Research Article
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The effects of artichoke fiber addition with different sizes on the quality of meatballs

Year 2019, , 275 - 282, 31.08.2019


The discarded parts of globe artichoke at harvesting and after industrial processing consist of leaves, stems, and bracts. Those by-products can represent up to 70% by weight of the total biomass, are disposed of as waste. Generally, they are used for composting or in some cased as animal feed. Due to the high fiber content, they carry enormous potential as a source to recover dietary fiber and added value products that can be used in the food industry. In this study, the artichoke fiber, obtained from industrial by-products, had 90% total dietary fiber, 3.38% protein, 0.34% fat content with a pH value of 6.98. Artichoke fiber with two different particles size (150 and 450 µm) was used to evaluate the effects of size on physicochemical properties. Water and oil holding capacities of fiber were reduced by the decrease in the particle size. Artichoke fiber with two different sizes at two different concentration was added to meatballs, and the change in physical, chemical, textural and sensory properties was determined, and they were compared to the control meatballs that have no fiber in its formulation. The weight loss reduction in meatballs differed with the addition of fiber depending on its particle size. The weight loss in the control sample was higher than the fiber added meatballs except for the sample prepared by less amount of fiber with a smaller particle size. The amount of fiber by itself was not found as significant on the meatball size, however, its interaction with particle size was important. The reduction of meatball size was lower when fiber with larger particle size was added, yet increasing the amount of fiber this difference was not important compared to the control meatballs. The effects of fiber addition on the hardness values of uncooked meatballs were observed only when larger size fiber was added, however, this difference was lost after cooking. The amount of fiber and its interaction with size was important on the stickiness value of uncooked meatballs, it was decreased when smaller fiber particles added at higher concentration, but when larger fiber particles were added the fiber concentration was not important. When the meatballs were cooked, the stickiness was reduced by increasing the fiber concentration at both particle size. Compare to the control meatballs, the cooked meatballs with added fiber did not show important differences in terms of textural and sensory properties. Therefore considering the health benefits of having dietary fibers in the formulation, and quality of meatballs added with fiber, the artichoke fibers can be used in meat products as functional food additives.


  • Cava, R., Ladero, L., Cantero, V., & Rosario Ramírez, M. (2012). Assessment of Different Dietary Fibers (Tomato Fiber, Beet Root Fiber, and Inulin) for the Manufacture of Chopped Cooked Chicken Products. Journal of Food Science, 77(4), C346–C352.
  • Choi, Y.S., Choi, J.H., Han, D.J., Kim, H.Y., Lee, M.A., Jeong, J.Y., Chung, H.J. & Kim, C.J., (2010). “Effects of replacing pork back fat with vegetable oils and rice bran fiber on the quality of reduced-fat frankfurters”, Meat Sci., 84:557–563.
  • Elleuch, M., Bedigian, D., Roiseux, O., Besbes, S., Blecker, C. & Attia, H., (2011). “Dietary fibre and fibre-rich by-products of food processing: Characterisation, technological functionality and commercial applications: A review”, Food Chem., 124:411–421.
  • Ekici, L., & Ercoşkun, H. (2007). Et Ürünlerinde Diyet Lifi Kullanımı. GTED. 1:83-90
  • Encalada, A.M.I., Basanta, M.F., Fissore, E.N., De’Nobili, M.D., & Rojas, A.M. (2015). Carrot fiber (CF) composite films for antioxidant preservation: particle size effect, CarbohydratePolymers,
  • Fernandez-Lopez, J., Sanchez-Zapata, E., Munoz, C.M., Fuentes, E., Sendra, E., Sayas, E., Navarro, C. & Perez-Alvarez, J.A., (2010). “Effect of tiger nut fibre on quality characteristics of pork burger”, Meat Sci., 85:70–76.
  • Han, M., & Bertram H. C. (2017). Designing healthier comminuted meat products: Effect of dietary fibers on water distribution and texture of a fat-reduced meat model system. Meat Science. 133:159- 165.
  • Hellwege, E.M., Czapla, S., Jahnke, A., Willmitzer, L. & Heyer, A.G., (2000). “Transgenic potato (Solanum tuberosum) tubers synthesize the full spectrum of inülin molecules naturally occurring in globe artichoke (Cynara scolymus) roots”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 97:8699–8704.
  • Henning, S. S. C., Tshalibe, P., & Hoffman, L. C. (2016). Physico-chemical properties of reduced-fat beef species sausage with pork back fat replaced by pineapple dietary fibres and water. LWT, 74, 92–98.
  • Ktari, N., Smaoui, S., Trabelsi, I., Nasri, M., & Ben Salah, R. (2014). Chemical composition, techno-functional and sensory properties and effects of three dietary fibers on the quality characteristics of Tunisian beef sausage. Meat Science, 96(1), 521–525.
  • Kılınççeker, O., & Kurt, Ş. (2018). Effects of inulin, carrot and cellulose fibres on the properties of raw and fried chicken meatballs. South African Journal of Animal Science, 48 (1).
  • Machado, M. T. C., Eça, K. S. Vieira, G. S., Menegalli, F. C., Martínez, J., & Hubinger, M.D. (2015). Prebiotic oligosaccharides from artichoke industrial waste: evaluation of different extraction methods. Industrial Crops and Products,76, 141-148.
  • Premavalli, K. S. (2010). Effect of particle size reduction on physicochemical properties of ashgourd (Benincasa hispida) and radish (Raphanus sativus) fibres AU - Gupta, Prachi. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 61(1), 18–28.
  • Talukder, S. (2015). Effect of Dietary Fiber on Properties and Acceptance of Meat Products: A Review AU - Talukder, Suman. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 55(7), 1005–1011.
  • Tomaschunas, M., Zörb, R., Fischer, J., Köhn, E., Hinrichs, J., & Busch-Stockfisch, M. (2013). Changes in sensory properties and consumer acceptance of reduced fat pork Lyon-style and liver sausages containing inulin and citrus fiber as fat replacers. Meat Science, 95(3), 629–640.
  • Verma, A., K., & Banerjee, R. (2010). Dietary fibre as functional ingredient in meat products: a novel approach for healthy living — a review. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 47(3), 247-257.DOI:10.1007/s13197-010-0039-8
  • Ye, F., Tao, B., Liu, J., Zou, Y., & Zhao, G. (2015). Effect of micronization on the physicochemical properties of insoluble dietary fiber from citrus (Citrus junos Sieb. ex Tanaka) pomace. Food Science and Technology International, 22(3), 246–255.
  • Yılmaz, İ., & Dağlıoğlu, O. (2003). The effect of replacing fat with oat bran on fatty acid composition and physicochemical properties of meatballs. Meat Science, 65(2), 819–823.
  • Zhang, Z., Song, H., Peng, Z., Luo, Q., Ming, J., & Zhao, G. (2012). Characterization of stipe and cap powders of mushroom (Lentinus edodes) prepared by different grinding methods. Journal of Food Engineering, 109(3), 406–413.

Farklı Partikül Boyutlarındaki Enginar Lifi İlavesinin Köfte Kalitesi Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2019, , 275 - 282, 31.08.2019


Enginar sebzesi
işleme tesislerinde, tüm bitkinin yaklaşık %70’i,
sap, çiçek

gibi kısımları katı atık olarak açığa çıkmaktadır. Bu atıklar genellikle hayvan
yemi üretiminde ya da gübre amacıyla kullanılmaktadır. Ancak, içerdiği zengin
lif miktarı açısından bu atık kısmının, diyet lifi olarak kullanılması
potansiyeli mevcuttur. Çalışmamızda, enginar atıklarından elde edilen lif,
protein, %0.34 yağ, %90 toplam diyet lif ve 6.98 pH değerine sahiptir. Üretilen
enginar lifi, boyutun fizikokimyasal özellikler üzerine etkilerini incelemek
için iki farklı boyutta (150 ve 450 µm) hazırlanmıştır. Lifin, su ve yağ
bağlama kapasitesinin partikül boyutunun azalması ile birlikte azaldığı
gözlenmiştir. Köfte örneklerine, iki farklı konsantrasyonda ve iki farklı
boyutta eklenen enginar lifinin, örneklerin fiziksel, kimyasal, tekstürel ve
duyusal özellikleri üzerine etkisi incelenmiş ve ayrıca sonuçlar, lif
eklenmeyen kontrol köfte örnekleri ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Köfte örneklerinde,
ağırlık kaybındaki azalmaya eklenen lifin miktarının etkisi, lifin boyutuna
göre farklılık göstermiştir. Düşük boyutlu ve az miktarda lif eklenen örnek hariç,
kontrol örneğindeki ağırlık kaybı, lif eklenen örneklerden daha fazla olmuştur.
Çapta azalma üzerine ise, lif miktarının etkisi tek başına önemli olmazken; lif
boyutunun etkisi ise, eklenen lifin miktarına göre farklılık göstermiştir.
Çapta azalmanın büyük boyutlu lif
kullanıldığı zaman daha az olduğu, ancak köftedeki lif miktarının arttırılmasıyla
bu etkinin kontrole göre önemli olmadığı görülmüştür. Pişmemiş köftelerin
sertlik değeri üzerinde, lif miktarının etkisi yalnızca büyük boyutlu lif
eklenen örneklerde gözlenmiş, ancak pişirme sonrası bu farklılık da önemli
olmamıştır. Yapışkanlık değeri açısından, pişmemiş köftelerde lif miktarı ve
boyutla interaksiyonu önemli olmuştur, yapışkanlık değeri düşük boyutlu lif
kullanımında lif miktarı arttıkça azalmış, ancak yüksek boyutlu lif
kullanıldığı zaman miktarın etkisi önemli olmamıştır. Örnekler, pişirildiği
zaman ise, her iki boyutta da lif miktarının artması ile yapışkanlık
azalmıştır. Lif eklenenen pişmiş köfte örneklerinde duyusal ve tekstürel açıdan
lif eklenmeyen kontrol köfteleri ile  karşılaştırıldığı
zaman, önemli düzeyde farklar belirlenmemiştir. Bu sonuçlar, d
iyet liflerinin sağlık açısından faydaları ve köftelerdeki olumlu
etkileri göz önüne alındığında, et ürünlerinde kullanımının yaygınlaştırılabileceğini


  • Cava, R., Ladero, L., Cantero, V., & Rosario Ramírez, M. (2012). Assessment of Different Dietary Fibers (Tomato Fiber, Beet Root Fiber, and Inulin) for the Manufacture of Chopped Cooked Chicken Products. Journal of Food Science, 77(4), C346–C352.
  • Choi, Y.S., Choi, J.H., Han, D.J., Kim, H.Y., Lee, M.A., Jeong, J.Y., Chung, H.J. & Kim, C.J., (2010). “Effects of replacing pork back fat with vegetable oils and rice bran fiber on the quality of reduced-fat frankfurters”, Meat Sci., 84:557–563.
  • Elleuch, M., Bedigian, D., Roiseux, O., Besbes, S., Blecker, C. & Attia, H., (2011). “Dietary fibre and fibre-rich by-products of food processing: Characterisation, technological functionality and commercial applications: A review”, Food Chem., 124:411–421.
  • Ekici, L., & Ercoşkun, H. (2007). Et Ürünlerinde Diyet Lifi Kullanımı. GTED. 1:83-90
  • Encalada, A.M.I., Basanta, M.F., Fissore, E.N., De’Nobili, M.D., & Rojas, A.M. (2015). Carrot fiber (CF) composite films for antioxidant preservation: particle size effect, CarbohydratePolymers,
  • Fernandez-Lopez, J., Sanchez-Zapata, E., Munoz, C.M., Fuentes, E., Sendra, E., Sayas, E., Navarro, C. & Perez-Alvarez, J.A., (2010). “Effect of tiger nut fibre on quality characteristics of pork burger”, Meat Sci., 85:70–76.
  • Han, M., & Bertram H. C. (2017). Designing healthier comminuted meat products: Effect of dietary fibers on water distribution and texture of a fat-reduced meat model system. Meat Science. 133:159- 165.
  • Hellwege, E.M., Czapla, S., Jahnke, A., Willmitzer, L. & Heyer, A.G., (2000). “Transgenic potato (Solanum tuberosum) tubers synthesize the full spectrum of inülin molecules naturally occurring in globe artichoke (Cynara scolymus) roots”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 97:8699–8704.
  • Henning, S. S. C., Tshalibe, P., & Hoffman, L. C. (2016). Physico-chemical properties of reduced-fat beef species sausage with pork back fat replaced by pineapple dietary fibres and water. LWT, 74, 92–98.
  • Ktari, N., Smaoui, S., Trabelsi, I., Nasri, M., & Ben Salah, R. (2014). Chemical composition, techno-functional and sensory properties and effects of three dietary fibers on the quality characteristics of Tunisian beef sausage. Meat Science, 96(1), 521–525.
  • Kılınççeker, O., & Kurt, Ş. (2018). Effects of inulin, carrot and cellulose fibres on the properties of raw and fried chicken meatballs. South African Journal of Animal Science, 48 (1).
  • Machado, M. T. C., Eça, K. S. Vieira, G. S., Menegalli, F. C., Martínez, J., & Hubinger, M.D. (2015). Prebiotic oligosaccharides from artichoke industrial waste: evaluation of different extraction methods. Industrial Crops and Products,76, 141-148.
  • Premavalli, K. S. (2010). Effect of particle size reduction on physicochemical properties of ashgourd (Benincasa hispida) and radish (Raphanus sativus) fibres AU - Gupta, Prachi. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 61(1), 18–28.
  • Talukder, S. (2015). Effect of Dietary Fiber on Properties and Acceptance of Meat Products: A Review AU - Talukder, Suman. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 55(7), 1005–1011.
  • Tomaschunas, M., Zörb, R., Fischer, J., Köhn, E., Hinrichs, J., & Busch-Stockfisch, M. (2013). Changes in sensory properties and consumer acceptance of reduced fat pork Lyon-style and liver sausages containing inulin and citrus fiber as fat replacers. Meat Science, 95(3), 629–640.
  • Verma, A., K., & Banerjee, R. (2010). Dietary fibre as functional ingredient in meat products: a novel approach for healthy living — a review. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 47(3), 247-257.DOI:10.1007/s13197-010-0039-8
  • Ye, F., Tao, B., Liu, J., Zou, Y., & Zhao, G. (2015). Effect of micronization on the physicochemical properties of insoluble dietary fiber from citrus (Citrus junos Sieb. ex Tanaka) pomace. Food Science and Technology International, 22(3), 246–255.
  • Yılmaz, İ., & Dağlıoğlu, O. (2003). The effect of replacing fat with oat bran on fatty acid composition and physicochemical properties of meatballs. Meat Science, 65(2), 819–823.
  • Zhang, Z., Song, H., Peng, Z., Luo, Q., Ming, J., & Zhao, G. (2012). Characterization of stipe and cap powders of mushroom (Lentinus edodes) prepared by different grinding methods. Journal of Food Engineering, 109(3), 406–413.
There are 19 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Ayşe Karadağ 0000-0001-8615-7321

Hülya Atasoy This is me 0000-0002-0321-355X

Kübra Özkan This is me 0000-0003-0580-5804

Osman Sağdıç 0000-0002-2063-1462

Publication Date August 31, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Karadağ, A., Atasoy, H., Özkan, K., Sağdıç, O. (2019). Farklı Partikül Boyutlarındaki Enginar Lifi İlavesinin Köfte Kalitesi Üzerine Etkisi. Avrupa Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi(16), 275-282.