Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 7/2/24

Year: 2024

The aim of the Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) is to provide worthwhile consequences for humanity by contributing to improvement of national education system, all formal and non-formal education levels and educational sciences. Accordingly, publishing the scientific results gathered through the scientific studies of researchers for free and within the scope of open access policy, enabling all the stakeholders of educational process to follow the developments, innovations and research on educational sciences without any charge are among the aims of the journal. 

In the scope of the Journal of Research in Education and Society, the topics contributing to the educational sciences, reflecting the past experiences, and including the results that lead teachers, instructors, educational administrators, practitioners, researchers, undergraduate and graduate students as members of educational sciences field are included.
Journal of Research in Education and Society includes original research as empirical studies and review type (articles covering the latest literature comprehensively, meta-analysis studies, model proposals, case presentations, discussions, etc.) contributing to theory and practice with an interdisciplinary approach in fields such as;
- Educational sciences,
- Science and mathematics education,
- Computer and instructional technology education,
- Fine arts education,
- Special education,
- Turkish and social sciences education,
- Elementary and early childhood education,
- Foreign language education,
- Teacher education,
- Social sciences

Writing Rules for Journal of Research in Education and Society

The articles that will be submitted to Journal of Research in Education and Society should be organized using “Article Template”. The articles which do not follow writing rules stated below and not prepared according to article template are not accepted for evaluation process.

Article Template

General Principles
1. In articles submitted to Journal of Research in Education and Society, narration should be as simple, understandable, short and concise as possible.
2. In the article, the author should use a narrative that will allow the reader to understand and evaluate every stage of the study.
3. The statements including judgment or certainty must be based on data/references.
4. In the writing of article, third person singular expression should be used.
5. During the writing process, recent Spelling Guide published by Turkish Language Association should be taken as a guide.
6. Prospective articles can be written in Turkish or English.
7. The authors should follow the referencing rules in Publication Manual of American Psychological Association’ (6th Press; 2010 published by American Psychological Association (APA).

Writing Rules
1. A4 page size should be used in prospective article. Margins should be set as 2.5 cm from right, left, bottom and top.
2. The manuscripts should be written in 1.15 line spacing, using Palatino Linotype font and 10 pt.
3. Single line spacing should be used in direct quotations and tables exceeding forty words.
4. Indented paragraphs should start from 1.25 cm inside.
5. Tables, figures, graphics etc. should be placed in relevant position in the text.
6. The article should include title (in English and Turkish), abstract (in English and Turkish, including keywords), main text, appendices (if any) and author statements.
The detailed writing rules explained below should be taken into consideration regarding the particular parts of the article.

Detailed Writing Rules Related to Parts of Article

1. Title
Main title of the manuscripts should be written in the first page both in English and Turkish. Except for the conjunctions, Turkish and English titles should be written in capital letters of each word. The title in the language of the article should be at the top. For example, if the article language is Turkish, Turkish title of the article should be at the top and title in English should be under it. If the article language is English, English title of the article should be at the top and title in Turkish should be under it. The title at the top should be bold and 14 pt while the title below should be 13 pt but not bold. Titles should be placed in the center of the page. The authors should bear in mind that title should not exceed 12 words. The conjunctions “ve, veya, ile, ya da” in Turkish title and “a, an, and, by, for, in, on, of, with, where” in English title should be written in lower case.
The names of author/authors should be placed just below the English title. Only the first letter of the author's names and surnames should be written in capital and they should be 13 pt and bold. The names of the author / authors should be written in the center of the page.

2. Abstract and Keywords
The manuscripts should include a Turkish Abstract and an English Abstract, not exceeding 150 words. Turkish and English abstracts should consist of the purpose and method of the research, the conclusion and the main recommendations given. The authors should pay attention that the Turkish and English abstract of the article should not extend to the next page. Abstracts should be written justified, using 9 font size and single line spacing. In abstracts, brief information of the article should be presented in a single paragraph. Abstracts should not contain any references.
In the Article Information section, there should be at least 3 and at most 5 keywords reflecting the unity of the study. It should be written in both languages, Turkish and English, under the headings of "Anahtar Kelimeler" and "Keywords" in the same format in the relevant places. The first word of keywords must start with a capital letter and other words, except proper names, must begin with a lowercase letter and continue. It should be written in one line space, 10 font size and right aligned.

3. Author Information
There is the Author Information section on the first page of the article. In the Author Information section, the authors' name, surname, title, institution, city, country information, e-mail addresses and ORCID links are included. ORCID link addresses of the authors are added to the icon next to the author's name and surname by the editor of the journal at the layout stage.

4. Main Text
In empirical articles, the text should consist of the main parts, respectively, introduction, method, findings, discussion and conclusion. The main text should begin with the title "Introduction", method, findings, discussion and conclusion sections should take place on the following pages beginning from a new page. In review articles, this order may not be followed depending on the characteristics of the study.
       4.1. Introduction Section
In the introduction, the theoretical or conceptual framework of the problem and the research should be presented along with reasons. The hypotheses to be tested and their justifications or the purpose of the research should be stated.

       4.2. Method Section
The method section should consist of sub-sections including research method, design, sample (specific to the study, it can also be named as study group or research group), data collection tools, and data analysis. In the method section, the method to be followed in the research should be expressed in a clear and understandable language that allows the repetition of the research. If the reasons for the method to be conducted are not discussed in the problem section, they should definitely be discussed here. Information should be given about the features, development, validity and reliability of data collection tools. The statistical techniques used in the analysis of the data, the purpose of use, the level of significance used, the content or thematic analysis stages should be specified.
Information regarding the approval of the ethical committee of the study (name of the committee, date and number) should be disclosed in this section as stated on the first/last page of the article, and information about the signing of the informed consent form should also be included here.

       4.3. Findings Section
Findings of the research should be explained using the relevant tables, figures, graphics or pictures supporting the aim and problem of the study and maintaining its integrity.

       4.4. Discussion Section
The discussion section should include the explanation and discussion of the research findings based on literature. In this section, the comments made by the researcher on the findings should not be presented as facts, the findings of the study should be compared with the findings of the relevant literature. Comments should be evaluated together with other research results, supporting and different findings with their expected explanations should be pointed out, and when necessary, estimates regarding the findings should be included.

       4.5. Conclusion Section
In the conclusion part, result suitable for the purpose of the research and as an answer to the main question of the research should be presented. The conclusion part must be based on the findings of the research and can be explained with them.
Within the scope of the findings of the research and the result obtained, the implementations and research suggestions for the literature and the field should be included in the "Results" section or under the "Results and Recommendations" subtitle. In the relevant section, suggestions can be presented sequentially by numbering if desired.

5. Tables
Tables should be presented where they are discussed in the text. Table number and table title should be placed above the table. Tables with their titles should be aligned centrally in the text, the table number should be written in bold, the first letter of all words except the conjunctions in the table title should be written in capital. The information in the first line of the table including description, explanation or title should be written in italics and bold.
Tables should be written in 10 font size and single line spacing, but when needed, 9 font size can be used in order not to exceed the page size of the journal.
If the tables are quoted from a source, the exact reference of the source must be specified under the table.

6. Figures
Figures should be presented in relevant places in the text where they are discussed. Figure number and figure titles should be placed under the figure. Figures should be aligned with their titles centered in the text, and the figure number should be written in bold. In the title of the figure, sentence order should be used, except for proper names, the first letter of the first word should be capitalized, and the other words should be written in lowercase. A period (.) must be placed at the end of the figure title. In case the figures need to be referenced, the reference should be presented in brackets next to the figure title.

7. Headings and Subheadings
The first 4 levels specified in the American Psychological Association 6th edition (APA 6th Edition) should be followed as reference in organization of the headings and subheadings in the text. For the Journal of Research in Education and Society, these 4 levels are defined as follows.

Table 1. Heading System According to Levels

 Centered, 12 pt, Boldface, Title Case Heading
2. Flush Left, 11 pt, Boldface, Title Case Heading
3.        1,25 cm Indented, 11 pt, Boldface, Title Case Heading
4.               2,5 cm Indented, 11 pt. Boldface, Italic, Title Case Heading

First level headings shoul be written with 12 pt automatic space before the paragraph and 6 pt after the paragraph. Headings at other levels should be written in 1.15 line spacing with 6 pt automatic spacing before and after the paragraph.

8. References
References should be included in the text on the following page without passing on to a new page. Every reference cited in the text should be included in the bibliography and similarly, every reference in the bibliography should be cited in the text.
The citation rules specified in the American Psychological Association 6th edition (APA 6th Edition) should be followed as reference for the citations in the text and in the display of the references in the "REFERENCES" section. References should be given alphabetically under the title of "References" at the end of the article, if available, the DOI number should be specified at the end of the relevant reference.
References should be listed as indent of 1.25 cm and should be written with 1.15 line spacing.
Indication of the reference in the text should be done by adding the surname of the author, the date of publication and the page number in direct citations, as presented in the examples given below, and not by adding a footnote.

       8.1. In-text Citation
-If a general reference is cited in the text, the surname of the author and the year of publication should be written in parentheses.
o Example 1: In the research conducted by Küçükahmet (2002) …..
o Example 2: According to Küçükahmet (2002),"........"(s.15)...
o Example 3: ….. is affected (Küçükahmet, 2002).
- If a direct quotation is made from a work, the source should be given with the page number.
o Example (Demir, 1998, s. 42).
- If an author's works of the same date are cited, they should be sorted by letter at the end of the publication year.
o Example (Altın, 2009a) ve (Altın, 2009b).
- In-text citation based on number of authors:
• Studies with single authors: (Küçükahmet, 2002)
• Studies with two authors: (Yüksel and Özdemir, 2015)
• Studies with three, four and five authors: When citing in-text, the year should be written with surnames of all authors in the first reference. For other citations, “et.al.” should be stated next to the surname of the first author.
o An example for the first citation: (Yılmaz, Güçlü, Kartal and Yürekli, 2012)
o An example for the next citations of the same authors: (Yılmaz et.al., 2012)
• Studies with six or more authors: If the number of authors to be cited in the text is 6 or more, only the surname of first author with “et.al.” should be written.
Example for citation: (Büyüköztürk et.al., 2006)
- If more than one work is cited in parentheses at the end of the sentence, the references should be given in alphabetical order.
o Example for citation: ….(Bacanlı, 2001; Gysbergs and Henderson, 1997; Küçükahmet, 2002).
- Studies of institutions and organizations:
o An example for the first citation: (Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı [MEB], 2014)
o An example for the next citations: (MEB, 2014)
- Works with no authors:
If in-text citation will be given to a web-sourced study whose author is unknown, the title of the article or chapter is given with the year as appropriately shortened.
o Example for citation: (Teknoloji Nereye Gidiyor, 2017)
- In-text citations to be made in cases where the first reference cannot be accessed:
Example: (Bloom as cited in Yıldırım, 2012). The reference of Yıldırım (2012) should be written in Reference List. There is no need to include the reference related to Bloom.
-Short and direct quotations in the text are written with double quotes. Double quotes cannot contain double quotes. Quotations longer than 40 words in the text are written as a separate paragraph, indented 1 cm from the right and left edges, using single line spacing, 9 font size, without italics and without quotation marks.

       8.2. References List
-References should be presented in alphabetical order in “References” section.
-If many publications by the same author(s) are cited, they should be listed in order from the oldest to the newest in the "References" section. The references with the same date should be sorted by letter. For example: 2000a, 2000b.
-For references in Turkish and foreign language with more than one author, you should write 'and' before the last author's surname.
-If the number of authors in the article is 7 or less, all authors should be mentioned in the references list.
-If the number of authors is 8 or more, the surnames of the first 6 authors should be written.

              8.2.1. Books and Book Chapters
Byram, M. (1997). Teaching and assesing intercultural communicative competence. UK: Multilingual Matters.

            Edited Books
Buttjes, D. ve Byram, M. (Ed.). (1991). Mediating languages and cultures: Towards an intercultural theory of foreign language education. UK: Multilingual Matters.

            Book Chapter in an Edited Book
Warschauer, M. (2005). Sociocultural perspectives on CALL. In J. L. Egbert & G. M. Petrie (Eds.), CALL research perspectives (pp.41-51). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum.

            Translated Books
Laplace, P. S. (1951). A philosophical essay on probabilities. (F. W. Truscott & F. L. Emory, Trans.). New York, NY: Dover. 

              8.2.2. Journal Articles
            Articles with a Doi number

Yilmaz, R., & Kilic-Cakmak, E. (2012). Educational interface agents as social models to influence learner achievement, attitude and retention of learning. Computers & Education, 59(2), 828-838. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2012.03.020

            Articles without a Doi number
If the publication does not have a doi number, but it is accessed online, then the URL of the publication should be given as the access address.
Dunlap, J. C., & Lowenthal, P. R. (2009). Tweeting the night away: Using Twitter to enhance social presence. Journal of Information Systems Education, 20(2), 129-135.

            Articles in a Magazine
Bilgici, Z. (2016, July). Ebeveynimiz geleceğimizi nasıl etkiliyor? Bilim ve Teknik, (584), 32-33.

              8.2.3. Online Newspaper Article
If the article is accessed online, you should give the URL address.
Yılmaz, S. (2017, January 23). Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri Mars'a şehir kuracak. XXX Gazetesi. Retrieved from http://www.xxxxx.com/ekonomi/teknoloji/haber/1393623-mars 

              8.2.4. Symposiums and Congresses
Borg, S. (2015, April). Evaluating an action research scheme for English language teachers. Paper presented in IATEFL, Manchaster. 

            Conference Papers in Published Proceedings Online
Herculano-Houzel, S., Collins, C.E., Wong, P., Kaas, J.H., & Lent, R. (2008). The basic nonuniformity of the cerebral cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105, 12593-12598. 

              8.2.5. Research Reports
World Health Organization. (2001). International classification of functioning, disability and health: ICF. World Health Organization.

              8.2.6. Master’s and Doctoral Thesis
Greer, R. J. (2014). Relationship of teacher epistemic beliefs, perceived barriers to technology use, and integration of educational technology. Doctoral Dissertation, Southern Illinois University Carbondale Institute of Educational Sciences, Illinois. 

            Master’s and Doctoral Thesis accessed Online
Adams, R. J. (1973). Building a foundation for evaluation of instruction in higher education and continuing education. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from http://www.ohiolink.edu/etd/

              8.2.7. Specific Page on a Website
Shakespeare, W. (1623). Antony and Cleopatra. Retrieved from http://www.shakespeareonline.com/quotes/antonyquotes.html.

9. Appendices
Appendices such as the data collection tools used in the research should be included in this section, and they should be presented after the references section before passing on to the new page.

10. Author Declaration
The declarations of the researchers should be included on the last page of the article. In this context, researchers are required to make a declaration of the contribution rate and an ethics committee statement, and if any, it is required to state their support, thanks and conflict statements.
In the "Contribution Rate Declaration" section, the distribution of the contribution rates of the researchers who prepared the article should be given briefly.
In the "Support and Acknowledgment Declaration" section, if available, information about the institutions and organizations supporting the article or the people who support researchers and not included as authors should be included.
In the "Conflict Declaration" section, if any, conflicts of interest of the researchers with other persons or institutions related to the research should be stated.
In the "Ethical Notification" section, the name of the ethics committee, the date it was acquired and the issue number should be included for the studies that require the ethics committee (Ex: This study was conducted in accordance with the approval of the Ethics Committee of the University ... date and numbered ...). In articles that do not require an ethics committee decision, it should be stated with the justification that an ethics committee decision is not required. (Ex: This article does not require an ethics committee decision since it is a review type.)

11. Specific Principles for Review Studies
Articles to be included in the Journal of Research in Education and Society are categorized under two main groups. The first group includes empirical studies that are not expected to be limited to validity and reliability studies, and the second group includes review studies grouped in four groups as stated below. These studies are reviews in which the latest literature is presented in a comprehensive way on topics that are widely emphasized or attracted attention in literature.

Compiling or reviewing empirical studies on topics that can be benefited by the audience: The essence of the articles in the first group is to introduce a field to the reader with different dimensions and to present a broad perspective. The aim is to introduce the readers, mostly academics, practitioners and students, to different questions, approaches and findings in the theoretical and empirical literature and to create a reliable and rich source on this subject. In these articles, it is aimed to prevent the studies, approaches and findings from being presented in a uniform manner. In other words, instead of two-dimensional literature summaries in these articles, it is aimed to create academic products that can lead new questions and studies.
Review articles are written in a different main text format than research articles. In these studies, the introduction section is considered more broadly and the purpose of the study and the reason for the article are explained in this section. These studies do not include a method and findings section, and the discussion section, like the introduction section, covers the studies conducted on the same topic and their synthesis. After these sections, there is an interpretation and evaluation section in terms of conclusion.

Inclination studies on topics that readers can benefit from: In the second group of articles, quantitative interpretation and review of studies published in a particular field are aimed. The difference of the articles in this group from those in the first group is that the reviewed articles are limited to empirical studies.

Presenting the accumulations in the theoretical literature in the form of model proposals that include cause-effect relationships: Research in this group is defined as reviewing and summarizing empirical studies published on a particular topic using statistical or meta-analytical methods, not quantitative. Meta-analysis, a technique used to express the findings of empirical studies on a topic in a statistically cumulative way, provides a broad perspective to understand cases and relationships that are unlikely to occur in a single study.

Case presentations and discussions: The main goal of case presentations is to improve the exchange of information among those studying on applied field and to create a good reference for them. The aim is not only to convey the facts, but also to present and discuss them within a certain theoretical framework with internal consistency, and even examine them in terms of different concepts.

Ethical Principles and Publication Policy
Publication Ethics
The publication process of the Journal of Research in Education and Society is conducted according to production and share of knowledge with scientific methods in an objective way.

In the process of implementing scientific methods and providing objectivity, referee evaluation is crucial. As components of publication process, the publisher, editors, authors and referees have to follow ethical principles in the production of scientific knowledge. In this scope, all the components of publication process of Journal of Research in Education and Society are expected to follow ethical principles in accordance with policy and guidelines of the Publication Ethics Committee (Committee on Publication Ethics, COPE).

Since the Journal of Research in Education and Society is in the process of application for TR index, Ethical Committee Approval is demanded for the articles as required by TR Index Evaluation Criteria. The authors have to submit Ethical Committee Approval Form for the articles requiring ethical committee approval which are submitted to be published since 13.02.2021.

TR Index-Journal Evaluation Criteria Article 8: For the articles requiring ethics committee approval from all disciplines including social sciences, the authors have to acquire ethics comittee approval and state this on the article and certify it. The authors are expected to include information about approval (committee name, date and issue) in methods and first/last page of their articles requiring ethics committee approval. The information of having participants sign informed consent form is expected to be stated on the articles.

For compilation articles, authors are not expected to submit ethics committee approval. Furthermore, if the articles do not require an ethical committee approval, it should be stated on the part of methods and first/last page of the article.

If ethical violation is confirmed like plagiarism, manipulating and falsifying data and using fabrication data, institution where the author works is informed officially, and the article is rejected. The journal keeps the right of demanding output documents of analysis results from authors in accordance with feedbacks given by editors and referees.

Journal of Research in Education and Society demands similarity report from the authors for their articles submitted. Except references, similarity rate can be 20% at most. If the article has higher similarity rate when it is submitted on Turnitin by journal, it can go through pre-evaluation process only after revision of author.

The copyrights of articles accepted to be published belong to the Journal of Research in Education and Society and, legal liability of article content belongs to the author.

Ethical Duties of Publisher
As a Publisher of Journal of Research in Education and Society, Gazi University is a non-profit higher education institute protecting public interest. ,

Journal of Research in Education and Society continue working for sharing scientific knowledge since 2014.

Gazi University is supposed to lead target group properly and use communication force it holds without expecting any benefit. Gazi University provides an electronical, open and free access of journal on the website.

Editorial Committee Responsibilities of Journal of Research in Education and Society
Editorial Committee of Journal of Research in Education and Society is responsible for all the articles submitted to Journal of Research in Education and Society and all process from submission to publishment. This responsibility requires implementation of scientific methods for the decisions about journal. The relation between editorial committee and publisher is based on independence principle. The decisions of editors are independent from publisher, other people and institutions.
• Editorial committee of Journal of Research in Education and Society strives for improving journal and enhancing publishing quality. .
• Editorial committee of Journal of Research in Education provides determination and implementation of publishment, blind review and ethical principles.
• Editorial committee of Journal of Research in Education and Society protect copyright of authors of articles published on Journal of Research in Education and Society.
• Editorial committee of Journal of Research in Education and Society is responsible for getting precaution of intellectual property rights and unscientific-unethical behaviours..
• Editorial committee of Journal of Research in Education and Society prepares and updates “Author Guide” including information needs of authors.
• Editorial committee of Journal of Research in Education and Society saves the correspondence about journal and records of every article.

Ethical Responsibilities of Editors and Field Editors
• Editors endeavor to meet the information needs of referees, author (s), researchers, practitioners and readers, to give feedback when necessary, to act in accordance with the principles of correction in the publication process and clarity in matters that require explanation.
• Editors perform their duties without discrimination based on the author (s) 'gender, religious or political belief, ethnic or geographical origin, act in a balanced, objective and fair manner.
• While deciding on the publication of the articles, the editors pay attention that the articles are original and contribute to the scientific literature, readers, researchers and practitioners.
• When making positive or negative decisions about the articles, editors take into account the original value of the articles, their contribution to the field, the validity and reliability of the research method, the clarity of the expression, and the journal's purpose and scope.
• Editors implement the policies of blind review and evaluation process, which are among the publishing policies of the journal, keep the identities of the referees confidential, and ensure that each article is evaluated objectively and in time.
• Editors send the articles to their field editors taking into account their field of expertise and support the impartial and independent evaluation.
• Field editors send the articles to the referees by taking their fields of expertise into consideration and support the impartial and independent evaluation. Field editors appoint at least two referees for each article, taking care that they are from different institutions. If at most one of these referees decides to refuse the article, the third referee will be appointed.
• Editors take into account whether there is a conflict of interest-unity of interest between field editors, referees and author (s) for unbiased evaluation of the article.
• Editors seek to ensure that the referee pool is made up of a wide variety and is constantly updated.
• Editors prevent unscientific evaluations that do not comply with academic ethics.
• Editors support author (s) freedom of expression.
• Editors are expected to be in an effective communication with the members involved in the publishing process and hold meetings at regular intervals.
• Editors ensure the protection of personal data in reviewed articles; protects the individual data of authors, reviewers and readers
• Editors pay attention to the protection of human and animal rights in the articles, they care about documenting explicit approval of the participants of the article, and they reject the article when there is no ethics committee approval regarding the participants of the empirical articles that require the decision of the ethics committee.
• Editors take precautions against misconduct. When there are complaints about misconduct, he makes an objective investigation and shares the findings on the subject.
• Editors ensure that errors, inconsistencies or misdirection in articles are corrected.
• Editors protect the intellectual property rights of the published articles and defend the rights of the journal and author (s) in case of violation. In addition, they take necessary measures to ensure that the content of published articles does not infringe the intellectual property rights of other publications; makes authenticity-similarity check.
• Editors take into account the consistent criticism of the articles published in the journal, and give the right to reply to the author (s) of the criticized articles.
• Editors publish submission and acceptance dates in articles.
• Editors also consider studies with negative results.

Ethical Responsibilities of Referees
• The Journal of Research in Education and Society applies the principle of double-blind refereeing, in which the author (s) do not know referees and the referees do not recognize the author (s) during the article evaluation process. Referees cannot communicate directly with the author (s); The article evaluation forms and the notes stated on the text and the requests for correction are conveyed to the author (s) by the editors through the journal management system. Referees who will evaluate the articles submitted to the Journal of Research in Education and Society should bear the following ethical responsibilities:
• Referees should only agree to evaluate articles related to their field of expertise.
• Referees should make the assessment in neutral and confidentiality. In accordance with this principle, they should evaluate the articles they have reviewed in accordance with scientific and ethical rules, and avoid giving any information that may reveal their identity.
• When the referees understand that there is a conflict of interest, they should refuse to evaluate the article and inform the editors.
• Referees should make the assessment in a constructive language in accordance with academic ethics; and avoid personal comments containing insults and hostility.
• Referees should evaluate the article, which they accept, within the time limit.

Ethical Responsibilities of Authors
Ethical responsibilities of the author (s) who apply to the Journal of Research in Education and Society are:
• The author (s) should not send an article published anywhere or should not submit more than one article at the same time to the Journal of Research in Education and Society, and must declare their acceptance of these rules by filling out the Copyright Transfer Form of the journal.
• Author (s) must submit an original article to the Journal of Research in Education and Society.
• If the article is produced from the author's postgraduate thesis or a project, the author (s) should indicate this as a footnote in the article.
• If the article is partially or completely presented in any scientific symposium / congress, the author (s) should indicate this as a footnote in the article.
• The author (s) should correctly cite the sources they use during the writing of the article in line with ethical principles.
• The author (s) should determine the similarity rate in their articles and send it to the journal if it does not exceed the limit of 20%.
• The names of persons who do not contribute to the article should not be written as authors; It should not be recommended to change the order of the authors of an article submitted for publication, to remove or add authors. Co-authors' contribution rate in the articles should be declared at the end of the article.
• Notify the editors who have a conflict of interest, if any, about the article for which the application is made for publication, and include this information at the end of the article.
• Support and Appreciation Statement should be included at the end of the article.
• Author (s) should submit the expected information to the editors in case information or raw data are requested from them during the evaluation process.
• Author (s) are obliged to keep the data of their published articles for 5 years.
• Author (s) should contact the editor to inform, correct or retract when they notice an error about the article that is under evaluation or published electronically.
• The author (s) received ethics committee approval for empirical research requiring ethics committee decision; The name of the ethics committee should be stated on the first / last page of the candidate article and in the method section, and the document showing the ethics committee decision should be uploaded to the system with the application of the article. In addition, case reports should include information about obtaining the informed consent / consent form in the article.
• The author (s) should present in the article the evidences that they adhere to ethical principles in the data collection process (such as obtaining permission from others to use documents such as scale, questionnaire, photograph). It should be stated in the articles that research and publication ethics and copyright regulations for intellectual and artistic works are complied with. If the research was carried out on human and animal subjects, it should be reported that the research was conducted in accordance with ethical principles.
• Ethics committee approval is not required from the author (s) for review articles. However, for articles that do not require an ethics committee decision, it should be stated in the first / last page and method section of the article that an ethics committee decision is not required.

Publication Policy
The Journal of Education and Social Research is a national peer-reviewed scientific journal, published electronically twice a year (June and December), observing the double-blind refereeing process. The language of the journal is Turkish or English.
The Journal of Research in Education and Society, as a journal that is aware of the need for easy access to information in order to advance scientific studies, supports the initiative of open access to peer-reviewed journal literature and offers all published articles free of charge in an online environment that everyone can read and download. Given the role of knowledge sharing in the advancement of science, open access is of paramount importance to researchers and readers. Therefore, articles in this journal can be used as long as the author (s) and original source are cited. No permission is required from the author (s) or publishers.
Articles sent to the Journal of Education and Society Research are taken to the pre-evaluation stage, where the appropriateness of the template, additional files and similarity ratio is checked. The articles that pass this stage are assigned a field editor according to the subject area. The field editor appoints two referees from different institutions, suitable for the subject area. If the two referees decide that "it can be accepted exactly" or "can be published after revisions", the acceptance of the article is made after the evaluation of the editor. When the referees want to see the article again after the revision, it is sent by the author (s) as a second round evaluation to the referees who request a revised article. At the end of all evaluation processes, the article, which is approved by both referees, is accepted after the field editor's evaluation. If a referee gives a refusal, the field editor appoints a third referee. The article that receives two rejections in total is rejected by the editor. After the article receives acceptance approval, it is sent to Turkish and English language corrections, source checks are carried out. These processes are carried out with the author (s). After the author (s) perform the editing process, the layout of the article is made and the article is sent to the author for final reading. After receiving the publication approval from the author, the page number and Digital Object Identifier (DOI) are given to the article and the article is ready to be assigned to the issue. Which articles will be published in the next issue is determined by the editorial board, depending on the density of the journal and considering the submission and acceptance dates of the articles. The order in which the articles will be published is also determined by the editorial board, taking into account the subject areas and types of the articles.

Journal of Research in Education and Society recognizes open source access as an integral part of academic activity and makes all published papers available online free of charge for anyone to read and download. In addition, no fees such as article submission or processing fees are charged from the authors for scientific studies to be sent to the Journal.