Journal of East Anatolian Social Sciences Trends (J-EAST), publishes scientific and original research articles at national and international level. The main related fields are educational sciences, teacher training, international relations, economy, business administration, finance, political science, public administration, psychology, history, Turkish language and literature, philosophy, law and religious sciences
Journal of East Anatolian Social Sciences Trends (J-EAST), is a refeered and online academic journal which is published twice a year. It is published in June and December.
Journal of East Anatolian Social Sciences Trends (J-EAST) evaluates all the articles using a blind review process: The articles chosen to be published are sent anonymously to two referees so that the articles are judged objectively. In the case of equality of negative and positive comments, the editors are also asked to review the article. Since a blind review process is adopted, authors and referees are not informed about each other’s identities
General Instructions for preparing the Paper Manuscript
- 12-pt Times New Roman is the preferred typeface. Use single space between all lines throughout the article. Leave at least 2.50 cm at the top, bottom, left, and right of every page.
- The space between the paragraphs should be 0 nk. Indent the first line of every paragraph 1.25 cm.
- The title of the article should be uppercase, bold and centered. Right after the title, the abstract should be written in accordance with the language of the article. The abstract should not exceed 250 words.
- The abstract should be written with 10 puntos in italic form. Maximum 5 key words should also be supplied under the abstract.
- The title of the study, abstract and key words should also be provided in the other language (i.e. if the title is Turkish, English version; if the title is English, Turkish version should be written as well).
- The main title of the study should be bold and capital. Only the initial letters of the subheadings should be capital and bold.
- Begin the introduction part on a new page. Subsequent headings should continue by skipping a line.
- Conclusion and References parts should also begin on new pages.
- Articles should not exceed 10.000 words.
- Authors should use Turkish words in Turkish articles as much as possible. In addition, Turkish Dictionaries and spelling guide published by TDK should be checked fo r the word choice. While using the Turkish corresponding word for the term in field specific foreign language, the corresponding meaning in the foreign language should be given in parenthesis where the word is first used .
To show the source of the citation which is made in a paragraph, the surname(s) of the author(s), publication date, and the page number of the quoted material are stated in parenthesis at the end of the sentence or paragraph. This technique may vary with regard to sources.
Sources with one author
In the text, after the quoted material, the surname of the author, publication date, and page number are given in a parenthesis. All the items are separated by commas in the parenthesis.
Example: (Erhan, 2001, p.79)
If the authors surname is inserted in the text, reference citation is written as follows:
Example: Erhan (2001, p.79)
Sources with two or more authors
While citing a source with two authors, the surnames of both authors are provided:
Example: (Tamer and Gül, 2013, p. 86)
The Sources of the Same Author published at the same year
* References by the same author(s) with the same publication date are arranged alphabetically by the title that follows the publication date:
Example : (Keyman, 2000a); (Keyman, 2000b)
The Source with Unknown Writer
* If there is no author, the title moves to the author position, and the entry is alphabetized by the first significant word of the title. While citing such a source the title of the book is italicized and publication date is also provided.
Example: (Educational Measurement Handbook, 1999)
Two or More Sources
Works by different authors are arranged alphabetically by the first initial of their surnames:
Example: (Brown and Ainley, 1989; Gümüş, 1988).
Personal Interview
Interviews should be specified throughout the text, but it should not be inserted in the reference list.
Example: (Oral Sander, Personal interview, December 1990).
Quoting or Citing Sources: Citation of a work discussed in a secondary source
In articles, it is important to reach the primary sources; however, if the primary source can not be obtained for some difficulties, the secondary source is stated in the citation
Example: (cited in Gürbilek, 2004, p. 115); (cited by Johnson, 2007b, pp. 37-38).
The reference of primary source is not mentioned in the text.
All the cited sources throughout the text should also be listed alphabetically in the reference list which is provided at the end of each study. The sources which are not cited in the text are not included in the reference list. In the references part, each entry usually starts with the surname of the authors. References are listed in alphabetical order.
The entries for books are designed as follows:
Surname of the author, the initial letter of the author’s first name(s), publication date, the title of the book (italic, only the initial of the first word is capitalized except the proper nouns), and publication place.
Books with one author
Example: Lane, D. (1992). Soviet Society under Perestroika. New York: Routledge.
Books with multiple authors
Example: Carlsson I. and Lindgren A. M. (2007). What is social democracy? Stockholm: Arbetarrörelsens Tankesmedja.
Edited Books
Example: Khlevniuk, O.V. (2005). Stalin as dictator: the personalization of power. In Dawies, S. and Harris, J. (Eds.), Stalin a new history (pp. 108-120). New York: Cambridge University.
Books with no authors
Example: The 1995 NEA almanac of higher education. (1995). Washington DC: National Education Association.
Translated Books
Examples: Bahtin, M. M. (2004). Dostoyevski politikasının sorunları (C. Soydemir, Çev.) İstanbul: Metis.
Example: Carruthers, E.P. (2002). Nursing. In Funk & Wagnalls new world encyclopedia. Retrieved from Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia database.
Articles published in journals are put in the reference list differently because some additional information such as the title of the journal and volume number are given in the reference entries. Title of the journal and volume number are written in italic forms before the page numbers and they are separated by commas in the entry.
Example: Heyns, B. and Bialecki I. (June, 1991). Solidarność: Reluctant Vanguard or Makeshift Coalition? The American Political Science Review, 85 (2),351- 370.
Bailey, N.W. (2012). Evolutionary models of extended phenotypes. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 27(3), 561-569. doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2012.05.011
a. Film
Example: Zemeciks, R. (Director). (1994). Forrest gump [Film]. USA: Paramount Pictures.
NOTE: The citation forms in the text and reference list which are not mentioned here should be made in accordance with APA 6
All the figures should be numbered and titled. If the figure is taken from a source, the citation should be provided in parenthesis under the figure. The title of the figure should be flush left, bold, and italic. It should be written using 10 punto. Only the initial of the first word of the title is capitalized. There should be only one-line space between the figure and the title. The title of the figure should be located under the figure.
Tables should be flush left and Times New Romans is the preferred typeface. In tables, 10 puntos is used as the size. Title of the table is bold and located right after the table number. Only the initial letter of the first word should be capital. There should be one line space between the table and the title. Tables are cited in the text by referring to table numbers
In each article, there should be an extended abstract between 750-1000 words after the references part. If the language of the article is Turkish, the extended abstract should be English. If the language of the article is English, the extended abstract should be written in Turkish. The extended abstract should be written using 12 puntos and Times New Roman type face. This abstract should not have subtitles. It should be prepared as a single body in the required length.
Makalelerin gönderim, değerlendirme ve yayınlanma olmak üzere hiçbir aşamasında ücret talep edilmez. Yazarlar dergiye gönderdikleri çalışmalar için makale işlem ücreti veya gönderim ücreti ödemezler.