
Diyanet İlmi Dergi

Diyanet İlmi Dergi is a peer-reviewed journal that has been in publication life since 1962 and published four issues a year, March, June, September, December.
Diyanet İlmi Dergi aims to publish articles in the field of religious studies (Social Sciences and Humanities/Religion) and share them with the public in line with the principle of enlightening the society on religious issues and disseminating correct religious knowledge.
Manuscripts submitted to the journal must not have been published elsewhere or sent for publication.
Manuscripts that are pre-reviewed by the Editorial Board and the editor for compliance with the publication principles and plagiarism through a special programme are included in the referee process. A double blind referee system is applied to the articles.
Since the journal is published in digital environment, authors are not paid royalties.
The journal is scanned by the international Central & Eastern European Academic Source - CEEAS (EBSCO), ARAB WORLD RESEARCH SOURCE: AL MASDAR (EBSCO), ERIH PLUS, DOAJ and national TR Dizin indexes.
The journal can be accessed from App Store and Google Play mobile applications.

From January 1968 onwards, the name of the journal was reinstated as "Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı Dergisi" on the opening page. However, "Diyanet Dergisi" was utilized as the logo on the cover. Until 1997, the name of the journal appeared differently on the cover and opening pages. In 1991, the logo was labeled as "Diyanet Dergisi" while in 1992 it was labeled as "Diyanet Üç Aylık İlmi Dergi". From 1993 onwards, although the logo on the cover typically reads "Diyanet Üç Aylık İlmi Dergi" the opening page may also read "Diyanet Dergisi Dini-İlmi-Edebi Üç Aylık Dergi". In 1994, the logo "İlmi Dergi Diyanet" was used, and from January 1997, the logo "Diyanet İlmi Dergi" was adopted.

Until the launch of the Diyanet Newspaper, the magazine encompassed articles, circulars of the Presidency, select Board decisions, personnel news, and some current events. It also featured news about the exemplary behavior of religious workers in the press. Although not consistently, khutbah texts were also included. In late 1968, with the launch of the Diyanet Newspaper, only articles were published in the Diyanet Dergisi. However, during the early period, these articles typically comprised short pieces, usually no more than 3-5 pages in length.
Although few in number, some issues were published as "special issues." Examples include the "Hijrah Special Issue" published in 1980 and the "Our Prophet (SAW)" special issue published in October-December 1989.
The Diyanet Dergisi, particularly during the 1960s and 1970s, served as a platform for scholars conducting academic studies in the Faculty of Theology and Higher Islamic Institutes to evaluate their articles.
In the 1960s, the circulation of the Diyanet Dergisi was around 10 thousand. After the 1970s, it was generally printed around 4-6 thousand copies. Since 2013, it has been published digitally through DergiPark.
With a publication history spanning 62 years, our journal stands as one of the oldest and longest-running periodicals in our country, underscoring its significance for the academic community.
Excluding the special issues without serial numbers, the number of volumes published as of March 2024 is 60, with a total of 284 individual copies.
The journal has been published as a peer-reviewed journal since 2003 (39/2).

You can access the archive page of the journal from the link below:

Last Update Time: 11/29/24, 12:14:08 PM