Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 9/5/24

Year: 2024

The main goal of the journal is to publish the articles related to scientific terms. Besides publication of the articles from Social and Health Sciences on directly the term has also been aimed. So making contribution to term knowledge from several aspects and distribution of the terms produced in Scientific area will be able to be spreaded to public.

Within, all branches and sub-brunches of science are covered; term-focused science-excluded (Social and Helath) articles will also be accepted. Besides science terms, the studies paying attention to the effects of terms on the human behaviors, and/or perception of terms and the articles presenting comprehensively general aspects to a term will also be evaluated. E.g. an article investigating the term using abilities of college students will be evaluated for being published in this journal. In this context the articles submitted by the authors from psychology, sociology, politics and economy sciences are also included to journal's scope (see sample articles). Mainly the articles containing; collection, evaluation, criticism or presentation of new terms, explanations of terms which may enter into Turkish will be published and also the articles related to past use and local use of those terms will also be evaluated (See: Sample Articles).

The paper submission form should be filled, signed and should be sent to the editor as the attached file with paper. After being checked the manuscript format by editor the paper will be sent to the reviewers. The returned paper from reviewers in up to 4 months, the reviewer opinions are sent to author/s. If reviewer decisions result one declined and one accepted, then the paper is sent to the third reviewer for being reviewed. The third reviewer leads to the final decision of editor. If the paper is accepted with revision then the paper is sent to the author/s for responding the reviewer decisions and reviews.


After being accepted to be published in Avrasya Terim Dergisi then the Authors Certification is required within being signed by all authors to be sent to the editor by e-mail. Publication the papers in Avrasya Terim Dergisi is out of charge.


The paper is sent to the author/s for the proof reading following the signed Copyright Form received. The final corrections are offered to be made by different color so as to let them be followed. The identity information of the paper will be sent to the corresponding author after the finally corrected paper is reached to the editor.


Author Guidelines: Title of the paper;should not excess 15 words, should be written in bold and capital letters with 12 font size.


Names of Author/s; should place right-below the title in italic letters with capital letters of surnames and the affiliations; containing title, address and e-mail; should be given below the page with asterisked numbers (as 1, 2, 3..) attached to the end of surnames. Corresponding author should be signed with (*).


Abstract; should be between 50 and 250 words containing general knowledge about the study, no reference to tables and figures should be done and be written with 10 font size.


Keywords; should be placed 1 line below the abstract, be least 3 words and the most 7 words, the separation of words should be made with commas, only initial letters of the words should be written with capital letters.


Subdivision titles; original research papers may put both the subdivision titles €œIntroduction€, €œMethods€, €œResults€, €œDiscussion€, €œConclusion€ and €œIntroduction€, €œMethods€, €œResults and Discussion€ and €œConclusion€.

The papers dealing with term suggestion, review, decisions and evaluation may be written free of subdivision titles but should contain introduction, explanation of problem and solution suggestions.


The body text of the paper should be written with 1.5 line space, in MSWord program, with 11 font size and €œTimes New Roman€ style. 3 cm spaces should be left from all margins of the page and all the pages should be numbered. Subdivision titles can be numbered as 1., 1.1., 1.2., 1.1.2.. The paper should not be more than 20 pages.


Figures and Tables; should be centered to the page and they should be placed after the paragraph at which they are referred. The font size of contents and titles of figures and tables should be 10, table titles should be above the tables, and figure titles should be below the figures by being given numbers adjusted to left margin of tables and figures. The references to figures and the tables should be made like (Figure 1) (Table 1).


Figure 1. The relation between the pressure resistance parallel to fibrous and density at Istranca oak.


Table 1. pressure resistance values parallel to fibrous.





Reference notation in the text; should be given in parenthesis surname of author/s, publication date and page numbers; for one author references (Yılmaz, 1992:35) or (Subar, 1993:67-73); for two or more one author references sequenced regarding to dates; (Tavşanoğlu, 1973:23; Özçelik, 1984:45; Heede, 1991:67), for more than one author references (Taylor ve White, 1977:139). The references with more than two authors should be noted as (Aykut et al., 1997:155). If the same author has two papers published on the same dates than each of they should be added a, b, c letters. If the one author has both multi and single writer papers than they should be ordered in single author papers in time chronology, and then the multi- writer author papers in time chronology as well. In the references list all the author surnames should be mentioned clearly. The reference list should be in alphabetic order due to instructions given below:



Birkeland, P. W., 1984.Soils and Geomorphology. Oxford University Pres, New York.

Haris, C. W. and N. T. Dines, 1988. Time-saver Standarts for Landscape Architecture. McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York.


Book chapter:

Mulvaney, R.L., 1996. Nitrogen€”inorganic forms. In: Sparks, D.L. (Ed.), Methods of Soil Analysis: Part 3. Chemical methods. Soil Science Society of America, Madison, WI, pp. 1123€“1184.


Articles in journals:

Heede, B. H., 1991. Response of a stream in disequilibrium to timber harvest. Environmental Management. 15 (2): 251-255.

Boydak, M., A. Çalışkan and F. Bozkuş, 2002. Seed crop and its variation of Pinus nigra subsp. pallasiana in Dursunbey-Alaçam locality. Review of the Faculty of Forestry, University of Istanbul. 52 (2): 1-26.


Symposium, congress and workshop proceedings:

Dahlgren, R. A., 1988. Effects of forest harvest on stream-water quality and nitrogen cycling in the Casper creek watershed. In: Proceedings of The Conference on Coastal Watersheds: The Casper Creek Story. May 6, Ukiah, California.

Demircan, Ö., 2004. Gelişen Bilim ve Sanat Kavramlarını Karşılamada Türkçenin Yeteneği. Türkçe'nin Zenginleşmesi Kurultayı. Düzenleyen: Hikmet Altınkaynak, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Sayı: RE.BK.2004.0716, ISBN: 975-461-274-9.


 Web sites:

 FAO.2006. Rural radio transmissions and rural youth in Mali. http://www.fao.org/sd/dim_kn1/kn1_060202_en.htm (Ziyaret tarihi:27 /02/ 2006).



Üsküplü, O., H.B. Giritli ve N. Kuşkonmaz 1997. Latin alfabeli Botanik kitaplarında Türkçe terim kullanma eğilimlerinin belirlenmesi ve değerlendirilmesi. İstanbul Üniversitesi BAP Proje Numarası: 178185, kesin rapor 167 sayfa.



Öztürk, C., 1997. Avrupa dillerinde tarımcılıkta kullanılan Türkçe terimler ve anlam değişimleri. İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Türk Dili Anabilim Dalı yayınlanmamış Doktara tezi, 237 sayfa.


 Spoken interviews:

 Cem ERDURANLA 01.23.2011, Şişli'de yapılan sözlü görüşmede elde edilen veriler.

Ethical Rules

Avrasya Terim Dergisi applies the double-blind peer review method for evaluating the submitted manuscripts.

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Ensure that permission (in writing) has been obtained for reuse of any text, figures, or tables from the author and copyright holder
Learn the journal’s usage permission policy and proper citation
Remember that self-plagiarism is still plagiarism
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Yazarlardan makale süreçlerinde (veya herhangi bir gerekçe ile) hiçbir ücret talep edilmemektedir.

ISSN: 2147-7507 

Avrasya Terim Dergisi