e-ISSN: 2667-503X
Founded: 2018
Publisher: İrfan ERSİN
Cover Image

Our journal publishes in electronic format three times a year. In April, August and December of each year, the number of journals is published. All articles submitted to the journal are evaluated by a double-blind method by at least two independent referees.If the articles submitted to our journal are accepted for publication at the end of the referee review process, they will be published on the internet with open access.Researchers who are interested in submitting an article to our journal should review the publication policy and spelling rules of the journal and register their articles via the article submission system.

Creative Commons Lisans

The articles published in this journal are published under the Creative Commons International License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/deed.tr).





Journal of Economics, Business and Finance Research will publish its first special issue with articles coming from the "Green Deal, Sustainable Trade, and Turkey's Integration" project within the scope of the "Erasmus-Jean Monnet Module" supported by the Turkish National Agency. A call for articles has previously been made through the said project. These articles, referee evaluation, and publication processes will be carried out by our journal. Among the articles received within the scope of the project, studies that have successfully completed the referee evaluation processes will be published in Volume 6, Special Issue 1 of our journal.