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Year 2015, Volume: 11 Issue: 3, 1004 - 1020, 01.02.2015


The effect of mastery learning model supported with reflective thinking activities on the fifth grade medical students' critical thinking skills was determined through comparing with traditional teacher-lecture method. Application was carried out on the subjects entitled “Staphylococcal Infections”, “Streptococcal Infections”, “Malaria”, “Pulmonary Tuberculosis”, “Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever” and “Influenza” in Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology Course. Throughout a twelve week study period, differences in critical thinking skills of students were assessed. A pretest-posttest control group design with an experimental (32) and a control (32) group was used and the hypotheses were tested. In comparison of the measurements obtained from California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory (CCTDI) , t-tests as well as Mann-Whitney U test were used. According to the findings, mastery learning model supported with reflective thinking activities did not demonstrate positive effects towards critical thinking skills


  • Arredondo, D. E. ve Block, J. H. (1990). Recognizing the connections between thinking skills and mastery learning. Educational Leadership, 47(5), 4-10.
  • Athens, W. (2011). Analysis of self- directed mastery learning of honors Physics. (Doktora Tezi).University of Florida. Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Thesis database. UMI No: 3496894.
  • Aydın, E. (1995). Tam öğrenme metodu ve öğrenme ortamı organizasyonun İstanbul'daki bir özel okulun orta ikinci sınıfındaki öğrencilerin matematik başarı ve tutumlarına etkisi. (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). İstanbul: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri.
  • Bloom, B.S. (1968). Learning for Mastery. UCLA-Center for Study Evaluation of Instructional Programs, Evaluation Comment. 1(2), 1–12.
  • Bloom, B.S (1974a). An Introduction to mastery learning Theory. Block, J (Ed.). School, Society and Mastery Learning içinde. New York: Holt, Rinebart and Winston.
  • Bloom, B.S (1974b).Time and learning. American Psychologist, 29, 682- 688.
  • Bloom, B. S. (1976). Human characteristics and school learning. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Bloom, B. S. (1978). New views of the learner: Implications for instruction and curriculum. Educational Leadership, 35(7), 563–576.
  • Bloom BS. (1981). All our children learning. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Bloom, B.S. (1984a). The 2 sigma problem: The search for method of group instruction as effective as one-to-one tutoring. Educational Researcher, 13(6), 4–16.
  • Bloom, B.S. (1984b). The search for methods of group instruction as effective as one-to-one tutoring. Educational Leadership. 42 (8), 4–17.
  • Bloom, B. S. (1988). Helping all children learn in elementary school and beyond. Principal, 67(4), 12–17.
  • Browne, M. N. ve Freeman, K. (2000). Distinguishing features of critical thinking classrooms. Teaching in Higher Education, 5 (3), 301-309.
  • Carter, L. M. (2008). Critical thinking dispositions in online nursing education. The Journal of Distance Education,22 (3), 89-114.
  • Choy, S. C., Cheah, P. K. (2009) Teacher perceptions of critical thinking among students and its influence on higher education. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 20(2), 198-206.
  • Colucciello, M.L. (1999) Relationships between critical thinking dispositions and learning styles. Journal of Professional Nursing, 15, 294 – 301.
  • Çetinkaya, Z. (2011). Türkçe öğretmen adaylarının eleştirel düşünmeye ilişkin görüşlerinin belirlenmesi. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(3), 93-108.
  • Dam, G. T. ve Volman, M. (2004). Critical Thinking a Citizenship Competence: Teaching Strategies. Learning and Instruction, 14, 359-379.
  • Demirel, Ö. (2009). Öğretme sanatı öğretim ilke ve yöntemleri. (15. Baskı). Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Dirimeşe, E. (2006). Hemşirelerin ve öğrenci hemşirelerin elestirel düşünme eğilimlerinin incelenmesi. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü,İzmir.
  • Facione, P. A. (1990). Critical thinking: A statement of expert consensus for purposes of educational assessment and instruction. Research findings and recommendations. Millbrae, CA: The California Academic Press. ERIC Doc. No. ED 315 423.
  • Facione, C.N., Facione, P.A., Sanchez, M. A.(1994). Critical Thinking Disposition as a measure of competent clinical judgement. The development of the California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory. Journal of Nursing Education, 33(8), 345- 349.
  • Facione, P. A., Facione,N. C. Ve Giancarlo, C.A.F. (1998). The California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory, California: Academic Press.
  • Gökalp, M. (2011). Öğretme- öğrenme modelleri “grupla öğretme modelleri”. Öğrenme Öğretme Kuram ve Yaklaşımları içinde Behçet Oral (Ed.) (1. Baskı).Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Guskey, R. T. (1997). Implementing mastery learning (2nd ed.). California: Wadsworth.
  • Guskey, T. R. (2001). The backward approach. Journal of Staff Development, 22(3), 60.
  • Han, W.H., Maxwell, S.R. (2006) Are medical students adequately trained to prescribe at the point of graduation? Views of first year foundation doctors. Scottish Medical Journal 51(4):27–32.
  • Hevedanlı, M., Oral, B. ve Akbayın, H. (2005). Biyoloji öğretiminde İşbirlikli Öğrenme ve Tam Öğrenme yöntemleri ile geleneksel öğretim yöntemlerinin öğrenci başarısına etkisi. Milli Eğitim Dergisi, 33, 166.
  • Howe, E. R. (2004). Canadian and Japanese Teachers’ Conceptions of Critical Thinking: A Comparative Study. Teachers and Teaching. Theory and Practice, 10 (5), 505-525.
  • Krank, H.M. ve Moon, C.E. (2001). Can a combined mastery/cooperative learning environment positively impact undergraduate academic and affective outcomes? Journal of College Reading and Learning, 31(2), 195-208.
  • Kökdemir, D. (2003). Belirsizlik durumlarında karar verme ve problem çözme. (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi). Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Sosyal Bilimler Anabilim Dalı, Ankara.
  • Laney, J.D., Frarich, D.K., Frarich, L.P. ve Luke, K.P. (1996). The effect of cooperative and mastery learning methods on primary grade students' learning and retention of economic concepts. Early Education and Development, 7(3), 253-74.
  • Levine, D. (1985). Improving student achievement through mastery learning programs. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Marton, F., Säljö, R. (1976) On qualitative differences in learning I: outcome and process. British Journal of Educational Psychology 46, 4–11
  • Mavarech, Z.R. (1985). The effects of coopeartive mastery learning strateies in mathematics achievement. Journal of Educational Research, 78(4), 372-377.
  • McArthur Ravert, P. K. (2004). Use of a human patient simulator with undergraduate nursing students: A prototype evaluation of critical thinking and self-efficacy. (Doktora Tezi). The University of Utah Graduate School. Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Thesis database. UMI No: 3133131.
  • McGovern M. ve Valiga T.M. (1997) Promoting the cognitive development of freshman nursing students. Journal of Nursing Education, 36, 29 – 35.
  • Özder, H. (1996). Tam öğrenmeye dayalı işbirlikli öğrenme modelinin etkililiği. (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi). Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Profetto- McGrath, J. (2003). The relationship of critical thinking skills and critical thinking dispositions of baccalaureate nursing students. Journal of Advanced Nursing,43 (6), 569–577.
  • Richir, M.C., Tichelaar, J., Geijteman, E.C. ve de Vries, T.P. (2008) Teaching clinical pharmacology and therapeutics with an emphasis on the therapeutic reasoning of undergraduatemedical students. 64(2):217–224.
  • Rolf N. R. (2004). Writing information literacy in the classroom: Contributions to a concept. Reference & User Services Quarterly, 43(2), 124–130.
  • Senemoğlu, N. (2011). Gelişim öğrenme ve öğretim. Kuramdan uygulamaya. (19. Baskı). Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Slavin, R.E., (1983). When does Cooperative learning increase student achievement. Psychological Bulletin, 94(3), 429-,445.
  • Tichelaar, J.. Richir, M. C., Avis, H. J., Scholten, H. J., Antonini, N. F. ve De Vries, T. (2010). Do medical students copy the drug treatment choices of their teachers or do they think for themselves? European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 66, 407–412.
  • Yıldıran, G. (2010). Multicultural applications of mastery learning- our thoughts, our deeds and our hopes for education. İstanbul: Boğaziçi University Publication.

The effect of mastery learning model supported with reflective thinking activities on medical students’ critical thinking skills/Yansıtıcı düşünme etkinlikleriyle destekli tam öğrenme modelinin tıp fakültesi öğrencilerinin eleştirel düşünme düşünme beceri

Year 2015, Volume: 11 Issue: 3, 1004 - 1020, 01.02.2015


Yansıtıcı düşünme etkinlikleriyle destekli tam öğrenme modelinin tıp fakültesi 5. sınıf öğrencilerinin eleştirel düşünme becerileri üzerindeki etkisi geleneksel yöntemle karşılaştırılarak belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Araştırma Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları ve Klinik Mikrobiyoloji dersi kapsamında Stafilokokal Enfeksiyonlar, Streptokokal Enfeksiyonlar, Sıtma, Ekstrapulmoner Tuberküloz, Kırım-Kongo Kanamalı Ateşi ve Influenza olmak üzere altı ders konusuyla yürütülmüştür. On-iki hafta boyunca yapılan uygulamayla öğrencilerin Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları ve Klinik Mikrobiyoloji dersine ilişkin eleştirel düşünme becerilerinde ne gibi farklılıklar oluştuğu belirlenmiştir. Nicel araştırmada bir deney (32) bir de kontrol (32) grubunun yer aldığı “öntest-sontest kontrol gruplu model” olan deneysel desen kullanılmış; araştırmanın denenceleri test edilmiştir. Öğrencilerin California Eleştirel Düşünme Eğilimi Ölçeği kullanılarak elde edilen eleştirel düşünme becerilerine yönelik ölçümlerinin karşılaştırılmasında t-testi ve nonparametrik testlerden Mann Whitney U testi kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgulara göre yansıtıcı düşünme etkinlikleriyle destekli tam öğrenme modelinin öğrencilerin eleştirel düşünme becerilerine yönelik olumlu etkisi olmadığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.


  • Arredondo, D. E. ve Block, J. H. (1990). Recognizing the connections between thinking skills and mastery learning. Educational Leadership, 47(5), 4-10.
  • Athens, W. (2011). Analysis of self- directed mastery learning of honors Physics. (Doktora Tezi).University of Florida. Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Thesis database. UMI No: 3496894.
  • Aydın, E. (1995). Tam öğrenme metodu ve öğrenme ortamı organizasyonun İstanbul'daki bir özel okulun orta ikinci sınıfındaki öğrencilerin matematik başarı ve tutumlarına etkisi. (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). İstanbul: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri.
  • Bloom, B.S. (1968). Learning for Mastery. UCLA-Center for Study Evaluation of Instructional Programs, Evaluation Comment. 1(2), 1–12.
  • Bloom, B.S (1974a). An Introduction to mastery learning Theory. Block, J (Ed.). School, Society and Mastery Learning içinde. New York: Holt, Rinebart and Winston.
  • Bloom, B.S (1974b).Time and learning. American Psychologist, 29, 682- 688.
  • Bloom, B. S. (1976). Human characteristics and school learning. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Bloom, B. S. (1978). New views of the learner: Implications for instruction and curriculum. Educational Leadership, 35(7), 563–576.
  • Bloom BS. (1981). All our children learning. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Bloom, B.S. (1984a). The 2 sigma problem: The search for method of group instruction as effective as one-to-one tutoring. Educational Researcher, 13(6), 4–16.
  • Bloom, B.S. (1984b). The search for methods of group instruction as effective as one-to-one tutoring. Educational Leadership. 42 (8), 4–17.
  • Bloom, B. S. (1988). Helping all children learn in elementary school and beyond. Principal, 67(4), 12–17.
  • Browne, M. N. ve Freeman, K. (2000). Distinguishing features of critical thinking classrooms. Teaching in Higher Education, 5 (3), 301-309.
  • Carter, L. M. (2008). Critical thinking dispositions in online nursing education. The Journal of Distance Education,22 (3), 89-114.
  • Choy, S. C., Cheah, P. K. (2009) Teacher perceptions of critical thinking among students and its influence on higher education. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 20(2), 198-206.
  • Colucciello, M.L. (1999) Relationships between critical thinking dispositions and learning styles. Journal of Professional Nursing, 15, 294 – 301.
  • Çetinkaya, Z. (2011). Türkçe öğretmen adaylarının eleştirel düşünmeye ilişkin görüşlerinin belirlenmesi. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(3), 93-108.
  • Dam, G. T. ve Volman, M. (2004). Critical Thinking a Citizenship Competence: Teaching Strategies. Learning and Instruction, 14, 359-379.
  • Demirel, Ö. (2009). Öğretme sanatı öğretim ilke ve yöntemleri. (15. Baskı). Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Dirimeşe, E. (2006). Hemşirelerin ve öğrenci hemşirelerin elestirel düşünme eğilimlerinin incelenmesi. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü,İzmir.
  • Facione, P. A. (1990). Critical thinking: A statement of expert consensus for purposes of educational assessment and instruction. Research findings and recommendations. Millbrae, CA: The California Academic Press. ERIC Doc. No. ED 315 423.
  • Facione, C.N., Facione, P.A., Sanchez, M. A.(1994). Critical Thinking Disposition as a measure of competent clinical judgement. The development of the California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory. Journal of Nursing Education, 33(8), 345- 349.
  • Facione, P. A., Facione,N. C. Ve Giancarlo, C.A.F. (1998). The California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory, California: Academic Press.
  • Gökalp, M. (2011). Öğretme- öğrenme modelleri “grupla öğretme modelleri”. Öğrenme Öğretme Kuram ve Yaklaşımları içinde Behçet Oral (Ed.) (1. Baskı).Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Guskey, R. T. (1997). Implementing mastery learning (2nd ed.). California: Wadsworth.
  • Guskey, T. R. (2001). The backward approach. Journal of Staff Development, 22(3), 60.
  • Han, W.H., Maxwell, S.R. (2006) Are medical students adequately trained to prescribe at the point of graduation? Views of first year foundation doctors. Scottish Medical Journal 51(4):27–32.
  • Hevedanlı, M., Oral, B. ve Akbayın, H. (2005). Biyoloji öğretiminde İşbirlikli Öğrenme ve Tam Öğrenme yöntemleri ile geleneksel öğretim yöntemlerinin öğrenci başarısına etkisi. Milli Eğitim Dergisi, 33, 166.
  • Howe, E. R. (2004). Canadian and Japanese Teachers’ Conceptions of Critical Thinking: A Comparative Study. Teachers and Teaching. Theory and Practice, 10 (5), 505-525.
  • Krank, H.M. ve Moon, C.E. (2001). Can a combined mastery/cooperative learning environment positively impact undergraduate academic and affective outcomes? Journal of College Reading and Learning, 31(2), 195-208.
  • Kökdemir, D. (2003). Belirsizlik durumlarında karar verme ve problem çözme. (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi). Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Sosyal Bilimler Anabilim Dalı, Ankara.
  • Laney, J.D., Frarich, D.K., Frarich, L.P. ve Luke, K.P. (1996). The effect of cooperative and mastery learning methods on primary grade students' learning and retention of economic concepts. Early Education and Development, 7(3), 253-74.
  • Levine, D. (1985). Improving student achievement through mastery learning programs. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Marton, F., Säljö, R. (1976) On qualitative differences in learning I: outcome and process. British Journal of Educational Psychology 46, 4–11
  • Mavarech, Z.R. (1985). The effects of coopeartive mastery learning strateies in mathematics achievement. Journal of Educational Research, 78(4), 372-377.
  • McArthur Ravert, P. K. (2004). Use of a human patient simulator with undergraduate nursing students: A prototype evaluation of critical thinking and self-efficacy. (Doktora Tezi). The University of Utah Graduate School. Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Thesis database. UMI No: 3133131.
  • McGovern M. ve Valiga T.M. (1997) Promoting the cognitive development of freshman nursing students. Journal of Nursing Education, 36, 29 – 35.
  • Özder, H. (1996). Tam öğrenmeye dayalı işbirlikli öğrenme modelinin etkililiği. (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi). Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Profetto- McGrath, J. (2003). The relationship of critical thinking skills and critical thinking dispositions of baccalaureate nursing students. Journal of Advanced Nursing,43 (6), 569–577.
  • Richir, M.C., Tichelaar, J., Geijteman, E.C. ve de Vries, T.P. (2008) Teaching clinical pharmacology and therapeutics with an emphasis on the therapeutic reasoning of undergraduatemedical students. 64(2):217–224.
  • Rolf N. R. (2004). Writing information literacy in the classroom: Contributions to a concept. Reference & User Services Quarterly, 43(2), 124–130.
  • Senemoğlu, N. (2011). Gelişim öğrenme ve öğretim. Kuramdan uygulamaya. (19. Baskı). Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Slavin, R.E., (1983). When does Cooperative learning increase student achievement. Psychological Bulletin, 94(3), 429-,445.
  • Tichelaar, J.. Richir, M. C., Avis, H. J., Scholten, H. J., Antonini, N. F. ve De Vries, T. (2010). Do medical students copy the drug treatment choices of their teachers or do they think for themselves? European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 66, 407–412.
  • Yıldıran, G. (2010). Multicultural applications of mastery learning- our thoughts, our deeds and our hopes for education. İstanbul: Boğaziçi University Publication.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Şenel Elaldı

Çetin Semerci

Publication Date February 1, 2015
Submission Date February 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 11 Issue: 3


APA Elaldı, Ş., & Semerci, Ç. (2015). The effect of mastery learning model supported with reflective thinking activities on medical students’ critical thinking skills/Yansıtıcı düşünme etkinlikleriyle destekli tam öğrenme modelinin tıp fakültesi öğrencilerinin eleştirel düşünme düşünme beceri. Eğitimde Kuram Ve Uygulama, 11(3), 1004-1020.