Author Guide

Duties and Responsibilities of Authors

Authorship and Contribution
Authorship should be limited to those who made significant contributions to the conception, design, conduct, construction or interpretation of the study. All significant contributors should be listed as co-authors. If there are minor contributors to the work, such as language editing, they should be acknowledged in the acknowledgments section. The corresponding author should ensure that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the manuscript and agree to its submission for publication. Authors are expected to carefully review the list and order of authors before submitting their manuscript and to provide the final author list at the time of the original submission. Only in exceptional cases will the editor consider the addition, deletion or rearrangement of authors after the manuscript has been submitted. All authors must agree to any such addition, deletion or reorganization. Authors take joint responsibility for the work.

Article Writing
Authors of original research papers should address the topic in an original way and with an objective discussion. The paper should include sufficient detail and references to allow others to replicate the work. Fraudulent or knowingly false statements constitute unethical behavior and are unacceptable.

The author must ensure that the article is original, has not been previously published elsewhere, and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, in another language.

Using Original Sources and Citation
Authors should aim to conduct and report original research. Authors should ensure that they are writing entirely original work, and if they have used the work or words of others, they should ensure that this is properly cited. Privately obtained information, such as in conversations, correspondence or discussions with third parties, should not be used without the express written permission of the source. Appropriately cite the works from which they draw. Any improper citation from other publications, including the author's own work, is considered an ethical violation and plagiarism.

Data Access and Preservation
Authors may be asked to provide research data supporting their articles for editorial review and/or to comply with the journal's open data requirements. Authors should be prepared to provide public access to such data, if possible, and to retain such data for a reasonable period after publication. Our journal recommends uploading research data to TUBITAK's Aperta Portal.

Multiple and Simultaneous Publication
An author should not publish the same research article in more than one journal. It is unethical to submit the same article to more than one journal at the same time. An author should not submit a previously published article for consideration in another journal, except in the form of an abstract.

Ethical Statement and Ethics Committee Approval
For the intellectual and artistic works used, copyright regulations must be complied with, and permission must be obtained and specified from the owners for the use of scales, questionnaires, photographs, etc. belonging to others. Likewise, experiments, surveys, interviews, focus group studies, observations, etc. conducted on humans and animals require ethical declaration and ethics committee permission. For research in all disciplines that require ethics committee approval (ethics committee approval must be obtained, this approval must be stated and documented in the article. In studies requiring ethics committee approval, information about the permission (name of the committee, date and number) should be included in the method section, as well as on one of the first/last pages of the article; in case reports, information on the signing of the informed consent form should be included in the article. In studies requiring Ethics Committee Permission, the permission document must be uploaded during the article application. Studies of authors who do not upload the Ethics Committee Permission document will not be evaluated.

Conflict of Interest
Any financial or other interest that may cause the person to be conflicted in his or her work, significantly impair his or her objectivity, or provide an unfair advantage in favor of any person or organization. All sources of financial support received during the conduct of the research and preparation of the manuscript and the role of sponsors in the study should be disclosed. If there is no source of funding, this should also be indicated. Examples of potential conflicts of interest that should be disclosed include consultancies, salaries, grants. Potential conflicts of interest should be disclosed at the earliest possible stage.

Error Reporting
When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her published work, he/she should notify the journal immediately. It is also the author's obligation to cooperate in withdrawing or correcting the manuscript if deemed necessary by the editor. If the editor or publisher learns from a third party that a published work contains errors, it is the author's obligation to cooperate with the editor, including informing the editor.

Image Integrity
It is not acceptable to enhance, darken, move, remove or add a specific feature in an image. Authors must adhere to the policy for graphic images implemented by the journal.

Article Retraction
The author can withdraw the work evaluated in the publication processes of our journal only at the pre-control stage. Manuscripts cannot be withdrawn at other stages of the publication process.

Publication Fee
Authors are not charged any fee for all research published in our journal.

General Framework of Article Content

Title of the article
What is the importance and significance of the title of an article, how to choose an article title, how an article title is formed, or how it should be, it is possible to talk about the title of an article in a concise manner. First of all, the title of an article is the most important organ, section, essence, face, mirror, or rather its label, identity and showcase, a key or a door through which one enters the world of the article. The article is undoubtedly showcased, recognized and known by its title. In fact, it is the only unit of speech that introduces the author to the academic and reader world. The importance of the title in an article is as important as the importance of the head and face in the human organism. The reader's first acquaintance with the article, the first communication with the article is with the title, and the first image of the article in the reader's mind is actually thanks to this title. Among the millions of publications in the world, the selection criterion in search engines is again the title of the article. The title is the most read part of the article. When the reader searches databases or reference sections of research, they come across a number of article titles. Most of the time, it is through these titles that the reader decides what the article might be about and whether it is relevant to the topic they are looking for. Since the title of the article is the essence, substance, hülasası and showcase of the whole article, the title chosen, the words and concepts that make up this title should reflect the inner world and content of the article like a mirror, and it should be an indicator that refers to what may be in it, for example, its subject, purpose, hypothesis, problematics, method, and even its findings and results. In addition, the title should also remind the reader what is not included in the universe of the article. If the title of the study cannot sufficiently explain its content, the article will probably remain unread. Therefore, the title/title should be “a good title” as it is expressed in our tradition in naming, defining and classifying entities. Although it is important that the title is interesting and arouses curiosity, special and general titles that are far from the content of the article and mislead the reader should be avoided. For example, mentioning wingless creatures in the content or part of an article titled “Winged Creatures”, or mentioning only a part or a species of winged creatures under this title will not only cast a shadow on the feature of being an article with the title of “all things considered, all things considered”, but will also undoubtedly lead to problems in the organization of the article. In this respect, let us not forget that the number of articles rejected or the title changed by referees or editors due to such fictional problems is not insignificant. In fact, the title of an article is a conclusion, a naming of something existing and existing, just like naming a newborn child. For this reason, the answer to the question of whether the title or the article comes first, or whether the title is subject to the article or the article is subject to the title, should undoubtedly not be ignored that the title is a naming that emerges from the existence of the article. The article is not formed according to the title; after the article is formed, the title comes into existence according to the subject, purpose, hypothesis, data, findings and results of the research. In our tradition, as in the phrases “the name is subject to the content” or “knowledge is subject to knowledge”, the title of the article should be shaped according to the content of the article. As for the features of the title of the article in terms of form, the chosen title should clearly express what the reader will find in the content of the article. It should consist of focus words that reflect the content of the article briefly, concisely, clearly and adequately, and should be written in capital letters and bold, and although it is stated in the researches that the number of words in the titles can be increased up to a maximum of 12, 15 or 35, let us not forget that excessively long titles of this scale are not attractive to the reader, push him, prevent the reader from entering the inner world of the article like a labyrinth, reduce the download rate of the article and are not preferred. For this reason, the skill in titling is icaz, that is, the ability to say a lot with few words, or more precisely, to reflect the content of the article. Likewise, a good title does not include irony, puns, amusing themes, humor, literary and cultural references and abbreviations. While articles with such titles may be more attractive or more downloadable in the first place, it should not be overlooked that they have less impact. Depending on the type, an article can have declarative titles, descriptive titles, interrogative titles and mixed titles. However, articles with declarative, descriptive or interrogative titles are not the preferred title types. There is no doubt that such a title directly affects the chances of an article being read, published in a journal, cited or even downloaded. However, it is noteworthy that the most cited articles in Western literature and the most commonly used titles in Turkish academia are articles with descriptive titles.

Abstract/Abstract of the Article
What is an abstract/summary? The abstract is a section where the reader gets the first idea about the world of the article, whether the article is relevant to his/her field of interest, whether he/she will continue reading the article or not, and even allows the journal editors and referees to decide whether to accept or reject the article. Therefore, it is very important to write an effective abstract. A sloppy abstract can cause the article to be rejected even before the content of the article is seen. In addition to fully reflecting the content of the article, it is also important in terms of marketing, advertising and showcasing the article to the target audience, so to speak. Although the abstract is at the beginning of the article, it is not correct to start writing from the abstract. Because the abstract is the essence of an article that has been thoroughly researched, examined, its findings and results have been put forward, and it has come into existence. Since the abstract expresses the essence of the article, it is inevitable that the abstract written before the article is fully completed will be incomplete in some way. For this reason, it is necessary to write the abstract last in order to write an abstract that fully represents the whole article. Therefore, it is not correct to write the abstract in the future tense as seen in some articles. Since the abstract is a report on the completed work, it should be written in the past or perfect past tense. The abstract is not only related to the subject, purpose, problematic, hypothesis, method and result of the article in terms of its content, but also to the abstract writing guidelines of the journal to which it will be submitted in terms of its length, word count, writing format and content. Therefore, for an article prepared for publication in an academic journal, the rules on how to prepare the abstract in the journal's guidelines should also be taken into consideration. At the same time, the abstract should be of a quality that will attract the attention of the readers, arouse curiosity and draw them into the article, and give an idea of whether what the researcher is looking for is there. Because the vast majority of readers are satisfied with only the title and abstract of the article, the author should design the abstract in a way that will ensure that readers have a complete idea about the article when they reach the abstract. Undoubtedly, it is not enough for the abstract to attract the attention of the readers, arouse their curiosity and draw them into the article. At the same time, the abstract and keywords are of critical importance for the indexing of the article. Search engines also crawl the abstract of the article. Therefore, the main theme and keywords that can represent the article should be carefully included in the abstract. These keywords play an important role in the electronic collection of information and are matched with search words. Therefore, if you want the article to be easily accessible when searched, these words should be included in the natural progression of the abstract. This will mean that the article will be easier to find and will probably be cited more often. What are the types of abstracts? There are four types of abstract: Critical, Explanatory, Informative and Emphatic. In addition to describing the main findings and information, a critical abstract also includes a judgment or comment on the validity, reliability or completeness of the study. The researcher evaluates the article and compares it with other studies on the same topic. Critical summaries can often be slightly longer (400-500 words) due to additional interpretative comments. This type of summary is rarely used. As for the explanatory, descriptive/descriptive abstract, it states the type of information found in the study. It does not make any judgments about the study and does not provide the results or conclusions of the research. It includes keywords found in the text and may include the purpose, methods and scope of the research. A descriptive abstract only describes the summarized study. Some researchers therefore see it as an outline of the study rather than a summary. Descriptive abstracts are usually very short, 100 words or less. As for the informative abstract, most abstracts are of this type. It does more than criticize, evaluate, describe and describe a work. A good informative summary serves as a proxy for the work itself. In other words, the researcher presents and explains all the main arguments and important conclusions and evidence in the article. An informative abstract contains the information that can be found in a descriptive abstract [purpose, method, scope], but also includes the results of the research and the author's recommendations. The length may vary according to the field of study, but an informative abstract is usually no more than 300 words. As for the emphatic abstract, it is a type of abstract that is particularly emphasized to draw the reader's attention to the research. In this type of abstract, there is no claim to be a balanced or complete picture of the article, and in fact incomplete and leading remarks can be used to draw the reader's attention. The emphatic abstract is not a true abstract and is therefore rarely used in academic writing. What should/should not the abstract include? In the abstract, depending on the number of words required, which varies between 100-300, the subject, scope, problematic/problematic situation, hypothesis, purpose and objective of the research, importance, why and why this topic was chosen, which gap it will fill, the method followed in the research, the study plan, the main findings and results obtained are usually briefly mentioned in a single paragraph or in several themed paragraphs. The article should be written as a short outline and map of the introduction, purpose, method, development, findings, discussion and conclusion as if it consists only of this section or only this summary will be read. If it is not written in this way, the abstract should be revised. Considering that every research has a subject and scope, it would be useful to start the abstract by mentioning what the subject and scope are. Then, the problematic of the research and the motivation for doing the research and writing the article can be pointed out in one sentence. This is often a statement of the starting point for the research and forms the basis for explaining the purpose. The purpose of the research should then be stated. The purpose statement should be clear, concise and understandable in line with the overall article. What was done to achieve this purpose and which methods and analyses were used should be briefly mentioned. What was achieved at the end of the research, what the findings mean and what is discussed in the article should be briefly mentioned. Again, the abstract can be concluded with a sentence mentioning the contribution and importance of the research results to the field. Considering that the guidelines of many journals stipulate that abstracts of 100, 150, 200, 250 words should be written, it becomes clear that each of these titles should be expressed in one or two sentences. On the other hand, in some abstract formats, each title may be handled separately and an informative summary of up to 500-700 words may be requested. In such a case, again in line with the guidelines, each item that should be included in the summary should be addressed under separate headings at the prescribed length. The abstract should be economical in word economy. The abstract should not contain any definitions, descriptive information, tables, pictures, figures, quotations, long expressions, run-on sentences, abbreviations, references/sources and proof statements. It is sufficient for the abstract to give the above-mentioned headings in a snap. One of the most common mistakes in abstracts is to include long descriptive statements and research details. The abstract is not the appropriate place to define a concept discussed in the article, to explain what it is or what it is not. Therefore, these explanations should be left to appropriate places in the text content. It should also not contain an exact copy of a paragraph or sentence from the article or a new finding or conclusion not mentioned in the article. The abstract should be completely original and written in new terms.

Introduction to the article
The main purpose of the introduction, which is one of the sections of the article, is to introduce the study (the article). Therefore, in the first place, it is important to define the subject of the research and the main problem. Obviously, if the problem is not stated in a logical, understandable way, the reader will not be interested in the study. Even if the reader engages with the article, if the problem is not presented in a meaningful way, the brilliance of the article will not impress him. Therefore, the introduction of the article should provide a basis for the purpose of the study and should include a hypothesis or research question. Why was this study chosen and why is it important? Why is it necessary to investigate? Why should the study be done? What is problematic? The background, rationale and logic of these research questions should be succinctly explained and the purpose, research questions and assumptions of the research should be clearly stated. The introduction is the section where the article focuses on and introduces the topic by summarizing it. This section is in fact a broader version, a topography and a map of the article's essence. It is like a marketing showcase that exhibits what is in the article and what is being done, more precisely, it is the section that pulls/should pull the reader by the collar into the store/article, into the body text where the data is processed and the hypothesis is tested. It is also a fact that whether it is academic or general literature, it should be kept in mind that the time of the readership is very valuableXI Sinop University Journal of Social Sciences, Vol: V, Issue: 1, Year: January-June 2021. In this respect, this section, which draws attention to the necessity of the study, should be short, general, exaggerated, interesting, stimulating the reader but not boring and comprehensible. In the introduction, the purpose of the study should be fully conveyed, previous studies/literature emphasizing the subject should be defined, the hypothesis to be studied and the importance of the findings and results should be briefly and concisely explained. At the end of this section, the purpose of the research should be clearly stated. The aim of the introduction is to provide enough basic information to enable the reader to understand and evaluate the results of the present study without the need to refer to previous publications on the subject. Suggested rules for a good introduction can be listed as follows: First, the subject of the research, the nature and scope of the problem under investigation, and what is to be achieved should be presented as clearly as possible. Secondly, the relevant publications should be evaluated in order to guide the reader and the gap in the literature in this field and the gap that the study will fill should be felt by the reader. In particular, direct studies related to the subject and purpose of the study should be summarized and it should be clearly explained why the study is important/meaningful in this sense, what gap it will fill, what additional contribution it can provide. This will undoubtedly give the reader the opportunity to know the place of the current study among the known studies and the unique and authentic aspect of the research that is different from others. Thirdly, the research methodology should be stated. If deemed necessary, the reasons for choosing this method, for preferring a particular method over other methods, should be explained. The type of the study (applied, conceptual, theoretical, review), if it is an applied research, the design of the study (exploratory, descriptive, causal), the model, if any, the main population, the sampling method, the sampling process, the basic question(s) it seeks to answer, where, why, how and with which research technique(s) the relevant data were collected, and how they were analyzed, whether qualitative or quantitative. Fourth, the main findings of the research should be stated. Fifth, the main conclusions drawn from the findings should be presented. If a brief summary or preliminary note of the study has already been published, this should be mentioned (with citation) in the introduction. Again, if closely related articles have been published elsewhere or XII Sinop University Journal of Social Sciences, Vol: IV, No: 2, Year: July-December 2020 about to be published, this should be mentioned at the end of the introduction or towards the end. It should be known that the most appropriate place to define all kinds of special terms and abbreviations intended to be used to guide the reader is the introduction. Since the subject, scope, problematics and literature of the research are mentioned in general, the language of expression should be in the present tense.

Main Body of the Article
The main body of the article is the most basic part of the article, which is based on data, analysis and synthesis, discussion and inferences; information should be presented as a meaningful whole in a logical sequence and order. It is the part of the article in which the subject, scope, purpose, hypothesis, method, etc. determined in the abstract and introduction sections are worked out and the map and outline drawn in the introduction and abstract are personally applied.

Conclusion of the Article
This is the conclusion section where the data is presented as a result of the research. Here, the research findings and the results of these findings are expressed in a clear and understandable language, in a logical sequence and order. Undoubtedly, this section is not a place where the topic addressed in the article, what was done in the article is explained or summarized. Of course, these should be mentioned in a few sentences, but the aim is to present the results obtained regarding the hypothesis, hypothesis or problem, and to present suggestions that may pave the way for new studies, if any.

Last Update Time: 12/11/24, 8:40:33 PM