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Gebze (Kocaeli / Türkiye) Bölgesinde Havada Maruz Kalınan Gama Dozları ve Kanser Riskinin Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2021, , 139 - 144, 31.08.2021


Bu çalışma ile Kocaeli ili, özellikle Marmara Denizi'nin kuzeydoğu tarafı (Gebze ilçesi ve çevresi) için inhalasyon kalitesinin değerlendirilmesine odaklanmıştır. Bu durumda havadaki radyoaktivite analizi büyük şehir İstanbul'a çok yakın olan bu bölge çevresinde hava doz hızı ölçümleri ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. 35 istasyonda dış mekan gama doz oranlarını ölçerek ortalama doz oranını elde etmek mümkün oldu. Daha sonra havadaki yıllık doz hesaplandı. Ayrıca Kocaeli için kanser riski belirlendi. Tüm bu değerler dünyanın referansları (UNSCEAR) ile karşılaştırıldı ve sonunda rapor edildi. Ortalama doz hızı 23.90 nGyhr-1 olarak ölçülmüş ve yıllık doz 29.31 μSv olarak hesaplanmıştır. Bu doz, yaşam boyu kanser riskini 1.02x10−4 olarak aşmak için gereklidir. Bu değerler, dünya çapında var olan benzer çalışmalarla karşılaştırılabilir. Son olarak, Kocaeli için ortalama yıllık etkili doz eşdeğeri ve aşırı yaşam boyu kanser riski dünya ortalamasının altındadır. Bu çalışma, daha ileri araştırmalar için bir referans olarak kullanılacaktır. Ayrıca ileride değerlendirilecek Kocaeli için, örneğin Karadeniz bölgesinden ve komşularından gelen reaktör sızıntısına dayalı bir nükleer kirlilik, nükleer saldırı vb. Gibi farklı çalışmalarla karşılaştırmak faydalı olacaktır. . Bu tür çalışmaları literatürün genişlemesi için başka bir fayda sağlayacaktır.


  • UNSCEAR., Report of the United Nations scientific committee on the effects of atomic radiation, sources, effects, and risks of ionizing radiation. United Nations Sales Publication, New York, 2008.
  • M.Değerlier, G.KARAHAN, “Ph. D. Thesis: Annual Effective Dose of Natural Environmental Radioactivity Measurements for Adana region”. N.S. Institue- CU/ Adana. 2007.
  • E. Kapdan, N. Altınsoy, G. Karahan & A. Yüksel, “Outdoor radioactivity and health risk assessment for capital city Ankara, Turkey”, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 318. 1033-1042, 2018.
  • Y. Kobya, H. Taşkın, C. M. Yeşilkanat & U. Çevik, “Evaluation of Outdoor Gamma Dose Rate and Cancer Risk in Artvin Province, Turkey, Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 21:8, 2077-2085, 2015.
  • E. Kapdan, A. Varınlıoğlu & G. Karahan, “Outdoor Radioactivity and Health Risks in Balıkesir, Northwestern Turkey”, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, pp: 1-9, 2011.
  • E. Kam, A. Bozkurt & R. Ilgar “A study of background radioactivity level for Canakkale, Turkey”. Environ Monit Assess, 168: 685–690, 2010.
  • Z. Ü. Yümün, K. Bayrak, H. Aksoy & U. Ayseli, “A Study of Background Radioactivity Level for Edirne, Turkey”, Journal of Engineering Technology and Applied Sciences, 2018.
  • M. E. Turgay, “Cancer Risk Determination for IDA villages by using Annual Gamma Doses in Air, around Edremit&Ayvacık Districts; Balıkesir&Çanakkale, TURKEY”, European Journal of Science and Technology No 15, pp. 433-439, 2019.
  • G. Karahan & A. Bayülken, “Assessment of gamma dose rates around Istanbul (Turkey)”, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 47, 213-221, 2000.
  • E. Kam & A. Bozkurt “Environmental radioactivity measurements in Kastamonu region of northearn Turkey”, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 65, 440-444, 2007.
  • A. Bozkurt, N. Yorulmaz, E. Kam, G. Karahan & A.E. Osmanlioglu, “Assessment of environmental radioactivity for Sanliurfa region of southeastern Turkey”, Radiat. Meas., 42, 1387-1391, 2007.
  • N.Z. Ateş, K. Bayrak, M.E. Turgay & E. Kam, “Evaluation of Excess Lifetime Cancer Risk Caused by External Exposure due to Natural Radioactivity in Bolu, Turkey”, Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, 38 (2), 945-954, 2020.
  • M. Ghiassi, S. M. Mortazavi & J. R., Cameron, “Very High Background Areas of Ramsar, Iran: Preliminary Biological Studies”, Health Physics, 82(1), 87-93, 2002.
  • M.V.,Lic´ınio, A.C. Freitas, H. Evagelista, A. Costa-Gonçalves, M. Miranda & A.S. Alencar, “A high spatial resolution outdoor dose rate map of the Rio de Janeiro city, Brasil”, Risk Assessment and Urbanization Effects. J Environ Radioact 126, 32-9, 2013.
  • M. A. Arnedo, J. G. Rubiano, H. Alonsa, A. Tejera, A. Gonzalez, J. Gonzalez, J.M. Gil, R. Rodriguez, P. Martel & J.P. Bolivar, “Mapping natural radioactivity of soils in the eastern Canary Islands, Spain”, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 166, 242-258, 2017.
  • 2019.
  • CED, Branch Management, 2011.
  • ICRP., ICRP Publication 103 recommendations of the ICRP: annals of the ICRP volume 37/2-4. International Commission on Radiological Protection. Pergamon Pres, 2007.
  • RESA, Radiation Measurement Systems TAEK (online). E. Kam, Z. Ü. Yümün, M. Önce & G. Açıkgöz, “Gamma Dose Rate Values In The Kulakçayırı Natural Lake and The Vicinity (Arnavutköy, İstanbul). Journal of Engineering Technology and Applies Sciences, 1(1), 29-33, 2016.
  • Z. Ü. Yümün, E. Kam & M. Önce, “Gamma Dose Values of Stratigraphic Units Surfaced in Behramkale (Çanakkale) Zeytinli (Edremit-Balıkesir) Section of Kaz Mountains”. Journal of the Turkish Chemical Society Section A: Chemistry, 7(1), 207-2014, 2019.
  • O. Günay, “Determination of Natural Radioactivity and Radiological Effects in some Soil Samples in Beykoz-İstanbul”. European Journal of Science and Technology. 12, 2018.

Exposed Gamma Doses in air and Assessment of Cancer Risk around Gebze (Kocaeli/Turkey) Region

Year 2021, , 139 - 144, 31.08.2021


By this study, it is focused to assessment of inhalation quality for Kocaeli province especially Northeast side of Marmara Sea (Gebze county and its territory). In this case, radioactivity analysis in air was realized via air dose rate measurements around this region which is so closed neighbor to big city Istanbul. By measuring of the outdoor gamma dose rates on 35 stations, it was possible to get the average dose rate. Then it was calculated to annual dose in air. Besides, cancer risk was determined for Kocaeli. All these values were compared with the World’s references (UNSCEAR) and reported finally. It was measured the average dose rate as 23.90 nGyhr-1 and annual dose was calculated to 29.31 μSv. This dose is required to excess lifetime cancer risk as 1.02x10−4. These values could be compared to the similar studies which existed around the world. Finally, the average annual effective dose equivalent and excess lifetime cancer risk for Kocaeli, are less than the world average. This study would be used to a reference for further investigations, besides it will be usefull to compare with different studies for Kocaeli which, will be evaluated in the future, for example after a nuclear pollution, such as based on a reactor leakage comes from Black Sea region and neighbours, nuclear attacks, etc., too. Another benefit would be made to enlarge to find this kind of studies in literature.


  • UNSCEAR., Report of the United Nations scientific committee on the effects of atomic radiation, sources, effects, and risks of ionizing radiation. United Nations Sales Publication, New York, 2008.
  • M.Değerlier, G.KARAHAN, “Ph. D. Thesis: Annual Effective Dose of Natural Environmental Radioactivity Measurements for Adana region”. N.S. Institue- CU/ Adana. 2007.
  • E. Kapdan, N. Altınsoy, G. Karahan & A. Yüksel, “Outdoor radioactivity and health risk assessment for capital city Ankara, Turkey”, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 318. 1033-1042, 2018.
  • Y. Kobya, H. Taşkın, C. M. Yeşilkanat & U. Çevik, “Evaluation of Outdoor Gamma Dose Rate and Cancer Risk in Artvin Province, Turkey, Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 21:8, 2077-2085, 2015.
  • E. Kapdan, A. Varınlıoğlu & G. Karahan, “Outdoor Radioactivity and Health Risks in Balıkesir, Northwestern Turkey”, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, pp: 1-9, 2011.
  • E. Kam, A. Bozkurt & R. Ilgar “A study of background radioactivity level for Canakkale, Turkey”. Environ Monit Assess, 168: 685–690, 2010.
  • Z. Ü. Yümün, K. Bayrak, H. Aksoy & U. Ayseli, “A Study of Background Radioactivity Level for Edirne, Turkey”, Journal of Engineering Technology and Applied Sciences, 2018.
  • M. E. Turgay, “Cancer Risk Determination for IDA villages by using Annual Gamma Doses in Air, around Edremit&Ayvacık Districts; Balıkesir&Çanakkale, TURKEY”, European Journal of Science and Technology No 15, pp. 433-439, 2019.
  • G. Karahan & A. Bayülken, “Assessment of gamma dose rates around Istanbul (Turkey)”, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 47, 213-221, 2000.
  • E. Kam & A. Bozkurt “Environmental radioactivity measurements in Kastamonu region of northearn Turkey”, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 65, 440-444, 2007.
  • A. Bozkurt, N. Yorulmaz, E. Kam, G. Karahan & A.E. Osmanlioglu, “Assessment of environmental radioactivity for Sanliurfa region of southeastern Turkey”, Radiat. Meas., 42, 1387-1391, 2007.
  • N.Z. Ateş, K. Bayrak, M.E. Turgay & E. Kam, “Evaluation of Excess Lifetime Cancer Risk Caused by External Exposure due to Natural Radioactivity in Bolu, Turkey”, Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, 38 (2), 945-954, 2020.
  • M. Ghiassi, S. M. Mortazavi & J. R., Cameron, “Very High Background Areas of Ramsar, Iran: Preliminary Biological Studies”, Health Physics, 82(1), 87-93, 2002.
  • M.V.,Lic´ınio, A.C. Freitas, H. Evagelista, A. Costa-Gonçalves, M. Miranda & A.S. Alencar, “A high spatial resolution outdoor dose rate map of the Rio de Janeiro city, Brasil”, Risk Assessment and Urbanization Effects. J Environ Radioact 126, 32-9, 2013.
  • M. A. Arnedo, J. G. Rubiano, H. Alonsa, A. Tejera, A. Gonzalez, J. Gonzalez, J.M. Gil, R. Rodriguez, P. Martel & J.P. Bolivar, “Mapping natural radioactivity of soils in the eastern Canary Islands, Spain”, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 166, 242-258, 2017.
  • 2019.
  • CED, Branch Management, 2011.
  • ICRP., ICRP Publication 103 recommendations of the ICRP: annals of the ICRP volume 37/2-4. International Commission on Radiological Protection. Pergamon Pres, 2007.
  • RESA, Radiation Measurement Systems TAEK (online). E. Kam, Z. Ü. Yümün, M. Önce & G. Açıkgöz, “Gamma Dose Rate Values In The Kulakçayırı Natural Lake and The Vicinity (Arnavutköy, İstanbul). Journal of Engineering Technology and Applies Sciences, 1(1), 29-33, 2016.
  • Z. Ü. Yümün, E. Kam & M. Önce, “Gamma Dose Values of Stratigraphic Units Surfaced in Behramkale (Çanakkale) Zeytinli (Edremit-Balıkesir) Section of Kaz Mountains”. Journal of the Turkish Chemical Society Section A: Chemistry, 7(1), 207-2014, 2019.
  • O. Günay, “Determination of Natural Radioactivity and Radiological Effects in some Soil Samples in Beykoz-İstanbul”. European Journal of Science and Technology. 12, 2018.
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Muttalip Ergun Turgay 0000-0003-1708-8283

Zeynep Acara This is me 0000-0003-2159-1930

Zeki Ünal Yümün 0000-0003-0658-0416

Arev Artun This is me 0000-0002-6868-9890

Erol Kam 0000-0001-5850-5464

Publication Date August 31, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Turgay, M. E., Acara, Z., Yümün, Z. Ü., Artun, A., et al. (2021). Exposed Gamma Doses in air and Assessment of Cancer Risk around Gebze (Kocaeli/Turkey) Region. Avrupa Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi(25), 139-144.