Dokuz Eylul University
Journal of Faculty of Theology Editor's Guide
1. Articles that are
Pre-Checked by the Editor-in-Chief are examined for their suitability to the journal in terms of subject, scope, scientific, etc., and the article that passes the Pre-Check and is corrected is sent to the author as a
Pre-Check File. Articles that do not comply with the purpose and scope of the journal and do not have scientific characteristics are rejected in the
2. The article from the Pre-Control is directed to the Field Editor selected in accordance with the field of the article. Field Editors review the articles forwarded by the Editor-in-Chief/Assistant Editors in terms of content and forward the articles that are appropriate in terms of content to referees (two referees). The Field Editor should not forget to write
Referee Evaluation File in red writing on the front of the article that is referred to the referee.
3. As far as possible, the Field Editor should appoint referees who have studied the topic of the article or topics close to this topic (e.g. If the article is related to the subject of nesh, he/she should appoint referees from academicians who have completed at least a PhD / master's degree in the field of nesh or who have written books and articles).
4. In the selection of referees, the Field Editor must take into account the principles of impartiality and objectivity of science and ethical situations such as conflict of interest or conflict of interest. Within this framework, the file sent to the referee should not contain any information belonging to the author.
5. If the referees appointed by the Field Editor do not approve the refereeing request within 15 days, the Field Editor may contact the relevant referees, and if the contacted referee accepts the refereeing, he/she may extend the term again or appoint another referee.
6. When two referee evaluations are completed, the Field Editor checks whether the referees are qualified referees, i.e. i) whether they have made suggestions and criticisms in the referee evaluation file, in the text of the article or in the comment bubbles, ii) whether they have filled in the evaluation form or whether they have made a justified explanation of at least 100-150 words. The Field Editor should assign a third referee to the unqualified manuscript.
7. If acceptance+minor, minor+minor, minor+major, minor+major are received from two referees, the article is sent to the author for correction and fulfillment of the referees' suggestions.
8. If two referees give major+major, major+reject, the manuscript is rejected. If one of them has a minor+rejection decision, the Field Editor may appoint a third referee or reject the manuscript, depending on whether the referee evaluations are qualified or not.
9. The Field Editor ensures that the corrections to be made by the authors in line with the referee suggestions are shown with
coloring or made with the
track changes tab, that is, the corrections are controllable and visible. The Field Editor should not forget to write “
Author Correction File” in red on the front of the correction file received from the author.
10. If the referees want to see the corrected manuscript again, the manuscript must be sent to the referees again; if not, it is sent directly to the language editor. The language editor evaluates the article in terms of language, spelling, style and whether the English words are written in accordance with the Isnad transcription.
11. After the language editor processes are completed, the article is sent to the Final Reader Editor. The Final Reader re-reads the article in terms of the journal's spelling rules, language, style and expression. The article is sent back to the author for correction and proofreading/proofreading.
12. After the final reading process is completed, the acceptance decision given by the Editorial Board is notified to the referee and the article is sent to the Layout.
Note: The Associate Editor is also responsible for the procedures that the field editor is responsible for.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emrah Dindi
Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Theology
Journal Editor-in-Chief