Volume: 24 Issue: 48, 7/31/24

Year: 2024

Research Articles

The aim of The Journal of Modern Turkish History Studies is to include scientific studies that deal with all aspects of the political, social, cultural and economic developments from the Ottoman modernization period to the Republic of Turkey, taking into account the characteristics of the period. It is to deal with what happened in this time period in a discussion ground and to share the work done with the public. The Journal of Modern Turkish History Studies will include articles from many different disciplines with a critical approach, in line with its purpose.

Recent Ottoman History and Republican Period Turkish History are the research subjects of The Journal of Modern Turkish History Studies. Articles in The Journal of Modern Turkish History Studies are published in Turkish, English, French and German.

In our journal, original research and review articles, review articles, translations, archive documents, book reviews and promotions, obituaries and symposiums, etc. news is published. The editor can make changes to the spelling and language of the articles when necessary. All responsibility for the content of the articles belongs to the author.

• The format of the articles should be as follows:

Program: Microsoft Word
Paper size: 210x297 mm

Top: 3cm
Bottom: 3cm
Right: 2cm
Left : 2cm

Top: 2cm
Bottom: 2 cm.

Text: Times New Roman, 11 point
Head of paragraph: 1.25 cm.
Paragraph spacing: 0.6 pt before
Line spacing: single
Text excerpts: Italics

Text: Times New Roman, 9 point
Line spacing: single
Hanging : 0
The article can be in Turkish, English, German or French. For the article, an Abstract of not more than 200 words must be written in Turkish and English. For studies whose evaluation process has been completed, an extended English summary of at least 750 words is requested at the publication stage to be included at the end of the study.

• In the article, at least five and at most seven Keywords should be provided in both Turkish and English to define the topic.

• The author should place a footnote with an asterisk in the section containing his name and surname on the first page of the article and indicate his academic title, institution and e-mail address in parentheses and in italics. An ORCID number should also be included in the study. (Note: Author identification information will be added by the author after the referee evaluation process of the study is completed and it is included in the publication process.)

* Assoc. Dr., Dokuz Eylül University, Atatürk Principles and Revolution History Institute, (abc@deu.edu.tr).

• In the article, main headings appropriate to the content of the subject are 1. 2. 3., subheadings are 1.a. 2 a. It should be numbered as 3.b.

• The results of the research conducted at the end of the article should be stated in the Conclusion section.

• Maps or images to be added to the article should be placed in a Word (.doc, .docx) document or sent separately from the article by giving the maps and images a serial number.

• Graphs should be prepared in a Microsoft Office Excel (.xls) or Word (.doc, .docx) document and inserted into the document in an appropriate format.

• When citing the source for the first time, the author's name and surname must be written in full.

• The name of the source work should be written in Italics.

• The publishing house, place of publication, year and page number of the source work should be given.

• Footnotes should be given in 9-point Times New Roman font.

Naşit Hakkı Uluğ, Three Great Revolutions, Ak yay., İstanbul, 1973, p. 41.

• When an article is shown as a footnote, the article name should be shown "in quotes" and the source work in which the article is included should also be given in italics.

Zeki Arıkan, “Mahmut Esat Bozkurt”, Journal of Modern Turkish History Studies, Vol. III, No. 8, Izmir, 1998, p. 217.

• Appropriate abbreviations should be used in italics if the same work is cited repeatedly:
The work mentioned: ibid.
The mentioned article: ibid.


Zeki Arıkan, “Mahmut Esat Bozkurt”, Journal of Modern Turkish History Studies, Vol. III, No. 8, Izmir, 1998, p. 217.
Ibid., p. 25.

• When the source in the footnote is to be cited again, if another source is used, it should be written as follows:

Naşit Hakkı Uluğ, Three Great Revolutions, Ak Publications, Istanbul, 1973, p. 41.
Zeki Arıkan, “Mahmut Esat Bozkurt”, Journal of Modern Turkish History Studies, Vol. III, No. 8, Izmir, 1998, p. 217.
Ibid., p. 25.
Ulug, ibid., p. 53.
Ibid., p. 58.
Arıkan, ibid., p. 27.

• If you want to show more than one page in the footnote display, the page number is “ss.” should be given as .

Arıkan, ibid., pp. 21-29.
Uluğ, ibid., pp. 45-51.

• The year of publication is not written for historical sources (İbn-i Bibi, Evliya Çelebi, Strabo).

• Articles and Internet Resources in .pdf format should include the name of the institution and organization to which the site is affiliated, if any, the address line and the date of access to the site in parentheses.

Fevzi Çakmak, "Turkish Idman Cemiyetleri (Turkish Sports Institution)", Ataturk Encyclopedia, https://ataturkansiklopedisi.gov.tr/bilgi/turk-idman-cemiyetleri-turk-spor-kurumu/ (Access: 01.12.2023).


• The order of the works to be added to the bibliography should be as follows:

I. Archival sources
II. Official Publications
III. Periodicals (Newspapers and Magazines)
IV. Books
V. Articles
VI. Internet Resources
VII. Oral History Interviews

• The sources used in the footnotes are given in the REFERENCES list in alphabetical order (A-Z) at the end of the article.

MANGO, Andrew, Atatürk: Founder of Modern Turkey, Remzi Kitabevi, Istanbul, 2004.
ULUĞ, Naşit Hakkı, Three Great Revolutions, Ak publications, Istanbul, 1973.

• The article cited as a reference in the footnote should be listed in the REFERENCES list in alphabetical order (A-Z) and should be given within the page range of the journal it is included in.

ARIKAN, Zeki, “Mahmut Esat Bozkurt”, Journal of Modern Turkish History Studies, Vol. III, No. 8, Izmir, 1998, pp. 215-224.

• Archival sources should first be given as the place where the document was taken, the file number, and the shirt number, if any.

• Newspapers and magazines should be listed in alphabetical order.


III. Periodicals
Tarih ve Toplum


Volume: Vol.
Number: No.
Editor: Ed.
See: See
Translated by: Trans.
Prepared by: Pre.

Publication Policy
The Journal of Modern Turkish History Studies is a peer-reviewed journal published electronically twice a year (July-December) by Dokuz Eylul University Ataturk's Principles and Revolution History Institute.
The Journal of Modern Turkish History Studies adopts open access policy.
• Articles submitted to The Journal of Modern Turkish History Studies are included in the evaluation process on the basis of their arrival dates through Dergipark.
• Recent Ottoman History and Republican Period Turkey History are the research subjects of the journal. The submitted works are expected to be original and to present new and noteworthy perspectives on the topic under consideration.

• Articles in the journal are published in Turkish, English, French and German languages.

• Submitting articles by the authors to the journal means that they accept the publication principles of The Journal of Modern Turkish History Studies.
• No fee is charged from the authors who submit articles to the journal and no royalties are paid to the authors. The copyright of the published articles belongs to The Journal of Modern Turkish History Studies
• Manuscripts submitted to the journal must not have been previously published elsewhere or sent elsewhere for publication.
• Authors whose articles were published in the journal
• Manuscripts sent to the journal are evaluated on the condition that they comply with the spelling rules. The evaluation period of the articles is on average three months.
• Articles sent to the journal are scanned in the https://www.ithenticate.com/ program. In order for the articles to be included in the evaluation process, a rate of less than 15% is sought, excluding references and citations.
• Extended abstract is requested for Turkish articles with a positive evaluation process. (Minimum 750 words)

Ethical Principles
The Journal of Modern Turkish History Studies, criteria set by the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE) https://publicationethics.org/ regarding ethical principles and values  and YOK Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive (https://www. yok.gov.tr/Sayfalar/Corporate/legislation/science-arastirma-ve-etik-yonetmeligi.aspx) takes into account the determined principles.
• Ethics committee approval should be obtained for research that requires ethics committee approval, and this approval should be stated and documented in the article.
• Manuscripts sent to the journal but found to be against the rules of research and publication ethics during the evaluation process are rejected. If the said violation is detected after the publication process is completed, the article will be removed from publication.

Ethical Responsibility of Authors
• Compliance of the articles with scientific and ethical rules is the responsibility of the authors.
• The author must provide assurance that the article is original and has not been previously published elsewhere.
• Applicable copyright laws and agreements must be observed. Copyrighted material (for example, tables, figures, or large quotations) should be used with due permission and acknowledgment.
• The work of other authors, contributors or references should be used appropriately and cited in references.
• If an author detects a significant error or inaccuracy in his or her published article, it is the responsibility to immediately contact and cooperate with the editor for correction or retraction of these inaccuracies.

Editors' Ethical Responsibility
• It carries out the evaluation process of articles sent to the journal impartially, regardless of religion, language, race, gender, nationality, seniority or institutional affiliation.
• The referee does not share the evaluation process with third parties by keeping it confidential.
• Considers the COPE guideline in terms of compliance of the evaluation process with ethical standards.
• It provides the necessary cooperation and coordination for the completion of the evaluation process within the stipulated time.
• Implements information sharing with the Editorial Board regarding the evaluation and publication processes within the framework of COPE standards.
• Complies with the standards set by COPE when there is suspicion of duplicate publication, slicing, plagiarism, fabricated data, conflict of interest and unfair authorship regarding an article sent to the journal for publication or published in previous issues.

Ethical Responsibilities of Referees
• Must make evaluations impartially and confidentially.
• If he thinks that he is facing a conflict of interest during the evaluation process, he should refuse to review the study and inform the journal editor.
• In accordance with the principle of confidentiality, they must destroy the studies they have examined after the evaluation process. They can only use the final versions of the studies they have reviewed after they are published.
• Make the evaluation objectively only in relation to the content of the study. Nationality, gender, religious beliefs, political beliefs and commercial concerns should not be allowed to influence the evaluation.
• Make the assessment in a constructive and courteous language. Do not make derogatory personal comments that include hostility, slander and insults.
• They should perform the work they accept to evaluate in a timely manner and with the above ethical responsibilities.

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