Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

1) Journal Publication Ethics
a) Çukurova University Law Studies Journal adheres to national and international academic principles and ethical values in its publication policy. The journal follows the principles outlined by The Council of Higher Education (YÖK) in the Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive, as well as the internationally recognized standards set by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), and World Association of Medical Editors (WAME). The journal considers other national or international directives or standards on publication ethics valid as long as they do not contradict the aforementioned guidelines.
b) The journal rejects publication requests for works that are objectively determined to violate the relevant principles and standards at any stage of the publication evaluation process. If any published manuscript is found to be non-compliant with the regulations and standards, it will be removed from publication.

2) Obligations of the Editorial Board
a) Editors and assistant editors of the journal are obligated to fulfill their duties objectively and impartially, without any prejudice.
b) Editors and assistant editors of the journal are required to maintain strict confidentiality as necessary for their roles.
c) Editors and assistant editors of the journal collaborate fully in all aspects of the journal's work and transactions. Fair distribution of tasks within the journal is essential for effective cooperation.

3) Obligations and Rights of Authors and Referees
a) Authors submitting their works for publication in the journal must comply with the provisions of the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works No. 5846, the principles set by YÖK in the Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive, the standards defined by COPE, and other principles and standards accepted by the journal.
b) Authors are assumed to have prepared their submitted manuscripts in accordance with the relevant provisions, principles, and standards for publication.
c) All articles in CUHAD will be published Open Access with the license Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 (CC BY 4.0). The copyright holder of a scholarly work grants usage rights to others using an open license (Creative Commons or equivalent). This allows for immediate free access to the work and permits any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose. Therefore, all writers who send their works to CUHAD permit users to use, reproduce, disseminate, or display the article provided that the author is attributed as the original creator and that the reuse is restricted to non-commercial purposes i.e., research or educational use.
d) All versions of the work of authors are allowed to be deposited in an institutional or other repository of the author’s choice without embargo.
e) Referees carefully and promptly review the manuscripts assigned to them by the journal or its authorized units. They evaluate the manuscripts impartially and fairly based on their fields of expertise.
f) Referees are obligated to promptly notify the Editorial Board if they discover that the manuscripts they are evaluating are inconsistent with academic principles and ethical values or if they violate national or international regulations or standards.

Last Update Time: 6/28/24, 7:51:55 PM