
1. Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları (Studies in Language and Literature) is an internationally peer-reviewed, electronic and print journal featuring original scientific studies in language and literature as well as history, philosophy, sociology, psychology, education, economic history, political science, economics and management.

2. Submitted manuscripts should be original research not published or not accepted for publication elsewhere. Previously published manuscripts are not accepted under any circumstances. Proceedings of academic conferences can only be admitted if they have not been published elsewhere, which should also be clearly stated. Ethical responsibility for such manuscripts rests solely with the authors themselves.

3. Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları journal is published biannually in Spring (March) and Fall (October).

The Spring and Fall issues are published digitally and in print on March 20 and October 20, respectively. Manuscript submission deadlines are March 1 for Spring and October 1 for Fall issues. Dates shall be announced for special issues to be published in between.

4. Copies of the journal are mailed to national and international libraries, international indexing authorities and subscribers within a month of their publication.

5. Every author receives one copy of the relevant issue.

6. Spelling and abbreviations should be based on the Spelling Dictionary of TDK (Turkish Language Society).

7. Manuscript Assessment

Manuscripts submitted to the Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları journal are first examined by the Editorial Board. Scholarly objectivity and scientific quality are the main criteria in manuscript assessment. Manuscripts deemed eligible for publication are then sent to two expert peer reviewers. Peer reviewers remain anonymous, with reports kept for a period of five years.

Peer reviewers are to assess manuscripts within 20 days. Those who fail to do so are contacted and granted a one-time extension of 10 days. Reviewing process is terminated for reviewers who fail to submit their report within the said deadline.

Even if the manuscript completes all the above processes and is ready to go in print with positive peer reviews, excluded from the final publication list by a decision of the Editorial Board, in case of linguistic and stylistic problems, incoherence in terms of subject or unethical academic requests and behavior.

In case of disagreement, authors have the right to raise objections to peer reviews by presenting their rationale. Rejected manuscripts shall not be returned to their respective authors.

8. Authors agree to transfer to the Türkiye Dil ve Edebiyat Derneği (Language and Literature Association of Turkey) their copyright for manuscripts accepted for publication in the Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları journal. Responsibility for the opinions expressed in the articles lies entirely with the authors. Excerpts from the articles and photography are subject to citation rules.

9. Language of Publication

Language of publication for the journal Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları is Turkish. Researchers in philology may publish articles written in their language of specialty and other Turkic languages.

10. Manuscript Submission

Manuscripts formatted as per the publication guidelines can be sent to the e-mail address hakemlidergi@tded.org.tr

Formatting and Style Guide

Authors are asked to format their manuscripts according to the following guidelines:

1. Title: Title should be 14 pts bold, with capital initial letters and with a maximum limit of 10 words.

2. Author Name(s) and Address(es):

Name(s) and surname(s) of author(s) should be aligned right below the title, with the surname fully capitalized and the author’s title, institution and e-mail address should be clearly stated in a footnote.

3. Abstract: The article should start with an abstract of 150 to 300 words in both Turkish and English, which briefly and concisely describes the subject matter. Title should be included in both abstracts, which should not contain any references, figure and table numbers. 5 to 8 keywords should be added under each abstract, after a single-line spacing.

4. Extended Abstract: An Extended Abstract in English examines the study problem, objective, methodology and results in greater detail than a conventional abstract. Thus, extended abstract would promote international readership. It should contain 600 to 800 words, and clearly explain the study purpose, problematic, methodology, findings and results in different sections. Section titles may vary according to study type.

Section Titles in an Extended Abstract

Research Problem

Explanations about the study purpose and context (several sentences).

Research Questions

Indicate the research questions clearly.

Literature Review

Briefly explain the method of literature review (which main sources were used and accessed etc.), its objective and the overall picture provided by the literature, (common and different aspects of previous research etc.)


Define the study’s methodology (analysis, document transcription, methods, comparison, interpretation, critique, case study, essay, survey etc.)

Results and


Main findings, implications, results and/or suggestions regarding the study purposes/questions

5. Main Body: Manuscripts should be written on A4-sized paper in Microsoft Word, using Times New Roman or a similar font, with a font size of 12 pts and 1.5 line spacing. The A4-sized page should be set up without page numbers, leaving 3 cm margins on the right, left, top and bottom; justified on both sides and a paragraph spacing of 14 pts (before and after).

A manuscript should contain an abstract, sections of the main body, bibliography and appendices (if any). The use of section titles such as “Introduction” and “Conclusion” depends on study type and requirements. Yet, all articles should contain a conclusion paragraph. “Conclusion” should be in harmony with the study purpose and scope, and not contain any points not mentioned in the main body.

6. Section Titles:

Main Section Titles:

All titles in the article should be written in bold with only initial letters capitalized. Main section titles (main sections, bibliography and appendices) should be 14 pts bold.

Subsection and Paragraph Titles:

Subsection and paragraph titles should be 12 pts bold. Paragraph titles should be followed by a colon and the related text on the same line.

7. Tables and Figures: Each table should be assigned a number and title. The table number should be non-italicized and written above the table, which should be followed by the table title written in italics with capital initial letters. Tables should be relevantly placed within the text. Figures should be suitable for non-color printing. Figure numbers and titles should be centrally aligned, right below the figures. Figure numbers should be italicized and followed by a full stop. Figure titles should be written on the same line, non-italicized and initial letters capitalized.

8. Photos: All photographs should be sent along with the article, in high-resolution format and scanned at print quality. Photo titles are subject to the same formatting guidelines for figures and tables.

9. Citation (Annotation) and Bibliography:

Citations should be given in quotes; those less than 140 words should appear within the same paragraph, while longer citations should be given in a separate paragraph with an indentation of 1.5 cm on the left and right margins, written with 1.5 line spacing and 1 pt smaller than the main text.

Citations should be placed next to relavent part and given in the order of author’s surname, published year, number of pages, respectively, in the parenthesis.Work name(s) should be in the italic form.

Example: (Okay 2016: 142.)

In the case of using more than one citation, works should be sorted from the old-dated towards the recent work(s) by semicolon seperated in the same parenthesis.

Example: (Köprülü 1989: 125; Okay 2016: 115)

Two-authors citations should be hyphenated. In the case of more than two authors, “et al” abbreviation should be used whereafter the second author’s surname.

Examples: (Andı-Akay 2010: 223). (Kaplan-Enginün et al. 1988: 217).

If the author name mentioned in the relative sentence, it is enough to write date and page number in the parenthesis.

Example: (2015: 23)

If the author has two works published in the same year, it should be indicated by suffixing a letter behind the publish year.

Examples: (Ahmet Midhat 2010a: 37), (Ahmet Midhat 2010b: 72)

Same year published works belong to authors having the same surname should be represented through written the first letter of their names.

Examples: (Balcı, F. 2014: 83), (Balcı, M. 2014: 112)

To citate unattainable publication within the text, the reference work should be indicated with the publication as the following:

Example: (Köprülü 1924: 75; quote from Demirci 1998: 25)

Footnotes: Footnotes should be only used for the mandatory disclosure. Citations should be given in the order of author’s surname, published year, number of pages, respectively, in the parenthesis. Example: (Çoruk 2016: 118)

Bibliography: All bibliographies in the article should be placed in the “Bibliography”. Unmentioned works, documents should not be included, even if relevant with the article subject. Bibliographies should be taken place at the end of the main body, in the order of the authors surnames according the first letters. Work name(s) should be in the italic form.

a. Books

Author surname (lower case), name, (published year), book name, pressed city: publisher.

Example: Okay, M. Orhan (2005), Batılılaşma Devri Türk Edebiyatı, İstanbul: Dergâh Yayınları.

If any preparer, editor, translator, should be given behind the book name as the following:

Author surname, name, (published year), book name, [preparer] prep., [editor] ed. or [translator] trns. Name surname, pressed city, publisher.

Example: Ersoy, Mehmet Akif (1991), Safahat, prep. M. Ertuğrul Düzdağ, İstanbul, İz Yayıncılık.

Stevick, Philip (2004), Roman Teorisi, trans. Sevim Kantarcıoğlu, Ankara: Akçağ Yay. 2. bs.

Volume should be placed behind the work name and edition number should be given after the publisher.

Example: Lekesiz, Ömer (2001), Yeni Türk Edebiyatında Öykü 5, İstanbul, Kaknüs Yay.

b. Periodicals:

Journals: Author surname, name, (year, month), “article title”, journal name, volume no, issue: page range.

Example: Çetişli, İsmail (2000), “Bir Neslin veya Bir Şairin Romanı: Mâi ve Siyah”, Türk Yurdu, C. XX, S. 153-154, Mayıs-Haziran, s. 318-333.

In the case of newspaper article citation should be given as; author surname, name, (year. month. day), “article title”, newspaper name, (if any) page number.

In the case of the interview, interviewer should be indicated as an author.

c. Thesis

Author surname, name, (date), thesis title, city: names of university and institute: (unpublished undergraduate/graduate/phd thesis).

e. Informations from the internet

Author surname, name, (last update date), “internet document title”, (last accessed), internet address.

Example: Koçak, Ahmet (2014.01.01). “HİLMİ, Şehbenderzâde Filibeli Ahmed Hilmi”

http://www.turkedebiyatiisimlersozlugu.com/index.php?sayfa=detay&detay=4126 (Last accessed: 2016.10.23)

APA-style is preferred for the footnote and bibliography beside one may use the classical citation and footnote method (MLA-Chicago) which isalso acceptable.

Correspondence Address

Türkiye Dil ve Edebiyat Derneği Feshane Cad. Nu: 3


Telephone: 90 212 581 69 12

Fax: 90 212 581 12 54


Last Update Time: 5/5/22, 3:43:58 PM