Studies must be uploaded to the system in word or lateX format.
Page layout
Page layout A4 size 2.5 cm from each edge. should be left set. All pages should be numbered and should contain at least 2 and at most 20 pages with references. If necessary, the editorial board can increase this number. The text of the publication is “Times New Roman”, “12 points”, “justified”, “plain”, “line spacing of 1.15” and “then 12 pt”, if any, the words, sentences or definitions to be emphasized in the text are italicized. It can be written but should not be written in bold. The abbreviations used in the study should be explained once in the first place in the text.
The title of the article should be short and descriptive, and should be centered and written as "The First Letter of Each Word is Capitalized and Bold".
Author Names
The first letter of the author(s) name should be written in capital letters, the rest should be written in lower case, and the surname should be centered in capital letters. After the authors' names, commas and numbers should be used as superscripts to specify addresses (1, 2, 3, etc.). The name of the corresponding author must have a superscript asterisk (*). The full addresses of the authors should be written in small letters, centered and right below the names, and the e-mail address of the corresponding author should be included as a footnote. No academic title is specified when writing the names of the authors.
Abstract and Keywords
The language of the work should be English and the Turkish Abstract and English Abstract should be in the relevant place. The abstract should not exceed 250 words.
Under the Abstract and Abstract sections, 3-5 keywords should be written in small letters "Times New Roman, 10 points". Keywords should not be a repetition of what is in the title unless necessary.
Tables and Figures
When deemed necessary according to the content of the study, the study should be explained by supporting it with tables, figures and graphics. Representations such as photographs, pictures, drawings and graphics other than the table should be given as "Figure".
The place of each table and figure in the text should be specified. All tables and figures should be numbered sequentially throughout the study (Table 1.) and include titles and explanations. Figures should be placed in the text, taking into account the page dimensions. Sequence numbers and titles of figures should be written at the bottom and at the top of the tables.
The article should be arranged in accordance with the following headings.
1. Introduction
2. Material and Methods (Prelimneries for math articles)
3. Results and Discussion (Main Theorem and Proof for math articles)
4. Conclusion
Ethics in Publishing
If there is data in the article that requires ethical committee/other permission, the permission information obtained from authorized institutions should be clearly stated in this section. If there is no data that requires an ethical committee, “There are no ethical issues regarding the publication of this study” should be written in this section.
Author Contributions
Use this section to indicate the contribution of each author of your article. Below are some examples of author contribution types; designing the study, collecting data; evaluation of results, writing of the article, etc.
In this part, what is wanted to be stated in the article; such as thesis work/project name and number/funding providers.
Please make sure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (or vice versa). Citations in the text should conform to the reference style used by the American Psychological Association (APA5). References should be indicated in the text in numeric numbers using square brackets. In the reference list, number the references (as numbers in square brackets) in the order they appear in the text.
[1] Özdokur, K. V., Karaoğlan F.. Baran Acımert Ö., (year) Publication name, Journal name, . volume (issue) page - numbers.
[2] Özdokur, K. V., Karaoğlan F.. Baran Acımert Ö., (year) Book name. Editor name(Ed.), Chapter name(pp. page – numbers). Publisher, Country
[3] Link of web address and date of access