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Year 2010, Cilt 12 Özel Sayı, 1257 - 1301, 01.07.2010


ünümüzde yaklaşık 195 bağımsız devletin1
45’ini, bir başka ifadeyle
yaklaşık %23’ünü denize kıyısı olmayan devletler oluşturmaktadır. Bu devletlerin yaşadıkları en önemli problem ise, denize ulaşım konusundadır.
Avrupa’daki birçok denize kıyısı olmayan devlet3
dışında kalan denize kıyısı
olmayan devlet “gelişmekte olan” veya “en az gelişmiş” devletler kategorisinde değerlendirilmektedir4
. Bu devletlerin geri kalmışlıklarının temel
sebeplerinden biri olarak, “denize ve denizden ulaşım”da yaşadıkları zorluklar gösterilebilir. Bilindiği üzere, dünya ticaretinin %80’den fazlası denizler
üzerinden gerçekleştirilmektedir5
; ki bu durumun bir devletin ekonomik
kalkınmışlığına sağladığı katkının payı göz ardı edilemeyecektir. Denize
kıyısı olmayan devletlerin denize uzaklıkları, ulaşım yollarında komşu devletlere bağımlı olmaları sonucunu doğurmakta ve bu durum fizikî sorunlar
yarattığı gibi, malî sorunları da beraberinde getirmektedir. Denize kıyısı
olmayan devletlerin, denizden uzak konumlanmalarının, gerek ihraç, gerek
ithal ürünlerde maliyetlere ciddî oranda ek külfetler yüklediği hesaplanmaktadır.6
Bunun dışında, denize kıyısı olmayan devletlerin komşularıyla
yaşadığı gerginlikler ve siyasî sorunların da etkileri ön plânda tutulmalıdır


  • Almeen A., Land-Locked States and International Law: With Special Reference to the Role of Nepal, New Delhi, 1989.
  • Anghie A., Berlin West Africa Conference (1884-85), MPEPIL, on-line edition, edited by Wolfrum, 2010 via (ziyaret tarihi: 04/10/10).
  • Bala I., Compulsions of a Land-Locked State: A Study of Nepal-India Relations, New Delhi, 2001.
  • Başgil F. A., Devletin Ülke Unsuru, İÜHFD, vol. 4, 1947, s. 1261-1281.
  • BOAS F., Landlocked Countries and the Law of the Sea, ABASICLB, vol. 4/1, 1959, s. 22-27.
  • “Bolivia Demands Access to the Pacific Ocean: Arica Tunnel”, Reuters, January 04 2010 (Monday) via USTRE6032VL20100104 (son ziyaret tarihi: 31/08/11).
  • “Bolivya’ya 99 Yıllığına Sahil Şeridi Kiralandı”, DenizHaber, 22/10/10 via (ziyaret tarihi: 22/10/10).
  • Bowett D. W., The Legal Regime of Islands in International Law, Manchester, 1979.
  • Brexendorff A., An International Law Perspective of Transit of Oil and Gas in the Caspian Region and the Environmental Impact of Its Extraction, in Problems of Regional Seas 2001, edited by Öztürk & Algan, İstanbul, 2001, s. 12-26.
  • Brubaker D., Marine Pollution and International Law: Principles and Practice, London, 1993.
  • Butts S. A. III, Marine Pollution Control and Man-Made Islands, in Legal Measures Concerning Marine Pollution, edited by Wurfel, North Carolina, 1975, s. 25-44.
  • Caflisch L. C., The Access of Land-Locked States to the Sea, RIRI, no: 5-6, 1976, s. 53-76.
  • Caflisch L. C., Land-Locked and Geographically Disadvantaged States and the New Law of the Sea, TA, vol. 7, 1977, s. 341-404.
  • Caflisch L. C., Land-Locked States and their Access to and from the Sea, BYIL, vol. 49, 1978, s. 71-100.
  • Caroll R., Peru Gives Landlocked Bolivia a Piece of Pacific Coast to Call Its Own, The Guardian, October 20 2010 (Wednesday) via (ziyaret tarihi: 22/10/10).
  • “Chile Open to Tunnel Proposal Giving Bolivia Access to the Sea”, Latin American Herald Tribune via CategoryId=14919 (son ziyaret tarihi: 31/08/11).
  • Chowdhury A. K. & Erdenebileg S., Geography Against Development: A Case for Landlocked Developing Countries, New York, 2006.
  • Chugg D., Proposal for Bolivian Access to the Sea, IS 404 Policy Formation, Idaho, May 15 2002 via (ziyaret tarihi: 12/03/07).
  • Churchill R. R. & Lowe A.V., The Law of the Sea, 3rd edition, Manchester, 1999.
  • Colombos J. C., The International Law of the Sea, 6th edition, London, 1967.
  • “Convention Relative to Transit Through Salonica Concluded between Greece and Serbia”, AJIL (Supplement), vol. 13/4, 1919, s. 441-456.
  • Crawford J., The Criteria for Statehood in International Law, BYIL, vol. 48, 1976/77, s. 93-182.
  • Crawford J., The Creation of States in International Law, 2nd edition, Chippenham, 2007.
  • Crowley J., International Law and Coastal State Control over the Laying of Submarine Pipelines on the Continental Shelf: The Ekofisk-Emden Gas Pipeline, NJIL, vol. 56, 1987, s. 39-68.
  • “Czechoslovakia Could Be a Maritime Nation by 2020”, Dock and Harbour Authority, vol. 61, 1980, s. 268.
  • “Czechs Plan 350 km International Bore!”, Tunnels and Tunneling, vol. 12, 1980, s. 3.
  • “Czechs Plan Tunnel to Sea”, Civil Engineering, November 1980, s. 7.
  • “Czechs Planned 255-Mile Tunnel to Adriatic”, May 13 2009 via (son ziyaret tarihi: 31/08/11).
  • “Czechs Planned ‘Adriatic Tunnel’”, BBC News, May 13 2009 via (son ziyaret tarihi: 31/08/11).
  • Çamyamaç A., Uluslararası Deniz Hukukunda Adaların Durumu, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, İzmir, 2004 (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi).
  • Çamyamaç A., Denize Kıyısı Olmayan ve Coğrafî Bakımdan Elverişsiz Konumda Bulunan Devletlerin Hukukî Durumu, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, İzmir, 2010 (henüz yayınlanmamış doktora tezi).
  • Dangl B., Bolivia and Chile’s Tunnel Vision, The Guardian, June 6 2009 (Saturday) via (son ziyaret tarihi: 31/08/11).
  • Delupis I., International Law and the Independent State, Great Britain, 1974.
  • Delupis I. D., Land-Locked States and the Law of the Sea, SSL, vol. 19, 1975, s. 103-120.
  • Eaton S. K. Jr. & Judy J., Seamounts and Guyots: A Unique Resource, SDLR, vol. 10/3, 1973, s. 599-637.
  • Elferink A. G. O., Artificial Islands, Installations and Structures, MPEPIL, on-line edition, edited by Wolfrum, 2010 via (son ziyaret tarihi: 04/10/10).
  • Faye M. L. & Mcarthur J. W. & Sachs J. D. & Snow T., The Challenges Facing Landlocked Developing Countries, JHD, vol. 5/1, 2004, s. 31-68. Galea F., Artificial Islands in the Law of the Sea, University of Malta, Valetta, 2009 via ISLANDS_- _01.09.09.mod.doc.pdf (ziyaret tarihi: 22/03/10)
  • Glassner M. I., Access to the Sea for Developing Land-Locked States, The Hague, 1970.
  • Glassner M. I., Resolving the Problems of Landlockedness, in Land-Locked States of Africa and Asia, edited by Hodder & Lloyd & McLachlan, Chippenham, 1998, s. 197-208.
  • Glassner M. I., Bibliography on Land-Locked States, Economic Development and International Law, 5th revised and enlarged edition, New York, 2001.
  • Goedhuis D., The Problems of the Frontiers of Outer Space and Air Space, RCADI, vol. 174, 1982-I, 1982, s. 367-407.
  • Göze A., Devletin Ülke Unsuru (Sınırları ve Devletle Olan Münasebeti), İstanbul, 1959.
  • Greig D. W., International Law, 2nd edition, London, 1978.
  • Griffiths I. L. L., The African Inheritance, London, 1995.
  • Griffiths I. L. L., African Lands and Access Corridors, in Land-Locked States of Africa and Asia, edited by Hodder & Lloyd & McLachlan, Chippenham, 1998, s. 69-81.
  • Guruswamy L. & Doran K. L., International Environmental Law, 3rd edition, St. Paul, 2007.
  • Hafner G., Land-Locked States, MPEPIL, on-line edition, edited by Wolfrum, 2010 via (son ziyaret tarihi: 04/10/10).
  • Hasgüler M. & Uludağ M. B., Devletlerarası ve Hükümetler Dışı Uluslararası Örgütler: Tarihçe-Organlar-Belgeler-Politikalar, 3. basım, İstanbul, 2007.
  • Hignett K., Communist Czechoslovakia Planned Construction of Underground Tunnel, The View East, May 16 2009 via (son ziyaret tarihi: 31/08/11).
  • “Human Development Report 2010”, New York, 2010 via (ziyaret tarihi: 26/03/11).
  • Janis M. W., An Introduction to International Law, Boston, 1988. Hurst C. J. B., Whose Is the Bed of the Sea?, BYIL, vol. 4, 1923/24, s. 34- 43.
  • Keith K. M., Floating Cities: A New Challenge for Transnational Law, MP, vol. 1/3, 1977, s. 190-204.
  • Kelsen H., Principles of International Law, 9th printing, New Jersey, 2009. Knight G. H., International Legal Aspects of Deep Draft Harbor Facilities, JMLC, vol. 4/2, 1973, s. 367-395.
  • Knight G. H., International Legal Problems in the Construction and Operation of Offshore Deep Draft Port Facilities, in Hazards of Maritime Transit, edited by Clingan & Alexander, Massachusetts, 1973, s. 91-136.
  • Maluwa T., Southern African Land-Locked States and Rights of Access under the New Law of the Sea, IJMCL, vol. 10/4, 1995, s. 529-542.
  • Mapstone N. & Webber J., Architects Plan Tunnel to Free Landlocked Bolivia, Financial Times, May 15 2009, s. 5.
  • Marston G., The Evolution of the Concept of Sovereignty over the Bed and Subsoil of the Territorial Sea, BYIL, vol. 48, 1976/77, s. 321-332.
  • Marston G., The Marginal Seabed: The United Kingdom Legal Practice, Oxford, 1981.
  • Merryman J. H. & Ackerman E. D., International Law, Development and the Transit Trade of Landlocked States: The Case of Bolivia, Hamburg, 1969.
  • Milić M., Access of Land-Locked States to and from the Sea, CWRJIL, vol. 13/3, 1981, s. 501-516.
  • Miller D. H., The International Regime of Ports, Waterways and Railways, AJIL, vol. 13/4, 1919, s. 669-686.
  • Monnier J., Right of Access to the Sea and Freedom of Transit, in A Handbook on the New Law of the Sea, vol. I, edited by Dupuy & Vignes, Dordrecht, 1991, s. 501-523.
  • Papadakis N., The International Legal Regime of Artificial Islands, Leyden, 1977.
  • Pazarcı H., Uluslararası Hukuk Dersleri, II. Kitap, gözden geçirilmiş 6. baskı, Ankara, 1999.
  • Pěchota V., The Right of Access to the Sea, in Land-Locked Countries of Africa, edited by Červenka, Uppsala, 1973, s. 44-62.
  • “Peru Deal Gives Landlocked Bolivia Coast for Own Port”, BBC News, October 21 2010 via (ziyaret tarihi: 22/10/10).
  • Pounds N. J. G., A Free and Secure Access to the Sea, AAAG, vol. 49/3, 1959, s. 256-268.
  • Radelet S. & Sachs J., Shipping Costs, Manufactured Exports, and Economic Growth, January 1 1998 via sitefiles/file/about/director/pubs/shipcost.pdf (son ziyaret tarihi: 02/04/11).
  • Reeves J. S., The Origin of the Congo Free State, Considered from the Standpoint of International Law, AJIL, vol. 3/1, 1909, s. 99-118.
  • Reinhardt D. N., The Vertical Limit of State Sovereignty, JALC, vol. 72/1, 2007, s. 65-137.
  • Rosenfield S. B., Where Air Space Ends and Outer Space Begins, JSL, vol. 7/2, 1979, s. 137-148.
  • Rothwell D. R. & Stephens T., The International Law of the Sea, Oregon, 2010.
  • Rubin A. P., Land-Locked African Countries and and Right of Access to the Sea, in Land-Locked Countries of Africa, edited by Červenka, Uppsala, 1973, s. 63-78.
  • Salahuddin B., The Marine Environmental Impacts of Artificial Island Construction, Master of Environmental Management, Duke University, 2006 via (son ziyaret tarihi: 14/06/11).
  • Sanger C., Ordering the Oceans: The Making of the Law of the Sea, Toronto, 1987.
  • Sarup A., Transit Trade of Land-Locked Nepal, ICLQ, vol. 21/2, 1972, s. 287-306.
  • Sinjela A. M., Freedom of Transit and the Right of Access for Land-Locked States: The Evolution of Principle and Law, GJICL, vol. 12/1, 1982, s. 31-52.
  • Sinjela A. M., Land-Locked States and the UNCLOS Regime, New York, 1983.
  • Siousıouras P. & Arvanitopoulos C., Geopolitics Designs and Realities in Yugoslavia’s Foreign Policy: The Issue of Access to the Sea, JPMS, vol. 33/2, 2003, s. 141-159.
  • Smink V., A Tunnel to Unite Old Rivals?, BBC News, May 15 2009 via (son ziyaret tarihi: 31/08/11).
  • Starke J. G., Introduction to International Law, 10th edition, London, 1989. Stevens P., Transit Troubles: Pipelines as a Source of Conflict, Chatham House Report, London, 2009 via (ziyaret tarihi: 04/06/09).
  • Sur M., Uluslararası Hukukun Esasları, geliştirilmiş 2. baskı, İstanbul, 2005. Symonides J., The Legal Status of Islands in the New Law of the Sea, RDISDP, vol. 65/1, 1987, s. 161-180.
  • Syrigos A. M., Landlocked States and Access to the Sea: The Greek Blockade of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, RHDI, vol. 49/1, 1996, s. 107-126.
  • Tabibi A. H., The Right of Transit of Land-Locked Countries, Kabul, 1970. “The Costs of Being Landlocked: What the Research Says” via ingLandlocked_Willoughby.pdf (ziyaret tarihi: 15/08/11).
  • “The Oceans-Our Future”, The Report of the Independent World Commission on the Oceans, Cambridge, 1998.
  • Toluner S., Milletlerarası Hukuk Dersleri: Devletin Yetkisi, gözden geçirilmiş 4. basıdan tıpkı 5. bası, İstanbul, 1996.
  • “Two Killed in Bolivia Clashes”, BBC News, October 12 2003 via (son ziyaret tarihi: 10/09/11).
  • “United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea: Official Records-vol I, Preparatory Documents”, A/CONF.13/37, Geneva, 1958.
  • Uprety K., Landlocked States and Access to the Sea: An Evolutionary Study of a Contested Right, DJIL, vol. 12/2, 1994, s. 401-496. Uprety K., The Transit Regime for Landlocked States, Washington D.C., 2006.
  • Vasciannie S.C., Land-Locked and Geographically Disadvantaged States in the International Law of the Sea, Oxford, 1990.
  • Verzijl J. H. W., International Law in Historical Perspective: State Territory, vol. III, Leyden, 1970.
  • Vinogradov S., Cross-Border Pipelines in International Law, NR&E, vol. 14/2, 1999, s. 75-80.
  • von Glahn G., Law Among Nations: An Introduction to Public International Law, 7th edition, New York, 1996.
  • Wallace-Bruce N. L., Claims to Statehood in International Law, New York, 1994.
  • Wani I. J., An Evaluation of the Convention on the Law of the Sea from the Perspective of the Landlocked States, VJIL, vol. 22/4, 1982, s. 627-665.
  • Westlake J., International Law: Part I (Peace), Cambridge, 1910.
  • Willoughby I., 1970s Plan to Build Underground Rail Link to Adriatic Coast and Czechoslovakia Island Revealed, Radio Praha, May 12 2009
  • via (son ziyaret tarihi: 01/09/11).
  • Wilson G. G., Leased Territories, AJIL, vol. 34/4, 1940, 703-704.
  • Wolfrum R., The Emerging Customary Law of Marine Zones: State Practice and the Convention on the Law of the Sea, NYIL, vol. 18, 1987, s. 121-144.
  • Žlábek K., Equalization of the Land-Locked and Coastal States in the World Economy, RRSS, vol. 10/1, 1967, s. 1-33.
Year 2010, Cilt 12 Özel Sayı, 1257 - 1301, 01.07.2010



  • Almeen A., Land-Locked States and International Law: With Special Reference to the Role of Nepal, New Delhi, 1989.
  • Anghie A., Berlin West Africa Conference (1884-85), MPEPIL, on-line edition, edited by Wolfrum, 2010 via (ziyaret tarihi: 04/10/10).
  • Bala I., Compulsions of a Land-Locked State: A Study of Nepal-India Relations, New Delhi, 2001.
  • Başgil F. A., Devletin Ülke Unsuru, İÜHFD, vol. 4, 1947, s. 1261-1281.
  • BOAS F., Landlocked Countries and the Law of the Sea, ABASICLB, vol. 4/1, 1959, s. 22-27.
  • “Bolivia Demands Access to the Pacific Ocean: Arica Tunnel”, Reuters, January 04 2010 (Monday) via USTRE6032VL20100104 (son ziyaret tarihi: 31/08/11).
  • “Bolivya’ya 99 Yıllığına Sahil Şeridi Kiralandı”, DenizHaber, 22/10/10 via (ziyaret tarihi: 22/10/10).
  • Bowett D. W., The Legal Regime of Islands in International Law, Manchester, 1979.
  • Brexendorff A., An International Law Perspective of Transit of Oil and Gas in the Caspian Region and the Environmental Impact of Its Extraction, in Problems of Regional Seas 2001, edited by Öztürk & Algan, İstanbul, 2001, s. 12-26.
  • Brubaker D., Marine Pollution and International Law: Principles and Practice, London, 1993.
  • Butts S. A. III, Marine Pollution Control and Man-Made Islands, in Legal Measures Concerning Marine Pollution, edited by Wurfel, North Carolina, 1975, s. 25-44.
  • Caflisch L. C., The Access of Land-Locked States to the Sea, RIRI, no: 5-6, 1976, s. 53-76.
  • Caflisch L. C., Land-Locked and Geographically Disadvantaged States and the New Law of the Sea, TA, vol. 7, 1977, s. 341-404.
  • Caflisch L. C., Land-Locked States and their Access to and from the Sea, BYIL, vol. 49, 1978, s. 71-100.
  • Caroll R., Peru Gives Landlocked Bolivia a Piece of Pacific Coast to Call Its Own, The Guardian, October 20 2010 (Wednesday) via (ziyaret tarihi: 22/10/10).
  • “Chile Open to Tunnel Proposal Giving Bolivia Access to the Sea”, Latin American Herald Tribune via CategoryId=14919 (son ziyaret tarihi: 31/08/11).
  • Chowdhury A. K. & Erdenebileg S., Geography Against Development: A Case for Landlocked Developing Countries, New York, 2006.
  • Chugg D., Proposal for Bolivian Access to the Sea, IS 404 Policy Formation, Idaho, May 15 2002 via (ziyaret tarihi: 12/03/07).
  • Churchill R. R. & Lowe A.V., The Law of the Sea, 3rd edition, Manchester, 1999.
  • Colombos J. C., The International Law of the Sea, 6th edition, London, 1967.
  • “Convention Relative to Transit Through Salonica Concluded between Greece and Serbia”, AJIL (Supplement), vol. 13/4, 1919, s. 441-456.
  • Crawford J., The Criteria for Statehood in International Law, BYIL, vol. 48, 1976/77, s. 93-182.
  • Crawford J., The Creation of States in International Law, 2nd edition, Chippenham, 2007.
  • Crowley J., International Law and Coastal State Control over the Laying of Submarine Pipelines on the Continental Shelf: The Ekofisk-Emden Gas Pipeline, NJIL, vol. 56, 1987, s. 39-68.
  • “Czechoslovakia Could Be a Maritime Nation by 2020”, Dock and Harbour Authority, vol. 61, 1980, s. 268.
  • “Czechs Plan 350 km International Bore!”, Tunnels and Tunneling, vol. 12, 1980, s. 3.
  • “Czechs Plan Tunnel to Sea”, Civil Engineering, November 1980, s. 7.
  • “Czechs Planned 255-Mile Tunnel to Adriatic”, May 13 2009 via (son ziyaret tarihi: 31/08/11).
  • “Czechs Planned ‘Adriatic Tunnel’”, BBC News, May 13 2009 via (son ziyaret tarihi: 31/08/11).
  • Çamyamaç A., Uluslararası Deniz Hukukunda Adaların Durumu, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, İzmir, 2004 (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi).
  • Çamyamaç A., Denize Kıyısı Olmayan ve Coğrafî Bakımdan Elverişsiz Konumda Bulunan Devletlerin Hukukî Durumu, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, İzmir, 2010 (henüz yayınlanmamış doktora tezi).
  • Dangl B., Bolivia and Chile’s Tunnel Vision, The Guardian, June 6 2009 (Saturday) via (son ziyaret tarihi: 31/08/11).
  • Delupis I., International Law and the Independent State, Great Britain, 1974.
  • Delupis I. D., Land-Locked States and the Law of the Sea, SSL, vol. 19, 1975, s. 103-120.
  • Eaton S. K. Jr. & Judy J., Seamounts and Guyots: A Unique Resource, SDLR, vol. 10/3, 1973, s. 599-637.
  • Elferink A. G. O., Artificial Islands, Installations and Structures, MPEPIL, on-line edition, edited by Wolfrum, 2010 via (son ziyaret tarihi: 04/10/10).
  • Faye M. L. & Mcarthur J. W. & Sachs J. D. & Snow T., The Challenges Facing Landlocked Developing Countries, JHD, vol. 5/1, 2004, s. 31-68. Galea F., Artificial Islands in the Law of the Sea, University of Malta, Valetta, 2009 via ISLANDS_- _01.09.09.mod.doc.pdf (ziyaret tarihi: 22/03/10)
  • Glassner M. I., Access to the Sea for Developing Land-Locked States, The Hague, 1970.
  • Glassner M. I., Resolving the Problems of Landlockedness, in Land-Locked States of Africa and Asia, edited by Hodder & Lloyd & McLachlan, Chippenham, 1998, s. 197-208.
  • Glassner M. I., Bibliography on Land-Locked States, Economic Development and International Law, 5th revised and enlarged edition, New York, 2001.
  • Goedhuis D., The Problems of the Frontiers of Outer Space and Air Space, RCADI, vol. 174, 1982-I, 1982, s. 367-407.
  • Göze A., Devletin Ülke Unsuru (Sınırları ve Devletle Olan Münasebeti), İstanbul, 1959.
  • Greig D. W., International Law, 2nd edition, London, 1978.
  • Griffiths I. L. L., The African Inheritance, London, 1995.
  • Griffiths I. L. L., African Lands and Access Corridors, in Land-Locked States of Africa and Asia, edited by Hodder & Lloyd & McLachlan, Chippenham, 1998, s. 69-81.
  • Guruswamy L. & Doran K. L., International Environmental Law, 3rd edition, St. Paul, 2007.
  • Hafner G., Land-Locked States, MPEPIL, on-line edition, edited by Wolfrum, 2010 via (son ziyaret tarihi: 04/10/10).
  • Hasgüler M. & Uludağ M. B., Devletlerarası ve Hükümetler Dışı Uluslararası Örgütler: Tarihçe-Organlar-Belgeler-Politikalar, 3. basım, İstanbul, 2007.
  • Hignett K., Communist Czechoslovakia Planned Construction of Underground Tunnel, The View East, May 16 2009 via (son ziyaret tarihi: 31/08/11).
  • “Human Development Report 2010”, New York, 2010 via (ziyaret tarihi: 26/03/11).
  • Janis M. W., An Introduction to International Law, Boston, 1988. Hurst C. J. B., Whose Is the Bed of the Sea?, BYIL, vol. 4, 1923/24, s. 34- 43.
  • Keith K. M., Floating Cities: A New Challenge for Transnational Law, MP, vol. 1/3, 1977, s. 190-204.
  • Kelsen H., Principles of International Law, 9th printing, New Jersey, 2009. Knight G. H., International Legal Aspects of Deep Draft Harbor Facilities, JMLC, vol. 4/2, 1973, s. 367-395.
  • Knight G. H., International Legal Problems in the Construction and Operation of Offshore Deep Draft Port Facilities, in Hazards of Maritime Transit, edited by Clingan & Alexander, Massachusetts, 1973, s. 91-136.
  • Maluwa T., Southern African Land-Locked States and Rights of Access under the New Law of the Sea, IJMCL, vol. 10/4, 1995, s. 529-542.
  • Mapstone N. & Webber J., Architects Plan Tunnel to Free Landlocked Bolivia, Financial Times, May 15 2009, s. 5.
  • Marston G., The Evolution of the Concept of Sovereignty over the Bed and Subsoil of the Territorial Sea, BYIL, vol. 48, 1976/77, s. 321-332.
  • Marston G., The Marginal Seabed: The United Kingdom Legal Practice, Oxford, 1981.
  • Merryman J. H. & Ackerman E. D., International Law, Development and the Transit Trade of Landlocked States: The Case of Bolivia, Hamburg, 1969.
  • Milić M., Access of Land-Locked States to and from the Sea, CWRJIL, vol. 13/3, 1981, s. 501-516.
  • Miller D. H., The International Regime of Ports, Waterways and Railways, AJIL, vol. 13/4, 1919, s. 669-686.
  • Monnier J., Right of Access to the Sea and Freedom of Transit, in A Handbook on the New Law of the Sea, vol. I, edited by Dupuy & Vignes, Dordrecht, 1991, s. 501-523.
  • Papadakis N., The International Legal Regime of Artificial Islands, Leyden, 1977.
  • Pazarcı H., Uluslararası Hukuk Dersleri, II. Kitap, gözden geçirilmiş 6. baskı, Ankara, 1999.
  • Pěchota V., The Right of Access to the Sea, in Land-Locked Countries of Africa, edited by Červenka, Uppsala, 1973, s. 44-62.
  • “Peru Deal Gives Landlocked Bolivia Coast for Own Port”, BBC News, October 21 2010 via (ziyaret tarihi: 22/10/10).
  • Pounds N. J. G., A Free and Secure Access to the Sea, AAAG, vol. 49/3, 1959, s. 256-268.
  • Radelet S. & Sachs J., Shipping Costs, Manufactured Exports, and Economic Growth, January 1 1998 via sitefiles/file/about/director/pubs/shipcost.pdf (son ziyaret tarihi: 02/04/11).
  • Reeves J. S., The Origin of the Congo Free State, Considered from the Standpoint of International Law, AJIL, vol. 3/1, 1909, s. 99-118.
  • Reinhardt D. N., The Vertical Limit of State Sovereignty, JALC, vol. 72/1, 2007, s. 65-137.
  • Rosenfield S. B., Where Air Space Ends and Outer Space Begins, JSL, vol. 7/2, 1979, s. 137-148.
  • Rothwell D. R. & Stephens T., The International Law of the Sea, Oregon, 2010.
  • Rubin A. P., Land-Locked African Countries and and Right of Access to the Sea, in Land-Locked Countries of Africa, edited by Červenka, Uppsala, 1973, s. 63-78.
  • Salahuddin B., The Marine Environmental Impacts of Artificial Island Construction, Master of Environmental Management, Duke University, 2006 via (son ziyaret tarihi: 14/06/11).
  • Sanger C., Ordering the Oceans: The Making of the Law of the Sea, Toronto, 1987.
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There are 101 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Anıl Çamyamaç This is me

Publication Date July 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Cilt 12 Özel Sayı



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