Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Our journal pays attention to national and international standards and rules regarding "Publication Ethics", "Research Ethics" and "Legal/Special Permission Requirement". Assuming that permissions have been obtained for studies that require ethics committee permission in the research area, the issue of "include information about permission in the article" has been added to the article template. In accordance with the articles related to the Ethical Rules of the TR Index criteria; the situations that require the approval of the Ethics Committee for studies to be published as of 2020 are as follows:
• All kinds of researches carried out with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using surveys, interviews, focus group studies, observation, experiments, interview techniques,
• The use of humans and animals (including material/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
• Clinical studies on humans,
• Research on animals,
• Retrospective studies in accordance with the law on the protection of personal data,
• Indicating that an “informed consent form” was received in case reports,
• Obtaining and specifying permission from the owners for the use of scales, questionnaires, photographs belonging to others,
• Indication of compliance with copyright regulations for the intellectual and artistic works used
* More than one article of an author in the same year cannot be accepted and published.
When uploading your study to our journal, you must also upload your Ethics Committee document along with your article file. In studies that require ethics committee approval, it should be written that ethical rules are followed with the expression "Ethics Statement" (given the date and number of the ethics committee document), which you can see in detail in the article template after the bibliography at the end of the article. If your study is not included in the study group that requires the permission of the ethics committee, you must sign the declaration form stating this situation and specify the relevant situation in the “Ethical Declaration” text. Studies submitted to the journal must not have been previously published in another journal or sent to another journal for publication. Candidate articles sent to ÇYBD are scanned with the plagiarism program. The upper limit of the similarity rate was determined as 20% by the decision of the Editorial Board. Candidate articles with a similarity rate above this value are directly rejected. A candidate article may be rejected by the decision of the Editorial Board or the Field Editor before the referee review process begins or without being evaluated if it does not comply with the article template and writing rules of the ÇYBD. Authors have to fill in the "Copyright Transfer Form" for their articles, scan the signed version and upload it to the system. With this form, the publishing rights of the articles, sent to ÇYBD are transferred to EYUDER. In the evaluation process, it is adopted with the principle of blind refereeing (double-blinding method) and the candidate articles are sent to at least two referees and, if deemed necessary, to a third referee. The editor, field editor, author and referees are obliged to comply with the principles of scientific publication ethics. According to the TÜBITAK Research and Publication Ethics Committee Regulation (TÜBITAK, 2018), behaviours contrary to ethical rules are explained.

Article Publication Rules
1. In order for the article to be accepted for evaluation, it is necessary to prepare it in accordance with the writing rules of the journal. Articles that are not prepared in accordance with the writing rules are rejected at the preliminary evaluation and are not returned to the author for re-editing.
2. The articles submitted to the journal should not be published anywhere else.
3. The works presented at any symposium or congress can be published by specifying the name, place and date of the congress. In studies supported by a research institution or fund, the name and project number of the organization providing the support should be given.
4. The responsibility of the legal consequences that may arise in the context of copyrights of the articles that are not stated or published anywhere, belong to the authors. The copyright of the published articles belongs to The Journal of Contemporary Administrative Sciences, and the legal and scientific responsibilities belong to the authors.
5. Articles must be uploaded to the system via Dergipark.
6. Studies should be uploaded as an anonymous file. The article should not contain the name of the author or any author information. In addition, the academic title of the author(s), name, surname, the name of the institution to which he is affiliated, e-mail address(es), ORCID number(s) and GSM numbers, the name of the author who will conduct the correspondence, additional information to be given (thanks, If it is a work presented with an explanation and the article has not been published anywhere before, congress/symposium etc.) should be uploaded as an additional “Title/Cover Page” file with the article. Before the application process is completed, the “Application Preparation Checklist” should be carefully reviewed.
7. Author(s) should take care that the article does not exceed 9,000 words, including the title, abstract, references and appendices.
8. Articles sent to the journal for publication can be written in Turkish and English. The scientific and linguistic responsibility of the articles published in the journal belongs to the authors.
* Important: Retrospective Ethics Committee Permission is not required for articles that used research data before 2020, produced from master's / doctoral studies (must be specified in the article), applied for publication to the journal in the previous year, accepted but not yet published. The Work Declaration Form that Does Not Require Ethics Committee Permission should be filled in and uploaded to the system as an additional file and should be stated in the article.

In order for the applied article to be evaluated, it must be written according to the journal's writing rules, the full text must not contain the author's information, it must be written according to the article template, the similarity report must be uploaded, and the copyright transfer form must be signed and uploaded. The articles accepted for publication after the evaluation process has been completed should be corrected by the author(s) and uploaded to the journal website again by adding author information. Information about the researches that require the permission of the Ethics Committee can be accessed from the Ethical Principles and Publication Policy page. For studies that do not require Ethics Committee Permission, the Study Declaration Form that does not Require Ethics Committee Permission should be filled out and uploaded to the system and stated in the article.