The Journal of Economics, Business and Finance is a scientific and periodical journal. Our journalserves as a publication tool in solving problems in the field of economics and business. It is thought that the studies published in the journal will make significant contributions to these fields.
Studies in the fields of business, economics, finance, public finance, labor economics and econometrics are accepted in our journal.
Makalenizi yazarken lütfen aşağıdaki yazım kurallarına dikkat edin. Kurallara uygun olmayan yazılar kabul edilmeyecek ve hakem sürecine dahil edilmeden iade edilecektir. Özellikle tablo ve şekiller kaymayacak şekilde gruplandırılmalıdır. Ayrıca tablo ve şekiller sayfa boyutlarını aşmamalıdır.
- Sayfa sayısı (referanslar/referanslar dahil) asla 20'yi geçmemelidir.
- Metnin boyutu 12 puntodur.
- Sayfa boyutu A4 olacaktır.
-Formüller ve şekiller ile tüm formüller aşağıdaki örneklerdeki gibi gruplandırılmalıdır.
(Örnek şablon için linke tıklayın:
Sayfa Yapısı ve Metin Formatı Yazı Tipi ve Boyutu Yazı Tipi Türü: Times New Roman Yazı Tipi Boyutu: 12 (metin); 10 (tablolar ve şekiller) | Sayfa yapısı Üst: 2,5 cm; Alt: 2,5 cm Sol: 2 cm; Sağ: 2 cm Paylaş: 0; Oluk konumu: sol Sayfa sayısı: 20'ye kadar |
Kağıt boyutu
A4 | Paragraf Yapısı Hizalama: Başlıklar sola, metin iki yana yaslı "haklı" Girinti: Yok Aralık: Tek; İlki: 6 nk; Sonra: 6 nk |
"Journal of Economics, Business and Finance Studies" is committed to publishing in accordance with academic and ethical standards, based on the principle of producing, developing and sharing information impartially with the scientific method. Journal of Economics, Business and Fiscal Studies is based on the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines prepared and put into effect by the COPE (Publication Ethics Committee). It is the Editors' duty to follow the Cope Guidance for Editors. For referees, the Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers (COPE) are followed by the journal referees. A maximum of 20 articles are published in one issue of the journal.
The journal adopts the following ethical principles and publication policy:
1. Author's Responsibilities
• It is the author's responsibility that the studies submitted for publication comply with academic and scientific qualifications.
• Authors are responsible for editing the article, taking into account the writing rules of the journal.
• Authors must declare that all data presented in the article is original.
• Citations and bibliography should be made completely.
• Although plagiarism is scanned by the journal, the responsibility of plagiarism rests entirely with the authors and the results are for the author(s).
• A work should not be submitted to another journal or journals at the same time. It should be ensured that all authors whose names will be included in the article have contributed to the research. It is against scientific ethics to show people who do not have academic contributions as additional authors or to rank authors by non-scientific criteria such as title, age and gender, regardless of the order of contribution.
• It is assumed that the authors have read and accepted the journal's ethical rules, publication principles and writing rules. In addition, the "Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive" determined by the Council of Higher Education should be taken into account.
• If ethics committee permission and/or legal/special permission is required in the article, the name of the institution where these permissions were obtained, the date and the decision/issue number should be clearly stated.
• Authors must fully comply with ethical rules during the conduct of their research. This includes issues such as ethical committee approval of experiments on humans or animals, protection of confidentiality and privacy, and the accuracy and reliability of data collection methods. Authors should adopt the principles of honesty, objectivity and responsibility in their research.
• Authors should avoid using others' work, ideas, data or texts without permission. Plagiarism includes copying, quoting or summarizing the work of others, not citing the quoted text appropriately. Authors should avoid presenting or manipulating fake data.
• Authors should cite the sources they use accurately and completely. When citing other works, it is important for authors to cite sources accurately. Citations are used to respect the literature used, to support the validity of the study, and to provide readers with access to relevant resources.
• Authors should prepare their articles meticulously before submitting them to the journal. Manuscripts should be written in a clear and understandable way, have a logical structure and should comply with scientific writing rules. Factors such as accurate presentation of data, appropriate use of tables and graphs, and clear expression of results should be taken into account.
• Authors should clearly state any conflict of interest regarding their research. Financial support, industrial relations or other interests are examples of potential conflicts of interest that could affect the results of the study. This information helps readers evaluate the objectivity and reliability of the study.
Authors support academic honesty and research ethics by fulfilling the above-mentioned responsibilities. It is also important that they carefully follow the journal's editorial policies and guidelines.
2. Responsibilities of the Referee
Referees play an important role as the determinant of the academic quality of the articles to be published in the journal and they have a responsibility to improve the academic quality.
• Referees should only evaluate articles on the subjects they are experts in.
• Information about the reviewed article after the article review process should not be shared with others.
• Reviewers should only evaluate the accuracy of the content presented in the article and its compliance with academic criteria. Even if the opinions of the referees and the opinions presented in the article differ, this should not affect the evaluation.
• Referee reports should be objective and measured. Insulting, derogatory or accusatory expressions should be avoided.
• Referees must clearly state the missing or flawed points on which the result is based in evaluations with negative results.
• The referees should evaluate the articles within the time given to them in the evaluation process. If they are not going to make an evaluation, they should notify the journal within a reasonable time.
The Journal of Economics, Business and Finance Research provides open access as it adopts the principle that scientific research will be provided free of charge to humanity and that it will increase the global sharing of knowledge. In this framework, no fee is charged for sending articles, compilations, book reviews, etc. in our journal. No fees are collected from authors or their affiliated institutions under any circumstances.