Writing Rules


-The studies to be sent to the journal must be written using the following sample template created according to the journal writing rules.
-A Cover Page, Copyright Transfer Form, Conflict and Ethics Statement and Similarity Report must be uploaded along with the Full Text file.
-Author information must not be included in the Full Text file when the article is first uploaded to the system. Author information will be added after the article processing processes are completed. Only the title and author information must be included on the Cover Page.
-Our journal does not accept articles in languages ​​other than Turkish and English.
-If an ethics committee document is required for your article, the relevant document must be uploaded; in cases where an ethics committee document is not required, a Conflict and Ethics Statement document must be prepared. The situations where an ethics committee document is required are explained on the Ethical Principles and Publication Policy page.

-Authors must upload this file to the system after pasting their work onto the ARTICLE TEMPLATE.
-Articles that are not prepared according to our writing rules, sent with incomplete documents, or do not comply with APA 7 reference indication are returned to the author at the preliminary control stage without being evaluated.


In accordance with the universal rules of scientific text writing, general elements such as Title, Author Information, Abstract, Keywords, Section Headings, Quotation, Conclusion and References must be included in the articles in full. These are arranged in the following format.

Page Structure and Font
Articles should be written in Microsoft Office Word program with A4 paper size and the content in “Cambria” font with “11 point” and “1.15” line spacing. Margins should be 2.5 cm at the top, bottom, left and right sides.
Article Title
The title should be written at the top of the text, centered, with all letters capitalized, 14 point, Cambria font, not bold, 6 pt first and 6 pt after, and with single line spacing.
English title, All capital letters, cambria font, 14 points, centered, not bold, 6 pt before and after, single line spacing.

Author Information
Author information should only be included on the COVER PAGE. Author information should not be included in the Full Text file. It should be written as specified on the COVER PAGE and in full.

The Özet should be written in Turkish, in 10 points, first 6 pt, then 6 pt, written in capital letters, under the title (ÖZET) and consisting of at least 100 and at most 250 words that best express the content.

The English abstract should be written in English, under the Turkish abstract and keywords, centered, bold, 10 points, first 6 pt, then 6 pt, written in capital letters, under the title (ABSTRACT) and consisting of at least 100 and at most 250 words that best express the content.


A minimum of 3 and maximum 5 keywords should be given under the title (Anahtar Kelimeler:) in 10 points, bold, again in 10 points, under the abstract. There should be a period at the end.
English Keywords should be given after the English Abstract, in bold typeface 10 points, to the right of the title (Keywords:), again in 10 points, with a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5.

Main Text
The main text should be written in Cambria font, 11 points, 6 pt before, 6 pt after and 1.15 line spacing. No space should be left before or after any title. The study should not exceed 10,000 words or a total of 30 pages.

The sources used in the article should be organized in accordance with APA 7 referencing rules, each document referred to should be included in the references section, and a bibliography should be added at the end of the study in accordance with the source indication.

Main titles should be numbered as 1., 2., 3., … in 11-point Cambria font; subtitles should be written as 1.1., 1.2., 1.3., …. Main titles should be written in all capital letters and subtitles should be written with the first letter of each word capitalized and the other letters lowercase. REFERENCES title is not numbered.
Tables, Figures and Graphs
Table title should be written in 11-point font, centered above the table. Table numbers will be sequential (Table 1. ). No space will be left before or after. Table 1. expression will be written in bold but the Table title will be written normally. Table content can be written in 11, 10, 9 or 8-point font, depending on the situation. The table should be extended on both sides and centered. Vertical lines should not be used in the table.
The reference indication should be placed immediately below the table. It should be 9-point font and centered. Source: should be written in bold but the source text should be written in normal.
Figure and Graph title; should be written in 11 point size, centered at the top. Figure numbers should be in sequential order (Figure 1.) or (Graph 1.). No space should be left before or after. Figure 1. or Graph 1. should be written in bold but the Table title should be written in normal size. Sources of tables, figures or graphs should be given below, centered, in 9 point size.
Images, photographs and other visuals should be given in color, high resolution or scanned, immediately below the section or paragraph in the text.
Images, like Tables and Figures, are numbered and titled as (Image/Visual/Photo 1.). Sources from which images are taken, like tables and figures, are shown below the images.
Applications that do not comply with the checklist below during the application process will be returned to the authors.
1) The following documents must be prepared and uploaded to the system for article submission to Cihanşümul Akademi Journal of Social Sciences.
-ARTICLE FULL-TEXT FILE (Must be prepared according to the Article Template)
-COVER PAGE (Must be uploaded in Word format)
-COPYRIGHT TRANSFER FORM (Must be signed by the authors and uploaded in pdf format)
-CONFLICT AND ETHICS DECLARATION FORM (Must be signed by the authors and uploaded in pdf format)
-SIMILARITY REPORT (Must be uploaded as an Additional File during the file upload phase)
2) Articles can be written in Turkish or English. The article must have an ABSTRACT and an ABSTRACT written in Turkish and English, each not exceeding 250 words. 3 to 5 Keywords must be given. When the article is uploaded to the system, the English title, abstract and keywords must also be entered into the system.
3) The article length must not exceed 10,000 words or 30 pages in total.
4) The submitted article must be prepared in accordance with APA 7 format. The footnote system is accepted for articles from the Faculty of Theology.
5) In research articles, the problem must be clearly stated in the introduction section. The introduction section can be followed by the method, findings and conclusion sections, respectively.
6) Applications must be in Microsoft Word file (.doc or .docx) format.
7) In-text citations should be given with a page number as (Yılmaz, 2023: 123) if a sentence/paragraph in the article/book is cited, and without a page number as (Yılmaz, 2023) if an entire article/book is cited.
8) When uploading an article file to our system, since the article will be sent to referees, no identifying information such as the institution name, ORCID number, name and surname of the author(s) etc. should be written on the Full Text of the Article.
9) The plagiarism report should be uploaded as an additional file. The similarity rate in plagiarism reports should not exceed 20%. Articles exceeding 20% ​​will be rejected.
10) Authors should fill out the "COPYRIGHT TRANSFER FORM".
11) In articles requiring an ethics committee report, the ethics committee report should be uploaded to the system, and the date and number of the report should be included in the CONFLICT AND ETHICS DECLARATION FORM.
12) Tables, Figures and Graphs should be prepared as specified in the writing rules.
13) Except for articles from the Faculty of Theology, footnotes should not be used for the purpose of sharing source and imprint information; they should be used to indicate that the necessary permissions have been obtained in cases where additional information, explanations and visual and data collection tools belonging to others are used.

Last Update Time: 10/10/24, 8:53:54 AM

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