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The Number of Response Categories and the Reverse Directional Item Problem in Likert-Type Scales: A Study with the Rasch Model

Year 2017, , 321 - 343, 30.09.2017


This study addressed reverse directional item and the number of response categories problems in Likert-type scales. The Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale (FNES) and the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire (OHQ) were used as data collection tools. The data of the study were analyzed according to the Rasch model. The analysis found that the observed and expected test characteristic curves were largely overlapped, each of the three rating scales worked effectively, and the differences between response categories could be distinguished successfully by the participants in straightforward directional items. On the other hand, it was determined that there were significant differences between the observed and expected test characteristic curves in reverse directional items. It was also found that no matter which one of these three, five and seven-point rating scales was used, the participants could not distinguish the response categories of the reverse directional items on the FNES and the OHQ. Afterwards, the reverse directional items were removed from the data file, and the analysis was repeated. The analysis results revealed that item discrimination, reliability coefficients for person facet, separation ratios and Chi square values calculated for the facets of person and items were higher in five-pointed rating compared to three and seven pointed rating.


  • Adelson, J.L., & McCoach, D.B. (2010). Measuring the mathematical attitudes of elementary students: The effects of a 4-point or 5-point Likert-type scale. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 70(5), 796-807. Ahlawat, K.S. (1985). On the negative valence items in self-report measures. The Journal of General Psychology, 112(1), 89-99.
  • Aiken, L.R. (1983). Number of response categories and statistics on a teacher rating scale. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 43(2), 397-401.
  • Bachman, J.G., & O’Malley, P.M. (1984). Yea-saying, nay-saying, and going to extremes: Black-white differences in response styles. The Public Opinion Quarterly, 48(2), 491-509. Baker, F.B. (2001). The basics of item response theory. ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.
  • Barnette, J.J. (1999, April). Likert Response Alternative Direction: SA to SD or SD to SA: Does It Make a Difference? Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Retrieved from
  • Benson, J., & Hocevar, D. (1985). The impact of item phrasing on the validity of attitude scales for elementary school children. Journal of Educational Measurement, 22(3), 231–240.
  • Bergstrom, B.A., & Lunz, M.E. (1998, April). Rating scale analysis: Gauging the impact of positively and negatively worded items. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. San Diego, CA. Retrieved from
  • Birkett, N.J. (1986). Selecting the number of response categories for a Likert-type scale. Retrieved from
  • Bolin, B.L., & Dodder, R.A. (1990). The affect balance scale in an American college population. The Journal of Social Psychology, 130(6), 839-40.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2005). Anket geliştirme. Türk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(2), 133-151. Retrieved from
  • Cicchetti, D.V., Showalter, D., & Tyrer, P.J. (1985). The effect of number of rating scale categories on levels of inter-rater reliability: A Monte-Carlo investigation. Applied Psychological Measurement, 9(1), 31-36.
  • Chamberlain, V.M., & Cummings, M.N. (1984). Development of an instructor/course evaluation instrument. College Student Journal, 18(3), 246-250.
  • Chang, L. (1994). A psychometric evaluation of 4-point and 6-point Likert-type scales in relation to reliability and validity. Applied Psychological Measurement, 18(3), 205-215.
  • Chiorri, C., Anselmi, P., & Robusto, E. (2009). Reverse items are not opposites of straightforward items. In U. Savardi (Ed.), The perception and cognition of contraries (pp. 295-328). Milano: McGraw-Hill.
  • Comrey, A.L., & Montang, I. (1982). Comparison of factor analytic results with two choice and seven choice personality item formats. Applied Psychological Measurement, 6(3), 285-289. Conrad, K.J., Wright, B.D., McKnight, P., McFall, M., Fontana A., & Rosenheck, R. (2004). Comparing traditional and Rasch analyses of the Mississippi PTSD scale: Revealing limitations of reverse-scored items. Journal of Applied Measurement, 5(1), 15-30. Retrieved from Cronbach, L.J. (1950). Further evidence on response sets and test design. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 10(1), 3-31.
  • Çetin, B., Doğan, T., & Sapmaz, F. (2010). Olumsuz değerlendirilme korkusu ölçeği kısa formu’nun Türkçe uyarlaması: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Eğitim ve Bilim, 35(156), 205-216.
  • Daher, A.M., Ahmad, S.H., Winn, T., & Selamat, M.I. (2015). Impact of rating scale categories on reliability and fit statistics of the Malay spiritual well-being scale using Rasch analysis. Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences, 22(3), 48-55. Retrieved from
  • Dawes, J. (2007). Do data characteristics change according to the number of scale points used? An experiment using 5-point, 7-point and 10-point scales. International Journal of Market Research, 50(1), 61-77. Retrieved from DeVellis, R.F. (2003). Scale development: Theory and applications. Newbury Park: Sage Publications.
  • Doğan, T., & Akıncı Çötok, N. (2011). Oxford mutluluk ölçeği kısa formunun Türkçe uyarlaması: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 4(36), 165-172. Retrieved from
  • Erkuş, A. (2003). Psikometri üzerine yazılar. Ankara: Türk Psikologlar Derneği Yazıları. Erkuş, A. (2012). Psikolojide ölçme ve ölçek geliştirme-I. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık.
  • Fabiola, G.B., Iwin, L., Jennifer, L.M., & Zaira, V.V. (2012). The effect of the number of answer choices on the psychometric properties of stress measurement in an ınstrument applied to children. Evaluar, 12 43-59. Retrieved from
  • Green, S.B., Akey, T.M., Fleming, K.K., Hershberger, S.L., & Marquis, J.G. (1997). Effect of the number of scale points on chi‐square fit indices in confirmatory factor analysis, Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 4(2), 108-120,
  • Halpin, G., Halpin, G., & Arbet, S. (1994). Effects of number and type of response choices on internal consistency reliability. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 79(2), 928-930.
  • Herche, J., & Engelland, B. (1996). Reversed-Polarity İtems and scale unidimensionality. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 24(4), 366-374. Hofstede, G. (1998). Masculinity and femininity: The taboo dimension of national cultures. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Hooper, M., Arora, A., Martin, M.O., & Mullis, I.V.S, (2013, June). Examining the behavior of “reverse directional” items in the TIMSS 2011 context questionnaire scales. Paper Presented at the 5th IEA International Research Conference. National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Retrieved from
  • Hui, C.H., & Triandis, H.C. (1989). Effects of culture and response format on extreme response style. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 20(3), 296-309.
  • Ibrahim, A.M. (2001). Differential responding to positive and negative items: The case of a negative item in a questionnaire for course and faculty evaluation. Psychological Reports, 88(2), 497-500. Jacoby, J., & Matell, M.S. (1971). Three-point likert scales are good enough. Journal of Marketing Research, 8, 495-500. Retrieved from Jenkins, G.D., & Taber, T.D. (1977). A Monte-Carlo study of factors a€ecting three indices of composite scale reliability. Journal of Applied Psychology, 62(4), 392-398. Johnson, T., Kulesa, P., Cho, Y.I., & Shavitt, S. (2005). The relation between culture and response styles evidence from 19 countries. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 36(2), 264-277. Kelloway, E.K., Catano, V.M., & Southwell, R.R. (1992). The construct validity of union commitment: Development and dimensionality of a shorter scale. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 65(3), 197-211. Kim, K.H. (1998). An analysis of optimum number of response categories for korean consumers. Journal of Global Academy of Marketing Science, 1(1), 61-86.
  • King, L.A., King, D., & Klockars, A.J. (1983). Dichotomous and multipoint scales using bipolar adjectives. Applied Psychological Measurement, 7(2), 173-180. Knoch, U., &, McNamara, T. (2015). Rasch analysis. In L. Plonsky, (Ed.), Advancing quantitative methods in second language research (pp. 275–304). New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Lai, J.C.L. (1994). Differential predictive power of the positively versus the negatively worded items of the life orientation test. Psychological Repors, 75(3), 1507-1515.
  • Lee, J.W., Jones, P.S., Mineyama, Y., & Zhang, X.E. (2002). Cultural differences in responses to a Likert scale. Research in Nursing & Health, 2002, 25, 295-306.
  • Leung, S. (2011). A comparison of psychometric properties and normality in 4-, 5-, 6-, and 11-point Likert scales. Journal of Social Service Research, 37(4), 412-421.
  • Likert, R. (1932). A technique for the measurement of attitudes. Archives of Psychology, 22, 2-55.
  • Linacre, J. M. (2014). A user’s guide to FACETS Rasch-model computer programs. Retrieved from
  • Lissitz, R.W., & Green, S.B. (1975). Effects of the number of scale points on reliability: A Monte Carlo approach. Journal of Applied Psychology, 60(1), 10-13. Locker, D., Jokovic, A., & Allison, P. (2013). Direction of wording and responses to items in oral health-related quality of life questionnaires for children and their parents. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 35(4), 255-262.
  • Lozano, L.M:, García-Cueto, E., & Muñiz, J. (2008). Effect of the number of response categories on the reliability and validity of rating scales. Methodology: European Journal of Research Methods for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, 4(2), 73-79.
  • Matell, M. S., & Jacoby, J. (1971). Is there an optimal number of alternatives for Likert scale items? Study I: Reliability and validity. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 31(3), 657-674. Maydeu-Olivares A., Kramp U., García-Forero C., Gallardo-Pujol, D., Coffman, D. (2009). The effect of varying the number of response alternatives in rating scales: Experimental evidence from intra-individual effects. Behavior Research Methods, 41(2), 295-308. McInerney, V., McInerney, D., & Roche, L. (1994, July). Definitely not just another computer anxiety instrument: The development and validation of CALM: Computer anxiety and learning measure. Paper presented at the Annual Stress and Anxiety Research Conference, Madrid, Spain. Retrieved from
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Likert Tipi Ölçeklerde Olumsuz Madde ve Kategori Sayısı Sorunu: Rasch Modeli ile Bir İnceleme

Year 2017, , 321 - 343, 30.09.2017


Bu araştırmada Likert tipi ölçeklerde olumsuz madde ve kategori sayısı sorununun ele alınması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada veri toplama aracı olarak Olumsuz Değerlendirilme Korkusu Ölçeği (ODKÖ) ile Oxford Mutluluk Ölçeği (OMÖ) kullanılmıştır. Araştırma kapsamında toplanan veriler Rasch modeline göre analiz edilmiştir. Analiz sonucunda; ODKÖ ile OMÖ’deki olumlu maddelerde gözlenen ve beklenen test karakteristik eğrilerinin büyük ölçüde örtüştüğü, her üç kategori sayısının da etkin bir biçimde çalıştığı ve ölçek kategorileri arasındaki farkların katılımcılar tarafından başarılı bir biçimde ayırt edildiği belirlenmiştir. Öte yandan olumsuz maddelerde gözlenen ile beklenen test karakteristik eğrileri arasında önemli farklılıklar olduğu saptanmıştır. Üç, beş ve yedili derecelendirmeden hangisi kullanılırsa kullanılsın, ODKÖ ile OMÖ’deki olumsuz maddelerde kategorilerin katılımcılar tarafından ayırt edilemediği tespit edilmiştir. Bu tespitin ardından olumsuz maddeler veri dosyasından çıkarılarak analiz tekrarlanmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular; madde ayırt ediciliği, birey yüzeyine ilişkin güvenirlik katsayısı ile birey ve madde yüzeyleri için hesaplanan ayırma oranı ve Ki Kare değerlerinin beşli derecelemede üçlü ve yedili derecelemeye göre daha yüksek olduğunu göstermiştir. Bu bulgular, üçlü, beşli ya da yedili derecelemeden hangisi kullanılırsa kullanılsın olumsuz maddelerde ölçek kategorilerinin cevaplayıcılar tarafından ayırt edilemediğine ve olumsuz maddelerin olumlu maddelerle aynı örtük yapıyı ölçmediğine işaret etmektedir.


  • Adelson, J.L., & McCoach, D.B. (2010). Measuring the mathematical attitudes of elementary students: The effects of a 4-point or 5-point Likert-type scale. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 70(5), 796-807. Ahlawat, K.S. (1985). On the negative valence items in self-report measures. The Journal of General Psychology, 112(1), 89-99.
  • Aiken, L.R. (1983). Number of response categories and statistics on a teacher rating scale. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 43(2), 397-401.
  • Bachman, J.G., & O’Malley, P.M. (1984). Yea-saying, nay-saying, and going to extremes: Black-white differences in response styles. The Public Opinion Quarterly, 48(2), 491-509. Baker, F.B. (2001). The basics of item response theory. ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.
  • Barnette, J.J. (1999, April). Likert Response Alternative Direction: SA to SD or SD to SA: Does It Make a Difference? Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Retrieved from
  • Benson, J., & Hocevar, D. (1985). The impact of item phrasing on the validity of attitude scales for elementary school children. Journal of Educational Measurement, 22(3), 231–240.
  • Bergstrom, B.A., & Lunz, M.E. (1998, April). Rating scale analysis: Gauging the impact of positively and negatively worded items. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. San Diego, CA. Retrieved from
  • Birkett, N.J. (1986). Selecting the number of response categories for a Likert-type scale. Retrieved from
  • Bolin, B.L., & Dodder, R.A. (1990). The affect balance scale in an American college population. The Journal of Social Psychology, 130(6), 839-40.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2005). Anket geliştirme. Türk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(2), 133-151. Retrieved from
  • Cicchetti, D.V., Showalter, D., & Tyrer, P.J. (1985). The effect of number of rating scale categories on levels of inter-rater reliability: A Monte-Carlo investigation. Applied Psychological Measurement, 9(1), 31-36.
  • Chamberlain, V.M., & Cummings, M.N. (1984). Development of an instructor/course evaluation instrument. College Student Journal, 18(3), 246-250.
  • Chang, L. (1994). A psychometric evaluation of 4-point and 6-point Likert-type scales in relation to reliability and validity. Applied Psychological Measurement, 18(3), 205-215.
  • Chiorri, C., Anselmi, P., & Robusto, E. (2009). Reverse items are not opposites of straightforward items. In U. Savardi (Ed.), The perception and cognition of contraries (pp. 295-328). Milano: McGraw-Hill.
  • Comrey, A.L., & Montang, I. (1982). Comparison of factor analytic results with two choice and seven choice personality item formats. Applied Psychological Measurement, 6(3), 285-289. Conrad, K.J., Wright, B.D., McKnight, P., McFall, M., Fontana A., & Rosenheck, R. (2004). Comparing traditional and Rasch analyses of the Mississippi PTSD scale: Revealing limitations of reverse-scored items. Journal of Applied Measurement, 5(1), 15-30. Retrieved from Cronbach, L.J. (1950). Further evidence on response sets and test design. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 10(1), 3-31.
  • Çetin, B., Doğan, T., & Sapmaz, F. (2010). Olumsuz değerlendirilme korkusu ölçeği kısa formu’nun Türkçe uyarlaması: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Eğitim ve Bilim, 35(156), 205-216.
  • Daher, A.M., Ahmad, S.H., Winn, T., & Selamat, M.I. (2015). Impact of rating scale categories on reliability and fit statistics of the Malay spiritual well-being scale using Rasch analysis. Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences, 22(3), 48-55. Retrieved from
  • Dawes, J. (2007). Do data characteristics change according to the number of scale points used? An experiment using 5-point, 7-point and 10-point scales. International Journal of Market Research, 50(1), 61-77. Retrieved from DeVellis, R.F. (2003). Scale development: Theory and applications. Newbury Park: Sage Publications.
  • Doğan, T., & Akıncı Çötok, N. (2011). Oxford mutluluk ölçeği kısa formunun Türkçe uyarlaması: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 4(36), 165-172. Retrieved from
  • Erkuş, A. (2003). Psikometri üzerine yazılar. Ankara: Türk Psikologlar Derneği Yazıları. Erkuş, A. (2012). Psikolojide ölçme ve ölçek geliştirme-I. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık.
  • Fabiola, G.B., Iwin, L., Jennifer, L.M., & Zaira, V.V. (2012). The effect of the number of answer choices on the psychometric properties of stress measurement in an ınstrument applied to children. Evaluar, 12 43-59. Retrieved from
  • Green, S.B., Akey, T.M., Fleming, K.K., Hershberger, S.L., & Marquis, J.G. (1997). Effect of the number of scale points on chi‐square fit indices in confirmatory factor analysis, Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 4(2), 108-120,
  • Halpin, G., Halpin, G., & Arbet, S. (1994). Effects of number and type of response choices on internal consistency reliability. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 79(2), 928-930.
  • Herche, J., & Engelland, B. (1996). Reversed-Polarity İtems and scale unidimensionality. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 24(4), 366-374. Hofstede, G. (1998). Masculinity and femininity: The taboo dimension of national cultures. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Hooper, M., Arora, A., Martin, M.O., & Mullis, I.V.S, (2013, June). Examining the behavior of “reverse directional” items in the TIMSS 2011 context questionnaire scales. Paper Presented at the 5th IEA International Research Conference. National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Retrieved from
  • Hui, C.H., & Triandis, H.C. (1989). Effects of culture and response format on extreme response style. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 20(3), 296-309.
  • Ibrahim, A.M. (2001). Differential responding to positive and negative items: The case of a negative item in a questionnaire for course and faculty evaluation. Psychological Reports, 88(2), 497-500. Jacoby, J., & Matell, M.S. (1971). Three-point likert scales are good enough. Journal of Marketing Research, 8, 495-500. Retrieved from Jenkins, G.D., & Taber, T.D. (1977). A Monte-Carlo study of factors a€ecting three indices of composite scale reliability. Journal of Applied Psychology, 62(4), 392-398. Johnson, T., Kulesa, P., Cho, Y.I., & Shavitt, S. (2005). The relation between culture and response styles evidence from 19 countries. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 36(2), 264-277. Kelloway, E.K., Catano, V.M., & Southwell, R.R. (1992). The construct validity of union commitment: Development and dimensionality of a shorter scale. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 65(3), 197-211. Kim, K.H. (1998). An analysis of optimum number of response categories for korean consumers. Journal of Global Academy of Marketing Science, 1(1), 61-86.
  • King, L.A., King, D., & Klockars, A.J. (1983). Dichotomous and multipoint scales using bipolar adjectives. Applied Psychological Measurement, 7(2), 173-180. Knoch, U., &, McNamara, T. (2015). Rasch analysis. In L. Plonsky, (Ed.), Advancing quantitative methods in second language research (pp. 275–304). New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Lai, J.C.L. (1994). Differential predictive power of the positively versus the negatively worded items of the life orientation test. Psychological Repors, 75(3), 1507-1515.
  • Lee, J.W., Jones, P.S., Mineyama, Y., & Zhang, X.E. (2002). Cultural differences in responses to a Likert scale. Research in Nursing & Health, 2002, 25, 295-306.
  • Leung, S. (2011). A comparison of psychometric properties and normality in 4-, 5-, 6-, and 11-point Likert scales. Journal of Social Service Research, 37(4), 412-421.
  • Likert, R. (1932). A technique for the measurement of attitudes. Archives of Psychology, 22, 2-55.
  • Linacre, J. M. (2014). A user’s guide to FACETS Rasch-model computer programs. Retrieved from
  • Lissitz, R.W., & Green, S.B. (1975). Effects of the number of scale points on reliability: A Monte Carlo approach. Journal of Applied Psychology, 60(1), 10-13. Locker, D., Jokovic, A., & Allison, P. (2013). Direction of wording and responses to items in oral health-related quality of life questionnaires for children and their parents. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 35(4), 255-262.
  • Lozano, L.M:, García-Cueto, E., & Muñiz, J. (2008). Effect of the number of response categories on the reliability and validity of rating scales. Methodology: European Journal of Research Methods for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, 4(2), 73-79.
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There are 54 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Mustafa İlhan

Neşe Güler

Publication Date September 30, 2017
Acceptance Date September 14, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA İlhan, M., & Güler, N. (2017). Likert Tipi Ölçeklerde Olumsuz Madde ve Kategori Sayısı Sorunu: Rasch Modeli ile Bir İnceleme. Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology, 8(3), 321-343.