Ethical Responsibilities and Policies

Publication Ethics

The aim of the Journal of Historical Studies is to examine the information from an objective point of view and to make it available to people. In order to achieve this goal, all studies are evaluated by "Double Blind Review". In order to maintain a high level of quality, the stakeholders of the study are expected to comply with certain criteria.
The following responsibilities have been prepared in accordance with the guidelines and policies published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Ethical Responsibilities of Authors
The author(s) submitting their work to the Journal of Historical Studies must comply with the following ethical rules:
Individuals who have not contributed to the study should not be listed as authors. It is not permissible to change the authors in a study that is under evaluation.
Authors must have obtained permission from the necessary places for the data used in their studies.
A study published in another journal or in the evaluation process cannot be submitted to the Journal of Historical Studies. The studies to be submitted to the journal must not have been published before and must not have been in the refereeing process in another journal.
Authors are obliged to apply citations completely and accurately in the works they submit and to produce original works.
Ethical Duties and Responsibilities of Editors
They are obliged to improve the quality and to have an attitude towards the continuous development of the journal.
If the editors detect inconsistencies or errors in the work, they should report the situation to the relevant people in order not to disrupt the academic integrity and to make the necessary corrections.
They are responsible for creating a platform where authors can freely express their ideas. In doing so, they cannot take into account any personal characteristics (age, gender, race, religion) of the authors.
They are responsible for respecting and protecting the property rights of the authors' ideas expressed in their work.
When selecting referees, editors should pay attention to their impartiality, expertise and confidentiality until the manuscript is published.
Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers
Reviewers should make sure that the studies given to them for evaluation are appropriate to their areas of expertise.
They should attach importance to confidentiality in their evaluations.
Care should be taken to be polite in the explanations and corrections to be made in order to provide a better result. Personal comments that may harm the essence of the study or disturb the author should be avoided.
Ethical Responsibilities of the Publisher
If ethical rules are violated and legal obligations are not fulfilled, the work may be rejected and returned to the author.
The publisher is obliged to protect the confidentiality of the work and the author until a work is published.
The editorial board should give importance to the ability to communicate ideas both freely and quickly.
Care should be taken to ensure transparency within the team in order to ensure that the manuscripts submitted to the journal are properly and quickly evaluated and prepared for publication.

Last Update Time: 5/29/23, 11:40:40 PM