir bilim olarak var olması, beşeri bir bilim olmasına rağmen, zaman içinde psikoloji ve sosyolojiden uzaklaşmasına sebebiyet vermiştir. Diğer bir deyişle ana akım öğretide matematik bir araç değil, amaç olarak ele alınmaya başlanmıştır. Sınırlandırıcı varsayımlarla oluşturulan matematiksel modeller ile açıklanmaya başlanan birçok kuram ve teori, bugünkü ekonomik olayların birçoğuna ve kriz ortamına açıklık getirmekte yetersiz kalmaktadır. Geleneksel iktisadın kabul ettiği rasyonel birey varsayımını tartışmaya açarak çalışmalarına başlayan davranışsal iktisat ise psikoloji biliminin de kazandırdığı sonuçlarla farklı bir pencere açılmasına olanak vermiştir. Hatta bugün birçok ülkenin kamu politikalarında davranışsal ekonomi uygulamaları da yerini almaya başlamıştır. Nitekim bu gelişmelerle birlikte, davranışsal iktisat alanında Türkçe eser sayısının yetersizliği, bu alanın gelişiminde olumsuz etki yaratmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, davranışsal iktisat dalına ilgi duyan ve konuda araştırma yapmak isteyen araştırmacılar için davranışsal iktisat dalının öneminin, tarihsel sürecinin ve günümüz aşamasına gelene kadar yaşadığı dönüm noktalarının ve eserlerinin derlenmesi ile tek bir çatı altında sunulmasıdır.


  • Abawajy, J. (2014). User preference of cyber security awareness delivery methods. Behaviour & Information Technology, 33(3), 237-248. Anwar, M., He, W., Ash, I., Yuan, X., Li, L., & Xu, L. (2017). Gender difference and employees' cybersecurity behaviors. Computers in Human Behavior, 69, 437-443. Arachchilage, N. A. G., & Love, S. (2014). Security awareness of computer users: A phishing threat avoidance perspective. Computers in Human Behavior, 38, 304-312. Bada, M., & Sasse, A. (2014). Cyber Security Awareness Campaigns: Why do they fail to change behaviour? Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre: Draft Working Paper. Beautement, A., Sasse, M. A., & Wonham, M. (2009, August). The compliance budget: managing security behaviour in organisations. In Proceedings of the 2008 workshop on New security paradigms (pp. 47-58). ACM. Beyer, M., Ahmed, S., Doerlemann, K., Arnell, S., Parkin, S., Sasse, M. A., & Passingham, N. (2015). Awareness is only the first step. A framework for progressive engagement of staff in cyber security, Hewlett Packard, Business white paper. Blythe, J. (2013). Cyber security in the workplace: Understanding and promoting behaviour change. Proceedings of CHItaly 2013 Doctoral Consortium, 1065, 92-101. Cone, B. D., Irvine, C. E., Thompson, M. F., & Nguyen, T. D. (2007). A video game for cyber security training and awareness. computers & security, 26(1), 63-72. Coventry, L., Briggs, P., Blythe, J., & Tran, M. (2014). Using behavioural insights to improve the public’s use of cyber security best practices. gov. uk report. CTR Uluslararası Belgelendirme ve Denetim Ltd. Şti. Web Sitesi, (02.03.2018) Davinson, N., & Sillence, E. (2010). It won't happen to me: Promoting secure behaviour among Internet users. Computers in Human Behavior, 26(6), 1739-1747. Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, pg.44 (18.01.2018) Egelman, S., Harbach, M., & Peer, E. (2016, May). Behavior ever follows intention?: A validation of the security behavior intentions scale (SeBIS). In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems (pp. 5257-5261). ACM. Egelman, S., & Peer, E. (2015, April). Scaling the security wall: Developing a security behavior intentions scale (sebis). In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 2873-2882). ACM. Eminağaoğlu, M., Uçar, E., & Eren, Ş. (2009). The positive outcomes of information security awareness training in companies–A case study. information security technical report, 14(4), 223-229. Erol, O., Şahin, Y. L., Yılmaz, E., & Haseski, H. İ. (2015). Kişisel Siber Güvenliği Sağlama Ölçeği geliştirme çalışması. Journal of Human Sciences, 12(2), 75-91. Güldüren, C., Çetinkaya, L., & Keser, H. (2016). Ortaöğretim öğrencilerine yönelik bilgi güvenliği farkındalık ölçeği (BGFÖ) geliştirme çalışması. İlköğretim Online, 15(2). Harrington, S., Anderson, C., & Agarwal, R. (2006). Practicing safe computing: Message framing, self-view, and home computer user security behavior intentions. ICIS 2006 Proceedings, 93. Internetworldstats, (17.01.2018) ITU (International Telecommunication Union pg.18, pg.43 (17.01.2018) ITU-T Rec., ITU-T Rec. X.1205 (04/2008) Overview of cybersecurity, (22.01.2018) Johnson, M. E., & Goetz, E. (2007). Embedding information security into the organization. IEEE Security & Privacy, 5(3). Karacı, A., Akyüz, H. İ., & Bilgici, G. (2017). Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Siber Güvenlik Davranışlarının İncelenmesi. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 25(6), 2079-2094. Li, L., Xu, L., He, W., Chen, Y., & Chen, H. (2016, December). Cyber Security Awareness and Its Impact on Employee’s Behavior. In International Conference on Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems (pp. 103-111). Springer, Cham. Li, Y., & Siponen, M. T. (2011, July). A Call For Research On Home Users' Information Security Behaviour. In PACIS (p. 112). Mariea Grubbs Hoy & George Milne (2010) Gender Differences in PrivacyRelated Measures for Young Adult Facebook Users, Journal of Interactive Advertising, 10:2, 28-45, DOI: 10.1080/15252019.2010.10722168. Ng, B. Y., Kankanhalli, A., & Xu, Y. C. (2009). Studying users' computer security behavior: A health belief perspective. Decision Support Systems, 46(4), 815-825. Resmi Gazete, (17.01.2018) Rogers, R. W. (1983). Cognitive and physiological processes in fear appeals and attitude change: A revised theory of protection motivation. In J. Cacioppo, & R. Petty (Eds.), Social psychophysiology. New York: Guilford Press. Rosenstock, I. M. (1974). The health belief model and preventive health behavior. Health Education Monographs 2. Safa, N. S., Sookhak, M., Von Solms, R., Furnell, S., Ghani, N. A., & Herawan, T. (2015). Information security conscious care behaviour formation in organizations. Computers & Security, 53, 65-78. Security 101, [22.01.2018] Shih, D. H., Lin, B., Chiang, H. S., & Shih, M. H. (2008). Security aspects of mobile phone virus: a critical survey. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 108(4), 478-494. The United States Army’s Cyberspace Operations Concept Capability Plan 2016-2028 (17.01.2018) TÜİK, (14.02.2018) Türk Dil Kurumu Büyük Türkçe Sözlüğü, (17.01.2018) Ulusal Siber Savunma 2017, (14.02.2018). Ünver, M. Ulusal Siber Güvenliğin Sağlanmasında Farkındalık Çalışmaları, (13.10.2015). Vance, A., Siponen, M., & Pahnila, S. (2012). Motivating IS security compliance: insights from habit and protection motivation theory. Information & Management, 49(3-4), 190-198. Von Solms, R., & Van Niekerk, J. (2013). From information security to cyber security. computers & security, 38, 97-102.
Year 2018, Volume: 16 Issue: 2, 161 - 190, 30.06.2018



  • Abawajy, J. (2014). User preference of cyber security awareness delivery methods. Behaviour & Information Technology, 33(3), 237-248. Anwar, M., He, W., Ash, I., Yuan, X., Li, L., & Xu, L. (2017). Gender difference and employees' cybersecurity behaviors. Computers in Human Behavior, 69, 437-443. Arachchilage, N. A. G., & Love, S. (2014). Security awareness of computer users: A phishing threat avoidance perspective. Computers in Human Behavior, 38, 304-312. Bada, M., & Sasse, A. (2014). Cyber Security Awareness Campaigns: Why do they fail to change behaviour? Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre: Draft Working Paper. Beautement, A., Sasse, M. A., & Wonham, M. (2009, August). The compliance budget: managing security behaviour in organisations. In Proceedings of the 2008 workshop on New security paradigms (pp. 47-58). ACM. Beyer, M., Ahmed, S., Doerlemann, K., Arnell, S., Parkin, S., Sasse, M. A., & Passingham, N. (2015). Awareness is only the first step. A framework for progressive engagement of staff in cyber security, Hewlett Packard, Business white paper. Blythe, J. (2013). Cyber security in the workplace: Understanding and promoting behaviour change. Proceedings of CHItaly 2013 Doctoral Consortium, 1065, 92-101. Cone, B. D., Irvine, C. E., Thompson, M. F., & Nguyen, T. D. (2007). A video game for cyber security training and awareness. computers & security, 26(1), 63-72. Coventry, L., Briggs, P., Blythe, J., & Tran, M. (2014). Using behavioural insights to improve the public’s use of cyber security best practices. gov. uk report. CTR Uluslararası Belgelendirme ve Denetim Ltd. Şti. Web Sitesi, (02.03.2018) Davinson, N., & Sillence, E. (2010). It won't happen to me: Promoting secure behaviour among Internet users. Computers in Human Behavior, 26(6), 1739-1747. Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, pg.44 (18.01.2018) Egelman, S., Harbach, M., & Peer, E. (2016, May). Behavior ever follows intention?: A validation of the security behavior intentions scale (SeBIS). In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems (pp. 5257-5261). ACM. Egelman, S., & Peer, E. (2015, April). Scaling the security wall: Developing a security behavior intentions scale (sebis). In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 2873-2882). ACM. Eminağaoğlu, M., Uçar, E., & Eren, Ş. (2009). The positive outcomes of information security awareness training in companies–A case study. information security technical report, 14(4), 223-229. Erol, O., Şahin, Y. L., Yılmaz, E., & Haseski, H. İ. (2015). Kişisel Siber Güvenliği Sağlama Ölçeği geliştirme çalışması. Journal of Human Sciences, 12(2), 75-91. Güldüren, C., Çetinkaya, L., & Keser, H. (2016). Ortaöğretim öğrencilerine yönelik bilgi güvenliği farkındalık ölçeği (BGFÖ) geliştirme çalışması. İlköğretim Online, 15(2). Harrington, S., Anderson, C., & Agarwal, R. (2006). Practicing safe computing: Message framing, self-view, and home computer user security behavior intentions. ICIS 2006 Proceedings, 93. Internetworldstats, (17.01.2018) ITU (International Telecommunication Union pg.18, pg.43 (17.01.2018) ITU-T Rec., ITU-T Rec. X.1205 (04/2008) Overview of cybersecurity, (22.01.2018) Johnson, M. E., & Goetz, E. (2007). Embedding information security into the organization. IEEE Security & Privacy, 5(3). Karacı, A., Akyüz, H. İ., & Bilgici, G. (2017). Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Siber Güvenlik Davranışlarının İncelenmesi. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 25(6), 2079-2094. Li, L., Xu, L., He, W., Chen, Y., & Chen, H. (2016, December). Cyber Security Awareness and Its Impact on Employee’s Behavior. In International Conference on Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems (pp. 103-111). Springer, Cham. Li, Y., & Siponen, M. T. (2011, July). A Call For Research On Home Users' Information Security Behaviour. In PACIS (p. 112). Mariea Grubbs Hoy & George Milne (2010) Gender Differences in PrivacyRelated Measures for Young Adult Facebook Users, Journal of Interactive Advertising, 10:2, 28-45, DOI: 10.1080/15252019.2010.10722168. Ng, B. Y., Kankanhalli, A., & Xu, Y. C. (2009). Studying users' computer security behavior: A health belief perspective. Decision Support Systems, 46(4), 815-825. Resmi Gazete, (17.01.2018) Rogers, R. W. (1983). Cognitive and physiological processes in fear appeals and attitude change: A revised theory of protection motivation. In J. Cacioppo, & R. Petty (Eds.), Social psychophysiology. New York: Guilford Press. Rosenstock, I. M. (1974). The health belief model and preventive health behavior. Health Education Monographs 2. Safa, N. S., Sookhak, M., Von Solms, R., Furnell, S., Ghani, N. A., & Herawan, T. (2015). Information security conscious care behaviour formation in organizations. Computers & Security, 53, 65-78. Security 101, [22.01.2018] Shih, D. H., Lin, B., Chiang, H. S., & Shih, M. H. (2008). Security aspects of mobile phone virus: a critical survey. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 108(4), 478-494. The United States Army’s Cyberspace Operations Concept Capability Plan 2016-2028 (17.01.2018) TÜİK, (14.02.2018) Türk Dil Kurumu Büyük Türkçe Sözlüğü, (17.01.2018) Ulusal Siber Savunma 2017, (14.02.2018). Ünver, M. Ulusal Siber Güvenliğin Sağlanmasında Farkındalık Çalışmaları, (13.10.2015). Vance, A., Siponen, M., & Pahnila, S. (2012). Motivating IS security compliance: insights from habit and protection motivation theory. Information & Management, 49(3-4), 190-198. Von Solms, R., & Van Niekerk, J. (2013). From information security to cyber security. computers & security, 38, 97-102.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section İktisadi ve idari Bilimler Sayısı

Asena Gizem Yiğit

Publication Date June 30, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 16 Issue: 2


APA Yiğit, A. G. (2018). DAVRANIŞSAL İKTİSADIN ANLAŞILMASINA YÖNELİK BİR LİTERATÜR TARAMASI. Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 16(2), 161-190.